:  In "The Hound of the Baskervilles",  the clue was that the dog didn't
: bark
: in the night.
: In the case of the Zionists, the clue is that they show no guilt.
: Never.
: There is a logic to the ageold oppression of the Jews which not only
: justifies Zionism and all its works, but fairly requires these works
: for the survival of the Jewish people, or so the Zionist dogma
: goes.
: For some, the justification is found in the Bible, of course in the Old
: Testament.  Examination of this shows that people who were peacefully
: living on land the Hebrews were given by God were to be exterminated,
: generally because they hadn't abandoned their less perfect religions.
: How they could have done this is not stated.  According to the Bible
: again, the Hebrews did in fact commit genocide on the Canaanites
: without mercy.  (Actually, they didn't, and the Hebrews and
: local peoples in Palestine lived as neighbors after the Hebrews had
: killed a lot of them, and even intermarried.)  But there is no breath
: nor hint in the OT that the planned and Biblically accounted genocides
: were
: other than divinely ordained.
: When Zionism arose as a movement, the proponents were educated
: Europeans living at a time when European colonialism was at its height.
: Thus the notion that Europeans would go to Palestine and buy land
: and throw the inhabitants off was accepted within the nominally
: Christian
: community as well.  This notion was even later accepted by some
: in the United States.  At page 73 of The Holocaust in American Life,
: Peter Novick says:
:     "The theme of Jews as deserving cobelligerents (in American public
: discussion
: circa 1945 - 1950?)was common.  ....  For many, there was something very

: American about the Zionist project.  The United States, after all, had
: been born in a
: revolt against British colonialism.  And the Zionist venture seemed, to
: the
: editor of the Boston Herald, and no doubt others, not unlike the
: 'conquest of the Indians and the inevitable giving way of a backward
: people before a more modern and practical one.' "
:     If one examines statements of the Zionist leaders, you will see that
: they
: are marked by a complete absence of any regret for their aggressions
: against the Palestinians (and others).  Indeed, while in the period up
: to the
: forming of Israel, their statements were baldfaced and open in their
: admission of their intent, even glorying in it,  later there arose a
: mythology
: of justification which shows an awareness of possible condemnation by
: a newly forming consensus against colonialism and oppression.
: Golda Meir's famous statement characterizing Palestine as "a land
: without
: people for a people without land" is but one of many public lies.  Even
: then,
: the leaders did not trouble to conceal history.  Shortly after the 1967
: war,
: Zionist leaders openly admitted that they were the aggressors.  Since
: that
: time, up until the advent of the historians like Morris, Segev, Pappe
: and
: others, it was official Zionist propaganda to assert that the Egyptians
: started
: the '67 war.  It was asserted on these boards until very recently.  When

: Israel put some facts in its own school books, some of the wind went out

: of those sails.
:     The point here is that whether lying or openly admitting the truth
: about
: their aggressions, zionists have never admitted any guilt.  There is an
: elaborate propaganda scheme which relies on blaming the victim.
: For small example, Israel is engaged in ethnic cleansing in Jerusalem.
: It accomplishes this without apparent lawlessness, but if you look,
: you see that the requirement for Palestinians to get permits to build
: is but a charade used to deny them their otherwise undeniable rights.
: Taking away Palestinian right to live in Jerusalem on the grounds that
: it is not their "center of life" is another charade.  When people cannot

: be housed because they can't build and they go to the West Bank,
: suddenly Jerusalem is not their "center of life".
:     Examples can and have been multiplied ad nauseam.  I have posted
: literally
: thousands of examples.  Yet never has any Zionist even dreamt of saying
: "I am sorry."  Instead they deny the facts, and engage in ad hominem.
: We have one such example before us at the moment.  An anonymous
: poster takes issue with the facts of the various massacres, denying
: the validity of the Tantura massacre, and generally doing a good logical

: job of showing why people ought to doubt its truth.  As to the others,
: he/she asserts they weren't massacres at all.  they just happened in the

: midst of an ongoing war.  the war BTW was asserted to have been
: the Arabs' fault.  Seems they opposed partition.  Bad Arabs.

:     So what's new?  why point this out again for the nth time?

:     Well, we begin to see the outlines of a so-called peace formula.
:     Like everything else involving Israel, the costs to the world are
: enormous.
: One hundred and twenty to one hundred and forty billion dollars.
: There are right now in Israel about four million Jews. The price tag for

: "peace" is then $30,000 for each Jewish Israeli.  Israel has cost the US

: more than $150 billion, Germany some amount I don't have at hand, but
: dimly about $50 billion, and now this.  $340 billion and there won't
: even
: be any real peace.  that's about $85,000 in total for each Jewish
: Israeli.

:     Thus, at the end of the day, Israel will not have to even admit
: guilt,
: much less make restitution for its aggressions, the world will take care

: of that.  Moreover, Israel will still have illegal settlers in the West
: Bank,
: Israel will no doubt continue to take the water, and exercise all sorts
: of oturage against the Palestinians.  The refugees will have to find
: another
: place to live.

:     It must be nice.

:     If true happiness is never having to say you're sorry, Israelis are
: blissful.


: --------------C8BD4A18D4743FC26F9EC03F
: Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
: Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

: <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
: <html>
: &nbsp;In "The Hound of the Baskervilles",&nbsp; the clue was that the dog
: didn't bark
: <br>in the night.
: <br>In the case of the Zionists, the clue is that they show no guilt.
: <br>Never.
: <br>There is a logic to the ageold oppression of the Jews which not only
: <br>justifies Zionism and all its works, but fairly requires these works
: <br>for the survival of the Jewish people, or so the Zionist dogma
: <br>goes.
: <br>For some, the justification is found in the Bible, of course in the
: Old
: <br>Testament.&nbsp; Examination of this shows that people who were peacefully
: <br>living on land the Hebrews were given by God were to be exterminated,
: <br>generally because they hadn't abandoned their less perfect religions.
: <br>How they could have done this is not stated.&nbsp; According to the
: Bible
: <br>again, the Hebrews did in fact commit genocide on the Canaanites
: <br>without mercy.&nbsp; (Actually, they didn't, and the Hebrews and
: <br>local peoples in Palestine lived as neighbors after the Hebrews had
: <br>killed a lot of them, and even intermarried.)&nbsp; But there is no
: breath
: <br>nor hint in the OT that the planned and Biblically accounted genocides
: were
: <br>other than divinely ordained.
: <br>When Zionism arose as a movement, the proponents were educated
: <br>Europeans living at a time when European colonialism was at its height.
: <br>Thus the notion that Europeans would go to Palestine and buy land
: <br>and throw the inhabitants off was accepted within the nominally Christian
: <br>community as well.&nbsp; This notion was even later accepted by some
: <br>in the United States.&nbsp; At page 73 of The Holocaust in American
: Life,
: <br>Peter Novick says:
: <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "The theme of Jews as deserving cobelligerents (in
: American public discussion
: <br>circa 1945 - 1950?)was common.&nbsp; ....&nbsp; For many, there was
: something very
: <br>American about the Zionist project.&nbsp; The United States, after
: all, had been born in a
: <br>revolt against British colonialism.&nbsp; And the Zionist venture seemed,
: to the
: <br>editor of the <i>Boston Herald, </i>and no doubt others, not unlike
: the
: <br>'conquest of the Indians and the inevitable giving way of a backward
: <br>people before a more modern and practical one.' "
: <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; If one examines statements of the Zionist leaders,
: you will see that they
: <br>are marked by a complete absence of any regret for their aggressions
: <br>against the Palestinians (and others).&nbsp; Indeed, while in the period
: up to the
: <br>forming of Israel, their statements were baldfaced and open in their
: <br>admission of their intent, even glorying in it,&nbsp; later there arose
: a mythology
: <br>of justification which shows an awareness of possible condemnation
: by
: <br>a newly forming consensus against colonialism and oppression.
: <br>Golda Meir's famous statement characterizing Palestine as "a land without
: <br>people for a people without land" is but one of many public lies.&nbsp;
: Even then,
: <br>the leaders did not trouble to conceal history.&nbsp; Shortly after
: the 1967 war,
: <br>Zionist leaders openly admitted that they were the aggressors.&nbsp;
: Since that
: <br>time, up until the advent of the historians like Morris, Segev, Pappe
: and
: <br>others, it was official Zionist propaganda to assert that the Egyptians
: started
: <br>the '67 war.&nbsp; It was asserted on these boards until very recently.&nbsp;
: When
: <br>Israel put some facts in its own school books, some of the wind went
: out
: <br>of those sails.
: <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The point here is that whether lying or openly admitting
: the truth about
: <br>their aggressions, zionists have never admitted any guilt.&nbsp; There
: is an
: <br>elaborate propaganda scheme which relies on blaming the victim.
: <br>For small example, Israel is engaged in ethnic cleansing in Jerusalem.
: <br>It accomplishes this without apparent lawlessness, but if you look,
: <br>you see that the requirement for Palestinians to get permits to build
: <br>is but a charade used to deny them their otherwise undeniable rights.
: <br>Taking away Palestinian right to live in Jerusalem on the grounds that
: <br>it is not their "center of life" is another charade.&nbsp; When people
: cannot
: <br>be housed because they can't build and they go to the West Bank,
: <br>suddenly Jerusalem is not their "center of life".
: <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Examples can and have been multiplied ad nauseam.&nbsp;
: I have posted literally
: <br>thousands of examples.&nbsp; Yet never has any Zionist even dreamt
: of saying
: <br>"I am sorry."&nbsp; Instead they deny the facts, and engage in ad hominem.
: <br>We have one such example before us at the moment.&nbsp; An anonymous
: <br>poster takes issue with the facts of the various massacres, denying
: <br>the validity of the Tantura massacre, and generally doing a good logical
: <br>job of showing why people ought to doubt its truth.&nbsp; As to the
: others,
: <br>he/she asserts they weren't massacres at all.&nbsp; they just happened
: in the
: <br>midst of an ongoing war.&nbsp; the war BTW was asserted to have been
: <br>the Arabs' fault.&nbsp; Seems they opposed partition.&nbsp; Bad Arabs.
: <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; So what's new?&nbsp; why point this out again for
: the nth time?
: <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Well, we begin to see the outlines of a so-called
: peace formula.
: <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Like everything else involving Israel, the costs
: to the world are enormous.
: <br>One hundred and twenty to one hundred and forty billion dollars.
: <br>There are right now in Israel about four million Jews. The price tag
: for
: <br>"peace" is then $30,000 for each Jewish Israeli.&nbsp; Israel has cost
: the US
: <br>more than $150 billion, Germany some amount I don't have at hand, but
: <br>dimly about $50 billion, and now this.&nbsp; $340 billion and there
: won't even
: <br>be any real peace.&nbsp; that's about $85,000 in total for each Jewish
: Israeli.
: <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Thus, at the end of the day, Israel will not have
: to even admit guilt,
: <br>much less make restitution for its aggressions, the world will take
: care
: <br>of that.&nbsp; Moreover, Israel will still have illegal settlers in
: the West Bank,
: <br>Israel will no doubt continue to take the water, and exercise all sorts
: <br>of oturage against the Palestinians.&nbsp; The refugees will have to
: find another
: <br>place to live.
: <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; It must be nice.
: <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; If true happiness is never having to say you're sorry,
: Israelis are blissful.
: <p>RLA</html>

: --------------C8BD4A18D4743FC26F9EC03F--

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