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DATE: Mon, 26 Jun 2000 22:51:53
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DATE: Mon, 26 Jun 2000 22:22:10

......................................SECRET: How Planets Kill...............
....This discussion has absolutely nothing whatever to do with astrology. It concerns 
the electrodynamics of the solar system.
....The planets modulate the solar field of force.  At birth, every person is 
"imprinted" with the prevailing electrical dynamics of the solar field.  At death, a 
similar configuration is in effect.  Simultaneity is the key.
....The heliocentric positions of the planets cause the mischief.  Looking outward 
from the center of the sun, there are 36 angles of separation between the nine planets.
....When fourteen or more of the transiting heliocentric planetary angles of 
separation simultaneously match many natal heliocentric planetary angles of separation 
death is the usual result. If not terminal, the victim experiences unusual distress, 
debilitation, and frequently pain and injury. Major surgery and illness often 
accompany such matchings.
....The simultaneous matching of the angles must be exact to within one degree of arc.
....How the natal "imprinting" (a disputed concept) is carried within every person 
throughout their life is a complex problem which deserves careful study.
....Anyone who studies the data will soon recognize the astounding importance of 
Mercury..This suggests that massive metallic objects closely orbiting the sun should 
be guarded against.
....Interesting matchings may be seen in the impeachment of Clinton and in the timing 
of the federal attack upon David Koresh -- the final attack.
....There appears to be a widespread conspiracy to keep this knowledge from the 
public. This is very unfortunate because a comprehensive understanding of the 
mechanism involved would benefit medical science enormously.
....Computer calculation programs which list heliocentric planetary angles of 
separation are hard come by. Those programs which should do so simply ignore the topic 
entirely. A DOS program from circa 1991 called "Prima" does so in a user-friendly 
manner. It was published by Matrix Software.
.........................B.R. Wahl   < [EMAIL PROTECTED] >  26 June 2000...

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