"May I ask what you think the implications of this are? A rose by any
 name is still a rose is it not?"

Dr. Poley,

Thank you for your response/question.

I will attempt an answer though I may not have caught the true gist of
your question or its application to the Quintessential thread.

The etymology of the English word "Jew" used in the KJV OT and the
implications of its usage therein are interesting topics I want to
further explore when time permits.  Yes, a rose by any other name is a
rose, for sure.  Beyond that, please forgive me if I diverge in the

Primarily, it seems the term and its sound were/are simply shorthand
representations of the appearance and sound of the word "Judah" (third
of the five sons of Jacob and Leah as described in Genesis) and related
forms in antecedent and derivative languages.  It is one of the many
Hebraisms that permeate our English language from its earliest days I

Of course the term came to have several more complex applications
(including at least their physical, cultural, religious and spiritual
meanings and implications, and for the disputed aliyah) which are still
the subject/cause of much debate.  Problems arise when "mixing apples
and oranges" in a discussion involving the word "Jew."  A discussion of
"Jews" and/or things "Jewish," their various meanings, and how, why and
when the various words with their various usages came into being could
benefit by beginning with a basic working agreement on how and with what
meanings the word will be used, with deviations to be made clear.  I
believe books have been written attempting to define the word "Jew."

I am curious why the KJV translators chose II Kings 16:6 to introduce
the term "Jews" in the OT when they might have begun in Genesis (it
might seem anomalous to some that the "Jews" are first depicted at war
with Israel [it is the divided kingdom period]).  I suspect the
translators were repeating earlier work, but how far back the term goes
in extra Biblical English and other literature calls for more research.
I believe some Jews may still be at war with Israel today, and vice

As for new testament implications, what is Jesus saying when he states
in KJV NT John 4:22 "... for salvation is of the Jews."?  A clue may lie
in John 14:6 "... I am the way, the truth, and the life:  no man cometh
unto the father, but by me."  That is, ultimately Biblical salvation is
only through Jesus the Christ, Yeshua the Messiah, the "Quintessential

And who is this type of "Jew?" As Paul ([formerly Saul] of Tarsus, a
genetic Benjamite, but a certain type of "Jew" in more ways than one [a.
via Judaism; b. by culture/education; c. via the spirit]) clarifies in
Romans 2:28-29 "...he is not a Jew who is one outwardly; neither is that
circumcision, which is outward in the flesh:  But he is a Jew, which is
one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and
not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God."  This is the
way Gentiles and "outward" Jews become "inward" Jews.

The implication is that all who seek Biblical salvation become Jews
"inwardly," (not a popular thought with many) for salvation is of the
Jews, and of the "Quintessential Jew."  (I believe this helps explain
the questions about who are the "Jews" in Revelation 2:9 "...I know the
blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the
synagogue of Satan."  i.e. Jews who are only "outwardly" so, but not
"inwardly," who opposed the message of the Messiah and fought/[fight?as
concerns Gamaliel in Acts 2:38-39 "...let them alone ... lest haply ye
be found to fight against God."] against the ambassadors to the earthly
kingdoms (students and messengers of Christ) from the Messiah's Kingdom
of God).

Partaking of the body and blood of the Messiah symbolically via the new
passover (Christ our passover, I Corinthians 5:7) bread and wine
includes by design the symbolic ingestion of the spiritual genetic
Jewishness of the Christ.

One must spiritually eat of that bread and drink of that blood to have
eternal life dwelling in him, but it is a contentious argument argued
the "outward" Jews in John 6:51-58 "I am the living bread which came
down from heaven:  if any man eat of this bread, he shall live forever:
and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the
life of the world.  The Jews therefore strove among themselves, saying,
How can this man give us his flesh to eat?  Then Jesus said unto them,
Veily, verily, I say unto you, Except you eat the flesh of the Son of
Man, and drink his blood, you have no life in you.  Whoso eateth my
flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eteranl life; and I will raise him up
at the last day.  For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink
indeed.  He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me,
and I in him.  As the living Father hath sent me, and I live by the
Father:  so he that eateth me, even he shall live by me.  This is that
bread which came down from heaven:  not as you fathers did eat manna,
and are dead:  he that eateth of this bread shall live forever."

One final implication - the seeker of eternal life must ultimately allow
the very mind of the Messiah/Christ - Jesus the Jew (with his Jewish
mind) to infuse into his own mind and merge with the Jewish Christ's
operating system, which is one and the same as God's operating system
and grow in the type of mind described in Philippians 2:5-6 "Let this
mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:."  The mind of God.

Jesus the Messiah/Christ was a Jew both inwardly and outwardly.  He once
came as the lamb of God (but not a ewe, or a "Ewe" - person of Ghana or
Togo).  And it is written he shall return as the Lion of Judah
(Revelation 5:5), the King of the Jews (both inwardly and outwardly
Matthew 2:1; 27:11,29,37  John 18:33-37), and as God (Ezekiel
37:22-28).  For the sceptre shall not depart from Judah (the Jew) until
Shiloh come (Genesis 49:10 " ... nor a lawgiver from between his feet
... and unto him shall the gathering of the people be.")  Speaking of
this "Jew" Isaiah prophesies some interesting future implications "For
unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given:  and the government
shall be upon his shoulder:  and his name shall be called Wonderful,
Counsellor, The mighty God, The evelasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon
the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish
it with judgement and with justice from henceforth even for ever.  The
zeal of the LORD of Hosts will perform this." (Isaiah 9:6-7).

There are a number of other important spiritual "Jew" implications
whereby it avails much to be a Jew inwardly and appreciate outward
Jewishness for all those who seek the eternal brotherhood of the
firstborn of God, Jesus, Yeshua, the Messiah/Christ, the Quintessential


A most profound recent implication is that the literal blood of the
Quintessential Jew was literally sprinkled on the mercy seat of the
literal Ark of the Covenant - literally fulfilling once and for all the
ancient annual sacrificial type for all the sins of all the people
(Leviticus 16:14) the ultimate rescue of planet earth and its

(Developing story at


"May I ask what you think the implications of this are? A rose by any
 name is still a rose is it not?

 Information  - regarding occurrence of th word Jew (and Jews) in the
 > Testament King James Version -
 The word "Jew" occurs 10 times in the KJV OT.  The word "Jews" occurs
82 times in the KJV OT.
 >Ted Saarinen

 > From post it was stated -
 > "Not once is the word Jew mentioned in old Testament.   Only word
 > comes close is "Ewe" and sometimes he letter J was omitted in some
 > alphabet soups ike the K once did not exist."
 >A. Saba


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