HI all,
    This is up at disinfo.com today, with a few links following it to give
the reader more information than I can supply in the essay. Thought you all
might get a kick out of this one.
Suicides & Other Odd Deaths
The Staff Director of the US House Select Committee on Intelligence was found
dead of a gunshot wound in a fleabag motel in Vienna, Virginia on June 3rd,
2000. Several weeks earlier, the Committee had released their latest
whitewash exonerating the CIA of drug trafficking during the 1980s. Is there
a connection?

The death of John Millis, who current-Central Intelligence Director George
Tenent called a "tenacious advocate for a strong national intelligence
capability," seems to be raising a few eye-brows, yet alarm bells should be
ringing loud and strong. Suicide is only one of a myriad number of ways to
cover up the murder of someone who is regarded as an annoyance or a threat.
This method isn't unheard of amongst the intelligence community.

Millis, a 19 year CIA veteran, was no stranger to CIA-Drug connections,
having served in Pakistan in the 1980s assisting the Afghanistan Mujahadeen,
who were "documented as supplying or producing up to 50 percent of all the
heroin entering the US by 1984," according to Mike Ruppert, publisher of From
the Wilderness.

Millis had also investigated the Clinton Administration for approving arms
transfers by Iran to Croatia and Bosnia in 1996, whilst Iran was on the US
State Department's list of Terrorist States. Millis made scathing remarks in
an interview with Washington Post reporter Vernon Loeb (February 18th, 2000)
about former-DCI John Deutch, calling him "the worst CIA Director ever."
Millis gave him "first, second, and third prize" and claimed that Deutch did
"major damage to the CIA's Directorate of Operations."

Although blackmail is speculated as a motive, and police are investigating,
surprisingly little information is found in mainstream media about such a
high ranking official's suicide.

On June 17th, 2000, a CIA intelligence analyst and nuclear engineer who spoke
Farsi, the native language of Iran, died in strange circumstances.

John Muskopf, 28, was out walking with friends, reported MSNBC.com (June
19th, 2000), when a car pulled up alongside him. Someone demanded cash, then
"police believe Muskopf refused, and he was shot in the head and neck."
Another researcher pointed out that it is rare in any big city for someone to
get mugged by car. Did Muskopf analyze the wrong information? Remember the
1975 film Three Days of the Condor?

The Clinton Administration has been plagued by strange deaths and untimely
demise. Admiral Mike Boorda, Chief of US Naval Operations, was found shot
dead at his desk (1996). His death was labelled a suicide.

This was the third death of a high-ranking Administration figure during
Clinton's first term, after Vince Foster, and Ron Brown, who both suffered
violent ends. Both Boorda and Foster's deaths were very quickly declared to
be suicides, and left at that. Foster shot himself with a gun, supposedly
leaving no fingerprints. Brown died with a .45 caliber hole in his skull,
after a plane crash in Bosnia.

There is also the case of former CIA Director William Colby, who disappeared
in March 1996, then was discovered floating in the Wicomico River in Maryland
ten days later. His death is still a mystery.

Civilians are not immune either from mysterious suicides or weird accidents.
The most notorious suicide within the conspiracy community was Danny
Casolaro, who was found in the bathtub of a Martinsburg (West Virginia) motel
room on August 10th, 1991. Casolaro was supposed to meet an informant who
would wrap up his investigation into an extremely wide-ranging conspiracy
involving the US Government, the military, and arms manufacturers. This case
is extensively detailed in The Octopus: The Secret Government and the Death
of Danny Casolaro (Los Angeles: Feral House, 1996) by Kenn Thomas and Jim

A conspiracy researcher/author of some renown, Keith broke his leg on
September 7th, 1999, and was admitted to hospital. He died of surgical
operation complications three days later. Was Keith also silenced?

Research by Preston Peet

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