In a message dated 6/30/00 1:47:18 PM Central Daylight Time, AOL News writes:

<< Subj:    New HIV infections soar in San Francisco
 Date:  6/30/00 1:47:18 PM Central Daylight Time
 From:  AOL News
 BCC:   Ahab42

 New HIV infections soar in San Francisco

 SAN FRANCISCO, June 30 (Reuters) - San Francisco health authorities are
reporting a sharp jump in new HIV infections, marking the start of what many
doctors fear is a dangerous new stage in America's AIDS epidemic.

 City health officials estimate that, after years of relative stability
thanks to aggressive prevention programmes, safer-sex publicity and new drug
treatments, new HIV infections in San Francisco doubled to 900 in the past

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New HIV infections soar in San Francisco

SAN FRANCISCO, June 30 (Reuters) - San Francisco health authorities are reporting a 
sharp jump in new HIV infections, marking the start of what many doctors fear is a 
dangerous new stage in America's AIDS epidemic.

City health officials estimate that, after years of relative stability thanks to 
aggressive prevention programmes, safer-sex publicity and new drug treatments, new HIV 
infections in San Francisco doubled to 900 in the past year....

For the full text of this story, <A 
HREF="aol://4344:30.L100MKqh.5298663.646858008">click here</A>.

(c) 1999 Reuters Ltd.  All rights reserved.  No republication, redistribution or 
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