Imagine the "Olgarchic Elite" Conspirators with THIS technology in their evil hands - potentially creating a society of microbot controlled, mindless sheople at their mercy - or a possibly, a new microbot enhanced elite human caste system!!!!

Tiny Robots Could Prove Medical Boon
Updated 2:55 PM ET June 29, 2000

By RANDOLPH E. SCHMID, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) - Robots the size of the punctuation in this sentence
could one day be used to move single cells or capture bacteria, their
Swedish inventors say. 

The tiny robots are shorter than a hyphen and no wider than the period at
the end of this sentence, according to Edwin W. H. Jager of Sweden's
Linkoping University.

The robots might be used as microsurgical instruments, explained Jager,
"Maybe not (in the same) shape and form of these robots, but tools using
the same micromuscle technology."

Or, he added, these microrobots might be used to build other microdevices,
just as cars are built by robots. In medicine, the robots could move a
single cell from one point to another, he said.

In experiments his team has used the robots to pick up and move tiny glass
beads invisible to the unaided eye.

Their work is reported in Friday's issue of the journal Science.

The microrobots are made of layers of polymer and gold and somewhat
resemble a human arm. Currently the remain in one spot, but Jager said he
could foresee a time when they are made mobile.

The robots have flexible elbow and wrist joints and the research team made
them in various forms with hands made up of two to four fingers.

Importantly, Jager noted, these devices can work while submerged in such
liquids as blood, urine and cell-culture medium, suggesting possible uses
in biotechnology. Stuck on the end of a catheter, the microrobots might
increase the range of surgeons.

Jager's co-authors, Olle Inganas and Ingemar Lundstrom, said in a statement
that one day the robots might be usable to pick up tiny biological items
and move them to an analysis station, and in groups to assemble

To make the microrobots move, the team used conducting polymers in the
joints. These polymers will absorb charged particles called ions from the
surrounding liquid, or shed them, depending on the electrical charge
applied through tiny wires connected to the robot. Absorbing or shedding
ions causes the polymers to swell or shrink, while the gold layer remains
the same thickness.

By properly arranging the polymers and gold layers the swelling or
shrinking of the robot joints causes them to bend when various charges are
applied, similar to changes in heat causing the movement of a thermostat.

Bending of the polymer-gold layers causes the robot arm to flex at its
elbow, bend the wrist and close and open the fingers to grasp it.

Previous microrobots have included such things as electronic devices
featuring rods and levers, artificial flying insects and a walking silicon
microrobot, but none could operate in water, Jager pointed out.

His microrobots are 670 millionths of a meter tall and 170 to 240
millionths of a meter wide. A meter is slightly longer than a yard.

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