Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

U.S. Spies Now Work for Big Business
Monday, July 3, 2000
In a shocking expose of the high-tech industrial espionage campaign launched
by the Clinton administration on behalf of America’s industrial complex,
Britain’s Independent newspaper explains "How America spies on us for its
oldest friend – the Dollar."
Calling it "The new cold war," the Independent charged that U.S. intelligence
agencies such as the CIA and the supersecret National Security Agency (NSA)
have filled in the gap left by the end of their cold war responsibilities by
spying on foreign companies and helping to reap billions of dollars in
overseas contracts for U.S. firms by supplying them with surreptitiously
obtained inside information.

Using the incredible capabilities of the hush-hush Echelon system the United
States, Britain and Australia employ to eavesdrop on telephone calls, e-mail
and faxes sent via satellite, U.S. spy agencies have intercepted
communications between foreign governments and European businesses and turned
their secrets over to American companies to help them win major overseas

The paper charged that the use of intelligence agencies to help fatten the
coffers of American companies got underway with the advent of the Clinton
administration when it saw that the huge and then largely unemployed Cold War
U.S. intelligence apparatus could be easily redirected against its Cold War
allies’ economies.

"At stake was not just routine international trade, but new opportunities
created by the demise of communism and fast-growing markets in countries that
US trade officials dubbed "BEMs" – Big Emerging Markets, such as China,
Brazil and Indonesia," the newspaper revealed.

One shocking case of the misuse of America’s highly sophisticated spy
apparatus cited by the Independent "as the result of the new Clinton policy"
was the January 1994 incident when French Prime Minister Edouard Balladur
flew to Saudi Arabia to sign a $6 billion deal for armaments, airliners and
maintenance, including sales of the European Airbus.

"He flew home empty-handed," the paper reports.

The reason: "[Using] a commercial communications satellite, NSA lifted all
the faxes and phone-calls between the European consortium Airbus, the Saudi
national airline and the Saudi government. The agency found that Airbus
agents were offering bribes to a Saudi official. It passed the information to
U.S. officials pressing the bid of Boeing Co.," the Baltimore Sun later

According to the Independent, "Clinton's government intervened with the
Saudis and the contract went to Boeing."

Another instance of the use of U.S. intelligence agencies playing a key role
in a commercial deal concerned Brazil.

"In 1994, NSA intercepted phone-calls between France's Thomson-CSF and Brazil
concerning SIVAM, a $1.4 billion surveillance system for the Amazon rain
forest. The company was alleged to have bribed members of the Brazilian
government selection panel. The contract was awarded to the US Raytheon
Corporation – which announced afterwards that ‘the Department of Commerce
worked very hard in support of US industry on this project’ ".

In still another, the CIA tracked British competitive strategies in a
competition to build a 700MW power station near Bombay. In January 1995, the
$400 million contract was awarded to the U.S. companies Enron, GE and

Documents and information obtained by the Independent on Sunday revealed that
the vital question of whether U.S. intelligence should be routinely employed
to help U.S. business was resolved after Clinton’s election in 1993. He named
top Democratic National Party fund-raisers, including the late Secretary of
State for Commerce, Ron Brown, to senior posts and launched a policy "to
aggressively support U.S. bidders in global competitions where advocacy is in
the national interest".

U.S. firms that have benefited from Clinton-sponsored industrial espionage
have responded generously with campaign contributions to the Clinton/Gore
campaigns and the Democratic National Committee, critics note.

The core of what the paper called "the new, coordinated Clinton trade
campaign is the 'Advocacy Center' inside the Department of Commerce" ... run
by the US Department of Commerce’s ‘Trade Promotion Coordinating Committee.’

"Declassified minutes of the Trade Promotion Coordinating Committee from 1994
show that the CIA's role in drumming up business for the US was not limited
to looking for bribery, or even lobbying by foreign governments. For a series
of meetings dealing with Indonesia, 16 officials were circulated with
information. Five of the officials were from the CIA. Three of the five
worked inside the Commerce Department itself, in a department called the
‘Office of Executive Support.’ The fifth, Robert Beamer, was from CIA

That office is nothing less than a high-security operation located inside the
Commerce Department. It is staffed by CIA officials with top-secret security
clearances and equipped with direct links to U.S. intelligence agencies.
Until recently, it was known, more revealingly, as the "Office of
Intelligence Liaison."

Speaking of the use of Echelon and other spying mechanisms, Dr. Brian
Gladwell, a British former top NATO computer expert, told the Independent:
"The analogy I use is where we were 250 years ago with pirates on the high
seas. Governments never admitted they sponsored piracy, yet they all did
behind the scenes. If we now look at cyberspace we have state-sponsored
information piracy. We can't have a global e-commerce until governments like
the US stop state-sponsored theft of commercial information."

The whole matter will be discussed this Wednesday when European officials
meet in Strasbourg and Berlin to demand an investigation of the use of U.S.
electronic espionage to beat foreign competitors. The meetings come in the
wake of two years of controversy over Echelon and its awesome power, the
sinister implications of which are only now emerging.

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A vote for Bush or Gore is a vote to continue Clinton policies!
A vote for Buchanan is a vote to continue America!
Therefore a vote for Gore or Bush is a wasted vote for America!
Don't waste your vote!  Vote for Patrick Buchanan!

Today, candor compels us to admit that our vaunted two-party system is a
snare and a delusion, a fraud upon the nation. Our two parties have become
nothing but two wings of the same bird of prey...
Patrick Buchanan

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