So remember Gordon Novel who some believed to be Umbrella Man - I think
he was Oswald look alike used by CIA....however, he robbed the
Schlumberger Munitions site, all planned by CIA and Schumberger somehow
Rockefeller family linked to this billionaire group.

This was done for Bay of Pigs......and this all hooks up now for so many
reasons and I had people from this group virtually surrounding me....and
by the way, it is von Braun, not Von Braun....little v designates

So Gordon got caught like the Watergate burglars; Gordon and Liddy also
are very good friends......and Gordon Novel also worked for Larry
Flynt...these are Columbus connections too, and DOD just down the road
from me .....

Now see link between Waco and Bay of Pigs and Novel?   For Novel works
for Waco now under this Ramsey Clark whom I could never bear......note
how they called Waco a bunker, and also how Schumberger had this special
bunker built so black bag men could rob easily and then later tried to
back out of contract?

This Ted Bundy I know for a fact also, was at a Schlumberger affair
where he stole a billfold from a potential victim who had father who
worked with von Braun and big stuff at Red Stone.

So Novel was never in the Marchetti was never an
agent....but Novel could make good bombs and is nobody's fool....he also
saved his own life by having an insurance policy.   He used to spend
some time by the way, at Jack Andersons place ......he had the right

He is the Scarlet Pimpernell, and the doors to Langley are always open
to him, it is my understanding.

So.....note connection between Bay of Pigs and Waco and why did that
thing virtually blow sky high and was a towering inferno...why Delta,
NATO, FBI killers like that West Point idiot, the Japanese guy who also
killed Vicki Weaver?

Why was Kore(sh) such a threat....there was rumor stuff was stashed
there, and I remembered something....this docor who was in jail with
Hoffa and maybe got him away or killed him, was Jewish Mafia from
Columbus......into drugs, worked or was in with Meyer Lansky, guns,
drugs, neo nazi literature.....and then Gordon Novel comes to Columbus
to hide from Garrison, and Garrison was in with Carlos Marcello who was
in with Lansky....see all the little connections?

Now Gordon was involved in Bay of Pigs as per reproduced article below
and at Waco......could it be that some of this Schlumberger stuff was
stored at Waco?

Kore(sh) preaching away about the 7 Seals and never did get to the Alpha
or the Omega, did he....or to the Bright and Morning of
munitions ship, Novels big dream to be off shore munitios/gun

So what have we here at Waco....a CIA coverup or people passing
themselves off as CIA when they are actually working for Mafia - this
Mafia they are just CIA hired guns.

So Blue this item and see if you see what I see here for
somehow this even connects to Denver and Littleton and disarming of
America - they they will trade all our guns for drugs and we all go to
land of Oz if we can get through those damn poppy fields.....

Was Kore(sh) link between drug dealers in Mexico trading guns for drugs
or something there and why did it take a tank, flamethrowers, sharp
shooters, psychoogical warfare and BATF, and Delta to take out a little
church and murder the babies and chidren to cover up - well like
Madelione Albright returned to Balkans to Serbia, where in WWII they hid
her and saved her ilife....but did she bomb the hell out of Serbia maybe
to hide something in her past and maybe Herr Kissinger's past....for
Kissinger was KGB Agent....

Oh what a tangled web we weave....but that Novel once told me he was the
biggest spook I would ever meet....well he was wrong on tht one, guess
he didn't know I had relative who worked for Vandenberg, and with von
Braun...bit stuff......but all America Patriot.

That crap at the Denver Airport is as sick as pictures painted in our
minds of Waco....slaughtr of the inocents.

a saa

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In September 1961 Gordon Novel took part in the burglary of a
Schlumberger munitions bunker. He informed the FBI: "Schlumberger Well
Service had an arrangement with the CIA wherein it leased a bunker in
which ammunition, bomb casings and other materiel would be stored for
the CIA. Eventually the materiel would be shipped out of the United
States in Schlumberger boxes marked 'Machinery.' The explosives would
then be shipped by boat to Cuba where they were going to be used in a
diversionary operation during the Bay of Pigs invasion." The CIA
verified Gordon Novel's statement: "Novel has claimed to the press that
the munitions from the bunker were to be used for a diversionary
operation during the Bay of Pigs invasion. Agency officers familiar with
the operation at the (deleted), have indicated that such a diversionary
operation was based at (deleted), but that operation was canceled before
a landing was made." Gordon Novel continued: "After the Bay of Pigs,
Schlumberger became upset and wanted out of its CIA contract; three
months after the invasion, arrangements were made for the materiel
stored in the bunker to be removed by Novel and his group. At the time
the material was removed, an individual involved took some of
Schlumberger's low grade powder and fuses and other material, and the
incident was reported as a burglary." (Gordon Novel had a previous
history of assembling bombs). Gordon Novel said the crates of arms were
stamped with the word INTERARMCO. [Police Record Jefferson Parish 1953;
Memo Ivan/Garrison re: Novel rec. check; Flammonde Kennedy Conspiracy
p76; Wardlaw Plot or Politics p113; New Orleans States-Item 4.25.67;
HUNT Day p182 CIA 1332-502, 1045] Gordon Novel reported that Andrew
Jerome Blackman, David Ferrie, Sergio Arcacha Smith, and Luis Rabel were
involved in the burglary. In a telephone interview with this researcher,
Luis Rabel denied he met David Ferrie or Guy Banister, but said he knew
Sergio Arcacha Smith. Regarding the burglary, "Well, I used to run a dry
cleaners, and I had a truck that I used to loan to about 40 or 50 exiles
here. Arcacha asked me to loan him the truck to move some furniture.
Whether the truck was used to move anything other than furniture is
beyond me." Gordon Novel told the press: "It was one of the most
patriotic burglaries ever committed...the CIA virtually gave us the key
to the fellow burglar, Arcacha Smith, and I are still
employed by the CIA." [FBI 62-109060-4789, 4707; NYT 4.5.67; New Orleans
States-Item 4.25.67]
A company that marketed surveillance equipment reported in 1965 that
Gordon Novel had placed an order with it using a fictitious address.
Later that year, he appeared at the Lost and Found counter at New
Orleans Airport to inquire about some misrouted bugging equipment.
Gordon Novel explained to the FBI he had demonstrated the equipment to
the State Department. On November 22, 1966, Gordon Novel was made an FBI
Potential Criminal Informant. [FBI 62-109060-4707; FBI NO 137-2936] He
furnished the FBI information on the Garrison investigation that
indicated Jim Garrison was hostile to that agency. J. Edgar Hoover
commented: "More & more it becomes evident we should stay as far away as
we can from this shyster [New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison]."
At the beginning of Garrison's investigation in 1967, Gordon Novel had
offered New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison his services; when he
discovered he was to be called as a witness, however, he called the FBI
and said he had watched the home of David Ferrie at 5:30 a.m. on the day
David Ferrie was found dead, and had seen Jim Garrison leave the house.
When Gordon Novel was interrogated by New Orleans District Attorney Jim
Garrison about the munitions bunker operation, he called the New Orleans
Domestic Contacts Division of the CIA for advice. He then fled to
McLean, Virginia, where he took a lie detector test from retired Army
Intelligence Agent and former policeman from the District of Columbia,
Lloyd Furr. [CIA 1332, 502, 1045, 1316, 475D, 1345, 1057]
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Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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