Thanks for this one Jamie; John Quinnis a good one, and I will go for
this one; by the way, re the arrest of the Nazi Bible Study group - I
had at the time a clue they were going to murder Teddy using the same
crap and contacted FBI....within a week or two they got the Nazi Bible
Study group - it was Teddy they were going to kill, not Bobby - I made
mistake FBI got them, but they were NOT neo nazis - they
were in disguise - imposters.
These are secret societies with which we deal, therefore plans are same,
but names people changae - some are still alive, using WWII tactics to
sabotage trains, planes, and boy that truck driver that is alleged to
have flown a plane through the Presidents bedroom window....hedge
hopped, some truck driver - for that, was a pilot - maybe kamakazee
Maybe testing our security?
Clinton was not home in his little bed - so you think it was done to
scare him or kill him?
No way - that was something else, but little John John that was
murder.....carefully staged...the one little sister had to work late
that anight....imagine going with JFK Jr. and her boss makes her stay
late with big event coming up.
But on the celebration of the moon shot, JFK Jr. Dead and the one
newscaster Hollister was it, dead....and there stood Hill smiing - and
they did not send up the rocket - egg of face, still smiking trying to
cash in standing in limelite of JFK and JFK Jr? The magic was gone and
we were left with the ugly witch of the west.
Globe left a big clue to advance plan to murder little John John....I
caught it, tried to call around, but too day he was
dead....and it was planned but no matter where he would have been that
day, plane, car, or home in bed he would have been murdered. On a date
certain. Like his father and even the little Princess of Wales... now
use yur imagination re moon shot, JFK and JFK Jr., and read Acts 16 and
19......Apollo, Diana.....and check out old Hells Fire Club, have their
picture with statue of the Many Breasted Diana....and one member of this
Club, Paul Whitehead took code name Paul the Aged out of Philemon in
Today these bastards and they say they are same, operate under name of
Bohemian Club, and I believe the heart of Paul
Whitehead which was stolen from old Hells Fire Caves, which was in Urn,
or Cup - is in possession of the Sons of Eli.
What you think....Abstract thinking, sublime pictures....eyes that see
not, ears that hear not...and some brains that think not.
Thanks for this one.
A. Saba
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