Recapping 'Ballistic Missile Defense 101'

by Gordon Prather

© 2000

In Ballistic Missile Defense 101 we learned that in order for the
proposed Clinton-Gore ABM system to work, it has to be sited so
it can either a) destroy the rogue state's outgoing ballistic
missile shortly after launch or b) destroy the incoming rogue
nuke warheads shortly before they impact us.  That is because the
Clinton-Gore system relies on an inert heat-seeking "bullet" --
rather than one of our own nukes -- as a kill mechanism.

The Clinton-Gore bullet can home-in on the rogue missile, itself,
while still over the rogue state, because its rocket exhaust is
hot-hot, and it can home-in on the incoming nuke warheads before
they impact us because they get hot-hot-hot upon reentering the
earth's atmosphere.

The administration proposes to site the gun for their
heat-seeking bullets in Alaska, and that won't work.  Look at the
globe.  If the rogue missile is launched in North Korea, as it
passes over Alaska the rogue nuke will be at the apogee of its
ballistic trajectory, far outside the earth's atmosphere, and
will be cold-cold-cold. The bullet is going to have a tough time
homing in or something in space that is cold-cold-cold.

Of course, if the rogue missile is not launched in North Korea
and the nukes don't even pass over Alaska, Clinton and Gore are
not going to have anything to shoot at, anyway.

The only reliable way to destroy the rogue nuke at its peak is
with an enhanced radiation exo-atmospheric nuke, which both we
and the Soviets once had by the thousands in our stockpiles.

Now, you would think that someone has explained to Clinton that
the heat-seeking bullet system he proposes to site in Alaska was
never designed to be an exo-atmospheric apogee killer.  So, if
you've been in a coma for the past seven years, there are two
questions that might immediately come to mind.  1) Why is Clinton
now proposing to build an ABM system?  And, 2) why is Clinton
proposing to build an ABM system that he knows will never work?

The answer to the first question is that Clinton took a poll --
as is his custom -- and a large majority of potential voters
replied that they wanted the U.S.  to have an ABM system, even if
it cost a lot of money and even if it might not work.  So, in
order to get credit with the voters in the AD 2000 election for
proposing to build an ABM system, he has proposed to build an ABM
system.  Congress had directed him years ago to build such a
system, but he hardly ever pays any attention to what Congress
tells him to do, especially since they failed in their attempt to
remove him from office.  But polls -- those are different; those
he pays attention to.

The answer to the second question is that Clinton's "legacy"
amongst the nuke disarmament crowd would be even more in the
toilet than it already is -- what, with his failure to stop India
and Pakistan from testing their nukes and his failure to get the
U.S.  Senate to ratify the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty -- if he
were somehow to abrogate the ABM Treaty we had with the Soviet
Union and start a new nuke arms race with Russia.

So President Clinton told us and our elected representatives that
his proposed non-nuke apogee ABM system would work, and he told
Russian President Putin that the Clinton-Gore ABM system would
never work.

But now comes the funny (ha-ha) part.  Putin had already taken
BMD 101; he already understood -- even if Clinton didn't -- that
the non-nuke apogee system would never work for anyone, anywhere,
anytime. Furthermore, he understood that of the above two
non-nuke options -- either a) put a lid on rogue states or b) put
a shield over the rest of the world -- the most cost-effective by
far would be to put a lid on rogue states.

So President Putin rejected the Clinton-Gore apogee proposal as a
violation of the ABM Treaty and then made a counterproposal of
his own. Russia would -- perhaps in concert with the United
States and, more importantly, the European States -- put a
ballistic missile lid on rogue states.  Doing that would not be a
violation of the ABM Treaty.  And what's more important, it might

Again, look at the globe.  Russian ABM missiles (perhaps
supersonic ram jets with a slant range of 200-300 miles) would
probably be mounted -- initially -- on Russian surface navy
warships. (Star Wars space-based lasers may come later.) The
Russian ships could be stationed in the Med, the Black Sea, the
Persian Gulf and the Sea of Japan, within range of most possible
rogue launch sites.  Preparations for rogue missile launch could
be detected by existing Russian and U.S.  spy satellites.
Actual rogue missile launch could be detected by a largely
existing global network of satellite-based infrared sensors.

If Clinton-Gore had paid Congress any heed, they could have
proposed to build -- in cooperation with the Russians -- a
regional non-nuke fleet-based ABM system like that now proposed
by Putin and Governor Bush years ago.  And if the Clinton-Gore
administration had done a better job over the past seven years of
assisting the Russians in securing and safeguarding their loose
nukes and nuke materials, technologies and technologists, we
might not have to worry about rogue states having ballistic
missiles in the first place. Without the nukes atop them, the
rogue missiles are not really a threat to us.

-- Physicist James Gordon Prather has served as a policy
implementing official for national security-related technical
matters in the Federal Energy Agency, the Energy Research and
Development Administration, the Department of Energy, the Office
of the Secretary of Defense and the Department of the Army.  Dr.
Prather also served as legislative assistant for national
security affairs to U.S.  Sen.  Henry Bellmon, R-Okla.-- ranking
member of the Senate Budget Committee and member of the Senate
Energy Committee and Appropriations Committee.  Dr.  Prather had
earlier worked as a nuclear weapons physicist at Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratory in California and Sandia National
Laboratory in New Mexico.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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