This Clive Doyle, attached is story written by someone that might really
be onto the daily calendar bible reading master plan for murder for Waco
was was Littleton and Oklahoma.

This one gentleman on list, questioned this Clive Doyle as being a plant
of FBI or informer or whatever he was, for he got to rebuild the little
Church - yet this man questioned their working on Davidian Holy Day for
you do not work on a Saturday.....and when we were kids with catholic
father and narrow minded nuns and priests in our house, even though I am
somewhat of a Bohemian and not Catholic, we lived by the rules to save
my father from going to hell.

So...this Doyle is the one that had a Statue built over the well at
Waco....why?   Something in the water down there maybe like los
Alamos....was David (KORE(SH) maybe holding up some ammunution for

Crest Toothpastes first big a Little Town called Waco, In
Tecas......and dwight David Eisenhower fell for that one for he
personally endorsed this Waco alleged fluoride in water and toothpaste
for our kiddies - left over crap from Manhattan Project, so they say

So why Delta, and I think UN Killer Elite Troops, and a Japanese
murdered who murdered Vickie Weaver while his other killers murdered a
little 8th gader's dog, and then killed him.....and why tanks, FBI,
BATF, and remember the press announced they were leaving that day
....things too tame, no action.....get the show on the road or we go
stuff.......what a set up.

Wonder if they would take an oath by the Well or that is right, this
country no longers believes in God or the Ten Commandments or even the
righteousness of a righteous man these days, for we have the Evil Ones
right in our Oval Office.

This Clinton, he is the man - he smirked and smiled all through Waco,
Halle Bopp, Ruby Ridge, and the Balkans.....Reno and Albright and FBI
took the flack but face it, the FBI has been taken over by the enemy

Read this and I knew Gordon Novel and one thing he is
NOT, is a liar; when caught robbing the SCHLUMBERGER WELL supplie which
they too had been duped by CIA.....they stashed weapons for the CIA
black bag burglars (like a little Watergate) and Novel when caught, hey
that guy turned informer to FBI ?????   He is enigma....

So Doyle lies.....he is not Davidian or he wouldl not have built the
Church on their Holy was a bone, probably one of the many bones
of the murdered children, he was thrown.

David Kore(sh) was into something that cost the lives of the children in
a fiery death....he walked and talked with  BATF men prior to the

Remember too....nothing Albright or Reno or cohen or the FBI - nothing
they do is without orders of the President when they call out the Delta
boys and NATO and hired Mafia killers and turn guns on America
Children....see Littleton and tell me the little jewish Kid Klebold and
Military kid Harris, did not have a mentor, a control and were under

I hate that bunch in the White House....this Carol Valentine may know
there are two sides and two faces on the evil, one

A Saba


"TheChave defiled by casting down the dwelling place of thy name to the
ground," PSALM 74:4
Waco Protest 2000
New Waco Video! Doyle's Boyz Exposed! by Carol A. Valentine Copyright,
March, 2000 Published by Public Action, Inc. "X: A True Revelation" is
available from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> === As you know, the US wants the
American public to come to "closure" on the Waco Holocaust. And what
better way to do this than to show that surviving Davidian Clive Doyle
and the other Davidians have come to closure? Recall that Clive's
beautiful 18-year old daughter Shari was killed. If Clive can come to
"closure" on the Waco Holocaust while the murderers of his daughter
still walk free, shouldn't we be able to do the same? To this end, Clive
and a number of "patriots" have stepped forward to show America that we
shouldn't hold grudges. With volunteer labor and donated materials,
Clive and the patriots -- let's call them "the happy campers" -- are
building a new Davidian church on the old killing fields while the
murderers continue to run our country. You can see the happy campers at
work building the new church. See the
dozens of American flags on the background panel, all flying right side
up? Ironic, since the 82 innocents were murdered under its shadow. Those
happy campers sure are patriotic! ;-) But now along comes a new Waco
video which shows the truth of this "come to closure" cover up effort.
The subject of the video is a November 28, 1999, demonstration by a
single man against "the cover up church" outside the gates of the Mt.
Carmel Center. The protester had the foresight to ask a colleague to
videotape the demonstration. This video, called "X: A True Revelation,"
is now available to the public. When you get your copy, you will see
that: * Clive Doyle objects to free speech on the cover-up church and
threatens to call the McLennan County Sheriff's Department to remove the
protester, * Clive Doyle challenges the protester to a fist fight, * The
Sheriff's department sends A HELICOPTER and three squad cars to arrest
the protester, who is unarmed! It's all there on the video! * The
protester is arrested while demonstrating on public land outside the Mt.
Carmel Center, * During the confrontation, one of Clive's happy campers
boasts that he helped soak the American flag in the blood of the world.
We know that the video addresses an issue of substance because the
incident it documents resulted in these remarkable incidents: * On March
12, when the protester was again outside the Mt. Carmel Center, he
received a death threat from a Clive Doyle supporter who cocked a 9 mm
semi-automatic at him. * The sheriff's department refused to take a
report of the assault, telling the man that "you were warned to stay
away" from the Mt. Carmel Center. "If something happens [that is, if the
murder threat is actualized], we'll go from there with it," the
Sheriff's department said. * The sheriff's department threatened the
protester with arrest if he ever returns to the area *outside* the Mt.
Carmel Center to protest, saying that demonstrations outside the Mt.
Carmel Center are "against the law" because the sheriff's department
says so. "X: A True Revelation" has been produced by the protester, a
man who calls himself Andrew X98. Believing that Clive Doyle was
propagating David Koresh's teachings, Andrew came to Waco three years
ago to study the Bible with Clive. For three years he served as the
watchman over the Mt. Carmel grounds. Andrew brought with him an
eclectic background in the study of religion and mysticism. * Keeping
the Sabbath Holy * The Seventh Day Adventists, of course, take their
very name from the importance they attach to Saturday, the "seventh
day," the Sabbath of the Old Testament. The governing Scripture reads as
follows: Exod.20 [8] Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. [9] Six
days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work. [10] But the seventh day is
the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou,
nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor
thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: [11] For in six
days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is,
and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day,
and hallowed it. Being Seventh Day Adventists, the Branch Davidians
observe Saturday as the Sabbath. Notice that the Scripture says that
work on the Sabbath is not only forbidden to the master, the servants,
and the cattle, but that work is also forbidden to any "stranger that is
within thy gates." Of concern to this story is that, on Saturday,
September 18, 1999, the happy campers measured and staked the ground for
the new church; Clive worked with them. If Clive had been following
Branch Davidian rules, he would have not worked himself, nor would he
have permitted the happy campers to work "within" the "gates" of the Mt.
Carmel property. Andrew found out that the happy campers and Clive had
worked on the Sabbath. And since that day, Andrew has vociferously
objected to the new structure, calling it an insult to David Koresh and
the other martyrs, "an abomination," and "The Abomination that Maketh
Desolate." Andrew says David Koresh did not work on the Sabbath, and
that the Davidians "were people who gave up their lives for those
beliefs." No genuine follower of David Koresh would work on the Sabbath
either, most especially would not work on the construction of a Branch
Davidian church. Andrew calls Clive an impostor, not a real Branch
Davidian. So Andrew took to the Internet and e-mail lists to condemn
what he called the cover-up church. Then, on November 28, 1999 he
demonstrated outside the gates of the Mt. Carmel grounds. Clive and the
other happy campers objected to Andrew's presence and drove down to
confront him by the property edge.
  But before I go into further details, let's establish what happened on
Saturday, September 18. Despite what it says on the happy camper's
website, the new church *was* started on that day, and Clive Doyle *did*
participate in the work on that day. You will see Clive admit that in
the video: "I measured, yes," he says. That Clive worked on the Sabbath
is also conceded by Tom Cook, who has described himself in his e-mail
signature block as "Administrator of The Seven Seals and the Trustees of
the Branch Davidians in Waco." Tom appears in "X: A True Revelation." He
is the young man with precious mannerisms, wearing the olive green
T-shirt, taking photos, and talking about angels. It should be noted
that Tom Cook's presence in a position of trust among the contemporary
Branch Davidians marks *another* apparent departure from the mores of
the group under David Koresh. Reliable sources report Tom is a
practicing homosexual who from time to time brings his partners on to
the Mt. Carmel Center grounds. (See Footnote 1 for Tom Cook's connection
to Jesse Amen, and other notes.) === >Thomas Cook > >Mt Carmel
> > >Branch Davidian Trustee Discussion Board
> > >Ps. Again, Clive
found the volunteers staking out the perimeter of the >chapel on
Saturday September 18, 1999 and instead of running them off he >worked
with them and explained to not let this happen again as he stated
>before anything was started. Alex Jones and Mike Hanson understood but
the >word did not filter down the line well. Since then there has been
no work >on the chapel on Sabbath. Peaceful approach with good results.
< === All right, then: Allow me to tell you a little more about the
video. The video opens with the camera resting on an abstract painting.
We hear religious chanting in the background. Then we hear Andrew
introducing himself to the viewers; he says he is a student of the Seven
Seals and explains that his mission is to raise a flag in opposition to
the flag flown from the tanks at the height of the fire on April 19,
1993. [ The flag to which Andrew refers was shown in Linda Thompson's
"Waco: The Big Lie Continues" and can be seen in stills from that video
on Ol Dan Tucker's website. The flag on the tank shows a black cross of
St. Andrew against a white background. Look at the third row, right hand
side, and you will see it: ]
Andrew also comments upon the importance of keeping the Sabbath holy,
and explains he is protesting the new church because it was founded on
the Sabbath. Then the camera shifts from the collage and takes us to a
lonely Texas roadway outside the grounds of the Mt. Carmel Center. The
date is November 28, 1999. The first image we see is that of Andrew, a
tall and stately man who appears to be in his late forties, standing at
the entrance to the Mt. Carmel property. The rising structure of the new
church can be seen in the distant background. Andrew is talking to two
other people; a third person is obviously holding a camcorder. Aside
from these, there is no one else to break the loneliness. Next to Andrew
we see a large flag staked to the ground. The flag is black and upon it
we see the white cross of St. Andrew; thus the flag reverses the motif
of the flag flown by the tank during the fire of April 19. We harken
back to Andrew's words: "My mission is to raise a flag in opposition to
the flag flown on the tanks at the height of the fire ." Andrew is
dressed in a black shirt with a white cross of St. Andrew across the
front. The image is startling. Andrew is holding a placard. We can
distinguish this message: In large letters, "X "The Cover Up Church" In
smaller letters beneath the others, the sign reads: "The Abomination
Maketh Desolate" We hear Andrew explaining to the other people that "we
are not to work on the Sabbath." While he is talking, a white jeep-type
vehicle drives down from the direction of the new church construction
site and parks a distance away from Andrew. * The Bantam Rooster * A
slightly built man with a jaunty military gait gets out of the jeep. The
little bantam rooster struts a few paces and says: "Hey, Andrew, Clive
wants you off the property right now!" Before Andrew can reply, the
Bantam Rooster repeats himself: "Clive wants you off the property right
now!" Clearly, Andrew is standing on a grassy patch of land several
yards from the road. Andrew says: "I'm not on the property." He tells
Bantam Rooster: "I don't want to come on there to be of the synagogue of
Satan. This is an abomination. This thing was founded on the Sabbath,
which is a violation to David Koresh and the people who died here. "
Andrew also explains that Clive does not own the property. See:
38.0 446.html
* The Dump Truck Man * As Andrew and Bantam Rooster are talking, another
vehicle drives up. This one is a dump truck with a red cabin. The entire
body of the vehicle appears to be gleaming clean, as if it has just been
driven off the showroom floor. (Later on in the video, we see that the
left fender of the truck bears an American flag emblem. ) The man
driving this machine gets out and leaves the motor running. There is no
apparent reason to leave the motor running, but the camcorder picks up
the hum, making the ensuing conversations less distinct than need be.
The Dump Truck Man walks over to Andrew. He wears glasses and a long
pony tail and acts and sounds like the military police. He too lumbers
along with a military gait, less noticeable that Bantam Rooster's
because he has a larger frame. The Dump Truck Man walks over towards
Andrew and we see Andrew offer him his hand. The Dump Truck Man refuses
the handshake. "You're still on the property here, ain't cher?" demands
The Dump Truck Man. Then he roughly addresses one of the two people
listening to Andrew, "Are you a visitor with Amo, are you her lawyer, or
WHAT?" The Dump Truck Man is referring to Amo Roden, who has been living
on the edge of the Mt. Carmel property for years. Amo is the widow of
the late George Roden, whom David Koresh displaced as the leader of the
Branch Davidians. Amo has been challenging Clive Doyle over the
ownership of the Mt. Carmel property, and Clive and his people have
accused Amo of trying to "steal" the property. *The Biker * A third man
appears, having apparently driven up in a third vehicle, a dark colored
pick-up now parked near the white jeep. This man has an over developed
upper body, wears a black T-shirt, baseball cap, sunglasses, and has a
dirty blond mustache. He looks like a biker. Together, the three
thuggish looking individuals take turns at harassing Andrew, telling him
to get off the property, that he is trespassing, that he is in someone
else's driveway (he clearly is not). Of the three, The Dump Truck Man
seems to have an almost professional surveyor's interest in the
demarcation line of the property. Throughout the video he remains fixed
on his problem. If Andrew is "on the property" surely he offends by mere
inches. And how important could that be? Andrew and his audience are
obviously right at the edge of the property and the place is deserted.
Andrew and his little party offer no obstacle to entrance or egress. *
The Flag Soaked In Blood * But now the action quickens. Andrew
identifies the loyalties of the happy campers to us immediately by
flashing a red cape in front of the bulls. He makes a series of remarks
about the American flag. Andrew calls it the "filthy American flag ....
" There is a stunned moment of silence and the Dump Truck Man asks:
"Filthy American flag?" He seems like a boxer shaking off a sharp jab.
"That's right," says Andrew. "Last time I saw that flag flying here the
women and children's bodies were still smoking ... Our flag has been
turned into garbage." " .... That's my flag," says the Dump Truck Man in
disbelief. Bingo! Right there. Hold those frames. The Dump Truck man
remains stone faced. Neither he nor the two other thuggish men express
any sympathy for the innocents arguably crushed to death under the flag
waving tanks, nor do they express any outrage that our national symbol
was used for such a diabolical purpose. If these three callous
individuals are not moved by the fate of the children, if they are not
rebuilding the church to honor the children who died there, for whom are
they rebuilding it? Why are they volunteering their time to rebuild a
church for victims they clearly don't care about? The only concern is
that a symbol has been insulted. I have met such military types a
thousand times during my lifetime, in the work place, in my
neighborhood, and during Internet debates on Waco and related issues.
They do not think with principles: they are trained to react only to
symbols and commands. They have been conditioned to react to the
American flag as Skinner's pigeons react to the bell and food pellet.
But this exchange is the piece de resistance:
  Andrew: Maybe you love that flag that's soaked in the blood of the
children of the world. Dump Truck Man: Yes, I do love that flag. I
helped soak the blood of the world in it, OK? ==== There you have it:
OK. Yes, Andrew The Watchman is a clever man. By stomping hard on the
happy campers' emotional hot buttons, they have revealed who they are.
Clive Doyle's happy campers are soldier boys, the very same kind of folk
who slaughtered Clive's daughter and friends. * Happy Campers Use
"Negotiation" Techniques * During the Waco Holocaust the Branch
Davidians were subjected to relentless attempts to induce psychological
meltdown, to destroy their spirit. The use of these psychological
warfare techniques is called "negotiation." Recall this April 15, 1993,
report in the Dallas Morning News ("No easy answers.")
=== Begin DMN Quote === "Seven weeks of talking has chiefly produced
frustration among federal law enforcement officials, as traditional
psychological tactics used to end other standoffs have not worked.
"Obviously they've got a tiger by the tail," said Robert K. Ressler, a
retired FBI official who helped found the agency's behavioral sciences
unit and taught many of the hostage negotiators now in Waco. "This is
obviously the longest wait-out they've ever encountered, so you're
delving into a new area of hostage-type situations." "Trying to weaken
Mr. Koresh's resolve by altering or chipping away at his belief system
has been ineffective. "One of the things you can sometimes do in
negotiations, especially if you have someone with a delusional system,
is to point out the weaknesses and the fallacies in the delusional
system," said Wayman Mullins, a hostage negotiating expert who has
closely followed the Waco siege. 'Koresh's is so well-developed, it just
wouldn't work.'" === End DMN Quote === "Delusional system" as used in
the above paragraph of course means the system of beliefs the
psychological warfare experts are trying to weaken or destroy. "X: A New
Revelation" shows the happy campers using these techniques on Andrew.
The three thugs hurl a cacophony of random insults at him, twisting the
words he has uttered, inventing bald-face lies about what he has said
during the confrontation, demanding answers of him and then interrupting
him as he tries to respond. Here are some samples: "Everything you say
stands for hate and bigotry. Stands for racism. Stands for evil." "Why
don't you tell us how you're going to kill whitey?" "You've proven
yourself a liar, Sir." "Are you here to steal the property?" "You want
protection under that First Amendment when it FITS you and FITS you fine
but then 'I got my First Amendment Rights,' you sit here and criticize
that flag ...." "You're a liar." "You are trespassing." "So your
solution is to kill white people?" "You're a liar, Sir." "You are no
better than skinheads and the Klan." "You're the threat to America."
"You're a liar, Sir." "Andrew, you need to take you Prozac. We have
concerns for you." "Oh, now you want protection under he First Amendment
when you sit here and ABDICATE [sic] violence against America?" "You're
a liar and a hypocrite, Sir. You know it's true." "Oh now you want
protection under the First Amendment when you stand here and advocate
violence against the American people?" "You're a liar, Sir." Are these
men of conscience? No. They are thugs, with the stink of military
psychological warfare training all over them. Clive keeps strange
company for a man of the cloth. * Amo Roden Speaks * Amo Roden, the
widow of the late George Roden whom David Koresh displaced as the leader
of the Branch Davidians, appears briefly in the video. Amo has been
challenging Clive Doyle over the ownership of the Mt. Carmel property,
and Clive and his people have accused Amo of trying to "steal" the
property. Amo has been watching it all, and comments:"...This is
ridiculous for people to get so upset because a man has a sign and a
flag. If they are doing right, they should keep going on and doing it. I
don't get upset. People call me names. They say I steal. They put up
signs and say I steal. I just keep doing what I'm doing," says Amo,
smiling. And indeed she looks serene. * Here Comes Clive * Eventually
Clive Doyle arrives at the scene. He speaks a few words to Andrew. His
words are muffled, but his first action is physically aggressive. Clive
grabs Andrew's flag by the pole and begins to pull it from its place in
the ground. Andrew grabs the pole and a scuffle breaks out. The Dump
Truck Man is clearly the senior honcho on the scene right now. He barks
at Clive: "Hey, hey, hey," and pushes Clive back from Andrew. Clive
obeys The Dump Truck Man and heels like a puppy. Andrew says to Clive:
"Next time I see you, proud boy, we'll talk and you won't have your
phony ... " The next words are muffled, but at the word "phoney" Andrew
juts his chin out in the direction of The Dump Truck Man and the others.
More muffled words and we hear Andrew's voice: "Punk!" he says to Clive.
Then we hear Clive issuing the fighting words: "Do you want talk or do
you want action?" Clive says he will take Andrew on "one on one." Andrew
responds: ""OK, tell them to back off and I'll tighten your ass up for
you so fast ..." Later Clive will claim that Andrew, not he, laid down
the gauntlet for a fist fight: Andrew replies he only accepted Clive's
original challenge. The discussion returns to the American flag. Andrew
accuses Australian born Clive of having raised the American flag over
the bodies of the mothers and children during the ground laying
ceremonies of September 19. Clive denies it. Andrew continues:
"Even this fellow from the talk show [indicating talk show host Alex
Jones], he was willing to turn it upside down, which means this place is
in distress. I'm all for that. This American flag stands for an ideal
and a dream that has been dirtied ..." Clive Doyle cuts in with this
response: "Upside down or right way up, it stands for something!" * Here
Comes Clive * Eventually Clive Doyle arrives at the scene. He speaks a
few words to Andrew. His words are muffled, but his first action is
physically aggressive. Clive grabs Andrew's flag by the pole and begins
to pull it from its place in the ground. Andrew grabs the pole and a
scuffle breaks out. The Dump Truck Man is clearly the senior honcho on
the scene right now. He barks at Clive: "Hey, hey, hey," and pushes
Clive back from Andrew. Clive obeys The Dump Truck Man and heels like a
puppy. Andrew says to Clive: "Next time I see you, proud boy, we'll talk
and you won't have your phony ... " The next words are muffled, but at
the word "phoney" Andrew juts his chin out in the direction of The Dump
Truck Man and the others. More muffled words and we hear Andrew's voice:
"Punk!" he says to Clive. Then we hear Clive issuing the fighting words:
"Do you want talk or do you want action?" Clive says he will take Andrew
on "one on one." Andrew responds: ""OK, tell them to back off and I'll
tighten your ass up for you so fast ..." Later Clive will claim that
Andrew, not he, laid down the gauntlet for a fist fight: Andrew replies
he only accepted Clive's original challenge. The discussion returns to
the American flag. Andrew accuses Australian born Clive of having raised
the American flag over the bodies of the mothers and children during the
ground laying ceremonies of September 19. Clive denies it. Andrew
continues: "Even this fellow from the talk show [indicating talk show
host Alex Jones], he was willing to turn it upside down, which means
this place is in distress. I'm all for that. This American flag stands
for an ideal and a dream that has been dirtied ..." Clive Doyle cuts in
with this response: "Upside down or right way up, it stands for
something!" * Clive the Flag Waver * But what *does* it stand for, in
Clive's eyes? Clive clearly does not believe in the principle of "Equal
Justice Under Law," for despite his many interviews with the national
media, he has never used his public visibility to demand the indictment
of the murderers of his dead daughter and dead friends. On the contrary,
Clive has ignored solid evidence that Shari and others were murdered
with malice aforethought; he signed his name to Ramsey Clark's civil law
suit and demanded money for her death, claiming she died as the result
of the government negligence. To read about that suit, see "Waco Suits
for Waco Suckers," at: And to see the
beautiful Shari Doyle in life, and her autopsy report, go to:
Readers, if you have a daughter like Shari and she was murdered, would
you be satisfied to accept cash for her death while her murderers walked
free? Would you be raising a new structure on the killing fields where
they slew your daughter, and then defend the flag of the murderers
"upside down or right side up"? Where are Clive Doyle's loyalties? Not
to his daughter, apparently. Clive has never explained why he was not
with Shari throughout those terrible hours on April 19, or offered any
explanation of why her body was found on the *top* of the concrete room
while Clive escaped to see another day. Not all parents of murdered
children act like Clive Doyle. Some act honorably toward their murdered
children and demand proper investigations, indictments, and
prosecutions. Meet Beth George and Tom Burkett, the parents of the
murdered Tommy Burkett at Parents Against Corruption and Coverup: * Clive The Tyrant *
Throughout the video, Clive expresses his disgust with Andrew's free
speech and eventually has Andrew hauled off to jail, where Andrew spent
a week in lockup. The mechanism Clive used to jail his former Bible
student makes a significant statement about his character (see "Clive
the Snitch," below). While the Dump Truck Man continuously badgers
Andrew about being "on the property," Clive continuously berates Andrew
for taking his protest to the Internet and e-mail forums. During the
course of the demonstration, Andrew backs up further and further towards
the road. "If I'm off by a couple of feet, I'll move back some more," he
tells Clive, and asks Clive to let him do his thing. Clive answers: "I
don't want to let you do your thing, I'm not interested in your thing.
I'm not interested in your doing your thing here at our place. Why don't
you do it down at your place. You're doing it on the computer ...."
Clive and Andrew have a brief conversation about traffic tickets which
apparently Andrew acquired and asked Clive to write off. The
significance of this conversation will be discussed below, in "Clive The
Snitch." In the general melee, two people mention calling the sheriff to
remove Andrew: Clive Doyle and another man wearing a horizontally
striped knit shirt. This man is Mike Hanson, the happy campers
builder-in-charge. * Rush to Get The Job Done By April 19 * Eventually
Mike Hanson tells Andrew that Mike and the happy campers are not of
Doyle's religion, but they still work on their Sabbath, Sunday, because
"the ox is in the ditch." This is of course a reference to Luke 14:5,
wherein Jesus, curing a man of dropsy on the Sabbath, defends himself
against the Pharisees. Jesus asks: "Which of you shall have an ass or an
ox fallen into a pit, and will not straightway pull him out on the
Sabbath day?"
Thus we learn that Mike Hanson thinks there's an emergency -- the new
building must be finished fast -- hence it is OK to work on the Sabbath.
But why the hurry? Well, the US wants the new church finished by April
19, 2000, the seventh anniversary of the burning of Mt. Carmel. The
murderers of the Davidians intend to make the new church a media event.
What an opportunity for the TV and newspapers to show the April 19
anniversary observance with a smiling Clive Doyle standing outside his
spanking new church, "coming to closure." Clive's American flag will be
fluttering right side up in the breeze. The US hopes the public will
watch the coverage and say: "Look, the government accidentally burnt
down their church but now it's all made better. That Mr. Doyle is a
nicer person than Koresh, too. Everything is OK in America after all. We
can come to closure!" Anyone else who refuses to come to closure on Waco
after this photo op will be declared an EXTREMIST. Nothing will be
permitted to interfere with the plans. * The Chopper Arrives * Mike
Hanson orders the group back to work on the building, asking Clive first
who should remain. Clive chooses the Dump Truck Man. By this time Andrew
is clearly right next to the road. The video next cuts to a police
helicopter flying overhead. All conversation is drowned out, the chopper
flying round and round Andrew's general location, clearly an act of
intimidation. Then the two squad cars come, and we see the sheriff's
deputies approach Andrew and then Clive. They speak to Clive a long
time, and then come over to Andrew and take him into custody. As the
scene closes, we see a third squad car, this one painted a dark color.
In preparation for this review, I talked with Andrew and asked to whom
the third squad car belonged. "I wish I knew," he said. "I never saw it
before, and I haven't seen it since." * Clive the Snitch * Continuing my
interview with Andrew, I asked him what he had been charged with after
his arrest. Andrew reminded me of Clive's remarks about the traffic
tickets. Andrew told me: "During 1998 and 1999 when I was living and
working at Mt.Carmel I received a series of tickets when traveling back
and forth from Waco to New Jerusalem [the Mt. Carmel Center]. "When the
police finished talking to Clive they came back to me and asked me my
name and if I had ID. I said to them: 'You know my name ... what's going
on, fellows? Am I going to jail today?' "One of them replied, 'Andrew
you know you have back tickets that haven't been paid.' I wonder how
they knew that without radioing in? "Rest assured Clive told them about
the tickets when they were conferring there on the side of the road."
said Andrew. "I was not officially charged with anything. Nor was I
permitted to speak to the judge. After four days in jail I learned from
a guard that I had been sentenced to seven days to pay off the tickets."
* Publish And Be Damned * Since he voiced criticism of The Cover-up
Church, Clive and his followers have accused Andrew of pilfering money
from the Mt. Carmel Center, not paying a phone bill, etc. But that won't
be the end of it, says Andrew. During the three years of studying Bible,
Andrew viewed Clive as a spiritual counselor and opened up his heart to
Clive, telling him all the secrets of his life. Andrew fully expects
that Clive will break this ministerial confidence given by a parishioner
to a clergyman and tell Andrew's secrets in an attempt to discredit
Andrew. What is Andrew's attitude to this? Andrew will continue to speak
out to defend the martyrs, he says. * Martial Law in McLennan County *
Since his arrest, Andrew occasionally demonstrated outside the Mt.
Carmel Center and handed out flyers. On March 8, he sent out a news
bulletin which said: "Today some of the people that learned that this
'church' is being built on the Sabbath, refused to even enter the
property. All others vowed that they would never pray in it nor would
they give a penny to it." Andrew says that on March 12 he returned to
the Mt. Carmel Center property and was demonstrating again when a car
pulled up, driven by a man Andrew knows as "Scott," the current Mt.
Carmel Center watchman. Next to Scott sat a man who cocked a 9MM
semi-automatic at Andrew and smiled without saying a word. Andrew
reported the assault to the McLennan County Sheriff's department, but
they refused to file a report. Deputy Bud Koen told Andrew that he was
"breaking the law" by going out to the Mt. Carmel Center after the
Sheriff's department told him not to. Koen therefore refused to take an
assault report because Andrew shouldn't have been out there in the first
place. "If something happens we'll go from there with it," said Koen:
That is, if Andrew is shot, the Sheriff's department might investigate
after the fact. Furthermore, Koen warned that if the Sheriff's
department saw Andrew "at the compound" in the future, they would charge
him with criminal trespass. Clive Doyle vs. David Koresh Clive Doyle
sure rates First Class service from the McLennan County Sheriff's
department. The Sheriff's department sends a helicopter and three squad
cars to arrest Andrew for no offense whatsoever, and then becomes an
accessory to a gun assault -- all because Clive does not want Andrew on
public land outside the Mt. Carmel Center talking about "the Cover Up
Church." Compare the treatment Doyle gets with the treatment David
Koresh received. It was McLennan County deputy sheriff Daniel Weyenberg
who officially kicked off the ATF investigation of David Koresh in late
May, 1992, when Weyenberg reported "suspicious" United Parcel Service
deliveries to putative Branch Davidians at a property called the Mag
Bag. And the McLennan County Sheriff's department flew daily
reconnaissance flights over the Center to spy on the Davidians
Thus it was the McLennan County Sheriff's Department that kicked off the
Waco Holocaust. The McLennan County Sheriff's department cooperated
fully with the US then, just as they cooperate fully with them today.
David Koresh was not to their taste, of course, and he got wiped out.
But they seem to like Clive Doyle just fine. He's their man, and he's
building their church. *** FOOTNOTE 1. From information to hand, Tom
Cook first appeared among the Branch Davidians in connection with Jesse
Amen. Jesse Amen was the man who allegedly penetrated the FBI cordon
around the Mt. Carmel Center during the night of March 26, 1993. He
lived among the Davidians until he left on April 4 and was arrested by
the FBI. Tom Cook paid Jesse Amen's bail. Tom Cook now works as a
hairdresser in Waco, and is Clive Doyle's hairdresser. I have written to
Clive Doyle and Tom Cook asking them to explain the circumstances
surrounding Tom's elevated position within the group, given his
practices. I attach copies of those e-mail messages. === Date: Fri, 17
Mar 2000 16:23:44 -0500 To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> From: "Carol A.
Valentine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: Questions on New
Church Policy Clive: I have been watching the video "X: A True
Revelation," which was produced by Andrew, the former watchman of the
Mt. Carmel Center. I understand that the young man in the olive green
T-shirt, taking photos, and talking about angels toward the end of the
video is Thomas Cook. In his e-mails to me, Tom has stated in his
signature block that he is "Administrator of The Seven Seals and the
Trustees of the Branch Davidians in Waco." Yet Tom appears to be
homosexual. Upon further inquiry, I have reports from those who know him
that he is a homosexual and that from time to time he brings partners
onto the Mt. Carmel Center grounds. No, no one is pointing fingers or
casting aspersions at Tom. Here is why I bring the subject up: It
strikes me as unusual that you, as the leader of the Davidians, have
placed a homosexual in a position of high trust. As far as I know, folks
who accept the Bible as the literal word of God--such as Seventh Day
Adventists--regard homosexual practice as a grave sin. I have never
heard that David Koresh was tolerant of homosexual practice. It seems,
then, that the theology and practice among the Branch Davidians has
changed since you replaced David Koresh. Can you tell me what new church
policy you are operating on? Can you tell me if this change in policy
was decided upon by a governing body of the Branch Davidian Church, or
was it your own personal decision? Thank you, Clive.
Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2000 15:52:04 -0500 From: "Carol A. Valentine"
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Public Action, Inc.
X-Accept-Language: en MIME-Version: 1.0 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Bible Believers & Homosexuality Tom: I have been watching the
video "X: A True Revelation," which was produced by Andrew. I understand
you are the young man in the olive green T-shirt, taking photos, and
talking about angels toward the end of the video. In your e-mails to me,
you have signed yourself "Administrator of The Seven Seals and the
Trustees of the Branch Davidians in Waco." Yet you appear to be
homosexual. Upon further inquiry, I have reports from those who know you
that you are homosexual and that from time to time you bring your
partners onto the Mt. Carmel Center grounds. No, no one is pointing
fingers or casting aspersions on you. Here is why I bring the subject
up: I am surprised that the Davidians have a homosexual in a position of
trust among them, for I know that folks who accept the Bible as the
literal word of God--such as Seventh Day Adventists--regard homosexual
practice as a grave sin. I have never heard that David Koresh was
tolerant of homosexual practice. It seems, then, that the mores of the
Branch Davidians have changed since the time of David Koresh. That is
why I am interested. My question is sociological. My question is: **
Practicing homosexuals have had a great deal of trouble gaining
acceptance into fundamentalist religious groups; what in your opinion
turned the key for you with the Davidians? ** By the way, you should
know I am not a Bible believer, so I don't necessarily subscribe to the
Biblical view of homosexuality. I believe in "Equal Justice Under Law'"
for all. So, like I say, my question to you arises from a sociological
interest. ==== End ================= Andrew is asking $10.98 for the
video ""X: A True Revelation" to defray production costs and handling
expenses. For details on how to get a copy, write to Andrew at:
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> === Carol A. Valentine President, Public Action,
Inc. Have you seen the Waco Holocaust Electronic Museum? See what they
did to the mothers and children-- Study Seventeen
Techniques for Truth Suppression: "In an age of
universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." -- George
Orwell Andrew X98 "The Watchman" The "Cover-up Church" was founded on
the Sabbath 9-18-99 by Agent, Clive Doyle Waco Video: "X A True
Revelation" $10.98 [EMAIL PROTECTED] The Children were "HACKED" to
death before the fire! David
Koresh Said: "The earthquake in Waco is not something to be taken
lightly. It will probably be "the thing" needed to shake some sense into
the people."

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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