Here is original story Carol Valentine wrote; she maybe is onto the
bible code - and this code is now used by the evil ones, who have a
Master Plan for Death Timed to Testaments and Stars, let us say by
Chapter and Verse ye shall know them......Japanese Sharp Shooter at Waco
and Ruby Ridge - a good catholic he says, home schools his children?
Some Catholic - sounds to me like he is in this Doomsday Cult

Stop and think of phoney Doomsday Cult for they are front for murder and
in Japan, domestic sabotage and political espionage.

So he earth swallowed up Kore(sh) and they were consumed in fire....all
timed to a Communist (old hat word) TimeTable ......

I am the Alpha and the Omega Man?

Good work here by Carol Valentine - read this long ago or article on her
as good researcher.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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