Personally,  I do not understand how the confederate flag represents in itself,  "slavery".  It represents much more important issues of it's time.  It was a time when a confederated union of people desired to secede from the established union as a seperate entity that had developed it's own flag,  it's own constitution and basically it's own country. 

Though I am not a supporter or non-supporter of the Conferate Union,  I simply see the time period and the flag representative as a phase in the historical development of this country's adolescent rebellion.  This rebellion was bound to happen,  no matter which flag was flown or why.  The confederate flag is monumental in the development of the southern states,  Georgia,  in particularly. 

*IF* this flag is forced to be recended by the court system... 
I suspect that many more state flags will eventually meet the same fate. 
Oklahoma,  for example,  represents the home [final resting place] of the Five Civilized Tribes.  IF anyone knows anything about that historical trek of travesty,  it was a time when certain Indians from southern Florida and Georgia were forced to move to ''Indian Territory'',  and this was called the "Trail of Tears" which earned that name because of the umbrageous shame and indignant treatment that the Indians were put through to make that trek by being uprooted and replaced in a foreign area of the country at the time.  
Oklahoma today flies a flag with a 'Peace Pipe' and tribal drum.  (Do you think that it was tobacco that was smoked in that pipe?)  My main point in this is that it could be assumed by any certain faction who chooses to take issue with this type of cultural uprise is that THIS flag of Oklahoma is symbolic not only of the heritage of the state,  but also of shame and degradation to the American Indian,  specifically the Five Civilized Tribes...  and as soon as some faction takes issue (if they haven't already),  you are going to see the same song,  second verse as the Confederate Flag has seen.  Other states will follow suit.
Regarding this topic:  Suggested Reading:
Trail of Tears - North Georgia History
Trail of Tears - Choctaw of Oklahoma
Retracing the Trail of Tears
Arrell M. Gibson. Oklahoma: A History of Five Centuries (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1982).
So what would be next on the 'offended's' agenda?  Since we cannot have true history represented,  obviously,  such as HISTORICAL LANDMARKS on flags,  a new one must be developed that is non-offensive to any group...   a grey area flag,  generic of any tragedy or travesty that might reflect a less desirable point and time in history... 
so they just get rid of the reminder???  They just tread on the historical value???
This move to subjugate the Confederate flag,  is,  in my opinion, an outrage and disgusting exhibition of a subculture that has gone awry and way beyond its boundaries. 
eagle 1
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" I believe that every individual is naturally entitled to do as
he pleases with himself and the fruits of his labor, so far as
it in no way interferes with any other men's rights."  -  Abraham Lincoln
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, July 09, 2000 6:21 PM
Subject: [CTRL] "Leave our flag alone," ... . "That's all we have left."

> Jul 9, 2000 - 05:18 PM
> Confederate Flag Supporters Rally Outside NAACP Convention
> By Seth Hettena
> Associated Press Writer
> BALTIMORE (AP) - About a dozen protesters waved the Confederate flag outside
> the NAACP's [ The National Association of Communist People ] national
> convention Sunday and defended the banner that the civil rights organization
> has deemed a symbol of slavery.
> The protesters, members of three conservative groups, feel the NAACP's
> 9-year-old campaign to have the banner removed from all public properties is
> an attack on Southern heritage and culture.
> "Leave our flag alone," said Richard Gebo, a Virginian now living in
> Pennsylvania. "That's all we have left."
> "I'm sorry we had these people as slaves," said protester Michael Chandler
> of Blue Ridge, Ga. "But there's no reason for them to try to tear down our
> culture."
> The Confederate flag was recently removed from atop the South Carolina
> statehouse dome after the NAACP called for a tourism boycott of the state.
> Kweisi Mfume, president of the National Association for the Advancement of
> Colored People, said the protesters, who were "to some extent racist," were
> only hurting themselves and anyone who examined them closely would find them
> "repugnant."
> The rally was sponsored by the Southern Party of Georgia, a newly formed
> conservative political party that calls for "peaceful, lawful and orderly
> secession" of the 16 southern states from the American union.
> Despite a call from the Southern Party for 50 volunteers, only about 12
> showed up, marching for several hours in a square barricade under the sun
> dressed in woolen Confederate grays.
> About an equal number of police, some on horseback, were on hand. The rally
> stayed peaceful, despite a steady dialogue between the white demonstrators
> and overwhelmingly black passers-by that often grew heated.
> In case you didn't know it, or you are denying that you know it,
> the Parents of the current generation of our teenagers have
> solidified the Jewish control over You and our Nation!
> Why did I write the above statement?
> Go to:  The Alien Grip on Our
> News and Entertainment Media Must Be Broken, at:
> and you be the Judge!
> Bard

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