Love the item Peace Choir Sent In to Fight AIDS......Peace Choir?  They
got to be kidding.
Clinton wants more money to fight Aids....UN wants billions of dollars
for lost cause.
Fight AIDS......its the money they want - will take billions of dollars
to save Africa.

Who will tend to diamond mines, and work hard labor to bring up all the
natural resources.   Africa is a billion dollar country....billions in
natural resources.......lets make a trade - they give us all their gold
and diamonds, and we give them medicne.

Lots of old people over here cannot afford medicine to keep alive - but
if you are on welfare, well everything is FREE - like in South Africa?
Free for their government, but image South Africa dies from neglect of
its own.]

Lots of people, young and old, do not have insurance in USA....many go
home hungry, and the one decent meal they get in schools - well they
bought up infected chicken nuggets - but this free stuff, we paid for

Read this phoney balogne article; and remember UN Secretary met with
Castro while little Elian living high off hogs in White a
little child, a little Shirley Temple will lead them?   Shirley, is
still with UN?

Tell me one thing.....look at Africa Home of Aids they say......why is
UN and Clinton pushing homosexualiy in our schools?    Death Wish Upon
Our Children.....destroy our children?????

Africa dies from AIDS and is this to be another curse upon our country
thanks to Hill and Bill who shared not only needles bug HIV/AIDS blood
with Canada and England which no doubt they sent to Ireland?   Clinton
hates the Irish....for he went to Oxford?

Disarming the children - they want the bible and the guns don't they?

Roll the drums slowly.......Death Watch in America too if UN and
Clintons have way.

a saba

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    WORLD Death Watch: AIDS in Africa 

About This Series
 A decade after an unprecedented health crisis was forecast for Africa,
AIDS has killed millions of Africans and threatens to kill tens of
millions more. Meanwhile, from policymakers in the world's richest
capitals to leaders of the most affected countries, the response to the
disease has been marked largely by inaction, indifference and
self-interest. This series examines the decisions--and missed
opportunities--at the international, national and community level that
have shaped the advance of AIDS across the continent most affected by
the disease.
Live Online
  • Washington Post correspondent  Barton Gellman , author of the
first of a three-part series on AIDS in Africa, was online to discuss
the belated global response to the epidemic now devastating sub-Saharan
  •  How AIDS Spread Over 15 Years
•  Waking Up to the Devastation
•  AIDS in Numbers
•  AIDS in Numbers II
•  HIV Facts
On the Web
  •  UNAIDS Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS
• XIIIth International AIDS Coference
•  White House Office of National AIDS Policy
•  AIDS Information Dissemination Site for Southern Africa
•  AIDS Foundation of South Africa
• Report on AIDS in Africa
• , News and Information on AIDS From Around the World
•  WHO Initiative on HIV and AIDS
•  Red Cross on HIV and AIDS Education
•  World Bank on HIV and AIDS
•  UNDP HIV and Development Programme
Post Commentary
 •  Lobola, AIDS and Africa (The Washington Post, March 27, 2000)
•  Why Science Can't Cope With Mbeki (The Washington Post, June 4,
Post Editorials
 •  A Plague of Denial (The Washington Post, July 9, 2000)
Medical Sites on the Web
 •  CDC Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention
•  JAMA HIV/AIDS Information Center
•  NIH Guide to HIV/AIDS Information Services
•  WHO Communicable Disease Surveilance and Response
•  CDC National Prevention Information Network
AIDS in Africa: Part III
The Word Came Too Late
In the neglected African countryside, where most Africans live, those
most at risk of AIDS were left in the dark.
•  Photo Gallery
Part II
South Africa's Advances Jeopardized by AIDS
The South African government's failure to cope with AIDS jeopardizes
practically everything the country has achieved since the end of
oppressive white rule.
Part I
World Shunned Warnings
Despite early warnings of the deadly spread of AIDS throughout Africa,
worldwide relief efforts were inadequate.
In the News
U.N. Warns of African AIDS Toll: Half of Young Adults in Some Areas
Predicted to Die of Disease  (Post, June 28, 2000)
Peace Corps Enlisted in HIV Fight: All Volunteers in Region to Fight
Disease  (Post, June 28, 2000)
Pregnant South Africans Key to Slowing AIDS  (Post, June 16, 2000)
Mbeki: Africa Not on Downward Slope  (Post, May 24, 2000)
Clinton and Mbeki Meet for AIDS Talks: S. African Questions Cause of
Disease  (Post, May 23, 2000)
Annan Chides U.S. for 'Shameful' Level of Aid  (Post, May 22, 2000)
Gore in Conflict of Health and Profit: Gore at Center of Trade Policy
Reversal on AIDS Drugs to S. Africa  (Post, May 21, 2000)
Mbeki vs. AIDS Experts: S. African's Radical Views on Epidemic Baffle
Allies  (Post, May 16, 2000)
Africa Gets AIDS Drug Exception: Clinton Order May Lower Prices  (Post,
May 11, 2000)
AIDS Is Declared Threat to Security: White House Fears Epidemic Could
Destabilize World  (Post, April 30, 2000)
AIDS Dispute Highlights Mbeki's Combative Style  (Post, April 21, 2000)
S. African President Escalates AIDS Feud: Mbeki Challenges Western
Remedies  (Post, April 19, 2000)
AIDS Measures Top World Bank's Agenda  (Post, April 13, 2000)
U.N. Plans to Give Condoms to Troops  (Post, March 18, 2000)
Africa Conference's Huge Task: Turning Interest Into Action  (Post, Feb.
17, 2000)
'Tour of Light' Illuminates Crisis of AIDS in Uganda: Orphans Transform
Pain Into Vibrant Odyssey  (Post, Feb. 16, 2000)
AIDS Debate: Where and When Did It Start?  (Post, Feb. 2, 2000)
Africa Studies Raise AIDS Vaccine Hopes  (Post, Feb. 1, 2000)
Gore Outlines Africa AIDS Plan  (Post, Jan. 11, 2000)
U.S. Turns Spotlight On Africa: Gore to Chair U.N. Session on AIDS
(Post, Jan. 6, 2000)
AIDS Sickening African Economies: Farms Are Idle, Jobs Unfilled As
Disease Devours Work Force  (Post, Dec. 12, 1999)
African AIDS Victims Losers of a Drug War: U.S. Policy Keeps Prices
Prohibitive  (Post, Dec. 4, 1999)
Record Number Die Worldwide From AIDS  (Post, Nov. 24, 1999)
U.S., South Africa Reach Deal on AIDS Drugs Sales  (Post, Sept. 18,
AIDS Activists Dog Gore A 2nd Day  (Post, June 18, 1999)
The Epidemic That Laid Waste A Family, A Village, A Generation, A
Continent  (Post, March 28, 1999)
At AIDS Conference, a Shift in Direction  (Post, July 4, 1998)
Where AIDS Is Spreading Fastest  (Post, June 30, 1998)
In Africa, Fear Makes HIV an Inheritance  (Post, June 30, 1998)
Clinton's Goal in Africa: Changing Perceptions  (Post, March 22, 1998)
Death Watch: AIDS in Africa
© 2000 The Washington Post Company

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A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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