On Mon, 10 Jul 2000 23:51:13 -0500 (CDT) Michael Eisenscher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>Al-Ahram                                                July 6-12, 2000
>It's called Genocide
>         by Rasha Saad
>         Dennis Halliday, former UN humanitarian coordinator in Iraq, says
>the word "genocide" best describes the situation in Iraq 10 years after
>the United Nations imposed economic sanctions following the country's
>1990 invasion of Kuwait. "In fact, the UN Security Council is sustaining
>sanctions that are killing about 7,000 Iraqi children each month and they
>know that. That is intentional; that is genocide."
>         At a two-hour seminar at the Egyptian Press Syndicate Halliday, who
>resigned in 1998 in protest against the sanctions, said that before they
>were imposed the biggest problem for healthcare services in Iraq was
>overweight children. "Today, the average weight of newborns is two-and-
>a-half kilos, an indication of famine." He said there was widespread
>malnutrition especially among children. In 1989, around 35 children out
>of every 1,000 born died in Iraq. Today it is 131 deaths for every 1,000.
>         He said the sanctions had also damaged Iraq's social fabric with 30
>per cent of all children dropping out of school, divorce rates increasing
>and marriage rates decreasing, and art and cultural affairs collapsing. He
>added that young Iraqis are now isolated from the rest of the Arab world
>and the West: they cannot travel, or go overseas for studies; they cannot
>read what they want nor see or hear overseas radio and television
>         Halliday also criticised the UN oil-for-food programme, describing
>it a
>failure. He said it had not met the needs of the people of Iraq and had
>instead sustained high mortality rates. "Today many people live in terror
>that if their child gets a cold and the cold becomes bronchitis and the
>bronchitis becomes pneumonia, that would mean death because
>penicillin is not available." He deplored that such deterioration had
>happened in a country that 10 years ago "was rich and similar to much of
>         Halliday said responsibility for the crisis should be shared by
>Baghdad, Washington and the UN. However, he focused most of his
>attacks on the US, calling on Arab countries to stand up to what he
>called "colonial domination." "This is about America's imperialistic need
>to control the Arab economy, money and oil. The invasion of Kuwait was
>an invitation to [then US president George] Bush to destroy Iraq."
>         Halliday said the sanctions have had a negative impact on Arab
>countries and the UN's image. In fact, he believed the UN itself was a
>victim of its own decisions. "The UN Charter talks about the well-being of
>mankind. But the charter has been corrupted by the sanctions. The
>fundamental human rights of the Iraqi people -- rights to employment,
>healthcare, education, jobs, housing, the right to live -- all have been
>destroyed by the UN," he said.
>         He warned that "the whole Arab world is going to pay the price of
>damage to a very important member of the Arab community. I believe
>the situation in Iraq is causing disharmony throughout the Arab world. It
>is draining the region's financial resources."
>         Halliday, who was invited by the Egyptian Committee Against
>Sanctions On Iraq, urged the Egyptian and other Arab leaderships to
>push for ending the sanctions by speaking out clearly against them.
>         "We cannot remain silent and allow the UN to kill the children of
>In the Arab world you cannot allow the US to dictate the conditions and
>the needs of the Arab people and the people of Iraq. You cannot afford
>to have the UN further corrupted."
>         Halliday cited Hizbullah's victory following Israel's withdrawal from
>south Lebanon "as an example of what can be done in the Arab world by
>those who are persistent and dedicated to having change."
>         He said Iraq deserved to have the sanctions lifted because it had
>cooperated with UNSCOM and had destroyed hundreds of thousands of
>tons of military equipment.
>         Halliday demanded that the West and the UN reopen a dialogue with
>Baghdad and stop "demonising" Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. "If you
>isolate a government then you cannot communicate and you cannot
>influence. And we have to remember that Saddam Hussein was a friend
>and an ally of the US in the past."
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