Way back in the 60 period, article was printed where someone wanted to
sell cancerous chicken to the public because 50 percent of chickens had
cancer.....assumed they won out for suddenly Colonel Sanders who had
gotten out of the clutches of whatever, took off and a leg of chicken
looked like a stick of bone.

So what suddenly is this.....if you ever saw how meat was made, nobody
would eat it....but there are those, who make "Kosher" meat, for that is
all the word Kosher means of meat - high standards of cleanliness.

Now about two or three months ago I noted BALPART Hotdogs had a kosher
hotdog; I love kosher food, for the seasoning is something else.

Now all this stuff....our kids eating this stuff in school, but they
they have ALWAYS eaten this slop in schools only nobody seemed to
care......lately sudden interest.

So ever notice in a meat department, hardly any Kosher Food for I have
trouble even finding it......suddenly, Ball  Park Hotdogs, have a Kosher

Put it this way....our meat is about to be Kosher at long last, but we
will have to pay more for it.   In other words BIG MARKET ABOUT TO OPEN
re Kosher Meat.....

FDA approves this stuff?   They do not have to approve anything, for
they have always soldl this stuff....

So someone is on the take?   Destroy meat pakers and meat business, to
Kosherize the Meats and herein lines the thing of the future - Kosher
Meat?   Someone pointed out  that some foods have this mark already, and
a portion goes to someone...forget what.

Soon all Mean Will be Kosher and we will pay a portion for use of this

Kosher just means CLEAN.....and this is what the FDA has been supposed
to be dong all along.......seeing meat meets acceptable standars...for
is a cow has anthrax, we get meningisit?   Really.

I imagine dog foods contain so much rotten and diseased meat that it is

Now you want good chicken - buy the Amish Chicken at a Meijer store -
big huge chicken.

You want clean meat passing really strict standards, buy food with the K
but remember there is a kickback.

But Kosher just means clean and we pay out plenty to assure meat will
not kill us....so look at the e coli and meat being deliberately
poisoned through sabotage....like Sarah Lee, one of the cleanest
companies in the world.

So who owns Ball Park Franks......and watch that stock market go up when
they go into full force - the more affluent will eat the Kosher with the
kick backs to corrupt government officials, and our kids in schools, and
the poor - will eat the slop they put out for the poor.

So mark it KOSHER....also mark it SLOP made from diseased meat and
chickens, with scabs and all....think they American Public will buy

Well they always have.......think I will invest in Kosher Food for man -
that stuff is going to fly.

But be sure you get what you pay for, and obviously we have ripped off

What is behind this ????   Conspiracy......we will pay a higher price
for the Kosher meat.....the market is being built now with advance
promotion .....

But then I have always loved Kosher Meats for I love the garlic and
seasoning, and you know what, you can be sure, if it is Kosher  REAL

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy


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