What Happened to the Jews who were Deported to Auschwitz
but were not Registered There?

Speech by Jürgen Graf at the 13th Conference of the Institute for Historical
Orange County, California, 27-29 May 2000.

Translated and edited by Russ Granata and Jürgen Graf

1. Introduction

According to the official version of the fate of the Jews during the Third
Reich, millions of Jews were murdered in Gas Chambers at Auschwitz and other
German camps. This mass murder was supposed to have occurred within the
context of a systematic policy to exterminate the Jews.

To support this affirmation, orthodox historians cannot present anything
other than witness testimonies, which disagree on all possible points, and
are full of technical, natural-scientific, and logical impossibilities. (1)
A factual or documentary proof for a German policy of Jewish extermination,
as well as the existence of homicidal gas chambers, simply does not exist;
on the contrary, the huge amount of war-time German documents not only
present no proof for the existence of an extermination policy, they directly
point to the contrary. I will present only one example: The archive of the
Polish Auschwitz Museum contains documents which show that 15,706 almost
exclusively Jewish prisoners received medical care at the hospital of
Monowitz (Auschwitz III) between July 1942 and June 1944. Of these
prisoners, 766 died in the hospital, while the rest of them were released.
(2) This fact simply doesn't square with a policy of Jewish extermination.

The Revisionists' technical and natural-scientific examinations show that
mass murder as per the eye-witnesses, was as impossible as was the
disposition of the bodies according to the described means. The spaces
generally called "Gas Chambers" were not constructed as such, and because of
structural-technical reasons, could not have been utilized as stated. The
capacity of the crematories - if the respective camps had crematories at
all - was, by far, insufficient for the cremation of the alleged number of

The representatives of the Jewish extermination and gas chamber story stand
helpless against the results of revisionist research, and they especially
have nothing to counter the technical findings of the revisionist experts.
Alone among the Exterminationists, Jean-Claude Pressac has attempted to
prove that mass murder in gas chambers, as well as the cremation of the
alleged number of bodies was technically possible. (3) Pressac's arguments
have been extensively refuted by Robert Faurisson and Carlo Mattogno,(4) and
everyone has the possibility to compare the arguments here and there; such a
comparison speaks for itself.

In discussions with opponents and skeptics, Revisionists are invariably
confronted with the question: "What happened to the missing Jews if they
were not annihilated?" This is the last argument Exterminationists have
which deserves to be seriously considered. Indeed, we Revisionists should
not be satisfied to merely refute the official version of the "Holocaust,"
we should also attempt to explain as much as possible what actually
occurred, and with this, naturally belongs the question as to the
whereabouts of the missing Jews.

In my report today I shall deal with the question of the fate of Jews who
were deported to Auschwitz, but were not registered there. It goes without
saying that I am not in a position to answer this question completely. If we
possessed documents which undoubtedly clarified this problem, I would not be
speaking here today; the Revisionists would have already prevailed in making
their point and it would be unnecessary to conduct revisionist conferences.
However, the documentation on this aspect of camp history is very spotty and
incomplete. At the moment, we are for the most part forced to deal with
hypotheses and point to the task the revisionists will be confronted with in
the future. The first "destructive" phase of the revisionist work - the
refutation of the official "Holocaust" story - is largely behind us and now
is the time to concentrate on the second, and more difficult, "constructive"
phase, which is the elaboration of a more complete picture of the actual
fate of the Jews during the Second World War. Although authors such as
Arthur Butz, Walter Sanning, Steffen Werner, Enrique Aynat and Jean-Marie
Boisdefeu have already been pioneering, this second phase of Revisionist
research is still in its beginning.

2. The number of Jews deported to Auschwitz, the deceased as well as the
survivors according to Franciszek Piper.

Shortly after the Soviet military occupation of Auschwitz, the Soviets
maintained that four million persons had died there. (5) This absurd figure
was not accepted by any Western historian who had a minimum of self-respect;
however, it had been defended in Poland until 1990. In 1993, the head of the
history research division of the Auschwitz Museum, Franciszek Piper,
published a book titled Die Zahl der Opfer von Auschwitz [The Number of the
Victims of Auschwitz]. (6) Piper's study presents the hitherto most
extensive research among orthodox historians. In contrast to authors such as
Raul Hilberg who don't deem it necessary to prove the numbers they dish out
to us, (7) Piper explains in detail how he arrives at his figures.

Piper writes that altogether 1.3 million prisoners were brought to Auschwitz
of whom only 400,000 were registered. Among them there were 1.095 million
Jews of whom 205,000 were registered and 890,000 were unregistered.
According to Piper, of 400,000 registered Jewish and non-Jewish inmates,
200,000 survived the camp - that is, half of them. Also with the registered
Jews, the number of survivors was approximately half - that is 100,000.
Since almost all the unregistered Jews were supposed to have been murdered
in gas chambers, therefore the total number of camp victims comes to
approximately 1.1 million persons.(8)

Jean-Claude Pressac drastically reduced the Piper number of victims. In the
1994 German language version of his second book (Die Krematorien von
Auschwitz) he places the camp's total victim figure between 631,000 and
711,000, (9) but he was not allowed to cite these figures in the anthology
Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp, (10) wherein he was published along
with other orthodox historians. (11) Considering these circumstances, one
can conclude that Piper's statistics reflect the current official

Concerning the number of registered Jewish and non-Jewish Auschwitz inmates,
Piper's statements stand on firm footing. Regarding the number of the
deceased among these inmates, Carlo Mattogno and Franco Deana arrive at a
lower figure than Piper. In 1994 they estimated the total number of deceased
persons - non-Jews and Jews - at 160,000 to 170,000. (12) Carlo Mattogno,
the leading Revisionist specialist on Auschwitz, is currently working on a
detailed study concerning the mortality at that camp in which he slightly
reduces his 1994 figures.(13 ) As to the number of victims among the
registered prisoners, the leading Exterminationist expert Piper and the most
knowledgeable revisionist specialist Mattogno thus arrive at figures which
differ in the tens of thousands, but essentially the order of magnitude is
the same. However, the situation is radically different with the
non-registered prisoners there. Piper affirms that in addition to 890,000
un-registered Jews, approximately 15,000 un-registered non-Jews, were also
brought to Auschwitz. Whether this statement is correct is an open question,
but we are concerning ourselves exclusively with the problem of the
non-registered Jews.

For the most countries, the number of Jews deported to Auschwitz is known,
thanks to the original German war time documents. Therefore we know that
over 75,000 Jews were deported from France and that out of these, 69,000 to
Auschwitz. (14) Similar prerequisites apply to most other countries from
where deportations were conducted to Auschwitz. Here Piper's numbers can
hardly be contested. Debatable, however, are the numbers of deportees from
those two countries from where, by far, the largest number of Jews arrived -
namely Hungary and Poland.

Based upon the 1944 telegrams sent to Berlin by the German Special
Ambassador in Budapest, Edmund Veesenmayer,(15) he sets the number of
deported Hungarian Jews at 438,000. In his classic revisionist work The Hoax
of the Twentieth Century, (16) Arthur Butz takes the position that the
Veesenmayer documents are at least partly falsified and that the actual
number is much lower - only a fraction of what is claimed. I will go into
this question later in more detail, while at this time I shall merely be
content to state that the Butz thesis, which I previously endorsed in my
book Der Holocaust Schwindel (17), is now, in my opinion, probably not
valid, and I accept the number of 438,000 deported Hungarian Jews as a
working hypothesis.

The number of 300,000 deported Polish Jews cited by Piper is certainly too
high. Piper refers to the second edition of Danuta Czech's Kalendarium, (18)
in which the number of deportees from Poland is placed at 225,000; he adds
to this the Jews deported from Lodz to Auschwitz who were not considered by
D. Czech. He places their number at 55,000 to 65,000, so that the total
number of Polish Jews deported to Auschwitz amounts to 280,000 to 290,000
people. This figure is rounded-off by Piper to 300,000. But in reality the
number 225,000 stated in the Kalendarium has to be reduced by about 43,000.
Approximately 30,000 Jews came to Auschwitz from Polish labor camps, and
Piper counts them twice! Another 13,000 Polish Jews who allegedly were
deported to Auschwitz in sealed cars and led to the gas chambers without
selection only exist in the tales of "eyewitnesses"; they are, so to speak,
"non-existing persons" as George Orwell would put it. And finally, the
number of Jews brought from Lodz to Auschwitz does not exceed approximately
20,000. (19) For these reasons, the [alleged] number of 300,000 Polish Jews
transported to Auschwitz is greatly inflated and must be reduced by around

Let's summarize: According to F. Piper, 1.1 million Jews were deported to
Auschwitz - among whom were 300,000 Polish Jews. From this last figure we
subtract 100,000 accepting however Piper's figures for all other countries
including Hungary at least provisionally, and arrive therefore at about a
million Jews deported to that largest German concentration camp. Of these,
200,000 were registered. According to Piper, half of them survived the camp,
while Mattogno and Deana arrive at a higher percentage of survivors.
Therefore, there remain 800,000 Jews who were not registered in the camp
records. According to official historiography, virtually all of them were
gassed in Auschwitz. According to the Veesenmayer telegrams, over half of
these 800,000, namely 410,000, came from Hungary, but only 28,000 were
registered in Auschwitz.

I shall return to the question of the Hungarian Jews in the last part of my
report, but for now I turn to the fate of the non-registered Jews from other

3. The Non-registered Jewish Prisoners from Countries Other than Hungary.

As we know there are many war-time German documents which speak of
"Evakuierung" or "Abschiebung" [evacuation, expulsion] of the Jews. For
example, on 21 August 1942, Martin Luther, chief of the Germany Foreign
Office, referring to a two year old Hitler decision to relocate the Jews out
of Europe, wrote the following in a memorandum: 20)

"The principle of the German Jewish Policy after the assumption of power [by
the National Socialists], was to promote the relocation of the Jews by all
means(...) The present war gives Germany the possibility and the duty to
solve the Jewish question(...) The evacuation of the Jews out of Germany
began on the basis of the mentioned 'Führerweisung' [Leader Directive]. It
was logical to include immediately the Jewish citizens of the countries
which had also taken anti-Jewish measures (...) But still, the number of
Jews sent off to the East did not meet the need for labor."

Orthodox historians, who interpret "evacuation" and "relocation" as being
camouflage expressions for "extermination", will have a real effort
explaining the reference to a "lack of labor." Even more difficult is the
explanation of the fact that a considerable number of West European Jews
were sent to the occupied Soviet zones. Deportations of German and Czech
Jews to Riga and Minsk are described in detail by Raul Hilberg in his
standard work, and Hilberg also emphasizes the economic significance of
Jewish prisoners working in those zones. He writes that there was "an
increasing demand for Jewish workers", and that the German Jews worked in
Riga for the SS, the army, the navy, the Air Force, the railroad, and in
commercial enterprises. (21) The deportation of these Jews took place in
December 1941. In that same month, according to orthodox historiography,
Chelmno, the first so-called "extermination camp" was opened, and in March
of 1942, a second alleged "extermination camp" is said to have been opened
at Belzec. Now because a camp does not just come about overnight, the
decision to build Chelmno and Belzec must have been made quite some time
previously. Indeed, all circumstances, according to Hilberg, point to the
fact that before the end of Summer 1941, at least two months before the
deportation of the German Jews, Hitler made a decision to annihilate the
Jews. (22) Well then why were the German Jews sent to Riga and Minsk instead
of [the alleged extermination camps] Chelmno and Belzec? The argument that
they were needed as workers in the occupied Soviet areas simply does not
hold up: As Hilberg reports, many of the Jews in question were "cripples,
war invalids, old people over 70"(23) who could not be used for the labor
forces and would have been sent to the "extermination camps", if such had
existed, and not to Riga and Minsk.

Recently, I obtained a copy of an article from the "Israelitisches
Wochenblatt der Schweiz" [The Israelite Weekly of Switzerland] of 16 October
1942 wherein on pages 10/11 the following is reported:

"For some time there has been the tendency to dissolve the Ghettos in
Poland. That was the case with Lublin, and now Warsaw is to follow. It is
not indicated how far this plan has already been carried out. The previous
inhabitants of the Ghettos are going off farther to the East into the
occupied Russian zone. They were partially replaced by Jews from Germany
(...) An eyewitness, who was until recently in the Riga Ghetto and was able
to escape, reports that there are still 32,000 Jews in the Riga Ghetto.
Since the occupation, thousands of Jews died. The Jews are now forced to
work outside the city (...) Recently, in Riga, it has been noticed that
Jewish transports have arrived from Belgium and other countries of Western
Europe which were immediately sent on again to other unknown destinations."

In the official "Holocaust" literature one learns nothing about the
transport of Polish Jews to the occupied Russian zones. The Polish Jews
evacuated from the ghettos are supposed to have been gassed in
"extermination camps." Nor does the official literature mention that Belgian
Jews were brought to Riga. According to the Enzyclopädia des Holocaust
[Encyclopedia of the Holocaust], "most of the [Belgian] Jews were murdered
in Auschwitz; some small groups were deported to Buchenwald, Ravensbrück and
Bergen-Belsen."(24) As we have seen, the "Israelitisches Wochenblatt" also
mentions Jews from other Western European countries who were transferred
from Riga to an unknown place. But, according to official historiography, in
October of 1942 there were six extermination camps - so why should the
deported Jews have been sent beyond these six "death centers" farther to the
East to the occupied Soviet territories? The representatives of the orthodox
"Holocaust" version are pitifully unable to answer such elementary questions
because, according to them, the Belgian Jews would never have been allowed
to reach the occupied Eastern territories.

It is quite obvious that for many Belgian and other Western European Jews,
Auschwitz served merely as a transit camp. The article from the Israelite
Weekly is no isolated case. Two revisionist authors, the Spaniard Enrique
Aynat(25) and the Frenchman Jean-Marie Boisdefeu (26), have gathered
additional examples. Here are some of them:

A Slovak Jew, Gisi Fleischman, reported in March of 1943 that in the region
of Lublin, he encountered other Slovak as well as Belgian Jews.(27)

Supported by an eyewitness by the name of I. Hertz, the Jewish Anti-Fascist
Committee of the USSR in 1946 reported that French as well as Belgian Jews
had been deported to Ukraine in 1942. (28)

In the April 1944 issue of the French communist underground newspaper Noitre
Voix , the following was reported:(29)

"A message that will please all Jews of France was broadcast by Radio
Moscow. Who of us has no brother, no sister, no relative among those
deported from Paris? And who will not rejoice when he hears that 8,000 Paris
Jews have been rescued by the glorious Red Army! One of them reported to
Radio Moscow how he was saved from death together with 8,000 other Paris
Jews. They all found themselves in Ukraine at the time of the latest Soviet
offensive and the SS bandits wanted to shoot them before they left the

Now one might object that such reports are not German war-time documents,
and consequently are not conclusive, however they strongly support the
thesis that Auschwitz served partially as a transit camp. Why should a
communist underground newspaper in France in April of 1944 have published a
false news report about Jews being rescued by the Red Army in Ukraine? And
why should the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee of the Soviet Union have spread
false information about French and Belgian Jews sent to Ukraine? There is no
valid reason for such false reports.

In addition, there are also some German war-time documents which refer to
the relocation of West European Jews into the Eastern territories. On 28
August 1942 there was a conference in Berlin on the Jewish Question where
the circumstances of the deportations were discussed. On September the 1st,
1942, one of the participants of that Berlin conference, SS-Untersturmführer
Ahnert, presented a document in Paris which contained the following
statement regarding the stateless Jews from France: (30)

"SS-Obersturmbannführer Eichmann made known in the course of the discussion
that the current evacuation problem (the settlement of the stateless Jews)
should be concluded by the end of this calendar year. The end of June 1943
is anticipated as a deadline for the transfer of the remaining foreign
Jews(...) SS-Obersturmbannführer Eichmann requested the immediate purchase
of the barracks which had been ordered by the Commander of the Security
Police at the Hague. That camp is to be built in Russia. The transfer of the
barracks can be arranged so that 3 to 5 barracks can be carried along in
every transport train."

The implication of this document is quite clear: Only a part of the
Auschwitz Jews who had been transferred there from France remained in
Auschwitz. The rest were transported further, namely to Russia where a camp
was to be built for them. The barracks for this camp were to be transported
by train.

In his Mémorial de la Déportation des Juifs de France, Serge Klarsfeld
mentions a May 1944 transport of 878 French Jews to Reval (Talin), Estonia,
as well as to Kaunas, Lithuania. Among the deported, there were also
children between 12 and 15 years of age, of whom most were definitely too
young to work. So why were they sent to the Baltic States?

This is not the only documentary evidence that Jews who were unable to work
were not murdered in Auschwitz but brought to the East. In another document
from the "Archive du Centre de Documentation juive contemporaine" in Paris
dated 21 July 1942 it states: (31)

"On 20 July 1942 SS-Obersturmbannführer Eichmann and SS-Obersturmführer
Nowak of the RSHA [Reichssicherheitshauptamt] IV B4 telephoned. With
SS-Obersturmbannführer Eichmann, the question of the relocation of children
was discussed, and it was decided that as soon as the transport into the
Generalgouvernement was again possible, children transports would roll.
SS-Obersturmführer Nowak assured that by the end of August/beginning of
September, approximately 6 transports would be possible into the
Generalgouvernement. They would contain all types of Jews (including those
unable to work and the elderly)."

Of course, this highly embarrassing document is never, ever cited in the
orthodox "Holocaust" literature. The document refers to the transport of
children as well as the work-disabled and the elderly Jews into the
Generalgouvernement, and Auschwitz was not in the Generalgouvernement, but
rather in that part of Western Poland which had been annexed to Germany in
1939. The work-disabled and elderly Jews were not gassed in Auschwitz, but
rather were sent further Eastward, undoubtedly to be billeted there in a
Ghetto. The objection that they were perhaps murdered in an Eastern
extermination camp would be preposterous since there could be no reason to
divert those people from the "gas chambers" of Auschwitz in order to murder
them in the "gas chambers" of Treblinka!

We are convinced that in 1945, the victors undertook measures to cull out
German documents which clearly contradict the extermination thesis and that
this is the reason such documents are only available in sparse numbers.

This in all probability is the reason why no documents are available
concerning the so-called Eastern extermination camps of Treblinka, Sobibor
and Belzec. All these three camps were almost certainly transit camps
through which especially Polish, but also a certain number of Western Jews,
were being relocated into the occupied Eastern territories.

There is no doubt that a function of Treblinka was to serve as a transit
camp for Jews transferred from Lublin; this is corroborated by various
eye-witness reports. A certain Polish Jew named Samuel Zylbersztain reported
in 1968 that in 1943 together with around 500 other Jews, he was transferred
from Treblinka to Majdanek. (32) But of course according to the official
"Holocaust" version, Treblinka was purely an extermination camp in which
except for a handful of "Arbeitsjuden" [work-Jews] - every Jew was
immediately murdered - but then why would Zylbersztain be sent to Majdanek?
Certainly not to be gassed there, because he survived this second
"extermination camp" too - and after that, he survived another eight regular
concentration camps too! So he is therefore a living example that the
Germans did not exterminate the Jews.

In his interesting book "Die zweite babylonische Gefangenschaft" [The Second
Babylonian Captivity] (33) Stephen Werner gives several indications of the
deportation of Jews from different countries to White Russia. For example,
he cites the following paragraph from a book published in the GDR in 1976 in
which the memoirs of Soviet partisans and German Anti-Fascists are
presented: (34)

"In the brotherly family of the Belo-Russian partisans, Czechs and Slovaks,
French and Yugoslavs, Greeks and Dutch, Spaniards and Austrians, Germans and
members of other nations were fighting courageously against Fascism."

How could anti-Fascists from all these countries have come to White Russia
if they were not deported there? In spite of some obvious errors, Werner's
book is a good starting point for further research. (35)

Finally, I want to raise the question as to what happened to the Jews who
had been deported into the Eastern territories:

Undoubtedly the mortality was very high due to general war-time
deprivations, especially because many of the deportees were old and
physically unable to work. It seems possible to me that many of the
surviving Polish Jews opted to stay in the Soviet Union, because Poland had
suffered heavy destruction during the war and moreover, Poland was also
strongly anti-Semitic. But I do not deem it likely that many Western Jews
voluntarily remained in the Soviet Union.

Werner and Boisdefeu think that those West European Jews who survived the
war were probably deported into the Siberian camps by the Soviets. At that
time, Stalin already supported the myth of the annihilation of the Jews in
Gas Chambers, and a massive return of Jews from the USSR would have
disproved that legend. However, Werner and Boisdefeu cannot prove this

A clarification of the many unanswered questions could only be furnished by
the archives in Russia and in the other countries formerly belonging to the
Soviet Union. For Revisionists, there are reasons for hope that a future
nationalist and anti-Zionist government will one day make such documents
public. I do not need to explain to you the dramatic and political
consequences of such a step.

4. The non-registered Hungarian Jews.

It is generally accepted that Hungarian Jewry suffered from three big
deportation waves in 1944.

Between 15 May and 09 July, mass deportations from the provinces were taking
place. As already mentioned, special ambassador Veesenmayer, in his
telegrams, reported that 438,000 Jews had been deported, which was
approximately half of the Hungarian Jewish population at that time (we know
that Hungary in 1944 was far bigger than the current Hungary, since in 1939
and 1940, it annexed areas of Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, and Romania, which
it later lost as a result of its military defeat as an ally of Germany). Due
to the worsening war situation, the Hungarian head of state, Admiral Miklos
Horthy, ordered the deportations stopped on 09 July 1944, and the Jews in
the capital of Budapest who were to have been the next ones to be evacuated,
were spared.

In the second half of June, 20,000 Jews were brought to the camp of
Strasshof, near Vienna. Most of them survived the war. (36)

In October, after the downfall of Horthy and the coming to power of the
Fascist Arrow-Cross movement under Ferenc Szalasi, thousands of Budapest
Jews were force-marched to the border of the Reich to construct ramparts
against Soviet tanks. A considerable number of them must have perished, but
since these events have nothing to do with the so-called "Holocaust", I
shall not go further into that topic. I will confine myself to the
discussion of the first and most massive deportation wave.

According to the original "Holocaust" version, all of the Jews deported
between May and July were sent to Auschwitz and gassed upon arrival, except
the 28,000 Jews who were registered there. In 1983, the French-Jewish
historian Georges Wellers gave the figure of Hungarian Jews murdered at
Auschwitz as 409,640. (37)

Wellers, an excellent expert on documents, but a man of low moral standing,
deliberately swindled with his figures. Already in 1964, Danuta Czech in the
first edition of her Kalendarium, reveals the existence of the so-called
Durchgangslager [transit camp] in Auschwitz-Birkenau. (38) Under the date of
14 July 1944, D. Czech wrote:

"The unregistered Jews (the so-called "transit Jews") neither received camp
numbers, nor were they tattooed with numbers. They were temporarily billeted
in camp BIIc, the evacuated gypsy camp BIIe of a camp called 'Mexico' by the
prisoners. This latter one was the unfinished third sector of the camp,
which on the plans was designated as BIII (Bauabschnitt III). This is where
the women were billeted."

This is the unmistakable evidence for the fact that many Birkenau Jews were
neither registered nor gassed but were transferred elsewhere. Under the date
of 22 August 1944, D. Czech reports that on that day 30,000 Jewish inmates
from Hungary were in the transit camp. Is it simply impossible that Wellers
did not know that. That same Wellers had the impudence to castigate
Rassinier and Faurisson as "falsifiers of history"!

As to the number of victims among the Hungarian Jews deported to Auschwitz,
the orthodox historians dish out the most contradictory figures:

The Enzyclopädie des Holocaust states that "most" of these Jews were gassed
immediately on arrival in Auschwitz-Birkenau, but cautiously refrains from
giving any figure. (39)

Raul Hilberg weaves the same yarn and claims that "the great majority" of
the deportees were "gassed" in the Auschwitz extermination center upon
arrival (40), but 300 pages later he contradicts himself, putting the total
losses of Hungarian Jewry at "over 180,000" (41), which implies that a clear
majority of the deportees must have survived - where? Hilberg mentions
"several thousands" who were transferred elsewhere." (42 ) He does not give
any information as to the destiny of the others.

Jean-Claude Pressac arbitrarily fixes the number of Hungarian Jews who died
in Auschwitz at 292,000. (43)

All these figures are radically impossible as the cremation of the alleged
number of corpses was simply not feasible, and technical impossibilities did
not occur even in the Third Reich. In 1944, four crematories were
functioning with a total of 46 muffels in Birkenau. As Carlo Mattogno has
proved, not more than 20 bodies could be cremated in a muffel within 24
hours, the total capacity of the 46 muffles thus being 920 corpses per day.
If one accepts the mass extermination hypothesis, one has to consider a
percentage of children among the hypothetical gassing victims, and the
figure must accordingly be multiplied by 1.2. Thus, the theoretical maximum
capacity of the crematoriums would amount to 1,104 corpses per day.(44) In a
period of 55 days, the maximum cremation capacity would have been around
60,000. In reality, even this figure is excessive, because thanks to the
large amount of documents about the crematoriums which have survived the
war, we know that the ovens often broke down and had to be repaired.
Finally, one has to consider that in addition to the hypothetical gassed
victims, the corpses of the prisoners who had died of natural causes during
the same period had to be burned too. Even if we depart from the lowest
number of victims given by an Exterminationist author, that is the 180,000
cited by Hilberg, we still have to contend with much over 120,000
non-cremated bodies.

These technical impossibilities have struck even the "Holocaust" authors who
routinely exaggerate crematorium capacities. Basing themselves on eyewitness
testimonies, such as those of Filip Müller, (45) they claim that a large
part of the homicidally gassed victims were incinerated in open-air
cremation pits. Thanks to a lucky coincidence, Birkenau was twice
photographed from the air by U.S. reconnaissance aircraft on May 31, 1944.
(46) On that day, 15,000 Hungarian Jews were brought to Auschwitz; in the
previous 14 days, 184,000 Jews from Hungary had arrived in the camp, the
daily average amounting to 13,000. The air photographs don't show the
slightest trace of the alleged extermination action: No trace of pits, no
lines of people in front of the crematories, no evidence of open-air burning
in the areas mentioned by witnesses (the courtyard of Crematory V, nearby
the Crematories II and III as well as Bunker 2).

The German documents of this period clearly reveal the reasons for the mass
deportation: Germany urgently needed work forces for its military
industries. On 9 May 1944, Heinrich Himmler reported in a letter to the
chief of the SS-Hauptamt as well as the head of the SS-WVHA [main office of
economic administration] that 10,000 soldiers were to be detailed for
guarding the workers engaged in the Jäger construction program, because
otherwise "the placing, the guarding and the efficient employment of
approximately 200,000 Jews" was impossible. (47 ) Two day later, on 11 May
1944, Himmler explained further: (48)

"The Führer has ordered that for the guarding of the 200,000 Jews, the
Reichs-Führer-SS will dispatch 10,000 Waffen-SS Soldiers with their officers
and petty officers who shall be detailed to the concentration camps of the
Reich in order to employ them in the large constructions of the Organization
Todt and other militarily important duties."

Speaking of 200,000 Jews, Himmler must have thought of the Hungarian action
which was about to start, for at that time, no massive deportations of Jews
from other countries were occurring.

On 15 August 1944, the SS-WVHA stated that the internment of 612,000
prisoners in the concentration camps was imminent. Out of these, 90,000 had
been deported in the course of the "Hungarian action" (Judenprogramm). (49)

In my opinion, these documents not only refute a mass extermination in
Birkenau - which was technically impossible anyhow - but they also refute
the thesis which Arthur Butz proposes in his otherwise magnificent work The
Hoax of the twentieth Century. Butz thinks that the Veesenmayer telegrams,
for the most part, are forgeries. In support of his thesis, he adduces
several arguments, the most important of which being a 1947 report of the
ICRC about its activities in Hungary during wartime. 50) In this report, the
mass deportation during the Spring and Summer of 1944 is not mentioned at
all, and the author states that the tribulations of the Hungarian Jews
started in earnest in October of 1944. The Red Cross Delegates in Budapest
were at that time housed in the same building as the Jewish senate, and it
was unthinkable that the latter failed to inform the Red Cross people of
Anti-Jewish measures taken by the Hungarians and the Germans.

I readily admit that I am at a loss to explain this mysterious ICRC report.
But even among the Red Cross Delegates there must have been incompetent
persons, and it is to such a person that this report is most probably
attributed. The German war-time documents clearly show that the size of the
deportation has not been exaggerated. Let's recall the figures: In May,
Himmler, referring to Hitler, spoke of 200,000 Jews who were to be
integrated into the military industry. On 15 August, the internment of
90,000 Hungarian Jews in the labor camps was imminent, and a week later,
30,000 Jews from Hungary were still in the Birkenau transit camp.

As the percentage of the work-restricted among these deportees must have
been considerable, these figures suggest a total number of several hundred
thousand deportation victims. The Veesenmayer telegrams put the figure at
438,000, and a forgery designed to discredit the Germans and Hungarians
would have made sense only if the real number had been much lower. If, for
example, 350,000 Hungarian Jews had been deported, the difference would have
been much too small to justify such a sophisticated and elaborate forgery.

Another strong argument is that Veesenmayer's figure is almost exactly
corroborated by the transportation lists emanating from Laszlo Ferenczy, the
chief of the Hungarian Police who puts the total figure of deportees at
435,000. These documents were produced as evidence material in the Eichmann
trial in Jerusalem. (51) When Carlo Mattogno and I visited the Hungarian
National Archives in March 1999, we were told that the transportation lists
had disappeared in the cellar of some unidentified ministry. In a private
conversation, one of Hungary's leading "Holocaust" experts confirmed this
information and confided to us that the reason for the "disappearance" of
the documents was due to "political intrigue."

Now one might suspect that someone has hidden or destroyed these documents
since the respective figures were lower than generally supposed. Although
this possibility cannot be excluded completely, it seems to me much more
likely that the Ferenczy lists are embarrassing for official historiography
because they indicate the destination of the deportation bulls. Should it
result from the Ferenczy transport lists that a part of the deportees were
not headed for Auschwitz, this would automatically imply that the purpose of
the deportation did not consist in the killing of the prisoners, for
according to the official "Holocaust" story, Auschwitz was the only
operational extermination camp between May and July 1944.(52)

In this context, the 1944 transport lists stored in the archive of the
former Stutthof concentration camp are of major interest. From those lists
it results that between 29 June and 28 October a total of 48,619
predominantly female Jewish prisoners were sent to that camp East of Danzig.
25,043 of them had come from two Baltic camps: Kaunas (Lithuania) and Riga
(Latvia). In view of the imminent advance of the Red Army, these prisoners
had been evacuated. The remaining 23,566 prisoners were sent to Auschwitz.
(53) For three large transports from Auschwitz (14, 16 and 28 August) we
have a more or less complete list of names with reference to the respective
nationalities. Over 99% of the prisoners of the first two transports were
Hungarian Jewesses. How many of them had been registered in Auschwitz, and
how many in the transit camp without registration, remains unknown.
Surprisingly, some of the Jewesses transferred from the two Baltic states to
Stutthof were of Hungarian nationality. Over 90% of the 793 Jewish women who
made up the August 4 transport from Kaunas had come from Hungary. A certain
number of Hungarian Jewesses also came with two transports from Riga to
Stutthof (9 August and 1 October). Significantly, this fact is hushed up in
both the Polish and the Western literature. It is quite possible that these
Jewesses were sent to the Baltic States via the Auschwitz railway junction,
but it's equally possible that they were directly sent from Hungary to
Lithuania and Latvia. In the Baltic states, they were doubtless employed in
important military work, presumably for the Todt organization, before the
advance of the Red Army forced the Germans to evacuate them across the
Baltic to Stutthof. There they were employed in the numerous sub-camps,
predominantly in the war industry, but partly also in agriculture. (54)

These fragments little by little result in a global view of the events
between May and July of 1944. Although this global view still has many gaps,
it is nevertheless coherent and logical.

Approximately 438,000 Jews were deported from Hungary. The reason for that
was in the first place that Germany at this time desperately needed
manpower, as virtually every able-bodied German man was on the front.
Furthermore, security reasons almost certainly played a role. At that time,
the invasion of Hungary by the Red Army had become a distinct possibility,
and the Jews naturally would have sided with the Soviets. (We can hardly
blame them for that). For all the deportees, or at least for a large part of
them, Auschwitz was the first destination. 28,000 of these Jews were
registered in that camp, the rest of them either remained in the transit
camp for some time or were soon distributed to labor camps and working
units. In March 1999, Carlo Mattogno and I personally met one of these
former deportees in Budapest. According to his own statement, he had spent
only a few days in Auschwitz before being sent to the Silesian labor camp of

In the German translation of his second book, J.C. Pressac presents his
readers with the following information: (55)

"By the end of the war, according to the 'Encyclopœdia Judaica' Hungarian
Jews and Jewesses were found in 386 concentration and work camps as well as
labor units where they had survived a real martyrdom. They were seen
everywhere, from some hundreds in the labor units to tens of thousands in
the big camps."

We see no reason whatsoever to doubt the veracity of this statement. One of
the most crucial unsolved problems is the question as to where the
work-restricted people were billeted. Birkenau simply could not accommodate
all of them. We know no documents about a camp situated outside Auschwitz
where these people were housed. Should such documents have existed, they
were certainly destroyed or safely hidden by the victors, as they were
radically incompatible with the legend of an end of Hungarian Jewry in the
gas chambers of Auschwitz-Birkenau.

The fact that among the deported Hungarian Jews there was a certain number
of children, can most probably be explained by the German policy not to
separate families. (Of course it would have been better for these children
if they had been taken care of by Christian families, but that's another
matter). The Jewish children were by no means murdered as "useless eaters",
as the official version mendaciously purports. Proof of this are the
documents Mattogno and I found during our third research in the Russian
archives. I am referring to a 217-page report which originated in early
1945, after the liberation of Auschwitz. It was written in the German
language under the auspices of the Soviets by four former inmates of the
camp, the Jewish physicians: Lebovits, Weil, Reich and Bloch, and it
contains over 1,000 names of almost exclusively Jewish prisoners followed by
the indication of their ages and their date of imprisonment. These prisoners
had been in the Auschwitz hospital on 27 January 1945 when the Red Army
entered the camp. Among those patients there were 97 boys and 83 girls in
age ranging from some months to 15 years. (56) Two of them were: a
three-year-old Hungarian-Jewish boy, J.J. Malek, (57) and an eleven-year-old
Hungarian-Jewish girl, R. M. Salomon. (58) The former had come to Auschwitz
in May 1944, the latter in July of the same year. Now if the official
"Holocaust" story were true, these two children would never have lived to
see the year 1945; they would have been murdered upon arrival.

Under the present circumstances, it is of course not possible to ascertain
the number of victims among the deported Hungarian Jews, but it was probably
on the order of some tens of thousands. It is a well-known fact that
countless prisoners succumbed to diseases in the tragic last months of the
war. At any rate, Jews were not exactly an endangered species in postwar
Hungary. They almost completely dominated the Communist Party and the
dreaded Secret Police during the first years of the horrible Red regime led
by the Jew Matyas Rakosi. For a time in the beginning of the fifties, there
was one single non-Jew in the Central Committee of the Hungarian Communist
Party. According to a popular joke, he had merely been entrusted with this
position to ensure that someone in the Central Committee could sign the
death sentences on Shabbath.


The revisionists have completely demolished the extermination and gas
chamber legend with their historical and technical arguments, but their task
is far from being finished. Up to now, they have only partly succeeded in
demonstrating what really happened to the Jew during World War Two.

Many revisionists hold that Walter Sanning's book The Dissolution of Eastern
European Jewry (59) which appeared in 1983 is the definitive answer to this
question. Indeed, Sanning has performed an admirable work, and no serious
researcher can afford to ignore it. However, what I said about A. Butz's The
Hoax of the Twentieth Century may equally apply to Sanning's demographic
study: Even an outstanding work can contain certain errors. Sanning's book
suffers from two flaws: The author does not take into account the
Korherr-report, (60) the most important German wartime document about Jewish
population movements, and he places too much faith in Soviet sources. For
example, he extensively relies on David Bergelson, the President of the
Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee, according to whom over 80% of the Soviet Jews
were evacuated prior to the arrival of the Wehrmacht and never saw the
Germans. Sanning does not take into consideration the possibility that
Bergelson exaggerated the number of evacuated Soviet Jews in order to create
a flattering image of the Red Army, "Savior of the Jews from Fascism." The
affirmations of a Communist propagandist are too thin a basis for
demographic statistics.

In my opinion, Sanning's estimates of Jewish losses (about a half a million
victims in the German sphere of influence) are too low; the real figure
could easily have been twice as high.

Decisive progress in the investigation of the Jewish population movements
and the calculation of the Jewish losses during the Second World War are
only to be expected when historians get access to previously unknown
documents from the Eastern Archives. When I say "historians" I naturally
mean the Revisionists, because our opponents will not tackle this task.



1. For the testimonies, see Manfred Köhler, "Der Wert von Aussagen und
Geständnissen zum Holocaust" in; Ernst Gauss, Grundlagen zur Zeitgeschichte,
Grabert, Tübingen 1994, as well as Jürgen Graf, Auschwitz. Tätergeständnisse
und Augenzeugen des Holocaust, Neue Visionen, Würenlos/Switzerland 1994.

2. Panstwowe Muzeum w Oswiecimiu, Syg. DAuI-III-5/1, 5/2, 5/3, 5/4.

3. Jean-Claude Pressac, Auschwitz. Technique and Operation of the Gas
Chambers, Beate Klarsfeld Foundation, New York 1989; Jean-Claude Pressac,
Les crématoires d'Auschwitz. La machinerie du meurtre de masse, CNRS, Paris

4. Robert Faurisson in Revue d'Histoire Revisionniste, no. 3 (November
1990/January 1991); Robert Faurisson and Carlo Mattogno in Herbert Verbeke,
Auschwitz: Nackte Fakten. Eine Erwiderung an Jean-Claude Pressac, Vrij
Historisch Onderzoek, Berchem 1995.

5. URSS-008.

6. Franciszek Piper, Die Zahl der Opfer von Auschwitz, Verlag Staatliches
Museum in Oswiecim, 1993.

7. Hilberg claims that over 1.25 million people (one million Jews and over
250.000 Non-Jews) died in Auschwitz (Die Vernichtung der europäischen Juden,
Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 1997, S. 955, 956), but
quotes no source for his figure.

8. Piper, p. 200-202.

9. Die Krematorien von Auschwitz, Piper Verlag, Munich/Zurich 1994, p. 202.
In the original French version Les crematoires d'Auschwitz (CNRS, Paris
1993, p. 148) Pressac had mentioned a higher figure ( 775,000 to 800,000).

10. Yisrael Gutman and Michael Berenbaum (Hg.), Anatomy of the Auschwitz
Death Camp, Indiana University press, Bloomington and Indiana 1994.

11. Faurisson in Siegfried Verbeke, Auschwitz: Nackte Fakten, p. 163.

12. Carlo Mattogno and Franco Deana, Die Krematoriumsöfen von Auschwitz und
Birkenau, in: Ernst Gauss, Grundlagen zur Zeitgeschichte, Grabert Verlag,
Tübingen 1994, p. 307.

13. This study will appear in the summer of 2000.

14. Serge Klarsfeld, Le Mémorial de la Déportation des Juifs de France,
Paris 1978, without page numbering.

15. NG-5615.

16. Arthur Butz, The Hoax of the Twentieth Century, Historical Review press,
Chapel Ascote 1977.

17. Gideon Burg Verlag, Basel 1993.

18. Danuta Czech, Kalendarium der Ereignisse im Konzentrationslager
Auschwitz-Birkenau 1939- 1945, 2nd edition, Rowohlt, Reinbeck bei Hamburg

19. Detailed information will be provided in the forthcoming work about the
mortality in Auschwitz, by Carlo Mattogno.

20. NG-2586.

21. Raul Hilberg, Die Vernichtung..., p. 377.

22. ibid, p. 420/421.

23. ibid, p. 377.

24. E. Jäckel, P. Longerich, J. Schoeps, Enzyklopädie des Holocaust, Argon,
Berlin 1993, p. 170.

25. Enrique Aynat, Estudios sobre el "Holocausto". La deportación de judiós
de Francia y Bélgica en 1942, Gráficas Hurtado, Valencia 1994.

26. Jean-Marie Boisdefeu, La Controverse sur l'Extermination des Juifs par
les Allemands, Tome 2: Réalités de la "Solution finale", Vrij Historisch
Onderzoek, Antwerp 1996.

27. M.D. Weissmandel, Min Hametzar, quoted from Aynat, Estudios..., p. 58.

28. The Black Book. The Nazi Crime Against the Jewish People, New York 1946,
p. 198, quoted from Aynat, Estudios, p. 58.

29. Photocopied in Boisdefeu, La controverse..., p. 86.

30. Centre de Documentation juive contemporaine de Paris, XXXVI-59. The
document is photocopied in Boisdefeu, p. 78-80.

31. Centre de Documentation juive contemporaine, XXVI-46, photocopied in
Aynat, p. 86.

32. Samuel Zylbersztain, Pamietnik Wieznia dziesieciu obozow, in: Biuletyn
Zydowskiego Instytutu Historycznego, no. 68, Warsaw 1968.

33. Steffen Werner, Die zweite babylonische Gefangenschaft. Das Schicksal
der Juden im europäischen Osten, Selbstverlag, Pfullingen 1990.

34. In den Wäldern Belorusslands, East Berlin 1976, p. 9, quoted from
Werner, p. 89.

35. Werner thinks that millions of Jews were deported to White Russia, which
is impossible.

36. Enzyklopädie des Holocaust, p. 1467.

37. Essai de détermination du nombre des juifs morts au camp d'Auschwitz,
in: Le monde juif, October-December 1983, p. 153.

38. Hefte von Auschwitz, Wydawnictwo Panstwowego Muzeum w Oswiecimiu, No.8

39. Enzyklopädie des Holocaust, p. 1467.

40. Hilberg, p. 1000.

41. ibid, p. 1300.

42. ibid, p. 999.

43. Pressac, Les crématoires d'Auschwitz, p. 147, 148.

44. Mattogno in Siegfried Verbeke, Nackte Fakten, p. 115.

45. Filip Müller, Sonderbehandlung, Steinhausen, Frankfurt on the Main.
1979, p. 207 ff.

46. Records of the Defense Intelligence Agency (RG 373), mission 60/RPS/462
60 SQ, CAN D 1508, Exposure 3055, 3056, photocopied in John Ball, Air photo
evidence, Ball Resource Limited, Delta, B.C. Canada 1992.

47. NO-5689.

48. ibid.

49. NO-1990.

50. Documents sur l'activité du CICR en faveur des civils détenus dans les
camps de concentration en Allemagne 1939-1945, Geneva 1947.

51. State of Israel Ministry of Justice, The Trial of Adolf Eichmann, Volume
VI, Jerusalem 1994, Acts 1159, 1160, 1161 & 1163-1167.

52. According to the " Holocaust" literature, Chelmno was reactivated in
June and July 1944 for a period of 21 days, but nobody claims that Hungarian
Jews were gassed there. The alleged gassings at Majdanek are said to have
been stopped in November 1943.

53. Stutthof Archiwum Muzeum, I-IIB-8; Danuta Drywa, Ruch transportow miedzy
KL Stutthof a innymi obozami, in: Zeszyty Sztutowo no. 9, 1990; J. Graf and
C. Mattogno, Das Konzentrationslager Stutthof und seine Funktion in der
nationalsonalistischen Judenpolitik, Castle Hill Publisher, Hastings 1999.

54. Graf and Mattogno, Das Konzentrationslager Stutthof, chapter 4.

55. J. C. Pressac, Die Krematorien von Auschwitz, p. 199, 200.

56. Gossudarstwenny Archiv Rossiskoj Federatsii, Moscow, 7021-108-23.

57. ibid, p. 181.

58. ibid, p. 183.

59. Institute for Historical Review, Torrance, 1983.

60. NO-5194.

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