I happen to know how his name is pronounced,
It's "zadok",  but spelled the way he spells it.

This story posted below has to be one of the biggest *confabulations*  I've
ever encountered...

You must have the New World Order version...   NWOV

eagle 1

----- Original Message -----
From: "Aleisha Saba" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2000 8:53 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] HAARP - Fabricating God

> Tsadowq:   Hope I never have to pronouce your name here.....
> Just kidding.
> So the line in your letter which equates to "Neither shall he return to
> his house any more"  from Job, in the bible....is line which deciphered
> meant JFK and RFK would not being going to White House....astrologers
> mark of doom, part of bible code.   Willl not go into that one, but
> every high degree mason who does his homework knows there is a secret
> society using masonic ritutals, there is a group known as the Tarot Card
> Assassins tearing this country apart and believe me - THEY ARE
> BACK....in for the kill and they want to return us to the 60 period and
> teachings of Madame Helene Blavatsky are deeply involved in this one.
> When we speak of freedom from and of religion I always took this to
> mean, you send people h elected offices who try to live up to high
> standards established by law and they carry their righteousness from
> their personal life to their political life - religion under our
> constitution is not a test or qualification for holding office - the
> word is integrity, or the word is ethics.
> Religion is simple matter of right and wrong, the Golden Rule and
> remembering "a gift doth blind the eyes of a Judge".....the bible is a
> book of law and an expose of past deeds of our ancestors, be they good
> or be they evil.
> The bible is a psychological profile of man from the Garden of Eden
> (tainted fruit from tree of knowledge and they did steal them apples)
> but I think best reflected in Job - a righteous man virtually torn
> apart....Job 19-21 i particular had to be favorite grounds for thoughts
> of Sigmund Freud as he attempted to replace the bible with psychiatry.
> Astrologers Mark of Doom in bible also....in Job "neither shall he
> return to his house anymore"....and JFK and RFK, did not - this house is
> the White House re bible code.
> So......teachings of Madame Helene Blavatsky - by systematic
> assassination of a country's leaders the people will be demoralized.
> This is how this sick, twisted perverted element got their hooks in, and
> control over the Democrat Party.....Union Leaders sold out the workers,
> and Mafia moves in for the money and control.....then destroy them all
> by inviting the leaders into CFR - Leonard Woodcock attended Walter
> Reuther's funeral as honorary pall bearer (have funeral programs) and
> this man sold old went into CFR with Wurf......tis how they play the
> game.....
> Slowly Amerca awakens to fact something is terribly wrong; many in the
> past have gone out like John the Baptist and nearly met, and some did
> maybe, met with his fate for nobody listens and nobody cares, until they
> are personally hurt.
> You look at the life of the Amish - many would like to escape to this
> lifestye but take all the modern convenience with them.
> God threw Lucipher out of heaven, he was the Bright Son of the Morning,
> Luciper?   Then Jesus in Revelations wars "I AM the Bright and Morning
> Star" the Alpha and the Omega - the beginning and end end and time is a
> circle with no end....so we have Jesus Christ warning Lucipher that I AM
> the Bright and Morning Star, and that is a warning to all to straighten
> up and fly right, or they get the boot too......
> Still do not know whether earth is heaven or hell, or is it what we make
> it?
> I do know this - in Ethiopia and Angola and South Africa, life is
> hell....who murders and steals from Africa?   If people in Africa kept
> their own national resources - they would all be rich.?
> See murder in the Balkans?   See genocides and exterminations of a
> people for no reason other than greed or jealousy yet who fnances and
> has the gold to so do these wars/
> Christ fed the 5,000 did he not?
> So when I read the bible and your line reference returning home......I
> think of FDR, and how they played the NEW WORLD SYMPHONY, the beautiful
> but sald old song, Going Home.....he went home to his father, as did JFK
> and RFK - timed to Master Plan for Murder keyed to Stars and
> Testaments....
> When you see the Master Plan, so simple, right in the open but when you
> see the timetable and calendar/code you see the evil now in possession
> of the only book the Pilgrims had, when they set foot on the Rock upon
> which they buit their house.
> As was once said "Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of
> men"......look to Clinton, he symbolizes to me all that is evil, yet he
> appears to be the Angel of Light - perhaps the Illuminated one"
> For you see the Illuminati made their home in the Garden of Eden through
> their father.....and that guy went out on his belly, and not his feet.
> I know this, the President of the United States elected to office this
> year is in great danger.   He is scheduled for death or assssination in
> office, and it is no divine revelation or divine plan - this the Master
> Plan straight out of Job and Daniel and Ezekial - the enemy stilll
> recites Death to America and to all for which it stands.
> White man is number one target - and that second and third man in line
> for President, better be careful who is placed in htis chair.
> They are coming - the footmen are here - not come the troops or
> horsemen?
> The evil ones have appointed this time, a time to die.......nobody I
> know is about to lay themselves doon a dee for the likes of that bunch
> of bastards.....at least, not in America.
> UN - kick that bunch out of heaven straight to South Africa - a creation
> of their own evil plan.
> Blacks killing blacks?
> They would do to America what they do to South Africa, for to them, our
> lives, are expendable.
> A. Saba
> Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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