Well what do you make of this - the handwriting on the wall?  Secret
symbolism of the "Black Hand", for it was the Serbian Black Hand who was
baimed for the murder of the Arch Duke and his wife, which is alleged
and I say, I say alleged, to have triggered off WWII.

So one does not grow figs from thorns and grapes from bramble bushes,
something like that....or is this an excuse to further push Feds into
local jurisdiction.

Anyway, like Jack the Ripper - the handwriting today is on the wall, in
form of graffiti and I sure would like to read the message.

For whoever that guy is, his name might be Legion.


Explosives found at Guard baseWould-be bomber apparently opposed to U.S.
MILWAUKEE, July 20 — A man apparently angry about U.S. involvement in
Kosovo broke into an Air National Guard base Wednesday, scrawled
graffiti and dropped a shopping bag containing two pipe bomb-type
explosives as security guards ran after him, the FBI said.
  'We are taking this as a very serious act of international
FBI agent         THE BOMBS did not explode.
       The FBI searched for the man.
       "We are taking this as a very serious act of
international terrorism," FBI agent Brian Manganello said.
       The FBI said the man spray-painted red graffiti on two
buildings and a satellite dish. A view of the 128th Air Refueling Wing
base from a TV helicopter showed the words "Free Kosova" scrawled on the
dish. Kosova is the Albanian name for Kosovo.
       During the NATO airstrikes in Yugoslavia in 1999, the
128th Air Refueling Wing sent about 170 members to a base outside
London, where they serviced aircraft flying in NATO's air operations in
       Judging by the graffiti, "it was someone who was opposed
to the U.S. involvement," FBI agent Barry Babler said.
       Investigators would not specify what the graffiti said.

       Regular personnel were not on the base when security
guards spotted the man about 5 a.m. Wednesday. The guards chased him
into a field, where he dropped the bag containing two round devices
similar to pipe bombs, Manganello said.
       A bomb squad defused the devices, he said.
       The base was closed after the incident, and 150 to 175
personnel were given leave, said Lt. Col. Jim Waters. A sign reading
"actual threat condition" was posted outside the gate.
       "Both bombs were very capable of killing somebody without
question," David J. Williams, FBI special agent in charge, said
Wednesday night. "We have no idea what his target was or if he had a
target. We think there was serious intent to do damage."
       Williams said his agency was comparing a similar
"incendiary attack" that occurred at an Army reserve center in Milwaukee
on March 17.
       "There were also some spray painting things there that
would indicate that possibly they could have come from the same author,"
Williams told WTMJ-TV.
       © 2000 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This
material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
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A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy


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