>On Tue, 18 Jul 2000 22:57:09 -0500 (CDT) webmaster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Hash: SHA1
>Use of Sarin and Killing American in Laos
>Excerpt from General Moorer's July 17th (2000) deposition.
>MOORER: "Generally SOG's objectives
>         was to locate personnel such as defectors or
>         Laotian military or track NVA movements within
>         Laos.  Tactics -- I did not get involved with
>         exactly how they did it.  I knew what they were
>         trying to do.  But I was too busy.  I had the
>         Israeli problem to worry about.  I didn't go into
>         detail on exactly how they would do it.  It was
>         not the only such mission of its kind.
>         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>             "Compartmentalization is key here.  I
>         didn't even tell General Abrams about when I was
>         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>         going to mine Haifong Harbor because I was too
>         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>         worried about leaks.  That would have been
>         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>         disastrous.  Leaks were always a problem.
>         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>         I can also remember talking about the Christmas bombing
>         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>         with Nixon.  He asked me if there was a leak or
>         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>         not.  And I promised him it wouldn't."
>         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>                              TAILWIND
>QUESTION:   Now you had told us before the CIA was involved
>            in this operation.  Was it the CIA's job to track
>            defectors?"
>MOORER:     "Yeah, trying to track defectors was one
>            of the jobs but it had several jobs.  Again, I
>            knew the general overall task on this mission.
>            But I did not know about the tactics."
>QUESTION:   But was the mission at hand here to try
>             and kill these defectors, that they were creating
>             a real military problem that had to be
>             eliminated?
>MOORER:     "I told you before that I would not
>             hesitate to use any tactic or weapon to save
>             American lives....One of the breaks we have had in
>             the last" -- "best few weeks is locating several
>             SOG recon teams who were sitting on the ridge line
>             surrounding the village base camp where the
>             defectors were.  They report back to headquarters
>             that there are roundeyes or longshadows in that
>             village.  At least one person we have talked to
>             observing the camp says they were walking about
>             unfettered, freely mixing with locals...."
>QUESTION:    So killing these defectors was the
>             mission?  And it was done to protect American
>             lives?
>MOORER:      "Yes, I have no doubt about that."
>             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>QUESTION:    Why not capture?
>MOORER:      "Well, you would have to examine that possibility.
>              You would have to see to it.....see if it was possible to
>              capture them and bring them out.  If it was
>                                                ~~~~~~~~~~
>              impossible, then you can't leave them out there.
>               ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>QUESTION:     You would have to eliminate them?
>              ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>MOORER:       "Yes. Elimination was successful in
>               this case?  I say Yes.  But again, I do
>               not remember the specifics of this action.  I am
>               the aware of the fact that there was this
>                ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>               objective in Laos."
>               ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>QUESTION: Our understanding when you mention a
>          large group, is that there were as many as 20 in
>          this village.  Isn't 20 a large group, and isn't
>          that memorable?
>MOORER:  "That's a very large group.  Probably
>          others had been picked up by the Russians.  They
>          really liked electronic repairmen.  The NVA really
>          liked getting their hands on them.  They would
>          treat them nicely.....The problem at the outset of the
>          operation, now again I did not get an exact
>          rundown on the tactics of it, but there were
>          people mixed up with the locals.  It is very
>          difficult to capture such people as a group,
>          especially if it's a big group.  Now, I'm sure
>          that there would be an effort to capture them
>          alive.  If they could capture them alive, they
>          would do it.  Because we would want to interrogate
>          them about the other side.
>QUESTION: Is communications, codes, signal
>          interpretation what was going on in this specific
>          village?
>MOORER:  "I think it could have been.
>          The enemy would interrogate them in detail.  But
>          the enemy would get useful information out of them
>          and do anything to get them to turn.  And if they
>          could get them to do something useful, they would
>          do anything to keep them cooperative, even serve
>          them ice cream."
>QUESTION:  You mean drugs, women and so forth?"
>MOORER:   "Drugs, yes.  Women, I don't know about.  Have you
>           ever seen the women over there?"
>QUESTION:  When the Tailwind hatchet force hit the
>           ground the defectors went scrambling into a
>           defensive perimeter around the base camp.  Does
>           that make them enemy?
>MOORER:   "If they are participating
>           in a defense and you are on the offense, then of
>           course.  No holds barred."
>QUESTION:  Wouldn't the White House have to
>           approve such an operation to go after defectors?
>MOORER:   "There's a lot of people in the White House."
>QUESTION:  Specifically did NSA Kissinger know and approve it?
>MOORER:    "He would be generally aware.  That would
>            be......That would be a member of the National
>            Security Council staff that would know....There
>            would be a member of the National Security Council
>            staff that would know" what Kissinger knew and so on.....
>            The CIA gives the President a report every day on what they
>            do. They give him the key points in intelligence.
>            There could have been a CIA action officer on the
>            National Security Council that would have had that
>            conversation.  I don't know."
>QUESTION:   Was it your
>            understanding that the SOG team achieved their
>            objective?
>MOORER:    "I don't know about achieve.  I knew
>            about the problem.  And I knew when the operation
>            Was finished.  I didn't analyze the details.
>            There was no hooray, hooray, we've won."
>QUESTION:   Now, about the mission completed.  It's
>            got to be a difficult choice.  On the one hand,
>            those defectors are somebody's father or child.
>            On the other hand they are a huge military
>            headache and need to be taken care of.  Is there a
>            moral choice here, any ambivalence?
>MOORER:     "When you go into a fight it is life or death.
>            You can't ease up on an operation.
>            You can't go in with sentiment.
>            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>QUESTION:   How can you be sure that there were not
>            POWs there?  The hatchet force team was told to go
>            in and shoot anything that moves.  They wouldn't
>            be told that if they were POWs there, would they?
>MOORER:    "Now you're getting into the rules of
>            engagement.  Every combat force gets information
>            on the rules of engagement.  We had terrible rules
>            of engagement during the Vietnam War.  The rules
>            of engagement tell you who to shoot and who not to
>            shoot.  Sometimes it comes down that all right,
>            all targets are okay."
>QUESTION:   Is our number of about 15 defectors
>            killed about right?"
>MOORER:     "I do not know if there were 20 or 15.  But there was
>              a group......  "Defectors are deserters.
>             And they were out there seeking the best way to
>             stay alive until they could escape and go home.
>             They were in my opinion probably deserters that,
>             after all, this war was unique.  There was no
>             public support for it.  Soldiers came back in
>             uniform, were booed.....These people apparently couldn't
>             take it anymore.  They said, I'll escape.  Going into
>             Laos is not the same as the Germans...they endeavored to
>             make their way back home through Laos.  And they were
>             picked up by Laotian military people.  And they
>             were biding their time until the war was over.
>             And they could make an escape back to the United
>             States..... "In order to surv they were cooperating with the
>             enemy, doing things, to get through this stage and achieve
>             their hope of getting home.  They had set about
>             doing things that would not displease their
>             captors.....displease their captors.  They were
>             collaborators.  They did not wave the Laotian
>             flag, but they did not want to be eliminated.
>             They were taking the long range view....
>             They all got together and somehow
>             decided how to survive until they could get out.
>             They knew it would not have been effective to have
>             attacked their captors.  They did not have the
>             equipment and in that situation that could not
>             escape.  If they had to in some way assist their
>             captors they would do it to survive....the enemy
>             would give them a job that they were fully
>             conservant with and also give them food.  And they
>             would do anything to survive until the war was
>             over."
>QUESTION:    How many were there in general?
>             Singlaub has given us a figure of 23 and someone
>             else has said 300 and so on.
>MOORER:     "But there is no way that I can really give you accurate
>             figures on that.  Even today, several bodies are disputed.  I
>             tell you this, one figure is too low and the other
>             is too high.  It's someplace in the middle....Many of the
>             missing on the missing list are truly missing.  Not every
>             missing person is a defector.  There is not a reliable source
>             of figures on this.  It depends on who is computing
>             the information and how they handle the inferences."
>QUESTION:    We have been told, including
>             by Singlaub, that killing defectors, that
>             defectors were always a top priority target for SOG.
>MOORER:     "Yes, I think so.  You can rely on
>             Singlaub.  He was heavy into this from the start.
>             He would have no reason to misinform you...
>              ....But the conventional forces might be
>             more apt to take a defector prisoner....It's on a
>             case by case basis.  You get into the game here."
>QUESTION:   The PR game?
>MOORER:    "PR game here.  You can't have soldiers
>            writing home, dear mom, yesterday I saw a defector
>            and he was American but we had to shoot him.  That
>            would hit the papers sooner or later and LBJ would be mad."
>QUESTION:   So a big PR problem?
>MOORER:    "Sure...... Many mothers and fathers do not believe
>            their sons would defect. If you kill a defector, you have a
>            big PR problem."
>QUESTION:   Because of the PR problem wit defectors, that is why the
>            operation was given to a black operation like SOG?
>MOORER:     "Yes."
>QUESTION:   Turning now to another subject matter, the gas.  We discussed
>            CBU 15, which is GB, which is sarin when we last met.
>            I have been talking to lots and lots of Air Force
>            people.  And specifically to 30 different A1
>            pilots based at NKP.  And they say that they had
>            this weapon and used it a lot on search and rescue, SARs.
>MOORER:     "That's right....."
>QUESTION:   The sun is going down.  The pilot is
>            surrounded.  In moments he will be captured and
>            killed.  They drop the CBU 15.  But what is
>            dramatic is that sometimes the pilot on the ground
>            might not have a gas mask.  How would it be
>            decided to use such a weapon in that situation?
>MOORER:    "Well, the weapon had to be on the
>            airplane to begin with.  The pilots would have had
>            sufficient information that this weapon was needed
>            to remove this threat.  But the pilot would not
>            want to kill his objective -- the downed man.  You
>            can't go dropping weapons like this willy-nilly."
>QUESTION:   How do you decide whether to drop the weapon?
>MOORER:     "It depends on good communication
>             between the man on the ground.  Hopefully the
>             pilot can tell you, I'm just behind the big oak
>             tree, up the hill.  The pilots would have to know
>             they have a good chance of attacking without
>             killing him.  There is no point in killing him
>             while trying to save him....The key to that decision
>             depends on sufficient communications to pinpoint his
>             position.  And if that is the case, and they are
>             confident, then the attack would take place and
>             the helicopter would make the pickup while the
>             results of the attack is debilitating the enemy.
>             You would not want to use the weapon unless you
>             know exactly where he was.  If he gets killed it's
>             a lost cause."
>QUESTION:   Some describe a situation in which the gas would be dropped
>            enemy... "The sun is going down.  The gas
>            could prevent the capture of another POW who would
>            then not give info to the enemy.  And it would
>            kill a lot of enemy and keep them from gaining the
>            radios and other weapons on the aircraft.  So the
>            pilots would drop the weapon in the hope of
>            preventing a capture, as a sort of prophylactic,
>            even if it killed the airman."
>MOORER:     "Well, one important factor here is the
>            wind.  It's important to talk to the pilots to
>            make sure you drop the weapon downwind.  You
>            obviously want to drop downwind from where he is.
>            You want to make sure the wind is not blowing over
>            him.  But the decision to use the weapon or not is
>            an on-the-scene decision.  There are three or four
>            vital pieces of information what to do.  And if
>            the wind is right and communication is good, I
>            would be included to go ahead with the attack."
>QUESTION:   Now, turning to Tailwind for a
>            moment, one of the new pieces of information we
>            have is that A1s had prepped the camp where the
>            defectors were based the night before the SOG team
>            attacked.  We've been told CBU 15 was used in
>            preparing the camp.  Are you aware of that?  Does
>            that fit with what you said earlier about any
>            weapon, any tactic, and so on, "in saving an
>            American life?"
>MOORER:    "I do not know this for sure.  I know
>            they were trying to....what they were trying to
>            do there.  I do not know exactly how they did it.
>            But the fact that this was an unconventional
>            operation, yes, I tried to use every capability
>            and facility to ensure success....."
>QUESTION:   And so prepping the camp with gas
>            was a part of the battle plan?"
>MOORER:    "Fundamentally what you described is aimed at saving American
>            lives.  I have no problem with it...."
>QUESTION:   One pilot told me he flew the weapon 15
>            different times.  There are 60 or so pilots at NKP
>            who fly A1s.  Could this weapon have been used
>            more than a hundred times?"
>MOORER:    "I don't have the figure....I can comfortably say that if a
>           pilot was involved in a SAR operation, then he probably
>           flew it.  I think it could be useful in a lot of
>           those operations.  I'm not aware of how many times it was
>           used."
>QUESTION:  We have heard the weapon was generally available from
>           '69 to '70."
>MOORER:   "I do not know the exact dates of
>           the weapon in the area.  I am not aware
>           specifically.  Let me say this.  It was definitely
>                                           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>           available in the Vietnam War, which is a much
>           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>           bigger operation than you realize.
>QUESTIN:   Would the White House be aware?
>MOORER:   "Someone on NSA staff would be aware....I'm sure he had a
>           briefing.  He was generally briefed on all weapons
>           in Southeast Asia.  And I'm not sure he thought
>           about it seriously.  It was just another weapon in
>           war.  He was told what its characteristics are.
>           But in the broadest sense the U.S. was not to
>           initiate gas warfare."
>QUESTION:  But you told me before the NVA didn't use gas.
>MOORER:   "That's true.  What I mean is that we
>           would not initiate in terms of regiment versus
>           regiment or division versus division.  But when
>           you get into special operations, that's another
>           question.  If the weapon could save American
>           lives, I would never hesitate to use it."
>QUESTION:  And did it save American lives in Laos?"
>MOORER:   "Yes."
>QUESTION:  How many Americans' lives were
>           saved by this weapon?
>MOORER:    "I don't want to speculate on that."
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