Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

   Anti-Semitic Double Standard

   John LeBoutillier Monday July 17, 2000

   All Americans ­ not just Jewish Americans ­ should be angered and
   ashamed over Hillary Clinton's blatant
   anti-Semitism.  There is a huge double standard in the media and among
   leading Jews when it comes to the
   insults and abusive language used by Democrats toward Jews.

   Let's examine a few facts: Hillary Clinton called a 1974 Clinton
   campaign worker whose father was Jewish a
   "f---ing Jew bastard." That has been confirmed by two people ­ the wife
   of the man and a campaign worker.  But
   now we learn ­ read it in Newsmax.com's Inside Cover ­ that both Bill
   and Hillary repeatedly used anti-Jewish
   slurs when they engaged each other in loud, horrible squabbles.  The
   term "Jew mother----er" was frequently
   hurled about the Arkansas governor's mansion.

   And on top of that we have the now-famous scene from last fall when
   Hillary Clinton kissed Suha Arafat, wife
   of PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat, on the cheek after Mrs.  Arafat had
   charged that Israel was intentionally
   poisoning the drinking water that flowed to the Palestinian encampments.

   Do you believe that this clear anti-Semitic and anti-Israel record ­ if
   it belonged to a Republican ­ would
   disqualify that person from winning election to the U.S.

   Do you have any doubt that the leaders of Jewish organizations and the
   anti-defamation movement would
   castigate any Republican with such a deplorable record?

   Do you have any doubt that the national news media would absolutely
   destroy any Republican who made even one
   anti-Semitic statement ­ let alone the many uttered by the Clintons?

   It is clear that there are two standards at work here: one for Democrats
   and an entirely different one for

   Jewish Americans, like African-Americans, for the past 50 years or so
   have become the bedrock base of the
   Democratic coalition.  And, just like the African-Americans, they have
   allowed themselves to be taken
   advantage of by the Democrat Party.  The Jewish vote is taken for
   granted by Democrats running for office.
   The Jewish voters allow themselves to be monopolized by one party.

   The shame of it is that the Republican Party has done more to protect
   the state of Israel, perhaps the single
   greatest concern of Jewish voters.  In 1973 during the Yom Kippur War it
   was President Nixon who airlifted
   huge amounts of arms and aid to Israel.  And it was Nixon who warned
   Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev not to put
   combat troops anywhere near Israel.

   Prime Minister Golda Meir said at that time that President Nixon was
   "the greatest friend Israel ever had."

   Similarly, it was President Ronald Reagan who came to Israel's rescue in
   1980s when cross-border shelling from Lebanon threatened Israel.

   And who can forget the Iraqi Scuds threatening Israel during the 1991
   Gulf War?  Again a Republican president,
   George Bush, put American Patriot missiles and crews inside Israel until
   the hostilities ceased.

   None of this is to suggest that Democrats have not also stood with
   Israel through thick and thin; they have.
   But their more pacifist approach to conflict is at direct odds with what
   is best for Israel's security.

   The long-held Republican-conservative view of "peace through strength"
   has also been Israel's mantra since its
   creation 50 years ago.

   Now we come to Hillary Clinton's campaign for U.S.  Senate in New York.
   Prominent Jews, including former Mayor Ed Koch, have leapt to her
   defense despite these abhorrent slurs
   against all Jews.  So has Abe Foxman, the head of the Jewish
   Anti-Defamation League.  They have lost their
   credibility when they defend someone who has made such disgusting and
   insulting comments.

   By defending Hillary that have diminished the shame that ought to be
   attached to such language.

   The Clintons are Ivy League law school graduates.  They are masters of
   the clever and precise use of
   language.  But, in reality, they are the lowest form of white trash we
   have ever seen on the national stage.
   Their words and their behavior say it all.

   They are a disgrace to us all.

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A vote for Bush or Gore is a vote to continue Clinton policies!
A vote for Buchanan is a vote to continue America!
Therefore a vote for Gore or Bush is a wasted vote for America!
Don't waste your vote!  Vote for Patrick Buchanan!

Today, candor compels us to admit that our vaunted two-party system is a
snare and a delusion, a fraud upon the nation. Our two parties have become
nothing but two wings of the same bird of prey...
Patrick Buchanan

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