Hi All - This is a fascinating "auteur" Mind Control story and analysis. Or
is it one more mind control provocation?  I would be very interested to hear
corrobarative comments on any of its assertions. (Never mind the disses, they
are a dime a dozen).  For example,. though many analysists fought HAARP's
mind control role, it now emerges that HAARP propagation may affect the human
limbic system (the seat of anger and fear). Let's give the mind control
prophets their due.  And what do you think about the correlation between the
1908 Tunguska event and Tesla's simultaneous "Ray" experiments?  Urban
legend?; disinformation? Real insight?  What will liberate us is vision and
courage, anchored in truth.  Alfred Webre, Vancouver, BC

 My name is Tannie Lee Braziel. My WWW site is "Amazon Web World" at
http://www.amazonco.com. My personal E-mail address is [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I own and operate Amazon Paralegal Services ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), 1680
North Vine Street, Suite 214, Hollywood, CA 90028 (Voice: (213) 465-1255;
Fax: (213) 465-0937). I am a member of the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce,
Hollywood, CA.
 On March 3, 1996, I sent a letter to the Federal Communications Commission
which follows the end of this letter, and discusses the "voices" and other
technological harassments that persons unknown to me have employed to abuse
me for years.

 Finally, in December, 1996, I received a response from the Federal
Communications Commission indicating that it does not handle the type of
complaint which I presented.

 Included among those to whom I sent copies of my letter in March are the
U.S. Justice Department, The Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Los
Angeles Police Commission.

 I also sent a copy to the National Organization of Women; and its then
president, Tammy Bruce, invited me to speak on this subject on her radio show
on KFI in Los Angeles, California.

 On April 13, 1996, I did in fact appear on her show, identifying myself and
my business name and location. As a result, several listeners telephoned my
office and provided me with facts which established that I am an "involuntary
experimentee" of a government-created operation known as "H.A.A.R.P."
(High-Frequency Atmospheric Auroral Research Project) which is supposedly
based in Alaska, and is used as an electronic mind-control device against
American citizens.

 I have since gathered much written information regarding "H.A.A.R.P." and
other prior mind-control projects such as "MKULTRA", "ARTICHOKE" and
"PANDORA" which have been used by the Central Intelligence Agency against the
people of the United States since post-World War II.

 I have also located published testimonies of other survivors of electronic
mind control in "Whistle Blowers", edited and compiled by Elizabeth
Russell-Manning with Cheryl Welsh (Flatland Books, San Francisco, CA; (707)
964-8326; Code No. WHBL).

 Recently, I accessed and captured information from the "Up ParaScope"
website (http://www.parascope.com) regarding Nikola Tesla, which, when
combined with the material already in my possession on him, clarified his
important role in the "H.A.A.R.P." Project and other various, and prior,
government mind-control projects.

 Nikola Tesla was a scientist who began his career work just prior to 1900.
He pioneered alternating current, created fluorescent light and the arc lamp,
invented the radio and developed the logic circuits used in modern computers.
Over 700 patents were registered in his name and he was an important shaper
of current technological achievements.

 The efforts of his later years included wireless transmission of power,
thought recorders, and death rays.

 Tesla's main career pursuit was the wireless transmission of energy. He
solved the problem that transmission of power through air over long distances
would result in a significant loss of energy. Instead of sending energy using
air as a medium, he sent energy through the ground, because he found that the
ground, if charged highly enough, could become the conductor itself; and the
whole earth could be transformed into an electric transmitter.

 Some of Tesla's inventions had military applications, among which was
automaton technology he used to produce remote-controlled boats and
submarines. He hoped for a contract with the U.S. military, but the
government refused his offers.

 Then, Tesla invented the death ray, a particle accelerator and outgrowth of
his magnifying transformer. The death ray focused its energy output into a
thin beam so concentrated that it would not scatter, even over great

 On the night of June 30, 1908, Tesla tested the death ray while Robert Peary
was making his second attempt to reach the North Pole. Tesla notified Peary's
expedition that he would contact them, and that they should report to him
anything unusual they might witness.

 Tesla aimed his death ray across the Atlantic toward the arctic, to a spot
which he calculated was west of Peary's expedition.

 On June 30, 1908, a massive explosion devastated Tunguska, a remote area of
Siberia, destroying 500,000 acres instantly. Audible from 620 miles away, it
was the most powerful explosion in human history. Scientists believe it was
caused by a meteorite or comet fragment, although no such objects were found.
However, it seems obvious that Tesla's death ray had overshot its intended
target at the North Pole and destroyed Tunguska.

 In 1943, Tesla died in New York City at age 87. The U.S. government, through
the Federal Bureau of Investigation, ordered the Office of Alien Property to
seize all of Tesla's papers and possessions, although he had been an American
citizen since 1891.

 Reportedly, in 1957, the Russians were performing Tesla-like technology
experiments using microwaves aimed at various U.S. government facilities and
personnel; and the Pentagon retaliated with top-secret Tesla-based projects
of its own, the most famous of which is the "H.A.A.R.P." Project.

 Many scientific researchers believe that "H.A.A.R.P." is a communications
and surveillance network and a mass mind-control device.

 Mind-control operations utilize "directed-energy technology" described as
"non-lethal defense" which targets and attacks human beings with microwave
energy for experimentation -- or elimination -- purposes, and includes the
capabilities of sending sound analogs ("voices") and mental images, and of
reading a person's thoughts through brainwave translation.

 The "voices" were conceived in a lightning bolt. In 1956, two geophysicists,
Holzer and Deal, noticed that naturally-occurring electromagnetic (EM)
signals in the auditory range were tossed off by thunderstorms. With little
variation, most of the EM bursts were metered at 25 to 130 cycles per second,
with a very low attenuation rate. Therefore, lightning discharges could be
picked up anywhere in the world as "magnetic noise" on the ELF radio dial.

 Not only does the U.S. government have this technological capability, but
private industry does also.

 On November 16 and 17, 1993, the Los Alamos National Laboratory, located in
Los Alamos, New Mexico, sponsored a secret conference on non-lethal defense
at the Columbia Inn in Columbia, Maryland. Invited guests and speakers were,
among others, U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno, "brass" members of the U.S.
military branches, and private industry researchers, who discussed various
aspects of "directed-energy technology" including "voice synthesis."

 Los Alamos National Laboratory (http://www.lanl.gov) is located in northern
New Mexico. It is operated by the University of California for the U.S.
Department of Energy. It also provides access for other federal agencies to
highly specialized or unique facilities, services or technical expertise. The
majority of such work is for the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines.

 Some of the activities of Los Alamos National Laboratory are new technology
system assessments, nuclear weapon development, high-energy-density science
and applications, atmospheric and near-space environment technology, global
change and climate dynamics, bio-science, applications of defense technology
to the bio-mechanical modeling of the human body, techniques for non-invasive
functional imaging of the human brain, including neuroscience,
low-temperature physics, computer science, electrical engineering and
state-of-the-art signal processing.

 A private industrial firm known as ASM Labs of Marionville, Missouri
manufactures a product which it calls the "Mongoose fiber-optic cable system"
in which analog audio signals travel as light and, the company claims, are
immune from interference.

 Further, my research materials indicate that, along with government and
private industry, the Los Angeles Police Department -- specifically, its
"Special Intelligence Section" also has this technology; and that that
department "has an established history of civil and human rights abuses under
conspiratorial circumstances."

 On August 13, 1991, the Napa Sentinel, of Napa, California, published an
article by Harry V. Martin and David Caul which stated that:

 "California has been in the forefront of mind-control experimentation.
Government experiments also were conducted in the Haight-Ashbury District in
San Francisco at the height of the Hippy reign.
 "In 1974, Senator Sam Erwin -- of Watergate fame -- headed a U.S. Senate
Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights studying the subject of 'individual
rights and the Federal role in behavior modification.' Though little
publicity was given to this committee's investigation, Senator Erwin issued a
strong condemnation of the federal role in mind control. That condemnation,
however, did not halt mind control experiments -- they just received more
circuitous funding.

 "The Department of Health, Education and Welfare and the U.S. Army have
admitted mind control experiments. Many deaths have occurred.

 "In tracing the steps of government mind control experiments, the trail
leads to legal and illegal usages, usage for covert intelligence operations,
and experiments on innocent people who were unaware that they were being

 On November 8, 1991, the Napa Sentinel published another article by Harry V.
Martin and David Caul which stated:

 "Thirty years ago, Allen Frey [a biophysicist at General Electric's Advanced
Electronics Center, Cornell University and a contractor for the Office of
Naval Research] discovered that microwaves of 300 to 3,000 megahertz could be
'heard' by people, even if they were deaf, if pulsed at a certain rate.
Appearing to be originating just in back of the head, the sound boomed,
clicked, hissed or buzzed, depending upon the frequency. Later research has
shown that the perception takes place just in front of the ears.
 "Walter Reed Army Institute of Research [under the code name "Project
PANDORA"] refined the technique so that the microwaves could transmit
understandable spoken words. In fact, one of its researchers, Dr. Joseph C.
Sharp, was himself the subject of an experiment in which pulsed microwave
audiograms, or the microwave analog of the sound vibration of spoken words,
were delivered to his brain in such a way that he was able to understand the
words that were spoken.

 "Military and undercover uses of such a device might include driving a
subject crazy with inner voices in order to discredit him, or conveying
undetectable instructions to a programmed assassin."

 I have learned two important facts from my research data:
 1. In 1953, the United States signed the "Nuremberg Code" and pledged with
the international community of nations to respect human rights and to
prohibit experimentations on captive populations without full and free
consent. That same year, the Central Intelligence Agency began its
mind-control projects, and, with the U.S. Navy and U.S. Army, targeted
specific groups of people for experimentation who were not able to resist --
prisoners, mental patients, foreigners, ethnic minorities, sex deviants, the
terminally ill, children and U.S. military personnel and prisoners of war,
thus violating the Nuremberg Code.

 2. Pursuant to U.S. Executive Order No. 12333, dated December 4, 1981, the
national Department of Defense is legislatively prohibited from conducting
psychological experiments agaainst U.S. citizens.

 Further, I have conceived of three possible adjunctive facts:

 1. The "H.A.A.R.P. Project may be based in New Mexico instead of Alaska.

 2. The "hum" experienced and complained of by residents of Roswell, New
Mexico may be caused by "H.A.A.R.P." activity at Los Alamos National

 3. Spontaneous combustion of humans may result from increased body
temperature during microwave experimentation.

 My life is a struggle both day and night. The men who are participating in
this activity against me assault every part of my body with their voices
constantly, especially with sexual assault to my private parts. In public
restrooms, they even bounce their voices off other women's bodies if I am not
in motion. When I touch any part of my body, or an object touches any part of
it, or as my clothing moves against it, these men attach to the movement the
amplified sounds of their voices, or they employ licking, stroking,
vibrating, trembling, grabbing, pushing, rubbing or rustling sensations; or a
poking sensation, similar to the touch of a finger or the tip of a tongue; or
a pressing sensation, as with a hand. Almost always, they attach the sounds
of their voices to any movement that I make, or to any object that I touch,
pick up or put down, or handle. Further, they usually "voice-over" my
television or radio programs to be sure that I can hear only them.

 Often, some part of my body will become very warm, as though a heat lamp is
being shined on that part of it.

 Occasionally, I feel a blast of energy against the left or the right side of
my head, which I believe to be a blast of microwave energy, in that I can
feel warm air move against my head in waves, I can hear a loud "wind" sound,
and I become extremely dizzy and nauseous.

 When I visit a restroom, and when I shower or dress, they assault my private
parts, especialy between my legs, so intensely, it is as if I am being raped;
and I must actually wrestle against the sounds.

 Many women in Los Angeles are unaware that while they were at Ballys Health
Spa in Hollywood, California, or while they were in a public restroom
somewhere, they were spied on, listened to and their bodies were criticized
as they were naked and engaged in intimate feminine activity -- because I was
there. It is obvious, of course, that it probably occurs when I'm not there
-- and probably occurs everywhere, all the time.

 These men tell me that they "own" me and my body, and everything I have;
that they have taken away all of my rights and my relationshp with Jesus
Christ; and that they have sold subscriptions to millions of men who also
participate in seeing and hearing me, and bouncing their voices against my
body parts.

 They tell me, "We've made you into a whore, and it doesn't matter what we do
to you." "We're using you as a 'scapegoat' for our sins." "We want you to
think we've sold you into slavery." "We want you to do what we tell you to
do." "We just want to keep raping you, with nothing you can do about it." "We
don't want you to have nothing." "You're not a woman, anyway, you ugly
bitch." "I wouldn't do this to an animal -- but you're lower than an animal,
you damn dog." "We've never had so much trouble getting rid of a nigger."

 "You were the guinea pig for what we could do to other women. We've raped so
many other women using sound devices..." "We want you to think it's a
pleasure." "We want you to think it's legal." "We're men, and part of your
'punishment' is to be naked in front of millions of men." "You have no idea
how much money is involved. I'm an agent for the government and we make up
our deficit selling pictures of you, you ugly bitch."

 When I pray or read the Bible, they scream blasphemies so loudly, I can
hardly maintain my concentration.

 I will appreciate any and all assistance you can provide to me in my quest
to remove these "voices" and other related harassment from my life.

 Please consider that the signals which transmit these "voices" to me may be
hidden from normal detection.

 Please consider that the frequency at which the signals are sent may be
changed from time to time to avoid detection.

 Please consider that the signals may be transmitted in GIGAHERTZ instead of

 Finally, please consider also that the signals may not be transmitted
through the air, but through the ground.

 Thank you for your response.


 From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Mon Mar 4 17:45:19 1996
 Date: Sun, 3 Mar 1996 15:23:09 -0800 (PST)
 From: Amazon Paralegal Services
 Subject: Invasion Of Privacy Transmissions
 My name is Tannie Lee Braziel. I am a 50-year-old black female. My street
address is 1680 North Vine Street, Suite 214, Hollywood, California 90028. My
telephone number is (213) 465-1255. My fax number is (213) 465-0937. My
Internet domain name is "amazonco.com".

 I am self-employed at the above address as Amazon Paralegal Services and
Amazon Publishing Enterprises, which I have owned and operated since 1986. I
have worked in the legal profession as a legal secretary and paralegal since
1968. I am an alumnus of U.C.L.A. (1975) with a bachelor's degree in English.

 For approximately the last five (5) years, since 1991, I have been stalked
and terrorized electronically, and my civil rights have been violated, by
people who broadcast verbal transmissions to me wherever I go, in and out of
doors (hereafter referred to as "the voices").

 The voices are male and belong to men who see and hear me -- and speak to me
-- through the air. They also speak to me through motorized devices, my
television, the rustling of my clothing against my body, the sounds of food
in my mouth when I eat, running water, any papers I pick up and handle, any
door which I or anyone near me closes or slams, and virtually any sound which
is made anywhere on me or near me.

 Some of the voices belong to white men and some belong to black men. They
plague and torture me with constant insults to my person and my race. They
blaspheme God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. They insult my church, my
deceased mother and the rest of my family.

 The voices demand that I close down my business. They threaten me with
violence to me and my family if I don't do so, or if I expose what they are
doing to me.

 Furthermore, anyone who is physically near me is subjected to an invasion of
their privacy by the same people, which includes the women's locker room of
Bally's Holiday Spa in Hollywood, California which I visit daily, and where I
have met entertainment personalities, a Los Angeles County deputy district
attorney, and a Los Angeles City policewoman.

 An even more horrific aspect of these men's intrusion into my life is that,
somehow, they can read my mind. They actually speak my thoughts with me as I
think them, regardless of the brevity of the thought. They tell me that I
"send signals" which they are able to translate into speech and hear.

 I believe that these men are using the airwaves by some type of satellite
tracking and/or scanning activity which enables them to stalk me and
communicate with me constantly. I believe they may be reading my mind through
some type of computerized "brainwave-to-speech" translation activity, similar
to the "text-to-speech" device and software which I have installed on my own

 Sometimes, the voices tell me that they're the police, that they're giving
me "police protection" and that they are communicating with me to "keep in
contact" with me. Sometimes they claim to be "God".

 In California, Penal Code Section 646.9(a) provides that "[a]ny person who
willfully, maliciously, and repeatedly follows or harasses another person and
who makes a credible threat with the intent to place that person in
reasonable fear of his or her safety, or the safety of his or her immediate
family, is guilty of the crime of stalking ...."

 California Penal Code Section 422 describes terrorist threat as "[a]ny
person who willfully threatens to commit a crime which will result in death
or great bodily injury to another person, with the specific intent that the
statement is to be taken as a threat, even if there is no intent of actually
carrying it out ...."

 California Penal Code Section 422.6 prohibits any person, whether or not
acting under color of law, from using force or threat of force to willfully
injure, intimidate, interfere with, oppress or threaten any other person's
free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured by state or U.S.
constitutional laws.

 My constitutional rights are being violated constantly by these men,
including my right to personal privacy. I am dehumanized and degraded
constantly by such common acts as bathing or using the toilet.

 I have sustained substantial losses of personal property as a result of the
mental and emotional abuse which these men have inflicted upon me during the
last five years. The day of my mother's funeral on August 27, 1993 will
always include the horror of these men's insults of her before she was even
laid in her grave. They have vilified her memory on a constant basis ever
since then, and even claim that they have eaten her body.

 In light of the recent revelations about Mark Furhrman, a Los Angeles Police
Department detective who was involved in the O.J. Simpson case, and his
extreme hatred for black people, it has occurred to me that the men who
torment me may be policemen who share his opinions.

 The voices have told me that "Voorhees" and "Kruger" are names of authority
figures involved in the stalking activity against me. Perhaps "Voorhees" and
"Kruger" are policemen.

 Therefore, I am concerned not only for myself and my family, but for other
black people who might be enduring similar experiences, but who are unable or
unwilling to seek help. Further, I am concerned that some people may have
been injured or killed while trying to avoid or eliminate such electronic
intrusions into their lives.

 Recently, I heard a female caller on a radio show complain of "noises" which
she could hear in her home, and which she thought sounded like "voices."

 On October 9, 1995, I watched a television program on UHF Channel 40 ("This
Week In Bible Prophecy") which discussed the ability of a satellite to read a
newspaper over one's shoulder, the ability to track a person because his
"I.D." is attached to a certain frequency, and the ability to monitor by

 I am a member of the Church of Christ. I attend the Southside congregation
at 1655 W. Manchester, Los Angeles where the minister is my cousin, Carl

 I am the mother of a 25-year-old daughter who was formerly in the officers
training program of the United States Navy until spring, 1995 when she opted
for early release.

 I can provide numerous personal and business references who will certify my
intelligence, integrity and sanity.

 I cannot describe here the complete horror of this entire experience,
because I cannot communicate the vicious hatred which these men convey to me
through their speech and sound effects.

 However, I have maintained a "diary" of many of the quotations from these
men. Due to the lewd nature of the quotations, I am transmitting them by fax
machine directly to Office of Engineering and Technology.

 I request your investigation of these transmissions to me so that the
persons responsible can be apprehended. I am desperate to again live my life
enjoying the same peace and privacy which is assured to and common to all
citizens of the United States of America.

 Please respond as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your courteous
attention to this matter.


 "White people want you to close down your business."

 "You're just a nigger."

 "Think I'm God!"

 "You're nothing but an animal. It doesn't matter what we do to you."

 "We don't want you getting anything out of that life of yours."

 "We want you to have nothing for your whole life."

 "I don't like the person you are."

 "We don't want you to be a Christian. We don't want you praying to God."

 "Get out of there. Get out of that office."

 "Think I'm the owner of your business."

 "We think you're stupid anyway."

 "I could just bust your head open."

 "I want you listening to 'I am God!' 'til you lose your mind."

 "You're the stupidest bitch in the world."

 "Black women aren't allowed to have a business like yours, you ugly bitch."

 "We don't want you getting up in the world."

 "See, Miss Braziel, these cops have it in for you. We want you to close down
that business."

 "Prisons are full of set-up bitches like you. Those women turn 'em into
dikes, and they die and go to hell."

 "Chew on your cud, you ugly bitch."

 "I'm thinking about just killing you."

 "We don't even want you to know what your name is, Tannie."

 "Amazon, if someone was telling me to close down my business, I'd be gone

 "I want you to be a whore so bad."

 "I want you standing on the street corner, whoring and calling me God."

 "I want your God to worship me."

 "I want you layin' up f------ your God."

 "Furhman ain't nothin' compared to what we've got goin' on. We've been
killin' those niggers one by one."

 "In this country, I am God."

 "You're gonna die."

 "I don't care what I do to you. You're just a nigger anyway."

 "We're out here to ruin your life."

 "I've made so much money of your vagina -- your hole."

 "We want this nigger to do as she's told."

 "A dog like you is nothin' but entertainment to us."

 "We don't want a dog like you to ever benefit from that brain of yours."

 "I killed your mother to drive you crazy."

 "To me, colored people aren't human."

 "A lot of cattlemen own a piece of you."

 "White people own you."

 "I've turned you into a whore."

 "We don't want a nigger like you even eating."

 "The police don't want you there."

 "That position you're in is reserved for white people."

 "Your rights have been taken away from you."

 "I am the damn Lord."

 "We're using you as an example."

 "White people don't want your business to continue."

 "I like to look up women's asses, and I want to keep doin' it."

 "Women like you have been eliminated so many times."

 "Why don't you become a cop and get set up to be murdered by cops

 "I've made so much money off your naked body."

 "Ain't no black woman at the forefront of nothin'."

 "You deserve it."

 "What does your body mean?"

 "I want you to think that what we're doin' is legal."


 "You're not wanted here!"

 "Get out of here!"

 "We don't want you bathing. We want you to wake up tomorrow in the same
condition you're in now."

 "I have a right to look in on these women."

 "Dogs like these deserve to be looked in on."

 "These kind of women deserve to be spied on."

 "These fat whores --."

 When I visit a restroom, these men bounce their voices off the private parts
of my body -- and off the tissue paper while I'm using it between my legs.

 When I shower, these men scream at me through the flowing water, and bounce
their voices off my body as I wipe it with a towel.

 When a situation arises in which I'm looking for a lost item, or for
directions to a location, or reading, or in any other inherently stressful
situation, these men scream repetitively, "I AM GOD!" or "GET OUT OF HERE!"
or they make lewd statements about me or my daughter, or my deceased mother;
or they make any other statement which they apparently believe will
debilitate my concentration -- or state of mind -- so that I will be able to
hear only them, and think of only them.

 These men ring tones in my ears, and flash small red and white lights around
me while demanding that I act or not act in various situations, such as my
purchases at a store, my meals, my baths, my work, and my telephone calls.


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