On Sat, 22 Jul 2000 00:51:45 -0500 (CDT) Chuck0 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ________________________________________________
>      A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
>            http://www.ainfos.ca/
> ________________________________________________
>The Black Scare
>Eugene anarchists have now become the boogie people for Portland.
>A peaceful May Day march by 350 protesters in Portland was met by
>100 riot police who fired beanbag shotguns and slammed into citizens
>with horses and ATVs. At least 20 citizens were injured, Willamete
>Week reported.
>Portland Police Chief Mark Kroeker was called before the Portland
>City Council last month for an explanation.
>"Kroeker blamed Eugene anarchists as the pretext for putting the
>cops in riot gear," Willamette Week reported. "On May 1, the
>anarchists were in Portland 'to incite violence.' As proof, he
>offered an e-mail from a self-described Eugene anarchist; at most
>it is a description of egg tossing and marching. Other than that,
>his report contains no documentation of anarchist behavior -- just
>the observation that there were people wearing black masks and
>hoods in Portland."
>Eugene anarchists said after the event that the Portland police
>created their own riot and Eugene protesters played only a minor
>role in the demonstration. Lilly, 24, says she was among about 20
>Eugene protesters, some dressed as pirates, who traveled to Portland
>for the May 1 event.  At the large rally, "It was quite the minority
>from Eugene," says Lilly, who declined to give her last name for
>fear of police retaliation. The group hadn't planned any property
>destruction. "Nobody I heard said they were going to do anything
>up there," she said.
>"It was pretty low key until the police attacked," said Monkey,
>22, who also did not give a full name for fear of retaliation.
>Lilly says she thinks the Portland police were all "roboed up" for
>the protest because the Eugene police called and told them the
>anarchists were coming.
>EPD fear-mongering about the anarchist menace led to a similar
>overblown police response in April at a protest in Tacoma, according
>to Seattle Weekly. The paper reported that the EPD called the Tacoma
>police with "alarming" warnings of Eugene anarchists attending a
>protest against Kaiser Aluminum's owner, logging and junk bond
>baron Charles Hurwitz. The Tacoma police deployed 350 officers
>against a protest by 50 activists, Seattle Weekly reported.
>Lilly and Monkey say it's silly for police and mass media to hype
>Eugene as the "anarchist capital of the world." Many cities in the
>U.S. and around the world have independent, large groups of
>anti-corporate activists, they say.  "It's happening everywhere,"
>Lilly says. "We're not that organized."
> http://www.eugeneweekly.com
>Alternative Press Review  -  www.altpr.org
>Your Guide Beyond the Mainstream
>PO Box 4710  -  Arlington, VA 22204
>Mid-Atlantic Infoshop  -  www.infoshop.org
>"One of the Web's best-organized political sites." - George magazine
>"Our first work must be the annihilation of everything
>as it now exists."  -  Mikhail Bakunin
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