July 23, 2000

Hello Rep. Nancy Pelosi,
    I have just read that you are on the House Permanent Select Committee on
Intelligence, and signed off on the recent report absolving the CIA of any
ties to drug trafficking or traffickers.
    For shame.
    I must be candid. I earned Eagle Scout as a teen, and was proud of it.
    I am also a former addict who is very upset at what the Hitz report,
(both parts) REALLY said, contrary to the absolute transparent
misrepresentations in the latest report out of the committee on which you
    This is the country I grew up loving, and being proud of? I have found a
multitude of references to US GOVERNMENT knowledge of drug running among CIA
assets, agents, and CIA-backed regimes around the world.
    We are about to give $1.3 Billion to Gen. Tapias' Colombian Military, who
are now implicated in drug trafficking too, what with the recent bust of
3,500 kilos being guarded by the AUN, tied strongly to Gen. Tapias, through
Carlos Castania.
    Yet this latest report from your committee tries to absolve the CIA! How
can you, as an honest woman, sign off on that report, as full of lies, and
misrepresentations as it is? This is horrid, and depressing, and truly
humiliating, when I speak to foreign friends in other countries who laugh at
me being an American with such a duplicitous government, one that passes the
most draconian anti-SOME drug laws in the world, locks up millions of its own
citizens, then hands the CIA $27 Billion or more as a budget when it is KNOWN
and ADMITTED BY THE CIA ITSELF that it worked with, knowingly, at least 58
companies and individuals it KNEW were involved in trafficking, in the Contra
supply efforts alone, That isn't even mentioning Haiti, or Kosovo, or the
Dominican Republic, or Panama, or Afghanistan, or Laos, etc, etc.
    I must really express my outrage, and disgust at this turn of events.
    Here is hoping you might find some backbone, and stand up for your
citizenry, the people you supposedly represent, even though I am not in your
district. I AM an American, and want to be proud of it.
    Peace, and have a nice day,
    Preston Peet
    (address edited for lists)

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