Sent: Monday, July 24, 2000 10:25 PM
Subject: U.S. plays down fears over Internet wiretap system

U.S. plays down fears over Internet wiretap system
By Andrew Clark

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. officials Monday sought to calm concerns about a
new FBI Internet-wiretapping  system called Carnivore, describing it as a
``small-scale device'' and insisting that fears of broad online surveillance
were overblown.

Carnivore allows U.S. law enforcement agencies to find and follow the e-mails
of a criminal suspect among the flood of other data passing through an
Internet service provider.

Lawmakers and privacy advocates have expressed concerns the program may cast
too wide a net, trawling through the e-mails of the innocent in order to come
up with the communications of the target of an investigation.

FBI officials, however, told a House Judiciary subcommittee hearing the
system had a far more narrow focus and could only be used, like more familiar
telephone intercepts, under the specific terms of a court order.

Carnivore ``does not search through the contents of every message and collect
those that contain key words like 'bomb' and 'drugs','' FBI Assistant
Director Donald Kerr said.

``It selects messages based on criteria expressly set out in the court order,
for example messages transmitted to or from a particular account or to or
from a particular user.''

U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno said two weeks ago she would review the
system to determine whether it might infringe on privacy rights, but Justice
Department officials told the hearing Monday it would not do so.

``Carnivore is simply an investigative tool that is used online only under
narrowly defined circumstances, and only when authorized by law, to meet our
responsibilities to the public,'' said Deputy Assistant Attorney General
Kevin DiGregory.

The system ``permits law enforcement strictly to comply with court orders,
strongly to protect privacy, and effectively to enforce the law to protect
the public interest,'' he added.

Critics remained skeptical. The American Civil Liberties Union has asked for
a look at the program's source code so it could evaluate the software's true

``Carnivore is roughly equivalent to a wiretap capable of accessing the
contents of the conversations of all of a phone company's customers, with
only the 'assurance' that the FBI will record only the conversations of the
specified target,'' ACLU Associate Director Barry Steinhardt said.

And some Internet service providers dispute whether the system is necessary
at all, saying they can already produce the e-mails of criminal suspects if
ordered to do so by a court.

``Reviewing all data to find some data is neither the most efficient nor the
least intrusive method of electronic surveillance,'' said Peter Sachs,
president of Connecticut service provider ICONN, LLC. ``That is especially
true when all ISPs ... can easily supply the FBI with all of the information
it needs in a timely, accurate and efficient manner.''

Lawmakers on the subcommittee said they would keep an open mind on the issue,
but several signaled concern over the implications of the new technology.

``We should be sensitive to any potential for abuse,'' said Florida Rep.
Charles Canady, the panel's chairman. ``Even a system designed with the best
of intentions to legally carry out essential law enforcement functions may be
a cause for concern if its use is not properly monitored.''

Michigan Rep. John Conyers, the ranking Democrat on the full Judiciary
Committee, said Congress needed to ensure Carnivore did not ``bite off more
than it can chew.''

``Should we now be comfortable with a 'trust us, we're the government
approach?'' he said. ``I don't think anybody on this committee shares that

15:12 07-24-00
2000 Reuters Limited

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