This is one item of interest that all veterans in particular should note
- we sent healthy boys to war and healthy young women, and many came
home with unexplained illness called Gulf War Syndrome.

Clinton then makes mandatory the use of anthrax vaccine to line pockets
of Admiral Crowe who profits - now operating a company tht was going

This item relates that Richrard Cheney could have cared less out our
veterans.   Now I have read all the nicey-nice news items he wrote about
him self, his biography but he excludes his disinterest in sick
veterans, who had no place to turn who were essentially shunned by the
government who sent them virtually as mercenaries to a undeclared,
illegal war.

To say Cheney comes to Bush with clean hands is the over-statement of
the year.  Experience yes, but this man could someday be president
(astrologer's mark of doom stuff) and our veterans deserve better than

Would rather see McCain, that Cheney - even if he does go bananas when
they say "banjo" for he was a veteran and political prisoner for 5
years.   Who and what to believe?

I believed the soldiers who came back home - did you know air
conditioners were provided for all tents to soldiers - Legionaires
Disease type illness?   We never got the truth on that one either, but
the victims of Gulf War Symdrom in USA and across the world, were Legion
....and their governments fought them tooth and nail.....while Cheney,
just turned his back.

Want a bastard like that for Vice President?


Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Dec. 26, 1996
issue of Workers World newspaper
Why won't the Pentagon tell the truth about Gulf War Syndrome

By Judi Cheng and G. Dunkel

The first week of December, Pentagon officials claimed they had "lost"
the logs that would have documented whether U.S. troops were exposed to
deadly chemicals during the Gulf War.

The second week of December, leading scientists hired by the Pentagon to
investigate the Gulf War Syndrome charged that the Pentagon had not
turned over even the evidence it admits not losing.

The scientists have impeccable bourgeois credentials. One of them,
Joshua Ledeberg, is former president of Rockefeller University and a
Nobel Prize laureate. He tried to soften his criticism by saying of the
Pentagon, "Un-led is probably a better word than misled."

Nevertheless, Ledeberg was particularly upset about incidents in which
Czech chemical-warfare specialists put on protective garments while U.S.
soldiers went unprotected.

Czech, French and British soldiers are also suffering from various
unexplained illnesses. Since the Gulf War was a joint war of all the
imperialists and their clients against Iraq, soldiers from a number of
countries are suffering from similar illnesses.

The gaps in the logs include the period in March 1991 when U.S. combat
engineers blew up the Kamisiyah ammunition depot. That may have exposed
tens of thousands of Iraqis and allied soldiers to a cloud of chemicals.

The U.S. press has focused on this incident. But if the chemicals were
in fact released into the air, it was a U.S. military attack during a
U.S. invasion of a sovereign country that did that.

The United States has the greatest conglomeration of all sorts of
weaponry in the world. It has vast stores of chemical, nuclear,
"conventional" and other devices scattered in secret facilities
throughout the country. If another country were to ever bomb one of
these facilities, it's inconceivable that the U.S. press would blame the
Pentagon instead of the country that attacked.

Yet in this case, the U.S. media unequivocally blame Iraq, the country
under attack, instead of the Pentagon, the attacker-even though Iraq's
arsenal is nowhere near comparable to the Pentagon's, and even though
Iraq never used the Kamisiyah weapons.

Proof of Pentagon cover-up

Meanwhile, other factors that should be considered go unmentioned.

U.S. and allied weapons unleashed a vast amount of depleted uranium
during the war.

The possible toxic effects of this substance are grave. Yet there has
been no media outcry and certainly no official inquiry into the effects
of DU on the troops.

U.S. troops in the tens of thousands also received an experimental drug
designed to protect them against chemical weapons. Many Gulf War
veterans now believe their illness may be linked to these injections.

******Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf of the U.S. high command during the Gulf
War, former Joint Chiefs of Staff Chair Gen. Colin Powell and former
Defense Secretary Richard Cheney, former President George Bush and
President Bill Clinton-none of them has shown much interest in the
plight of Gulf War veterans suffering from an array of debilitating

But the 40,000 or more former soldiers and their families are hard to
hide. The government has to manage this crisis before it really blows
up-especially if it wants to send more soldiers to die in future
imperialist wars.

The Gulf War commanders boasted of the war's minor casualties-only 147
GIs dead, most done in by friendly fire. But Gulf War Syndrome appears
to affect the soldiers' children, so the body count is rising.

Of course, the war's toll is far, far higher. But Washington doesn't
count Iraqi lives.

Earlier this year, reporter Leslie Stahl asked U.S. Ambassador to the
United Nations Madeleine Albright on the CBS-TV show "60 Minutes":

     "It is said that as a result of the sanctions [on Iraq], more than
half a million Iraqi children have died. That's more than were killed in
Hiroshima. Is it worth the price?''

       Albright answered, "It's a hard choice for us-but yes, it's worth
it.'' She is now slated to become secretary of state-chief of foreign
affairs-in the second Clinton administration.

The ruling class's attitude to its soldiers is phrased differently. But
the health and well-being of soldiers is not the Pentagon's primary
concern. Their availability as cannon fodder is.

- END -
(Copyright Workers World Service: Permission to reprint granted if
source is cited. For more information contact Workers World, 55 W. 17
St., NY, NY 10011; via e-mail:

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Copyright © 1996

A. Saba
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