Find out who the Gideons really are, and you have key to all the
assassinations-Gideon and his 300.

Do not look to the extreme right for the key to the murders - for we
have the enemy within and they are neither Republican or Democrat,
Cathoic nor Protestant.......

Take a second look at a conspiracy that takes in all religion,
astrology, combined all prominent secret societies - and you have the

This element would knock off George Bush as quickly as they would a
Kennedy - for when Kennedy was murdered, the democrat party was lost
forever - today the Democrat Party is the NWO vehicle by which the worst
of the lot travel.

Look at Clinton and Rhodes Scholars.

George Bush family came with the Mayflower not the Red Coats?

So Communist Time Table is Gideon Bible Code/Calendar keyed to stars and
testaments from genocide to the Alpha and Omega Man.

As for Gordon Novel - when you read this, remember Wee Gordie worked for
Guy Banister, owned a night club at one time, did one black bag job and
got caught, was FBI informer it was said - provided services to Larry
Flynt AFTER Mark Lane got through with him, and this guy is worse than
Casper the Ghost....

KGB operating in the Ku Klux Klan?    Now stop and think about that one,
for KKK uses masonic riuals and black masons use same riuals and
Farakkhan knows it........

Only one legitimate masonic order and you do not see them running ads in
newspapers or getting involved openly in politics as does Bnai Brith who
try to censor any voices in opposition to their personal policies and

Better wake up America.......being led to wrong side of horse
again......the arabs outnumber the jews in the holy land and if they
ever arm up in a ground war, it is goodbye to State of Israel.

So what is Clinton doing acting and I mean acting, as a moderator in a
war that has been going on for 2,000 years is it?

At least he knew Ismael was given all that oil....part of God's Plan?

So much for people afraid of the truth and those who would censor and
suppress the truth.

Who was Gideon and his 300?    Check that out in the Judges in the
bible.....and then wonder why CFR - the 300 sent threat to Reagan which
was made public to lay off Federal Reserve and straighten up and fly
right - or else - and then, Reagan was gunned down by NWO?

Or pardon, CFR and Walter Lippman - shades of Walter Lippman - when RFK
got it, he quoted from the 109th the 110th psalm too and
say none dare call this conspiracy.

Lippman was Round Table and CFR.....and major propagandist - and
prophecy, equates to propaganda - get the picture?


A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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