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print for a Prison Planet</A>
Part Three - Constructing a Prison Planet


Having read thus far, many people will no doubt have found what is written
above quite interesting, but not unreasonably still be pretty skeptical about
how any of this really points to the existence of an elite cabal operating at
the apex of our culture.

One query in many people's minds likely being - how could such a small group
achieve such power, and without our becoming aware of its existence? Let's
now look more closely at how this has been done.

Knowledge is power. This popular aphorism is particularly relevant here.
Exploiting people is very simple when you have a little more knowledge than
they do. And whilst our knowledge of many things these days is impressive,
there are other, important areas where we are deeply lacking. It is because
we do not understand how important emotions are and how our subconscious
needs will always try and get themselves met, one way or the other, that we
become so controlled by fear and pain, as I've explored in the preceding
chapter. And it is because the majority do not know what the minority know
that we now find our planet being directed toward a very dark place.

Anyone studying the most knowledgable and influential characters in the early
history of the West, from Pythagorus all the way through to Isaac Newton,
will find out, if they dig deep, that they all had a fascination with one
particular subject - the occult. By this I do not mean the bizarre rituals
and funny costumes that most of us associate with esoteric knowledge. But
rather the principles by which the universe is believed to operate that are
hidden in the text and symbolism of many of the world's great religious
works, including the Bible, accessible only to those in the know.

Esoteric knowledge is knowledge of a system that essentially represents a
means by which the will of an individual can be done. Whether this has a
positive or negative impact on the world depends on the individual. Esoteric
knowledge can be used for good or evil. The evil is currently outweighing the
good because the majority of us have allowed ourselves to be led into
believing that occult knowledge is all just superstitious nonsense. It is
not. Many of the principles are already familiar to us, albeit in a different
form. But it is the ones that we are not aware of that are being used so
effectively to control us, and direct our development in a negative
Most occult principles are cloaked in symbolism and three symbols very
important to anyone who would like to control the world are the spiral, the
pyramid and the planet Saturn.

Pyramids, Spirals and the planet Saturn

The pyramid represents a form of political or social structure that allows a
small group of individuals to control a much larger group. If you imagine a
pyramid split up into ascending levels you have the basic model. At each
level up there are fewer people, but greater knowledge, and hence power. The
pyramid power structure is found all over Western culture. Companies,
corporations, 'establishment' organisations and government bodies all
classically use the this structure to manage their activities. At each level
on the promotional ladder an employee ascends to, there is greater power. And
when you get to the top you can control the entire structure on your own.
When setting up these power structures, the elite will invariably asign the
organisation to initially have a benign social function. This allows it to
become established quickly. Once it has power, then its role can be
progressively changed such that it begins to forward the agenda of the elite
when the time is right.

The spiral represents nature and evolution, immensely powerful forces that
can be harnessed by anyone for good or evil. The circular aspects of the
spiral refer to the cyclical nature or periodicity of all living structures -
seasonal changes, cycles of mental or physical activity, autonomic
functioning, etc. The way that a spiral moves away from its centre with each
turn represents the force of evolution moving through this periodicity.

The elite commenced their activities with very little power but a lot of
knowledge. And bit by bit they converted knowledge to power, always using
their gains to the acquire more. From humble beginnings, they achieved power
initially via accumulating wealth as goldsmiths. They then reinvested that
wealth back into the emergent social structures of Middle Ages Europe and
thus slowly developed greater power. This too was reinvested back allowing
them to gain greater control over the world around them, until finally the
whole planet came within their grasp. This is an example of spiral power at

The process of conditioning, of restricting an individual's freedom, such
that you may exploit the consequences is well recognised in occult circles.
It is known as harnessing the power of Saturn. Saturn has represented
restriction from time immemorial because of the planet's famous rings, which
to the occultist symbolise restraining bonds. The construction of America was
largely achieved through the slave trade, a good example of the elite
harnessing the power of Saturn for their own ends. The conditioning of
children is another. As we have seen, when we are conditioned by our parents
through the systematic withholding of affection, a subconscious dynamic is
set up within us. And this allows us to be exploited by the founders of the
culture that set up the conditioning process.

The harsh treatment British children in particular receive has been utilised
for centuries to further the aims of the elite. In the seventeenth and
eighteenth centuries, the elite harnessed the power of Saturn to create a
race of people who could be driven to both sail around the world colonising
much of the planet and further work the infrastructure necessary to maintain
the elite's conquest. Whilst in truth from the Middle Ages onwards there were
a variety elite groups vying for power, the creation of America consolidated
the elite's power base to such an extent it became the dominant body. And
later became the means by which they would bring the entire planet within
their grasp. Central to all elite activities in Europe and the US is the
conditioning of children. This is done on the pretext of rendering them
'civilised'. Once one generation of children have grown up conditioned you
have the raw material that can be directed to go out and enslave other
countries on your behalf. The elite used conditioning to make Europe and the
US their centres of operation. And from these centres set out to conquer the
rest of the globe.

Imbalance and Disconnection

In addition to using the forces represented by the spiral, the pyramid and
the planet Saturn, the elite also extensively use the power of imbalance.
This tactic takes the form of vastly overemphasising one side of a structure
that is naturally resolved into two complementary parts - the male over the
female, conservatism over liberalism, reductionism over holism and so on.
This has the effect of causing deep imbalances within the human psyche. And
our subconscious and innate desire to return to a state of wholeness is
constantly put to use by the elite to further their ends. In order that this
principle be effective we need to be led into believing that the state of
imbalance is natural. This is done via yet another well-known occult
principle - the principle of disconnection.

By re-writing the history books in the Middle Ages, the elite have sold us
the lie that Western culture derives almost solely from Ancient Greece, when
in truth it is intimately connected with the ancient cultures of the Middle
East, India and the Orient. By creating this disconnection with our past, the
elite can impose their vision of culture upon us, and we thus come to believe
that overtly one-sided structures are our cultural norm.

This achieves two useful ends for the elite. Firstly, because we consciously
believe that the culture that surrounds us is natural, our subconscious mind
is constantly driven to seek out a state of wholeness that it feels must
exist somewhere. And this drive can be put to use in the ongoing enslavement
of the planet. And secondly, by creating the illusion that Western culture
springs from just one place, the elite are thus free to utilise other
people's knowledge to forward their own aims, without our understanding its
significance. The esoteric principles we have been looking at here derive
from ancient Eastern cultures, and are being used to control us whilst we
actually ridicule their very existence and our scientists expend much energy
trying to prove they are not so!


Which brings us now to science - a field where the elite have been
particularly active. As far back as the sixteenth century elite groups
working in occult fields had established the essential veracity of the Hindu,
Vedic model in relation to the mystery of creation and the 'meaning of life'.
They developed their own version which fundamentally models physical
existence, in today's terminology, as being the result of a series of
elementary processes explicating sequentially between folded and infinite
space, producing a series of locked, vibrational harmonic intervals. From
infinite time and space is thus created a simulatory 'finite' universe that
can be relatively interpreted from a series of apparently 'separate'
locations. The physical world in this model can be comprehended as being
essentially an interactive learning environment into which the soul
constantly incarnates until it begins to grasp the principles by which it can
liberate itself from the need to repeatedly die and be reborn. Once the elite
had satisfied themselves as to the accuracy of this model, with its implicit
emphasis on reincarnation, they set about systematically hiding it from
others, to forward their own ends. This was done by establishing a school of
scientific thought intended to lead the emergent learned classes of
renaissance Europe away from comprehending the true nature of our world and
instead draw them into uncovering the technologies the elite could utilise to
further exploit the environment.

One of their true masterstrokes to this end was the creation of the Royal
Society in 1640's London. The Royal Society established the fundamental
principles of what is now universally regarded as 'science' - empiricism and
reductionism. And these two concepts thus became the cornerstone of
scientific method, as they remain to this day. In setting up the Royal
Society, the elite achieved two vital aims. Firstly, the significance of
esoteric knowledge became progressively hidden from view and thus slowly
disregarded by the masses, (principle of disconnection). And, secondly, the
forces of the material world could progressively be harnessed by the elite as
more and more learned men and women were led into pursuing the empiric,
reductionist model, (principle of imbalance).

What the founders of the Royal Society knew, that our scientists today do
not, was that empiricism, the interpretion of phenomena based on objective,
experimental validation, could not easily reveal true insights into the
nature of our existence, merely hint at aspects of functional structure such
that primal forces could be harnassed and directed. Implicit to the occult
model is the need for systematic and sustained subjective analysis, in
addition to objective evaluation. Science's emphasis of the objective over
the subjective, (principal of imbalance), therefore actually renders it
largely impotent as a tool by which we might better comprehend our world.
To reinforce the new science's purpose as simply a tool to manipulate natural
forces, not comprehend them, reductionism was also vastly emphasized over its
counterpart, contextualism, or holism, (principal of imbalance). Reductionism
is a scientific philosophy that espouses that something can be understood by
examination of its constituent parts, as opposed to its function.
The Royal Society therefore based this new 'science' on reductionism and
empiricism knowing full well that no matter what people discovered, it could
not easily lead them to freedom, merely to greater enslavement. Reductionist,
empiric science has many useful functions, but it can never truly liberate
us, for at a deep conceptual level it is based on only one half of the story.
If the counterbalances to reductionism and empiricism were introduced into
mainstream science, then advances in all fields would occur at a phenomenal

The elite are fully aware of this and exert immense power over how modern
science develops via a variety of 'establishment' bodies operating in
government, education and the private sector. By ensuring that funding for
research only goes where they want it, the elite thus regulate completely the
development of science.

Even the 'new physics' was of course old hat to those at the top of the elite
structure. Esoteric manuscripts show that senior occult researchers had
actually got to e=mc  generations before Einstein was even born. And by doing
so, had given the elite the power to direct the development of even subatomic
physics when mainstream scientists later came to it. Thus ensuring that the
immense forces that hold together matter were used, not to do good, but to
produce weapons so horrific they could be used to further blackmail humanity
into accepting globalisation.
Now let's look at yet another occult principle put to work by the elite.

Ego and the sense of self

The power of thought and suggestion are well respected in occult circles.
Indeed, our thoughts about ourselves and those around us are recognised as
being a vital source of energy that can be put to work for good or evil.
Encouraging selfishness has always always made sense to the elite.

In the US especially, the world culture in waiting, those who control us have
worked hard to create a specific social structure where the needs of the
individual are seen as outweighing the needs of the group. This is another
example of normalising a state of imbalance and draws people into thinking
about themselves and away from thinking about others. And the corrupted
driving instinct that naturally results from exposure to this system benefits
the elite in two ways.

Firstly, the desire to 'get ahead' that an American upbringing is
specifically designed to induce can be put to work at a corporate level,
ensuring that the plan for world takeover proceeds at maximum pace. And,
secondly, the elite believe that selfish thinking feeds back to them at a
psychic level and reinforces their hold on the planet.

This latter belief arises because occultists believe that fear, hatred, envy
and anger are all emotions that can be used to maintain a state of control
over people. And this is reflected in many of the social and political
structures that have developed in the West. Central and local government
structure, race policy, religious belief, service industry policy and
corporate structure are all seen as fields where tension and fear can be
generated and utilised towards helping maintain control.

However, the elite also know well that there are limits that must be adhered
to when negative emotions are being used to maintain control. For occultists
also believe that all emotions ultimately derive from love, and so if anyone
is driven too deeply into negativity they will discover salvation. They
recognise that the ideal state to keep us in is that of believing everything
is our neighbour's fault or otherwise terminally depressed.

With specific regard to social responsibility and self-empowerment, it is
important to realise that what has happened to our world is not really much
our fault. Here in the West we have been sold the story of taking
responsibility for our actions for generations - by the elite. A person
operating from a subconscious need is simply unaware of what it is that is
truly driving them. They have little choice in their actions, for
subconscious needs will always try and get met. And behaviour can thus easily
be directed and channelled into negative pursuits. And by getting Westerners
to believe they are responsible for their actions, so we begin to blame
ourselves for the collapsing world structure we see around us. And thus
become increasingly despondent and further disempowered to do anything about

Now let's look at little closer at some of the other structures and
institutions we find in the Western world and see how some of these occult
principles are put to work.


As humans, we are naturally spiritual creatures with incredible resources for
self-healing and expressing love. And were it not for the oppressive
influence of those who have hijacked our development, we would never find
ourselves undertaking the planet's enslavement. The structures and
institutions of Western society utilise negative occult principles to ensure
we all stay in line with the elite's grand plan for world domination. Let's
look at a few examples.

Patriarchy - the level to which men dominate our culture accounts for many of
the problems our world now faces. Women are natural healers and, given half a
chance, could resolve many of the world's problems very quickly. Yet the
overwhelming majority of them do not get to direct their natural healing
energy to where it is needed. Instead they find themselves constantly drawn
to try and heal individuals resistant to their efforts. As briefly explored
in the previous section, women who have been subjected to the Western
childhood with its distant and frequently unloving father figures will find
themselves constantly being subconsciously drawn into relationships with
certain types of men. Men who represent the father who didn't love them in
the way their instincts told them he should. By trying to get neglectful and
uncaring men to love them, women are fulfilling the emotional imperative of
avoiding the thought that the reason their father didn't love them was
because they are unlovable. By creating this self-perpetuating patriarchy,
the elite have successfully ensured that the immense gifts all women carry
are largely diverted away from where they could do the most good, and into
fruitless and largely unrewarding sidelines.

The Christian religion - The teachings of Jesus contain some of the highest
spiritual truths that a person can strive to understand. Yet the principle
source of the Christian religion, The Bible, has been so systematically
censured at varying times over the ages that what meaning it once had has now
been largely lost. By emphasising God the Father over God the Mother,
removing Christ's teachings on reincarnation and removing general teachings
on the establishing of actual contact with the presence of God via
meditation, the overtly one-sided theology that remains serves principally to
lead us away from love and into confusion.

Cell structure - related to reductionism, cell structure is what we have when
we isolate elements of a process - lots of little cells of activity side by
side, each disconnected from the next. And cell structure is the natural
product of too much reductionist thinking. Cell structure is found all over
Western society - in our jobs, our habits, even in our minds. Here is an
example. If Western consumers could see what goes on in 'third world'
countries simply to bring cheap goods to their tables they would be
horrified. But because the progression from manufacturer to consumer is split
up into cells and we are so used to cell structure, we are blocked from
realising the scale of the tragedy that is going on beneath all the PR. In
Latin America relocated populations are compelled to spend their days working
in subhuman conditions churning out clothing in a factory. The people who
ship the clothing to the West don't see this, because they just work in
shipping; the people who sell the clothing don't see this because they just
work in sales; the people who market the clothing don't see this because they
just work in marketing; and the people who buy the clothing don't see this
because they just see the result of all the marketing. Because the system is
split up into cells, we never realise the sheer level of human misery that
goes into producing the goods that arrive at our tables. And part of the
reason we don't realise this is because our minds are being split into cells
in much the same way.

Compartmentalisation - cell structure for the mind. Anyone who has been
around for a few years will be aware of the immense degree to which the media
have changed over the last decade or so. Information is now increasingly
being presented to us in a standardised format, pretty much wherever we go.
Slowly the media, be it TV, newsprint or radio, is being drawn to use the
same concepts to present information, be it an ad for soap powder or a news
broadcast. This standardisation of presentation, combined with the
ever-increasing amount of information that we are all now required to
process, has the overall effect of causing our minds to compartmentalise - to
split into cells. In order to keep up with processing all the things that are
happening around us, we have to quickly assess incoming information and stick
it away in its own little compartment in our minds. This makes it harder
still to ever really get a proper look at just what might really be happening
around us. Read any newspaper article these days, or watch any news
broadcast, and you will see in the opening of the piece information which
helps us prepare emotionally and intellectually for what's coming, and tells
the mind which compartment to store it in. Pretty soon there will be so much
information around that we will cease looking at content at all, and merely
respond to these little intro 'bites'.

Establishmentarianism - All over our culture we see simple control structures
existing at the apex of numerous fields - science, medicine, the arts, media,
law enforcement and the military, to name a few. These establishment bodies
act as little control cells, regulating the course that different aspects of
our society take as we develop. In classic cell structure arrangement, they
too are separated from each other and allow a very small number of people to
completely regulate social development from above. Typically they are set up
as benign entities, but when the time comes, their function is progressively
diverted so that they forward the agenda of the elite. Let's briefly just
look at one example. The Medical Establishment exists to control the way
medicine develops. It exists as the numerous government, educational and
corporate structures that determine what we research and what we don't. One
of its most worrying aspects is the pharmaceutical trade, which is chiefly in
the hands of the private sector. Company and commercial law dictate that only
ventures which offer profit may be pursued by a company. Curing or healing
people offers little profit, as a customer healed is essentially a customer
lost. Therefore, pharmaceutical companies are actually bound by commercial
law not to pursue the development of therapies which could heal people, but
only those which can temporarily alleviate merely the symptoms of health
problems. Needless to say, this is not an ideal state of affairs. This is
one, rather extreme example of just how negative establishment activities can
All of the concepts found above - pyramid power structures, cell structures,
spirals, Saturn power and the emphasis of one half of a two-sided arrangement
are well-known to those schooled in ancient esoteric thought as means by
which natural forces can be harnessed and used for negative ends. But by
making sure that the masses remain blissfully convinced that esoteric
knowledge is all just superstitious nonsense, the elite ensure that power
remains theirs.
And now, to examine the world of work, we shall move away from the esoteric
and return to psychology.

Commerce, workers and consumption

We have seen how all the pain and fear repressed within us causes us to
subconsciously adapt our behaviour and thinking to its presence. For a large
proportion of our lives, we are all of us either protecting ourselves from
the thought that we are unlovable; 'acting out' repressed situations to
'prove to ourselves' we are not unlovable; or distracting ourselves from the
thought that we are unlovable. And with millions upon millions of us all
doing this, so the Western world is actually starting to become just a mass
of coping strategies. We are each of us interpreting our world in a way that
allows us to avoid confrontation with repressed conflicts from our past. And
in a society based on supply and demand, so our planet is slowly being
compelled to facilitate all these coping strategies in order that our minds
can continue to keep repressed all the pain held within.

And this is why our world has become split between the North and the South.
People in the Northern hemisphere end up enslaving people in the Southern
hemisphere just so they can have the things to help them get through the day.
The driving instincts and seeking behaviour we adopt to keep pain and fear
repressed become translated into corporate ambition and consumer desires. And
so we are driven to undertake the enslavement of the 'third world' in a
desperate attempt to satisfy our misdirected cravings.

It is being brought up in the culture that the elite have manipulated into
being that drives us to enslave other races. And it is in the vehicles the
elite have created that we actually carry out this enslavement.

By creating simply the vessels for control - the companies and later the corpo
rations; and the human positions within those vessels - the jobs and the
promotional ladder; the elite have created the means by which the whole
planet can be slowly be brought within their grasp.

The corporation is the driving force behind the dynamic to control everything.
 It is the machine that forcibly draws ever more of the planet's resources
under its control. And this driving entity sits embedded within a culture of
control. A self-sustaining, ever-expanding vortex of repression that
generates the personalities that will work for the corporation and leaves the
rest emotionally shipwrecked within a structure that either imprisons them as
worker-consumers or sidelines them without the means to effectively rebel.
(The latter as inmates of the prison system or mental institutions, drug
addicts, or the homeless). Emerging as new-born innately beautiful beings
from our mothers, our subconscious minds are so confused by the bewildering
treatment we receive, we allow ourselves to become our own jailer, and
slowly, that of the planet.

The driving force is The Corporation, and the background culture America.

And so we might look at three beautiful humans being born within our culture
and see what becomes of them.

Susannah is an amazing person. A golden-haired girl who wants nothing more
than to simply enjoy the world around her. But the harsh and imposing
conditions of her parents strict regime soon mean that Susannah is compelled
to give up her carefree outlook upon life. As her belief in love and the
innate goodness of people is torn from her, so she utilises her considerable
intelligence to put distance between herself and her past. Susannah has
learnt that by distancing herself from others and maintaining borders she can
protect herself from experiencing more pain. But because the experiences that
caused her to adopt this defensive strategy remain repressed she has no means
to comprehend what it is that is truly motivating her behaviour. Susannah
becomes a cynical but powerfully motivated individual. Her driving ambition
takes her to the top of the corporate ladder, where the social and economic
power she wields enacts a terrible retribution upon the planet. She does not
recognise the damage she is doing by forwarding the causes of
corporatisation, for her motivations are entirely subconscious. And her
conscious mind always creates excuses. And because she does not recognise the
pain and fear lurking within, she cannot stop acting out her role. And should
one day she finally begin to comprehend her part in the tragedy unfolding on
Earth and leave the corporate environment, she is simply replaced by one of
the many under her only too eager to forward their own subconscious agenda.

Barry too is a quite beautiful and amazing child. Then one day when he us
crawling about the floor, exploring his new world, his mother shouts at him
for getting under her feet. His mother has been getting uptight recently for
she has discovered his father has not been entirely faithful to her. Instead
of discussing this with him, Barry's mother increasingly finds it easier to
just take it out on Barry. Pretty soon, Barry begins to shut down. And, as he
grows up, becomes increasingly motivated to do things that can give him some
sense of the self-worth he subconsciously craves. Barry gets a job as a clerk
in a post office. His constant subconscious quest to experience self-worth
causes him to slowly be drawn into becoming little more than a slave to
consumer society. He works his life away to purchase goods constantly, always
wanting a new car or new toys for his children. And spends much of his time
dreaming of material wealth, wrongly believing that if he had it the pain
that lurks within him would go away.

Damien is another quite beautiful child. He loves nothing more than to look
around him at the world going by and stares in wonder at the great beauty of
it all. At the age of three, however, Damien's father decides it's time he
started to grow up, for that was the age that his father began to enact his
conditioning regime on him. Damien starts to find his every waking thought
being directed by his father. And any transgressions being met with a firm
slap. Now grown up, Daniel still loves the natural world. He has no time for
consumer culture and soon leaves the small town he grew up in and heads for
the city. There he takes up with a local group of political activists and
begins attending demonstrations protesting the activities of the World Trade
Organisation and similar bodies. But soon, Damien's natural desire to reverse
the damage being done to our world becomes confused with his emotional need
to confront the repressive regimes of his childhood. He finds himself
constantly drawn into violent confrontations with the police. And so his
efforts to change the world ultimately serve only to further marginalise
rebellion because his constant subconscious need to indulge in violent
confrontations with authority figures ensures that Barry and the millions
like him will never join Damien on the front-line. Slowly finding himself
more and more driven to hang out with only 'hard-core' elements, Damien's
life begins to implode with self-hatred as he starts to come to terms with
his inability to control his need for violent confrontation. He soon finds
himself addicted to the hard drugs which can at least stabilise his condition
and, aged 29, is tragically found dead one morning of a heroin overdose in an
abandoned building. At his funeral his father believes that if only he'd been
tougher on his son it would all have been different.

Not one of these three characters, nor the millions they represent, have done
anything wrong in life. All that has happened is that they have
subconsciously utilised completely natural coping strategies to deal with
unnatural treatment. Unconditioned, and living in a different time and place,
they would all have led quite different lives. In fact, if they had simply
lived in a culture which accepted the dangers of conditioning children and
encouraged people to later remove its effects, they would all have led
different lives. But here and now, in this time and place, they have become
merely pawns for the enslavement of the planet.

And so, as our world grinds inexorably towards becoming a 'prison planet', it
is time for us to start to consider what it is that we can do to reverse the

Part Four - Escape

Evolution of the mind

If you have read thus far and found the thrust of this article to be
worrying, then you may by now be feeling somewhat despairing as to what could
possibly be done to save our world. Yet, in truth, simply recognising the
problem is a very major step towards developing its solution. The truth is
that the human mind is still evolving as we go through life, and it is this
evolution that is causing increased numbers of people to begin to realise the
truth of what our world is becoming. Fifty years ago people simply felt
little natural need to question what they were told to do by those above
them. But because our minds are still evolving, now we are starting to do so.
And this is why the movement towards globalisation and microchipping is
proceeding at such a pace. We are the sleeping giant beginning to stir and
the elite need to try and get the prison door shut tight before we awaken. It
is incredible that such a small group of people could wield such a level of
control in our world. And all we need to do is recognise the problem and
express our concerns - to those around us and those who supposedly represent
us in government - and our world will be safe. Absolutely demand change and
change will come.


Should we wish to alter the direction our planet is moving in, we do not need
to give up all the pleasures and pastimes we believe we need in life, we need
merely to progressively initiate a counter-strategy that will re-balance our
world. In the previous section, I covered ways in which the elite have
controlled the development of our culture, such that we find ourselves being
driven to further their desire for world domination. The principle technique
they utilise is to forcibly over-emphasise one half of a two-sided structure
- male over female; conservatism over liberalism; self-concern over charity
and so on. If we move to bring these structures back into balance so slowly
the situation will correct itself. There is nothing innately wrong with many
of the institutions and structures that control our lives. It is simply that
things need rebalancing. When people absolutely demand change, change will

A major source of the problem is the way we are treating our young. Because
we prefer to give them things to show our love rather than actually express
this love directly, our children grow up addicted to acquiring material
possessions. Because we teach them wrong from right by withholding affection,
they grow up needing rules and regulations, over-concerned with control and
personal power. Because they don't experience directly our unconditional
love, they grow up craving fame or a need to constantly change sexual
partners. And this is only happening because we experienced the same
conditioning when we were children.

If we therefore look at both healing ourselves of the effects of our own
conditioning, and progressively reduce the degree to which we condition our
own children, there will be a massive knock-on effect in our society. Within
each of us there are deep fears that are constantly restricting our ability
to express ourselves, and slowly leading us to bring about the downfall of
our planet. And if we wish to avoid transferring these fears onto the next
generation we need to learn where they are coming from and how to stop them
crippling our desire for change. Remember the elite are just a few among six
billion people on this planet. The entire source of their power is the
corruption of our natural instincts followed by their diversion into channels
they have created to bring the world under their total control. This is all
they have. Absolutely demand change and the elite are powerless. Our world
will change spontaneously around us and we will be free to love one another
in the way we always intended.

There are several basic ways in which people who want to can begin to change
our world.
Firstly, and most importantly, start to learn about the energy of
unconditional love. Unconditional love is not the stuff of romantic fiction,
it is a real source of healing and actually the most powerful force in
existence. Evil simply cannot exist in its presence. When this force begins
to become powerful within you, you will find everything else in your life
aligning in its wake. Group meditations aimed at focusing the power of
unconditional love on our planet can be particularly useful.

Secondly, become politically active. Develop a voice and make it heard.
Democratic government is a meaningless term at the moment as we can neither
select who represents us, nor pick the policies they will pursue. But should
this be changed, democracy is fully workable. In addition, speak your mind
and do not fear ridicule. Those who ridicule and those who fear ridicule are
merely pawns of the elite.

Especially worth challenging politically are the various "cashless society"
schemes and similar now quietly being introduced in several European cities.
The SmartCities concept scheduled for Southampton, (UK), and Gotenburg,
(Sweden), being two examples. If the citizens of these places refuse to
accept this plan, the elite will quickly realise that their scheme for world
domination is in deep, deep trouble. It seems ludicrous to believe that such
a small thing could save our world. But, in truth, the elite are only too
aware of just how tight a time schedule they are on. Once there is resistance
at a key point, the whole thing is so severely disrupted it may simply
collapse. They have immense power but it relies on people not knowing what is
really going on behind the scenes. If the elite cannot get cashless society
prototypes going, they cannot get the chips in. And if they cannot get the
chips in quickly, then soon so many people will will wake up to what is
really going on, they will be finished. Even if you do not believe in the
existence of elite groups, it might be worth resisting cashless society for a
few years just to make sure.

Thirdly, undertake charitable acts. There are always people less fortunate
than ourselves and they require our help. The homeless and those addicted to
hard drugs in particular are victims of the elite's inhuman strategy for
world domination. Charity is good for the soul and any charitable acts will
be repaid many times over at another level.

Finally, start trying to deal with pain that is repressed within. It is this
which causes us to alter our behaviour and thinking to suit the elite's
purpose. There is information on doing this, but first it should be
recognised that such a path is not for everyone. If you feel that the pain
within you is not ready to come out, do not worry, there are plenty of other
equally important things that require doing.


The incredible tragedy that is unfolding in our world is ultimately just the
result of millions of personal tragedies that have occurred in our
childhoods. And whilst we can never reverse what has happened, we can
initiate grieving. And once the grieving process has completed, we will find
our lives completely transformed. No more driving ambition to succeed at work
to the exclusion of all else. No more compulsion to buy, buy, buy, even when
we have no money. No more obsessive craving for power, fame and fortune. And
no need for daily drug or alcohol usage. And all accompanied by the total
realisation that we never actually wanted any of these things in the first

The gentle opening up of the subconscious mind, in such a manner that we can
slowly process its contents and express the pain held within, leads to
immense natural healing at a very deep level. Not just for ourselves but for
the planet we inhabit. For, as each of us realises that many of the things we
have been striving for can never truly bring us contentment, we release not
only ourselves from the culture that has enslaved us, but also the planet
from the stranglehold of consumer society.

So, how to do it. These days there are a multiplicity of techniques that can
be employed to allow us to explore our subconscious mind; to overcome fear;
release trapped pain; and come to terms with childhood memories.

Release Techniques

Here's a guide to some of the more effective ways for accessing painful
memories suppressed in the subconscious. There are many others and sometimes
repressed material just arises spontaneously. Remember that different people
open up in different ways, and that it is always wise to proceed slowly at

And do not forget that letting go of your own pain is just one part of an
integral strategy to restore our planet to wellness. It should always be
combined with altruistic activities.

Breathwork - Rebirthing, Holotropic Breathwork and Vivation. These are the
three styles of breathwork in common usage in the West. Any will frequently
bring about incredible changes in a person's life. Most people learning these
breathwork techniques are literally stunned to find that simply changing the
way one breathes in and out for a couple of hours a week could allow access
to so much repressed material. All styles should be practised with a
recognised instructor.

Psychosynthesis - Developed by psychotherapist Roberto Agglioli in the
mid-twentieth century, psychosynthesis utilises a variety of approaches to
help gently break down the barriers between the different aspects of our
personality. Thus, as the name suggests, helping us become a more integrated,
aware and feeling individual.

Primal Therapy - Devised by Dr Arthur Janov in the late 60's, this
controversial regressive psychological technique is now practised in many
different forms. A core element of many is the leaving of the individual in a
hotel room for 3 weeks with only 2 hour therapy sessions daily to break the
monotony. The idea being to break down the ego and slowly allow whatever it
is that is behind our negative feelings to rise to the surface. Not to
everyone's taste, but effective for some. And Janov's books are classics in
the field of understanding repression and conditioning.

Shamanism - Based on the ritual activities of numerous groups of indigenous
peoples the world over, the various styles of shamanism that can now be
practised in the West typically use dance and drum work to facilitate
non-ordinary and intensely healing states of consciousness.

Fasting - Age old and much maligned technique for empowerment and
purification - physical, emotional and spiritual. Often very useful before or
after other therapies.

Reiki - 'Laying on of hands' healing technique that is believed to have
originated when Dr Usui of Japan channelled divine healing energies to earth
and then began 'attuning' people so that they could use them. The person
doing the healing is seen as simply a channel for the healing energy which
passes through them to the person they are treating. Some people have
life-changing experiences, others do not. Particularly useful as an adjunct
to other work.

Meditation - Very popular now in the West. Meditation induces a stillness of
mind via a variety of strategies such as the repetition of a mantra.
Unfortunately, meditation without accompanying conscious release of negative
feelings and some degree of painful self-confrontation is as likely to simply
"wallpaper" over repressed material as to help release it. Very useful as an
adjunct to other work.

Visualisations and Suggestion - Because the subconscious mind is ultimately
just a deductive tool operating on suggestions placed within it, many people
have come to believe that by using counter-suggestions or visualisations we
can stop ourselves from experiencing negative emotions should they be
troubling us. This is true and these techniques are valid. Though, frequently
little consideration is given to the notion that the negative emotions people
experience are actually parts of an overall protective mechanism, and that
attacking them with counter-suggestions may in some cases drive repression
deeper. Because neither suggestion nor visualisation usually facilitate
access to repressed memories or feelings, these techniques therefore, are
primarily useful only as an adjunct to other work.

In Closing - The Tower Struck by Lightning

Readers may have noticed the representation of Tarot Key 16, The Tower, in
the design on the cover of this booklet, immediately proceeding the heart
motif in the centre. The Tarot Trumps have many meanings, some exoteric some
esoteric, but the key here represents 'upheaval'. This upheaval refers to an
uprooting of established structures that will occur on two levels.

Firstly, in the world outside. Here, the Tower symbolises the elite's pyramid
of control that has progressively expanded itself throughout the centuries,
enslaving us all, such that our planet itself is now threatened. It will
fall, for the esoteric Tarot represents the natural progression of all that
exists. But how and when it falls may be crucial to our planet's future.

And, secondly, the world inside. The Tower represents the mental picture of
the world we have built up through a lifetime of being mercilessly
emotionally exploited by the elite. When a person in an instant suddenly
realises the truth of what is really happening around them, a great upheaval
will take place within the core of their being. This thunderflash of
recognition may cause great pain and confusion at first, but it is a healing
experience that is a necessary part of our continued development. And once a
threshold number of people have experienced the Tower inside of them being
struck by lightning then the Tower on the outside will also fall and we will
move on together to the next phase of human evolution.

A Warning

August 18th 1999 was an interesting day for two reasons. Firstly, coming
seven days after the last solar eclipse of the millenium, it was the day on
which a 'Grand Cross' astrological pattern formed in our skies, of a type
which only occurs roughly four times every hundred thousand years. The Sun,
Moon and all the original planets studied by the ancients grouped themselves
within four astrological houses - Aquarius, Leo, Taurus and Scorpio. These
four houses take the form of a cross with relation to each other, hence
'grand cross'. And these four signs represent esoterically the four
Evangelists, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, via the symbols Man, the Lion, the
Bull and the Eagle. There is clear reference to the forming of this
particular grand cross in the Biblical books of Ezekiel and, more
pertinently, Revelation, (Rev 4, 6-7).

The second interesting thing about August 18th 1999, (rendered 8-18-1999 in
the US), is that this was the date that NASA had scheduled to undertake the
highly perilous 'Earth fly-by' of the space probe, Cassini. What made this
fly-by hazardous was that Cassini is powered by 72.3 lbs of radioactive
plutonium, the most toxic substance known. And the slightest navigation error
could have caused the probe to have re-entered our atmosphere, thus burning
up and dumping its fuel rod supply onto us. Cassini, needless to say, did not
re-enter our atmosphere. (The time of the fly-by was brought forward a few
hours on the day, and the probe is currently flying away from us.)
I fully accept that these two events occurring on the same day may well be
complete coincidence, but it still seems strange that NASA should have picked
a day so charged with Christian religious significance to have undertaken
this exceptionally dangerous manoeuvre. And I believe one can validly
speculate a little about what might have happened to Cassini should, by some
chance, a significant proportion of the world's population have by then woken
up to what is really going on on our planet. Had Cassini burnt up the effects
would have been catastrophic. It is difficult to assess what the impact of
having 72 lbs of radioactive plutonium dumped into our upper atmosphere would
actually be, but I think it is safe to state that a significant proportion of
the world's population would be seriously negatively affected. A massive
outbreak of lung cancer would be pretty much certain for a start. And in the
panic fuelled by subsequent media revelations as to the Biblical significance
of the date, (see Revelations 8, 10-12, as well as previous reference), all
sorts of acutely negative elite activity could have been undertaken. (For the
record, it should be noted that the Book of Revelation, as the elite are well
aware, is not in fact a series of grim-sounding prophecies relating to the
future of mankind, though the King James version does its best to make it
appear that way. In fact, as senior occultists have known for centuries, in
the original Aramaic it is a series of encrypted instructions relating to the
retrieval of soul consciousness on a planetary basis.)

I don't wish to cause people to panic, because for a start all this is pure
speculation, but it is worth asking oneself the question - If there really is
an elite group attempting to control the destiny of mankind, what kind of
things might it have planned should their ambitions become known to the wider

Evolution of the Species

Increasing numbers of people believe that humanity is on the edge of a major
evolutionary leap. And there is mounting evidence that many children now born
are more developed than their forebears. This may be the reason for the near
epidemic in cases of hyperactivity or attention deficit disorder now being
seen in the West. Those familiar with chaos theory and how living systems
evolve will be aware that evolution does not proceed in a smooth and linear
fashion. What typically happens is that a few members of a species evolve,
followed by a major rearguard action that attempts to block the evolutionary
leap. Eventually the pressure builds up to such a level that nothing can stop
the inevitable and the whole species rapidly rises to a new level of
coherence and order. Thus it may well be that the whole history of the last
two thousand years or so is merely a rearguard action waiting to be swept
away. Reach up and the future is ours.


Tragedy and Hope, A History of the World in our Time, Dr. Carroll Quigley.
Quigley, a prominent Georgetown professor and establishment insider, reveals
the global history of the international bankers' conspiracy and describes its
origins and the use of central banks and secret and semi-secret societies to
control governments world-wide.
The Money Masters - 3 hour video containing full historical details of how
the international banking community gained complete political control of the
USA. Available from
Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, Anthony C. Sutton. The U.S. bankers
who financed the Bolsheviks and the spread of communism.
Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler, Anthony C. Sutton The U.S. bankers who
financed Hitler.
"...and the truth shall set you free", David Icke. The controversial and much
maligned Icke's alternative account of modern political history makes
compelling reading even for his detractors.
Banished Knowledge, Alice Miller. Swiss child psychologist Miller has
provoked storms of controversy in the media with her claims that we are all
being systematically traumatised throughout childhood.
Thou Shalt Not Be Aware, Alice Miller.
Who Will Tell the People?, William Greider. Former investigative journalist
William Greider is among those at the forefront of intelligent and reasoned
research into the secret of who truly wields power in our world.
Secrets of the Temple, William Greider
Fortress America, William Greider
One World, Ready or Not, William Greider
How the Other Half Dies, Susan George. Economist George unravels the 'Third
A Fate Worse Than Debt, Susan George
XAT, Mike Rock. Contains a concise guide to the history of US and UK banking.

Reclaiming Your Life, Jean Jensen. Well-written and insightful self-help
guide to understanding your emotions and freeing yourself from the past.
Why you get sick. How you get well, Arthur Janov. Janov's therapy remains
controversial, but his understanding of the terrain of the subconscious and
how much it affects our lives is unquestionable. Compelling reading.
The Stormy Search for the Self, Christina and Stanislav Grof. The Grof's
classic on 'spiritual awakening' and how to distinguish it from psychiatric
breakdown. Written from the perspectives of Western psychology, Eastern
mysticism and traditional shamanism. Unequalled in its field.
On Death and Dying, Elizabeth Kubler-Ross. Standard work on the grieving
The Primal Scream, and The New Primal Scream, Arthur Janov. Classics in the
field of understanding infant trauma, birth trauma and womb trauma.
The Power of Negative Thinking, Tony Humphries. Psychologist and humanitarian
Humphries explains clearly how we all come to naturally develop 'coping
strategies' to deal with our childhood experience.
The Tarot, Paul Foster Case - Classic introduction to the esoteric Tarot.
Builders of the Adytum, the organisation Case founded, still offer original
courses in esoteric knowledge by post.
The Tower of Alchemy, David Goddard - Introduction to occultism.
Wholeness and the Implicate Order, David Bohm - Physicist Bohm's radical and
brilliant interpretation of quantum theory so closely matched the elite's
occult model it may have been a significant factor in his subsequent
expulsion from the US during the McCarthy era.
Man and his Symbols, edited by Carl Jung - Introduction to the power of
The Myth of the Eternal Return, Mircea Eliade - A deeper look at regenerative
symbolism and mythology - the power of the spiral.
Bhagavad Gita for Daily Living, Eknath Easwaran. Useful guide exploring the
concepts of Hindu thought and how they translate into modern day living.
Patanjali Yoga Sutras, Swami Prabhavananda. Guide to correct meditation
The Holotropic Universe, Stanislav Grof. Guide to the principles of
Holotropic Breathwork.
Rebirthing & Breathwork, Catherine Dowling - Introduction to breathwork.
The Techniques of Psychosynthesis, Will Parfitt.
The Way of the Shaman, Michael Harner
The Indigo Children, . Many newborns being diagnosed with ADD or ADHD are
likely simply advanced in evolution. The new kids are here.
Kundalini: Evolutionary Energy in Man, Gopi Krishna. Classic guide to the
awakening of kundalini, the actual route by which Hindus believe human
evolution proceeds.

Nick Sandberg 2000
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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