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Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Dirt on Donkey Dick Cheney
Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

For those who have received Doctorates in Conspiracy Theory, the name Dick
Cheney (George W. Bush's pick for vice-president, in case you didn't know)
brings up the humorous image presented in Cathy O'Brien's notorious
"non-fiction" tale, "Trance Formation of America."  In her auto-biography,
Cathy describes her supposed victimization during her years as a CIA sex
slave.  One of her more vivid tales is her abuse by Mr. Cheney, who
apparently goes by the name "Dick" thanks to his overly large penis.  Cathy
describes "Most Dangerous Game" inspired human hunts turned sex romps
involving Cheney and sex slaves, including herself.

Later on, George Bush, strung out on heroin, tries to convert Cheney to
pedophilia on Cathy's daughter, Kelly.  However, "Upon seeing Cheney's
unusually large penis, Kelly reeled back in horror."

More of these juicy details, of course, will be revealed in my essay "Uncle
Ronnie's Sex Slaves," for Apocalypse Culture II, about the CIA sex slave
literature phenomenon.

Perhaps a more important parapolitical link of Cheney's: he was vice chairman
of the House committee that supposedly was investigating Iran-Contra, yet
couldn't find any evidence linking the CIA and Contras to cocaine profits. He
was also, until he became G.W.'s pick for VP, CEO of energy services giant
Halliburton.  It had nearly $15 billion in revenue last year, making it
larger than McDonalds.  In 1998, it was the largest employer in the state of
Texas.  Last year, Halliburton slashed over 10,000 jobs from its payroll,
citing economic pains.  That same year, Cheney earned $26.4 milllion in pay,
stock and stock options.

Cheney is also a corporate director of such giant companies as Procter &
Gamble, TRW, EDS, US West, Union Pacific and Lockheed Martin, the world's
largest defense contractor.  His wife, the rabidly reactionary Lynne Cheney,
earned $300K as a board director on many of the same firms.

All of which suggests that, if elected VP, Cheney will do all he can to the
American people what Ms. O'Brien claims was done to her.

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