Also this is from Balaam's Ass Speaks - talking Donkey?

So I ran across this item and there are a few things here I did not
recall ever reading...this Youth Actions News is one for I have their
papers dating back 15 years or so and to read them today, well it is all

This Cult of the Serpent - this stuff all front for intelligence
activities, but problem is is it ours or someone else's.    Note in this
item the John Birch Society finally recognizes that JFK was not part of
this NWO - in fact he was victim of it.

No spider webs?   This article hints on bible code but does not come
right out with it....I do know this, based on one statement George Bush
said, I went ahead and picked precise date of end of Gulf War...when
Press said would go on for year or two, etc.

And did I know?  My bible told me so, for I have the Communist Timetable
- NWO - and by 2001 hey wanted Chaos - from Chaos New World Order at
business end of gun - after they disarm America.

So you might find this item most interesting if you care about such
things.....otherwise delete.

Spiders caught in own webs of deceit.


A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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