Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Bucket-Head Marine speaketh - Response to 21st Century Soldier
Ed.:  War fighting is tough business and requires extraordinary character.
I take outspoken warriors like Zinni and Sheehan anytime over the standard
political 4-Star weasels.
By Capt A. McRae, USMC

I read with interest last week's article, by the 21st century soldier,
criticizing Marine General Zinni's comments.  I feel it necessary that some
of these criticisms be addressed.

55 years have passed since the end of World War Two.  It was a conflict that
witnessed some of the most heinous acts of barbarity in recorded history.
Those that fought in that conflict are justifiably proud of what they

Was it always neat? No.  We won on the principle of attrition. At places
like Tarawa and Omaha beach, we took the beach due to mass, not any
Guderianesque flanking maneuver.  The men who fought in these places saw
warfare in its bloodiest and most brutal form. Yet, their conduct, both
before and after the war, has served as a model to those of us who have
taken up arms after them.  They are justifiably proud of what they have
accomplished.  Confusing their pride, and the esteem that they have garnered
from the rest of this society, with vain sentimentality is an insult to
those that fought and died in that war.

WWII veterans did not come away from that war thinking that it was "the way
to fight a war." The wide acceptance of maneuver warfare over attrition
warfare is one example how we have learned from the mistakes of that
conflict. Perhaps the best evidence of evolving post-war doctrine is the
symbiotic relationship that has been formed by the Navy and Marine Corps in
Operational Maneuver from the Sea.

The WW II generation has never contended that it is necessary for a man to
go to war before he is accepted into society.  I cannot believe that a
veteran of that war would tell any young man that warfare is a necessary
component of  "valid" character.  Saying that women need to feel
 "validation" through active participation in combat arms, as a reaction to
the sacrifices made by those who assaulted Omaha Beach is errant nonsense.
The fact of the matter is this: those in the combat arms attain higher rank
at a faster rate. Those who wish to be generals and sergeants major
generally try to land themselves in a deployable combat arm somewhere along
the way. If those jobs are closed to a segment of society, that segment will
raise hell until it is changed.  Let's not try to turn this simple fact into
some neo-Freudian truth.

Inter-service warfare has been the downfall of the DoD from way back when.
Part of the problem is the unanswered question: What mission belongs to
which service? It looks very tidy from a doctrine standpoint, but turns into
utter chaos in practice.  The DoD will not work optimally until this problem
is corrected. Was the General being Homeric? Yes, but the description was

appropriate, and his meaning was clear.

Marines are taught from recruit training and OCS that serving won't get them
money, probably won't make them heroes, and is often a hard and thankless
job.  They are taught that this life closely approximates priesthood due to
the dedication that is necessary to do things properly. The fact that they
are in a terrible, bloody business is not lost on any of them who face the
likelihood of going to war. This dedication and introspection is vital to a
professional Officer and NCO corps, and it is in danger of dying out. That
is a problem that my generation of junior officers faces.  Do we want a
warrior class that is deeply concerned with their role in foreign policy?
Do we need them to obsess on being proficient at killing those who would
threaten the continued survival of this republic?  You're damn right we do.

The fact that Gen. Zinni shoots it straight has been a source of pride among
many Marines.  They find it refreshing that this man is willing to tell it
like it is, and has remained aware of the problems that are being faced at
the company level.

You won't find one general in a hundred who are aware of the current
problems being faced by a company commander.  You won't find one in a
thousand who are willing to stand up and tell a room full of people about
those problems.

If we had a few more Zinnis, maybe someone with some pull would think about
implementing much needed change.
Health Care Update:  Bush-Lite, Rudy's Recruiters, Janet goes Oprah,
Dental/LTC scams
Ed:  Pete debunks more scams to keep us quiet and some other deals for which
we all will foot the bill.  Target, target, target!
By Pete Peterson, Health Care and Veterans Affairs Editor
Web Site: http://members.tripod.com/MHCRG

George W. Bush has another mission for us.  On the campaign stump he
announced plans for a five-year, $75 million federal program to link up us
old "war-horses" with America's at-risk youth.

Hold on here!  Isn't this the same "target group" DOD has started
recruiting?  Aren't new enlistment waivers for felonies enough help?  We
understand the "at-risk" classification up through 8th grade or so, but
after that, we call them criminals.

Bush's ''Veterans Mission for Youth Initiative'' comes out of a different
office than his mail answering room.  He's been completely unresponsive to
our letters asking him to take a stand on our health care.  Instead, he
sends out donation mailers but no answers to our questions.  Nobody we know
has heard him mumble a single word about health care since the South
Carolina primaries, when McCain made him do it.

Read our Billboards!  Hell No, . We Won't Go!

We're not healthy enough anymore.  We're on TRICARE, MEDICARE or struggling
with the VA.  We can't afford this "tour of duty" and pay for our promised
health care at the same time.  Just put us down as "We gave at the office!"

Over at Defense, it's still "looney tunes."  Deputy Defense Secretary Rudy
de Leon assured recruiters that DOD is trying to fix TRICARE Remote so it
works for them.

"If there is no military treatment facility near where recruiters work,
we'll buy you a benefit in the local market -- Blue Cross, Kaiser or another
insurance," he promised the recruiters.

Huh?  Where have you been the past year, Rudy?  Retirees and active duty
alike have been screaming at the top of their lungs to fix TRICARE.
Retirees have been pleading for a "civilian" FEHBP option and improvements
to TRICARE.  We all need access!

Where is DOD headed?  What is DOD's azimuth?  Do they know?

Janet Langhart Cohen, former TV talk show host, and wife of SECDEF William
Cohen said she's exploring co-hosting a joint TV talk show on China's
state-run television.  Looks like she wants to give Oprah a run for her
money, using US taxpayer dollars.  More wasted dollars that could go into
health care.  First Hillary, then Hazel O'Leary, now this.

"The Chinese were quite enthusiastic about it," husband Bill told reporters
on the flight home.  The flight was, of course, paid for by their
corporation . DOD.

What has this to do with our troops' "quality of life?" Maybe it's really a
recruiting mission.  What's the tie-in with ANY legitimate DOD mission
statement?  Here comes the Kung Fu recruiting spots, folks.

For those who haven't caught on, Congress is now packaging their "broken
promises" differently.  Take Dental for example.  You want Dental as a
retiree?  You pay monthly and hope you'll find a dentist that still uses
Amalgam fillings . that's all it'll cover.  That and annual exams.  No

The point is this:  The entire dental plan is paid for by us!  There is NO
federal money in it.  The government merely acts as a "broker," puts the
plan together with the "full faith" of the US Government, and sells it to
us.  This is so we can have the "savings" of government's purchasing power,
but none of the taxpayer's money.  This no-cost scheme (to government) was
the prototype for the latest government hoax . Long Term Care (LTC).

Last month, the Republican leadership put a LTC plan together for the most
miserable among us . those caring for completely disabled retirees and their

Once signed into law, they'll start selling this package to us.  Those who
need "coverage," and probably can't afford it, will pay for it.  They'd
better not be disabled now, because it won't cover "pre-existing
 conditions."  This isn't progress.  It's cruelty and disrespect for those
who managed to survive 20 or more years giving us our freedom.  It's put on
us by those who will retire at full pay after five years and will have
lifelong medical care . which we will also pay for.

This year is NOT shaping up to be the year of health care as the Cohens and
other politicians promised.  It is going down as the year they all kept
their  "Broken Promises" alive, and made them worse.

GI HUMOR - Security Crackdown at Los Alamos
Ed.:  Finally, action in Los Alamos!  We knew we could trust Bill R. to come
up with a sensible solution, after all 'he didn't start the fire'.
MEMO TO ALL EMPLOYEES (Foreign and Domestic..)

To: All staff, Los Alamos National Laboratory

From: Bill Richardson, Secretary of Energy

Dear staff members:

Due to an unfortunate overreaction by the American people to our minor
difficulties in the security area, we're being forced to tighten up just a
wee bit.

Effective Monday:

The brown paper bag in which we store the computer disk drives that contain
the nation's nuclear secrets will no longer be left on the picnic table at
the staff commissary during lunch hour. It will be stored in "the vault." I
know this is an inconvenience to many of you, but it's a sad sign of the

The three-letter security code for accessing "the vault" will no longer be
"B-O-B." To confuse would-be spies, that security code will be reversed.
Please don't tell anybody.

Visiting scientists and graduate students from Libya, North Korea and
mainland China will no longer be allowed to wander the hallways without
proper identification. Beginning Monday, they will be required to wear a
stick on lapel tag that clearly states, "Hello, My Name Is . . . ." The
stickers will be available at the front desk.

The computer network used for scientific calculations will no longer be
hyperlinked via the Internet to such Web sites as sweedchicks.com or
hackers-r-us.com, etc. Links to all Disney sites will be maintained,

Researchers bearing a security clearance of Level 5 and higher will no
longer be permitted to exchange updates on their work by posting
advanced-physics formulas on the men's room walls.

On "Bowling Night," please check your briefcases and laptop computers at the
front counter of the Bowl-a-Drome instead of leaving them in the cloakroom.
Mr. Badonov, the front-counter supervisor, has promised to "keep uneye on
zem" for us.

Staff members will no longer be allowed to take home small amounts of
plutonium, iridium or uranium for use in those "little weekend projects
around the house." That includes you parents who are helping the kids with
their science fair projects.

Thermonuclear devices may no longer be checked out for "recreational use."
We've not yet decided if exceptions will be made for Halloween, the Fourth
of July or New Year's Eve. We'll keep you posted.

Employees may no longer "borrow" the AA batteries from the burglar alarm
system to power their Game Boys and compact-disc players during working

And, finally, when reporting for work each day, all employees must enter
through the front door. Raoul, the janitor, will no longer admit employees
who tap three times on the side door to avoid clocking in late.

I know this crackdown might seem punitive and oppressive to many of you, but
it is our sworn duty to protect the valuable national secrets that have been
entrusted to our care.  Remember: Security isn't a part-time job--it's an
imperative, all 37 1/2 hours of the week!


Ed.:  WWII, August 1944/France.  A young Sergeant shows immeasurable
courage, drawn from a desperate situation and earns his battlefield

If you know of any MOH recipient who is hospitalized or has passed recently,
please write James H.  Also, if you would like more info on MOH recipients
and their stories, please email James H at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Rank and organization: Second Lieutenant, U.S. Army, 143d Infantry, 36th
Infantry Division. Place and date: Near Montelimar, France, 27 August 1944.
Entered service at: Bayonne, N.J. Birth: New York, N.Y. G.O. No.: 31, 17
April 1945.

Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at risk of life above
and beyond the call of duty on 27 August 1944, in the vicinity of
Montelimar, France.  As his platoon advanced upon the enemy positions; the
leading scout was fired upon and 2d Lt. Gregg (then a Tech. Sgt.)
immediately put his machineguns into action to cover the advance of the

The Germans, who were at close range, threw hand grenades at the riflemen,
killing some and wounding 7. Each time a medical aid man attempted to reach
the wounded, the Germans fired at him.

Realizing the seriousness of the situation, 2d Lt. Gregg took 1 of the light
.30-caliber machineguns, and firing from the hip, started boldly up the hill
with the medical aid man following him. Although the enemy was throwing hand
grenades at him, 2d Lt. Gregg remained and fired into the enemy positions
while the medical aid man removed the 7 wounded men to safety. When 2d Lt.
Gregg had expended all his ammunition, he was covered by 4 Germans who
ordered him to surrender. Since the attention of most of the Germans had
been diverted by watching this action, friendly riflemen were able to
maneuver into firing positions. One, seeing 2d Lt. Gregg's situation, opened
fire on his captors. The 4 Germans hit the ground and thereupon 2d Lt. Gregg
recovered a machine pistol from one of the Germans and managed to escape to
his other machinegun positions.

He manned a gun, firing at his captors, killed 1 of them and wounded the
other. This action so discouraged the Germans that the platoon was able to
continue its advance up the hill to achieve its objective. The following
morning, just prior to daybreak, the Germans launched a strong attack,
supported by tanks, in an attempt to drive Company L from the hill. As these
tanks moved along the valley and their foot troops advanced up the hill, 2d
Lt. Gregg immediately ordered his mortars into action. During the day by
careful observation, he was able to direct effective fire on the enemy,
inflicting heavy casualties.

By late afternoon he had directed 600 rounds when his communication to the
mortars was knocked out. Without hesitation he started checking his wires,
although the area was under heavy enemy small arms and artillery fire. When
he was within 100 yards of his mortar position, 1 of his men informed him
that the section had been captured and the Germans were using the mortars to
fire on the company. 2d Lt. Gregg with this man and another nearby rifleman
started for the gun position where he could see 5 Germans firing his
mortars. He ordered the 2 men to cover him, crawled up, threw a hand grenade
into the position, and then charged it. The hand grenade killed 1, injured
2, 2d Lt. Gregg took the other 2 prisoners, and put his mortars back into
For Article Submissions:  as a rule of thumb, please try to keep article for
possible publication to 750 words or less.  Please make every editing effort
not to exceed these guidelines and SUBMIT IN WORD FORMAT, if possible!

R.W. Zimmermann
We've had numerous requests from troops in different branches of the
military to establish this link so that we will all know how "all you
others" talk that talk. Please see below:
***** BOOK SALES *****
Hack's books About Face*, Hazardous Duty*, The Price of Honor* and The
Vietnam Primer can be found at www.hackworth.com. They make a great addition
to any library. We are offering them at special SFTT price.
Defending America Newsletter: Administrative Volunteers:
R.W. Zimmermann, Chief Editor, President of SFTT, Mine Detector and "Gunner"
David H. Hackworth, Spirit Guide, and undisputed Y2K Expert
Bill Rogers, Senior Assistant Editor and SFTT Vice President
Kate Aspy, Contributing Editor and Oracle
Barry "Woody" Groton, Chief TECH DROID and Medicine Man
Ed "Edgar" Schneider, Copy Editor, Man of Letters and gentleman:
Kyle Elliott, Book List Editor and Most Over-worked
James H., MOH Editor and NCOIC
Defending America


NOTE:  The following list only includes the two primary assistant editors
for each service or special area.  Please refer to our WEBSITE  --
www.sftt.org, for the complete listing.
ALL Letters and Articles for considered publication should be submitted to
one of our brave, resolute and caring volunteers.
U.S. Army:

Tig Dupre, Civil-Military relations, weapons expert and Senior Editor

CPT Scott Key, Armor, Generalist, Assistant to Chief Editor

Robert L. Duecaster, Legal

U.S. Navy:
Mark Crissman, Naval Aviation, Generalist and Senior Editor

Pat Nisley, Navy Generalist and XO

John J. Vanore, Surface Warfare, Reserve and Intelligence issues

U.S. Air Force:
Paul Connors, Senior Editor, AF Historian, Grunt experience, Procurement and
AirCrew issues

Sean Fermat, Fighters, WSO, Weapons, C&C, Generalist

U.S. Marines:

Maj. Gordon Todd, USMCR, Communications & Tech., Small Arms Training, Senior

Capt A. McRae, Marine generalist

US Coast Guard
Tom Grabowski

Department of Defense
Mike St.Clair  Acquisition and Quality Assurance

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

Want to be on our lists?  Write at [EMAIL PROTECTED] for a menu of our lists!

A vote for Bush or Gore is a vote to continue Clinton policies!
A vote for Buchanan is a vote to continue America!
Therefore a vote for Gore or Bush is a wasted vote for America!
Don't waste your vote!  Vote for Patrick Buchanan!

Today, candor compels us to admit that our vaunted two-party system is a
snare and a delusion, a fraud upon the nation. Our two parties have become
nothing but two wings of the same bird of prey...
Patrick Buchanan

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