Comet 'LINEAR' Is Breaking Up...07/28/00
 by Mitch Battros  (ECTV)

 First let me state clearly, the story you are about to read is based in
 facts and not that of someone who makes reckless predictions or tries to
 pass information disguised as science, when in fact it is no more than
 what many call 'channeling'.
 Secondly, let me remind everyone, Do not follow my truth, follow Your

 Recently many of us on the internet had the opportunity to witness what
 can happen when someone comes forward with unsubstantiated material, based
 on other researchers facts. Essentially yelling "Follow me, Follow me, I
 have "the" truth.
 I know something no one else does." As much as I resist saying this, I now
 can (in a small way) understand why NASA is
 very careful in what they say. This does not mean I agree with NASA's
 model of Public Relations. By no means do I agree
 or accept their policy of omission. It is my belief, NASA should welcome
 dissent and alternative views. The more they try to
 thwart, the more we are untrusting.

 Recently I have been approached by some "within" NASA to help set up a
 community round table of sorts. In other  words,
 a collective body made up of amateur scientist and those from spiritual
 disciplines, some of which have a keen background in ancient text. It is
 said we would have access to those within NASA who would be willing to
 give "direct" answers or documented information which would address our
 query.  Don't worry folks, I am not that gullible. I will use a Ronald
 term (not that I voted for him) which he used with our Russian friends
 "Trust, but Verify".  I believe that sums up my expectations of such a
 venture being discussed.

 Here's the good news, I believe what has finally motivated NASA to take
 such a welcoming approach, is perhaps they too
 believe much of what ancient text states is in fact true. If this is
 correct, there is nothing NASA can do to hide events to come.
 I believe they have finally realized their Public Relations Policy is a
 dismal failure. I believe this came about as a direct result to
 the power of the internet. No longer could they keep their neatly packaged
 research to such a privileged few. Remember, there was a time when an
 article would come out in the newspaper, and everyone would take it as
 fact. Those Days Are Gone!!!!!!! We are finding out on a daily basis that
 (to use a statement I so often refer) We Are All Just Kind Of Guessing!

 Looking back on the experience we had with those coming forward yelling
 "Follow me, Follow me", I am glad that it happened. It gave all us a
 glimpse at what I believe will continue, and even escalate substantially
 in the weeks and months ahead as events begin to unfold. It will be a time
 when fact and fiction will be purposefully entangled. Ancient text warns
 us "watch for the time of false prophets". It is stated from several
 different disciplines that during the later times prior to what I will
 call "the transition", many will come forward as if they have some special
 insights or magic and will try to manipulate others belief.

 It is more important now than ever before to find your place of centering.
 Whether it be traditional prayer, meditation, ancient ritual, ceremony, or
 other rites of passage, I would suggest all of us to practice our personal
 beliefs more often.

  Dr. Jose Arguelles

 I had one of my most exciting interviews yesterday with Jose Arguelles. He
 is fantastic and filled with wisdom. He has been practicing and teaching
 spiritual and scientific discipline since the early 60's. Jose Arguelles
 is most noted as being the originator/
 and world coordinator of the 1987 "Harmonic Convergence". He is gifted
 with the ability to merge science and spirit in a most understandable way.
 Most of his studies are related to the Mayan Calendar.

 I felt a kinship with Jose and his wife Lloydine, only to be matched with
 that of Gregg Braden and Ian Lundgold. I believe we are all onto something
 BIG. It is the merging of the two worlds of science and spirit. One common
 denominator which all have shared, is that we are becoming more intuitive
 (and remembering) more than ever before. So I say this, trust your
 feelings, your intuition. You will need this more than ever to find your
 way through many deceptive paths.

 I will have my interview with Jose Arguelles up on our "audio archives"
 page in a few days. For now, you may wish to listen to past interviews
 with Gregg Braden, and also last weeks interview with Dr. John Brandenberg
 author 'Dead Mars, Dying Earth'
 Audio Archives:

 Now the article: Comet 'LINEAR' Is Breaking Up

 There is mounting evidence that the active comet C/1999 S4 (LINEAR) may
 not have survived its closest approach to the Sun on July 26th intact. In
 an International Astronomical Union Circular (IAUC #7467) published
 yesterday, astronomer Mark Kidger (Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias)
 reported images he obtained using the Jacobus Kapteyn Telescope showing
 what appears to be a substantial disruption of the comet's nucleus.

 "I think that we'll see the comet practically disappear in a couple of
 nights," says Kidger. Amateur and professional astronomers
 are encouraged to monitor the comet for signs of additional activity.
 Finder charts are available from Sky & Telescope. An
 excellent account of Kidger's observations has been posted at

 IMPACT! An interplanetary shock wave struck Earth's magnetosphere at
 approximately 0630 UT (2:30 a.m. EDT) on
 July 28, 2000. The disturbance passed NASA's ACE spacecraft at 0542 UT.
 The solar wind velocity recorded by ACE jumped sharply from 350 to 450
 km/s during a 2 minute interval.

 The event triggered a minor geomagnetic storm with aurora visible at high
 latitudes (60 degrees) in parts of Asia and Europe. The shock wave was
 probably sent toward Earth by a faint full-halo coronal mass ejection
 detected by SOHO on July 25th.

 METEOR OUTLOOK: (July 28 - August 3) The Perseid meteor shower is slowly
 gaining strength. Pre-dawn observers can spot about 5 Perseids per hour
 this weekend. When the shower peaks on August 12th it could produce 1 or
 more shooting stars per minute during the interval between moonset and

 Note From Mitch:
 Please help me keep ECTV alive and able to continue bringing you the most
 cutting edge information you are not likely to find anywhere else. Send in
 your donation today. As stated in an earlier article, All for the price of
 a dinner. If you feel ECTV has  helped you in some way, then perhaps you
 can give back in whatever way you feel guided. Whether you eat at
 McDonalds for $6, or have a nice steak and lobster dinner, all is welcome.
 My hope is ECTV helps feed your knowledge and connection to others in a
 very special way. If you have a moment, send my all volunteer staff an
 email letting them know how you feel about their service and willingness
 to help us all. You can send it to the old address
 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> address.
 Reminder! my new address is <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 Send donations to: Earth Changes TV, PO Box 31286, Seattle, WA 98103

 Blessings To All,
 Mitch Battros
 Producer - Earth Changes TV

 Get your ECTV T-shirt, coffee mug, or mouse pad today:
EcoNews Service - Alternative News: Ecology, Consciousness & Universe

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