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Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2000 11:58:00 -0600
Subject: San Luis Valley, CO Mid-Summer Update

<color><param>0100,0100,0100</param><FontFamily><param>Arial Narrow</param>Fellow 

The San Luis Valley appears to be experiencing an upsurge of
summer reports ranging from classic UFO-type nocturnal lights to
unusual military flight activity. June and July are traditionally
the SLV's quietest months.<bold>

July 2000

<italic></bold>Thur July 27, 2000 at 9:30 AM  Villa Grove/Hayden Pass  Saguache County


Villa Grove resident observed a large, silent black jet that flew
low over Hayden Pass and headed SW at tree top level over Highway
285.  Witness called the craft, "the strangest looking plane I've
ever seen."  A couple of minutes later, two fighter jets followed
the course of the first plane down the Valley. (O'Brien)

Wed July 19, 2000 Baca Grande Development 10:20 AM Saguache


Multiple witnesses observed an extremely low-flying gunmetal
colored 4-engine jet power cargo plane.  One witness called it
"C-17" which he thought was a new NATO plane that is "replacing
the C-4."  The plane arrived at tree-top level from the north,
made a dangerous low left-hand turn, just above the treetops on
N.Crestone Creek.  Plane "seemed unusually quiet fro a jet," and
was between 100 and 200 feet in altitude</italic>.


9:00 PM Crestone, CO, Saguache County FB1

</bold>(e-mail report) "I had stepped outside to look at the
stars, not many up yet, and there was one very bright star I
noticed moving in the west, and not high up, like a satellite
is...watched it and ran over to Dan's to get him, but could hear
he was on the phone, came back, it had continued travelling fast,
from the northwest to the southeast, and it was brillaint white,
no flashing, even from behind it looked the same !  It was well
into the Southeast when I heard a rumble, in the northwest, like
a jet would make, but I honestly don't belevie it to be a jet, as
there were no flashing lights, it was brilliant white light, like
an intense star, from the side, and from behind !!" (O'Brien)

<italic>Fri July 14, 2000 at 3:12 PM Near Mesita, CO Costilla

</italic>[e-mail report] "Would you have any idea why a large,
black, flat-bottomed, seemingly *armed* military helicopter would
be out here in the middle of the day?  At about 3:12 PM we were
on our way into Alamosa.  Had just turned off Road K in Mesita,
north onto Road 10 when we noticed it coming out of the
north/northeast heading for Ute Mountain area, south/southeast.
It could not have been more than 100 feet above the top of my
truck, and if he'd been going any more slowly he would have had
to land.  There were no other craft in sight either in the air or
on roads or pasture.  Perhaps it was just an exercise, but as far
as I know, this is a rare occurance." (O'Brien)<italic>

<bold>Wed July 12, 2000, 1:00 to 1:45 AM, Crestone, CO Saguache
County AN1

</italic></bold>A witness while skywatching east of town observed
seven or 8 blinking lights.  They alternated green, red and white
and were in a spherical formation, approximately 15 degrees above
the western horizon.  The formation of lights seemed to be
hovering out over the Valley and after approximately 20-30
minutes appeared to lights slowly lights west.  Then they
appeared to stop and start heading back east toward his vantage
point.  The witness estimated the light formation was about 10
miles away when he first noticed them.  At one point mid way
through the sighting a helicopter "approached from the west,
flanked the formation to the NE and then headed east over the
Sangres."  The chopper was flying at an altitude of of
approximately 15,000 feet.  (O'Brien) <FontFamily><param>Times
New Roman</param>

<bold><FontFamily><param>Arial Narrow</param>June 2000</bold>

Thur June 15, 2000 5:15 AM Baca Grande Dev/Baca Ranch NO SEARCH &

</bold>Large low-flying military chopper criss-crossed the area
for around 10 - 15 minutes.
 No apparent missing climbers or hikers at the time. (O'Brien)

<bold>Mon June 12, 2000 north of Moffat, CO NOT CONFIRMED

</bold>Two witnesses report finding a mutilated cow near Rd AA
and CR 60

<bold>Sun June 11, 2000 about 2:40 to 2:45 PM Highway 17, Great
Sand Dunes Nat Mon

</bold>(e-mail from witness) "we were hiking the sand dunes
sunday afternoon, and we saw several planes leaving short
contrails.  we heard a loud jet flying directly over, so i looked
up.  it was flying low, no contrail, not military.  what caught
my eye at that point was ANOTHER object higher above the plane in
the sky, moving to the W/SW, round in shape, and leaving no
contrail.  Funny coincidence, huh?  like, "okay, look up NOW!"
well, it was a nice sighting.  it seemed to be moving about as
fast as a jet at that altitude, but even through binoculars there
was no fuselage or wings, just a round shape.  Dull metallic
colour, and if you hadn't looked right at it you would have

it against the blue sky.  it just so happened i looked up because
of the low-flying jet."  (O'Brien/Tussel)

<bold>Wed June 10, 2000, Crestone, CO Nocturnal Anomaly

</bold>Two individuals camping above Crestone woke up at 3:00 AM
or so by a extremely brief "huge wind" that shook their separate
tents, only lasted a few seconds then became quiet.  One of the
campers; a woman woke up w/ 3 triangle arrayed puncture marks;
one behind the left ear, one on back of right thigh, and three
puncture marks on main vein of right arm, just below crease of
elbow.  Other experiencer, a teenage boy, aged 13, also
experienced wind and felt something strange was happening.

<smaller><smaller>May 2000

Wed May 24, 2000 10:30-10:45 pm Maxiville near the Rio Grande N
of Monti Vista

</bold>2 waitresses watch a brilliant low flying light
zig-zagging between La Garita Pk and the old Del Norte Airport.
Witnesses were sure silent light array was not a conventional
craft.  Following day a dead calf was discovered in the area w/
an unusual hide scrape and small cut along the backbone.

<bold>Thu May 25, 2000 west of Chama, NM Rio Arribas County NM

</bold>Campers find 2 freshly mutilated cows.  One w/ no head;
the other with the tongue missing.  Nearby were 4 elk legs and
haunches w/ no head, neck or torso.


             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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