Spider Toxin - Deadly New
Threat To People?

Can a deadly spider replace chemical pesticides? Could this be a threat to
human livers and human health?

Viruses given a gene for a toxin from one of the world's deadliest spiders
could replace chemical pesticides, say researchers in the US. They plan to
carry out field trials, although there are fears about the wisdom of
releasing such viruses.

Glenn King of the University of Connecticut Health Center in Farmington and
his colleagues recently identified a unique family of toxins in the venom of
a funnel-web spider. These neurotoxins are lethal when injected into insect
tissues, yet have no effect if eaten by insects or other animals (Nature
Structural Biology, vol 7, p 505).

King's team is now engineering the gene for one of these toxins into
baculoviruses, common viruses that infect certain moths and butterflies, and
have long been used as "biopesticides." When the modified baculovirus infects
a butterfly or moth, the insect's cells should start to produce the toxin,
killing it faster than wild viruses. Because the host butterfly or moth) dies
quickly, before much virus can replicate, the modified virus shouldn't
persist in the environment, say the researchers. Critics contend that the
risk to butterfly and human populations and survival is not worth taking

"I welcome a potentially environmentally friendly pest control but it's
abundantly clear we need to be more firm about risk issues," comments George
McGavin, an entomologist at Oxford University. "If we are not 100 per cent
sure, it shouldn't be in the field."

There have already been several field trials worldwide of baculoviruses given
a gene for a scorpion toxin (New Scientist, 21 January 1995, p 6). However,
most of the scorpion toxin made in infected insects fails to fold into the
correct shape, says King. By contrast, tests in bacteria suggest that almost
100 per cent of the spider toxin should fold properly, making the virus

King thinks engineering toxin genes into viruses is preferable to adding them
to plants, such as Bt maize. Not only does it mean that people do not have to
eat plants that produce insecticidal toxins, but only target insects will be
affected, he says. "These viruses can be exquisitely specific, right down to
infecting individual species," King claims. "This means that only the pest
insects will be killed whilst beneficial insects such as bees remain

However, critics fear that the virus will spread into the environment and
affect other kinds of butterflies and moths. "A containment environment could
not possibly hold a virus," says McGavin, who opposed trials of a scorpion
toxin virus in Oxfordshire in the 1990s. "If you could get a specific
baculovirus it would be great, but baculoviruses do pass on {to other

"This is problem that really concerns us," said Alan Moore of the Butterfly
Gardeners Association, a local group that advocates for the conservation of
butterflies and their habits. This is at least the third time that
Genetically Modified Organisms, GMOs have been targeted against butterflies.

Bt-corn has genes from the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis spliced into the
plant genes and its toxin is carried by wind-driven pollen to the leaves of
milkweed where they can poison monarch caterpillars feeding on milkweed. "I
think this clearly shows transgenic corn could be a serious threat to
monarchs," said Rebecca Goldburg, a senior scientist with the New York-based
Environmental Defense Fund in a story published by the San Francisco
Chronicle about Bt-corn . "I doubt if it would push them over the edge by
itself, but it adds substantially to the other risks they face."

Moore makes the point that the industry states that Bt-corn alone could not
push monarchs and other butterflies over the edge, but a combination of other
Monsanto and industry innovations just might. "Now we have Roundup ready
crops and spider poison enhanced butterfly pathogens to deal with. Roundup
ready crops are a direct threat in that they target milkweed, the monarch's
host plant, as well as a whole spectrum of annual and perennial weeds for
elimination. Many of these weeds are host plants for other butterflies as
well," says Moore

There are also fears that the toxin gene might be transferred to other
viruses. "There is no instance of a toxin gene jumping from virus A to virus
B," says Bruce Hammock of the University of California, Davis, who is also
working on modified baculoviruses. "But if it jumped, the new virus would
become less effective."

Jenny Cory of the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology in Oxford agrees transfer
of the toxin gene is unlikely, but thinks further tests would be helpful.
"It's a vicious circle," she says, "you have to do a risk assessment before
you do the experiment but we don't know all the risks without doing field
experiments in the first place."

"Soon after GM virus were developed for insect control it was found that
baculovirus were capable of infecting human liver cells," says Joe Cummins,
Prof. Emeritus at the University of Western Ontario. "For that reason
baculovirus vectors were developed to treat liver disease. Interestingly, the
fact that baculovirus can infect human liver cells seems to have been ignored
by those developing the virus for commercial pest control. The following
discussion will deal with the use of baculovirus vectors and their safety. I
understand that there has been a great deal of pressure to hasten approval of
the GM baculovirus for pest control."

"Ecological considerations for the impact of recombinant baculovirus
insecticides have been studied extensively. Impact on non-target insects is
extrapolated from insects of related phylogeny, a practice difficult to
defend. The recombinant baculovirus were very persistent and capable of
reshaping an ecosystem."

"Baculovirus is a circular DNA duplex, it replicates in the insect cell
nucleus and replication is prone to the generation of defective genomes by
deletion. The mode of virus replication seems to make the recombinant virus
highly unpredictable and prone to generating potentially undesirable
variants. This important finding has not yet influenced the risk analysis of
recombinant baculovirus insecticides and gene therapy vectors."

"The most disconcerting finding is the one showing that replication of the
baculovirus is inherently unpredictable, says Cummins. "There may be some who
believe that we should all have unlabelled liver gene therapy with our

"We need to educate the American consumer on the threats of GMOs to human
health and butterflies, says Moore. That is why we have joined Bay Area Rage,
Global Exchange, the Bay Area Seed Interchange Library, the Berkeley Ecology
Center, and the Organic Consumers Association in bringing this issue before
the public. That is why we are here today at this Market Street Safeway in
San Francisco."

Prepared by New Scientist authors Mark Robins and Michael Le Page (New
Scientist issue: 17th June 2000), Butterfly Gardeners director Alan Moore,
and Prof. Joe Cummins of University of Western Ontario

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