Clinton health program backfires

Stringent regulations cause loss of millions for children's
medical care

By Patrick Poole
© 2000

A federal children's health insurance program has such stringent
regulations that states involved in the plan are unable to get
their spending plans approved by the government, resulting in
denial of health-care coverage for millions of poor children --
the very purpose of the program.

Meanwhile, as the November presidential election draws near, the
Clinton-Gore administration is trumpeting the $24 billion,
10-year program as being among its greatest accomplishments.

Documents from the federal government obtained by WorldNetDaily
show that in just a few weeks, states will lose almost $2 billion
in federal money set aside for the program due to a failure to
meet strict Clinton administration guidelines.

The loss of money by the states has already become an issue in
the presidential race, with Vice President Al Gore attacking
Texas Gov. George W.  Bush and his administration for not
spending $449 million of the funds set aside for uninsured
children.  But critics are responding that the Clinton-Gore
administration may be more to blame than Texas lawmakers for not
using the money.

The State Children's Health Insurance Program was developed by
Hillary Clinton and her health-care advisors in the wake of the
devastating political loss of her national health-care system
campaign in the first term of the Clinton-Gore administration.

The intent of SCHIP was to expand public health insurance
programs, particularly Medicaid, to cover children under 200
percent of the Federal Poverty Limit that did not meet
traditional Medicaid coverage requirements.

Backed by organizations pushing for a universal health-care
system, such as the Children's Defense Fund, legislation
authorizing the program was sponsored by Sen.  Orrin Hatch,
R-Utah, and Sen.  Ted Kennedy, D-Mass., and passed as part of the
Balanced Budget Act of 1997.

But several years after Congress approved the SCHIP program, many
states are unable to draw down funds for the program in part
because officials from the Health Care Financing Administration
who oversee the program delayed approval of many state programs,
preventing them from utilizing the money.

Another reason states are failing to spend the federal money is
that they are finding it difficult to locate children in need of
the benefit.  While the Clinton administration anticipated
covering an additional 5 million children through the SCHIP
program, Health and Human Services Secretary Donna Shalala
admitted recently that less than 2.5 million children have been

Due to these factors, states are spending less than 20 percent of
the money Congress allocated to them for the SCHIP program.
According to documents obtained by WorldNetDaily, 41 states will
lose more than $1.9 billion for their 1998 SCHIP allotments on
Sept.  30 as a result of the states' inability to get their
programs up and running in time.  During 1998, 32 states were not
able to spend any of their designated SCHIP allotments.

Other problems with the SCHIP program have also developed.
WorldNetDaily recently reported that a new study by the Center
for Studying Health System Change found that the SCHIP program
has resulted in millions of low-income children being forced off
their private insurance coverage as employers look to shift
health-care costs to taxpayers.

The study also shows that there has been no net reduction in the
percentage of children that are uninsured.  Thus, the SCHIP
program may be exacerbating the problem it was designed to solve,
calling into question the success of the program that the
Clinton-Gore administration is heralding as one of its biggest
success stories.

=>  Critics say it is the Clinton administration's use of the
=>  program as a back door for the first lady's failed
=>  national health-care system that is at the heart of the
=>  problem of states losing their SCHIP allotments.

The administration advocated for expansion of state Medicaid
programs under SCHIP to enlarge the prospects for universal
health-care coverage, rather than allowing states to experiment
with less-costly public and private initiatives to cover
uninsured children.

Many states were reluctant to pursue Medicaid expansion because
federal rules and coverage requirements make Medicaid coverage
very expensive, frequently at a greater cost than private
insurance plans.

Grace-Marie Arnett, president of the Galen Institute -- a
not-for-profit research and education organization that focuses
on free-market tax and health-care reform initiatives -- told
WorldNetDaily that the unused SCHIP money is a testament to
numerous obstacles that the Clinton administration erected for
states who wanted to assist uninsured children, but didn't want
to use Medicaid as the vehicle to do it.

"The Clinton administration threw up roadblocks for the states
all along the way. There are so many options that states could
use to solve the problem of uninsured children, but most haven't
been tried because of the inflexibility of HCFA (the Health Care
Financing Administration) trying to use SCHIP to expand the
Medicaid entitlement program," Arnett said. "Their determination
to expand a government entitlement program under the guise of
helping the children has backfired."

The statistics from HCFA verify Arnett's contention that Medicaid
expansion was the real goal of the program, not covering
uninsured children.  Of the 14 states that did not use Medicaid
to cover uninsured children, only one state, North Carolina, was
able to use all of its funds.  Those states will collectively
lose $315 million once the Sept. 30 deadline passes.  On the
other hand, four of the eight states that used all of their SCHIP
allotment used Medicaid programs exclusively to cover uninsured

Jim Frogue, a health-care policy analyst with the Heritage
Foundation, told WorldNetDaily that the unused money demonstrates
that the federal government needs to loosen the strings for
states to draw down the funds.

"If the federal government is going to provide this money, the
states should be allowed to experiment with a number of options,
not just rely on Medicaid expansion," Frogue said.  "The money
should be made available to states as block grants without
strings attached.  But as long as HCFA is reluctant to approve
state plans that don't use Medicaid, the ability to experiment
with these options will be very limited."

In a perverse twist, Mary Khan, a spokesperson for HCFA, told
WorldNetDaily that the money forfeited by those states that were
unable to use their allotments will be given to the nine states
that overspent their SCHIP allotments.

"This is nothing short of showering states with more money as a
reward for their inefficiency," said Frogue.

The dilemma of states losing the federal money is particularly
felt in California and Texas, where 29 percent of all uninsured
children in the country live.  According to the HCFA documents,
California is scheduled to lose $590 million and Texas another
$449 million after using less than 25 percent of the money
allotted by Congress.

Texas was particularly hampered in its efforts to establish a
program because the state legislature, which meets only
biennially, did not even convene until more than a year after
Congress authorized the program. The loss of funds for 1998 was
compounded by HCFA's waiting until June 15, 1998, to authorize
the Texas plan, leaving the state only three months in the
federal fiscal year in which to use any SCHIP money.
Consequently, Texas was able to use only $1.3 million of its 1998
SCHIP allotment.

In response to the call from state health-care officials, Sen.
Lincoln Chafee, R-R.I., introduced a bill in April to give states
another two years to spend the money, but supporters admit that
the bill is likely to die in the Senate Finance Committee when
Congress adjourns in October.[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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