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From:                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date sent:              Sun, 30 Jul 2000 01:15:34 -0700
To:                     undisclosed recipients
Subject:                A few random thoughts

I posted the following to another list I'm on, and the responses
made me
think you might like to read it, also.


I just ran across the following quotation, and thought it rather apt.

"Reason obeys itself; and ignorance does whatever is dictated to
--Thomas Paine

It has been my experience that the victim- disarmament crowd are
largely merely ignorant. Since the facts and statistics are all on our
side, that's inevitable. In addition to being ignorant, many of them
are also too intellectually lazy to adequately research the subject,
and/or so emotionally insecure that they would rather cling to a
warm and fuzzy false notion than face the truth. This is hardly
unique to the gun banners: remember the contemporaries of
Renaissance physician William Harvey who rejected his notion of
blood circulation, declaring they would rather "err with Galen than
be right with Harvey." They paid for their arrogance with the lives of
many whom they could have helped with this knowledge, just as
the anti- gun crowd has the blood of untold helpless victims on their
collective hands.

However, arrogance, emotional immaturity and ignorance are not
the only factors involved, although admittedly they are extant in the
preponderance of anti- gun types. We spend a good deal of time,
trouble and money to educate these people, often to little or no

Why? They would rather be dictated to, as they either cannot or do
not want to reason, and it's more "comfortable" where they are.
This brings us to the next logical step: who is dictating to these
people, and why?

To whom is the private possession of firearms by law- abiding
citizens a threat? Obviously, only to criminals, as a solid citizen is
not about to start using his neighbors for target practice. It logically
follows that anyone in a position of power, be it elective, appointive
or earned (as in business) who opposes an armed citizenry is, ipso
facto, a criminal in thought at least, and probably in deed as well.

It seems to me as if, rather than dedicating all of our resources to
educating those who are emotionally reluctant to open their eyes,
we should devote at least some of our attention to delving into the
backgrounds of the victim- disarmament people. I rather suspect
some interesting facts might emerge: even more interesting than
the facts that Diane Feinstein, Carl Rowan and Hillary Clinton are
known to carry concealed (two of the three illegally), that Rosie
O'Donnell's bodyguard is armed, and that one of the heads of the
Million Misguided Mothers is not only the owner of a TEC-9
submachine gun as well as other armament, but also shot a young
man (who will show up in those slanted gun violence
statistics about "children") whom she believed, probably incorrectly,
killed her son.

Those are mere peccadilloes, I believe, compared to the dirty
laundry on the skeletons in the gun banner's closets. If the truth
were known about these people, that they are NOT the warm,
fuzzy, friendly, helpful folk they attempt to appear to be, I can only
see where it would help our cause, and possibly awaken the
merely ignorant, if not the determinedly ignorant.

Admittedly, I can't see this working on a national level, as the
disgrace we have in the White House shows. And it's common
knowledge that Al Gore is a criminal, yet he runs for President with
impunity. I'm thinking a little more locally. If people knew that the
seemingly benign mayor of  their town who supports gun
confiscation has a record of, say, child molestation, that the school
board member who is vociferously anti- gun has a son who's a
burglar, that the local police chief who sonorously declares that the
police can protect you is a wife- beater, etc. might it not help
people to make the connection as to *why* they don't want guns in
private hands?

What do you all think?


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