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Srebrenica, a small town in Yugoslavia: 5 years on and the lies continue.

Following is the text of a full-page ad which appeared in the Sydney
(Australia) 'Daily Telegraph' (July 20, page 12) and the 'New York Post' (July
28, page 25).
By Jared Israel (7-29-00)

Based on his book, "A Decade of Lies that Fooled the World," to be published
this fall. Mr. Israel edits the Website www.tenc.net
What really happened in Srebrenica?

When the Bosnian Serb Army recaptured the town of Srebrenica five years ago,
Dutch UN peacekeepers were the only Western observers present. The Dutch UN
peacekeepers ridicule Clinton Administration claims that Serbian troops
massacred thousands of disarmed Muslims:

"Everybody is parroting everybody [about Srebrenica] but nobody shows hard
evidence. In the Netherlands people want to prove at all costs that genocide
has been committed. I don’t believe any of it. The day after the collapse of
Srebrenica, July 13, I arrived in Bratunac [alleged massacre site] and stayed
there for eight days. I was able to go wherever I wanted to. I was granted all
possible assistance; nowhere was I stopped." (Captain Schouten, the ranking UN
officer on the scene in Bratunac, Het Parool, 27/07/95, my emphasis)

The Myth: Led by the Clinton administration, the Western media has used the
Myth of Srebrenica to slander the Serbian people for five years. The idea is:
repeat a lie enough times and people believe it.

But what really happened at Srebrenica? What happened there before the Serbian
army recaptured the city?

As we will see, there was a massacre, in fact many massacres, but the Serbs
were not the villains. They were the victims.

Islamist terrorists, based in Srebrenica, raided local villages, mutilating and
murdering Serbian and moderate Muslim villagers. Innocent civilians. It's a
miracle that when the Serbs retook Srebrenica they did not exact revenge.
Islamist Leader Boasts of murder

The UN declared Srebrenica a 'safe zone' in 1993. That meant a) Srebrenica was
supposed to be disarmed and b) it was supposed to be safe from attack
But the UN never disarmed the Islamists who occupied Srebrenica.

The Islamists "troops" were actually a gang of sadists in the tradition of the
local Islamists who joined the Nazi SS during World War II and slaughtered
Serbs, "Gypsies" and Jews. Listen to their modern-day incarnation, Commander
Nasir Oric, leader of what is called the Bosnian Muslim Army, in Srebrenica:

"[On the video tape I saw] burning houses, dead bodies, severed heads, and
people fleeing. [Commander] Oric grinned throughout, admiring his handiwork.
'We ambushed them,' he said when a number of dead Serbs appeared on the screen.

"The next sequence of dead bodies had been done in by explosives: 'We launched
those guys to the moon,' he boasted. When footage of a bullet-marked ghost town
appeared without any visible bodies, Oric hastened to announce: 'We killed 114
Serbs there.' Later there were celebrations, with singers with wobbly voices
chanting his praises." (Toronto Star, 16/07/95)

Note that Oric says his "troops" mutilated and slaughtered innocent villagers,
not Serbian troops. In War II the Nazi Islamists killed by mutilation, using so-
called "cold weapons" - knives, hammers, axes. They liked to be photographed
with what they called "trophies" - the severed heads of their victims. That was
the Nazi past, right? Well, here again is Nasir Oric, Commander of the
terrorists, otherwise known as the Bosnian Muslim Army, in Srebrenica:

"Nasir Oric's war trophies don't line the wall of his comfortable apartment.
They're on videocassette tape: burned Serb houses and headless Serb men, bodies
crumpled in a pathetic heap.

'"We had to use cold weapons that night,' Oric explains as scenes of dead men
sliced by knives roll over his 21-inch Sony...Reclining on an overstuffed
couch, clothed head to toe in camouflage fatigues, a U.S. Army patch proudly
displayed over his heart…the Muslim commander is the toughest guy in this town
[of Srebrenica], which the U.N. Security Council has declared a protected 'safe
area.'" (Washington Post, 16/02/94)

The Clinton administration strongly supported the Muslim regime in Sarajevo.
Oric's killers were that regime's army. Is this why Oric wore a US army patch?
Note that the Post expresses no horror over Oric's unbelievable crimes.
Oric worked for the Muslim regime in Sarajevo. The Clinton administration
praised that regime as pro-Western and tolerant.

Well,. the head of that regime was and is Alija Izetbegovic. He joined the pro-
Nazi Young Muslims in nazi-occupied Sarajevo in 1943. He helped recruit members
of the "SS Handzar Division." He worked with Hitler’s intelligence service
(ABWER and GESTAPO). In 1946 he was sentenced by the Yugoslav Military Court to
three years in prison for his fascist activities. (See note # 1 at end)
Jumping forward to 1990, here's a quote from Izetbegovic's book, "Islamic

"...There can be no peace or coexistence between the "Islamic faith" and non-
Islamic societies and political institutions. ... Islam clearly excludes the
right and possibility of activity of any strange ideology on its own turf…and
the state should be an expression …of the religion. ..." ("Islamska
Deklaracija," p. 22)

Izetbegovic idolized the Ayatollah Khomeini. His fanatic Islamist movement lost
the 1990 elections to Fikret Abdic. Abdic was a moderate Muslim. But the Bush
and Clinton administrations backed Izetbegovic who forced Abdic out. Abdic and
his moderate Muslim followers allied with the Bosnian Serb Army against
Izetbegovic's Islamist fanatics.

Why has the Clinton government backed these Islamist fascists? As we will see
later, Clinton is supporting the same sort of sadist butchers in Kosovo today -
in fact, in Kosovo these killers have been given official jobs with the UN.
More on that in a moment.

The Myth of the 7000 missing Muslims

By 1995 Oric's murderous raids forced the Bosnian Serb Army to send some of its
limited number of troops to retake Srebrenica. Unfortunately, Oric and most of
the terrorist thugs escaped. Today Oric is free as a bird, running a disco in
the town of Tuzla.

As the Serbs entered Srebrenica, the terrorists retreated into the forest,
heading for Islamist-dominated Tuzla. Firefights raged all night. 2,000
terrorists were killed. US Ambassador to the UN Richard Holbrooke clams up to
8000 Muslims were executed, but there is overwhelming evidence that in fact
they got away. The Sarajevo regime has helped spread the lie that they were
killed by the Serbs in order to demonize the Serbian people.

[Thousands of the] "missing Bosnian Muslim soldiers from Srebrenica who have
been at the centre of reports of possible mass executions by the Serbs, are
believed to be safe to the Northeast of Tuzla.....

"For the first time yesterday, however, the Red Cross in Geneva said it heard
from sources in Bosnia that up to 2,000 Bosnian Government troops were in area
north of Tuzla. They had made their way from Srebrenica 'without their families
being informed', a spokesman said, adding that it had not been possible to
verify the reports because the [Islamist] Bosnian Government refused to allow
the Red Cross into the area."
(The Times, August 02, 1995)

How come the bodies haven't been identified?

We often hear that:

"Some 4,000 bodies have been found so far in the vicinity of Srebrenica, but
only 70 have been identified." (Agence France Presse (AFP), 7-10-00)

According to the Sunday Mail: 'After five years we have found 160 mass graves,
but we have no idea who the people are."

The grave sites that NATO has dug up are mostly a) near battlefields or b) near
the towns attacked by Nasir Oric's serial killers. The Clinton administration
admits that "we have no idea who the people [in these graves] are."

But we do know that Oric's Islamist terrorists killed thousands of Serbian
villagers. Doesn't it make sense that the bodies NATO has dug up are A) victims
of the Islamist terrorists, B) soldiers who fought the Islamists, C) Islamist
terrorists killed in fighting?

Holbrooke Insults Holocaust Victims

Richard Holbrooke, US Ambassador to the UN, recently reopened the Myth of
Srebrenica, attacking the Serbs. Said Holbrooke: "Srebrenica must not be
forgotten " (AFP, 7-11-00)

The phrase "Never forget!" is associated with victims of Nazi terror in World
War II, especially Jews killed in the Holocaust. How dare Holbrooke invoke the
Holocaust in order to slander the Serbs? The Serbs died alongside their Jewish
neighbors at the hands of Islamist Nazis during World War II. In the 1990s they
were killed by NATO-backed Nazis like Izetbegovic and Oric in Bosnia and the
KLA in Kosovo.

Cover-up: NATO's crimes in Kosovo

Why is Holbrooke reopening Srebrenica? Because he wants to hide the nightmare
created by the Clinton administration in Kosovo.

"Murder, torture and extortion: these are the extraordinary charges made
against the UN's own Kosovo Protection Corps in a confidential United Nations
report written for Secretary-General Kofi Annan.

"The KPC stands accused in the document, drawn up on 29 February, of 'criminal
activities - killings, ill-treatment/torture, illegal policing, abuse of
authority, intimidation, breaches of political neutrality and hate-speech.'"
(London Observor, March 12, 2000)

No *As many as 350,000 Serbs, Jews, "Gypsies", Slavic Muslims, Catholic
Croatians and Turks have been driven from Kosovo. Their property has been
stolen by gangsters, blessed with official UN positions. Apartment blocs have
been emptied by terror and then sold to UN and NATO personnel. This is reality.
It is in order to cover-up these crimes and prevent public outrage that
Holbrooke has dragged out the Myth of Srebrenica - once again. (See note # 2 at
the end)
Note # 1 - Izetbegovic's past is documented in the Russian Gazette "Izvestia,"
November 17, 1992.
Note # 2 - For first-hand accounts of the terror the UN and NATO have brought
to Kosovo see:
"Driven from Kosovo" by Cedomir Prlincevic, leader of the Jewish Community in
Kosovo, at

"Save the Families - The Women of Orahovac Speak," at http://www.emperors-

"The UN appoints an alleged war criminal in Kosovo" by Prof. Michel
Chossudovsky at http://emperors-clothes.com/articles/chuss/unandthe.htm

Blaming the Serbian Victims
Over 87 Orthodox Christian churches have been destroyed since the UN and NATO
invaded the Serbian province of Kosovo last June. The Clinton regime forced the
Kosovo Serbs to disarm. Then the NATO-allied KLA fascists drove 350,000 Serbs,
Jews, "Gypsies," Croatian Catholics and Turks out of Kosovo. Everything they
owned has been stolen. Thousands of young girls have been literally enslaved.
To prevent public outrage at these crimes, US Ambassador to the UN Richard
Holbrooke is hypocritically screaming about Srebrenica. Holbrooke says "Never
forget!" He has conveniently "forgotten" the crimes of the Clinton-supported
Islamist-fascists in Sarajevo and Kosovo!

You can Order Judgment now!
You probably recall the famous pictures of an emaciated man behind barbed wire
in what we were told was a Bosnian death camp. These pictures were flashed
round the world in 1992 and had a big impact, convincing millions of people
that the Bosnian Serbs were committing genocide. Presidential candidate Clinton
and President Bush competed over who could denounce the Serbs most harshly.
Emperors-clothes has produced a movie that proves these pictures were a hoax.
Using original footage it duplicates the steps ITN, the British news station,
used to fabricate the phony death camp pictures. You see what it was actually
like at Trnopolje, where ITN filmed. You watch as the film is doctored,
recreating the 'Pictures that Fooled the World.'

The suggested donation for a copy of the video is $25 in the US, $26 in other
countries, including shipping. Please send more if you can; we rely on
donations to cover our operating expenses. If you can't afford $25/26, send
what you can. We want you to have this video, to show it to everyone you can.
It jogs the mind that has been fogged with lies, jogs it to think.
To order JUDGMENT send donation to:
Emperor's Clothes
P.O. Box 610-321
Newton, MA 02461-0321
(Please tell us how many films you are ordering)
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If you find emperors-clothes.com useful, we can use your help...
All our expenses are covered by individual donations. Any donation will help
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Or call 617 916-1705. Thanks very much.

Integrity has no need of rules. -Albert Camus (1913-1960)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
The libertarian therefore considers one of his prime educational
tasks is to spread the demystification and desanctification of the
State among its hapless subjects.  His task is to demonstrate
repeatedly and in depth that not only the emperor but even the
"democratic" State has no clothes; that all governments subsist
by exploitive rule over the public; and that such rule is the reverse
of objective necessity.  He strives to show that the existence of
taxation and the State necessarily sets up a class division between
the exploiting rulers and the exploited ruled.  He seeks to show that
the task of the court intellectuals who have always supported the State
has ever been to weave mystification in order to induce the public to
accept State rule and that these intellectuals obtain, in return, a
share in the power and pelf extracted by the rulers from their deluded
[[For a New Liberty:  The Libertarian Manifesto, Murray N. Rothbard,
Fox & Wilkes, 1973, 1978, p. 25]]

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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