This week the MRC is producing a twice-daily Media Reality

Check analysis of network coverage of the Republican convention.

MRC Alert: Tuesday AM Edition of Conventions 2000 Media Reality Check

Media Research Center CyberAlert
Tuesday August 1, 2000 (Vol. Five; No. 127)

Conventions 2000: Media Reality Check, Tuesday AM Edition

It is being distributed via fax, in hard copy form in
Philadelphia and on the MRC Web site where you can access it as
an Adobe Acrobat PDF file or through regular HTML documents. Go
to and click on "Campaign 2000."

    Below is the text for the three-page Tuesday Morning, August
1 edition.

1) Powell Appearance Used to Rebuke GOP: "Have to Think About
Minorities...Not Just Every Four Years." Peter Jennings suggested
Powell's appearance provided the GOP with an "unusual sense of
inclusion" and during Nightline he asked Powell: "Do you ever
feel used by the Republican Party?"

2) Bush, Cheney & Platform Too Conservative: GOP Interviewees Hit
With Liberal Agenda Questions on MSNBC. Claire Shipman on
abortion: "What would you say to women who are worried that
George W. Bush will appoint people to the Supreme Court who might
try to take away that right?"

3) Cheney Challenged from Left. "Why would women voters be
attracted to this ticket?" Gloria Borger asked on Face the

4) Delegates Scolded as Too White & Too Male; Not Enough Women or
Blacks to Satisfy Networks.

5) Sidebar stories: Rhyming Ratherism; "Rigidly Right" Cheney Tag
Avoided By Avoiding Press; Cheney-Backed Tax Cuts Caused
Deficits; Cheney's "Militia Moms."

    > 1) Front page story. Powell Appearance Used to Rebuke GOP:
"Have to Think About Minorities...Not Just Every Four Years."

    Though network reporters Monday night agreed that Colin
Powell received a warm reception, his address provided
correspondents with an opportunity to take shots at Republicans
and conservatives for not doing enough for minorities. Peter
Jennings suggested Powell's appearance provided the GOP with an
"unusual sense of inclusion" and during Nightline he asked
Powell: "Do you ever feel used by the Republican Party?"

    Just after Powell's speech concluded at 11:03pm ET, Ed
Bradley told CBS viewers "the speech sure played really well"
with "no catcalls" as happened in 1996. Bob Schieffer called the
speech, which CBS picked up in progress during 48 Hours, a
triumph: "When a black man can stand before an almost hundred
percent white audience of Republicans and tell them they're
responsible for some of the cynicism of the black community and
make them like it and they did seem to like it. I think that's a
pretty gutsy thing and I think they got out the message they
wanted to tonight."

    Earlier, NBC's Tom Brokaw had rebuked Republicans, previewing
on MSNBC: "General Colin Powell, the most influential
African-American in the Republican Party will be talking to these
delegates, reminding them that they have to think about
minorities everyday, not just every four years."

    During ABC's 10pm ET hour of coverage, Jennings observed:
"But there is a real enthusiasm and an unusual sense of
inclusion." Jennings castigated the convention because "Kweisi
Mfume, the head of the NAACP, wanted to and he was
turned down. They said they could come here and be seen, they'd
be very welcome to that, but not necessarily heard. And they
wanted us to say tonight, as they want everybody to understand
tonight, that they had been officially insulted."

    Jennings pushed Powell to denigrate himself, arguing on
Nightline: "Most famous black man in America, probably, and they
push you into the front position all the time. Do you ever feel
that maybe this is the professional wing of the party trying to
use you?"

    > 2) Page two article. Bush, Cheney & Platform Too
Conservative: GOP Interviewees Hit With Liberal Agenda Questions

    The broadcast networks decided not to offer multi-hour
coverage, but viewers were not spared the liberal tilt of network
stars as NBC's were showcased all night on MSNBC. From the start
of prime time coverage at 8pm ET co-anchored by Tom Brokaw and
Tim Russert until they threw it to Brian Williams and Chris
Matthews just past 11pm ET, MSNBC delivered relentless badgering
from the left about how Republicans were too conservative and
would scare away voters.

    It all started at about 8:10 ET as MSNBC went to David Bloom
on the floor, who challenged former Senator Bob Dole: "But the
Democrats say, ‘look this is a man who voted against the Clean
Water Act, he voted against the creation of the Department of
Education, he voted against a ban on cop-killer bullets.' His
pick, they say, says a lot about Governor Bush."

    Next, Andrea Mitchell demanded of New York Governor George
Pataki: "We just heard Bob Dole defending Dick Cheney's record.
Dick Cheney's conservative record. Democrats are attacking it.
How is being against a ban on cop killer tickets, uh, bullets
gonna go down in New York state, with New York voters?" She
followed up: "How does that broaden the appeal of the party?
You're talking here tonight about being more inclusive, yet 59
percent of the people here describe themselves as conservative.
And you're not appealing to a broader base with this nominee."

    Back on the air a bit later, Mitchell suggested to Senator
Chuck Hagel: "Other people are criticizing what's going on here
on the floor and on the podium as a lot of packaging. That it
looks like an inclusive party, but it isn't any kinder or gentler
when you get down to specifics."

    Mitchell threw it to Claire Shipman who argued to
Congresswoman Jennifer Dunn: "There's one issue that is very
important to a lot of women. That's the issue of abortion. And
you, with a couple of notable exceptions, are pro-choice. With
the exception of federal funding to support abortion and a ban on
late-term abortions, which you support. What would you say to
women who are worried that George W. Bush will appoint people to
the Supreme Court who might try to take away that right?"

    Up in the booth, Brokaw identified a scapegoat for why Bush
did not pick Pennsylvania Governor Tom Ridge, telling Ridge: "A
whole lot of people think that you did not get the pick by George
W. Bush because of the Catholic Church's opposition to your stand
on abortion. Do you think that there ought to be more tolerance
for abortion in this country, in terms of the point of view, in
exchange of that." Brokaw pressed him to favor another liberal
policy: "This is a key industrial state, obviously, for George
Bush. President Clinton is already challenging the Republicans to
raise the minimum wage. If George Bush came out for raising the
minimum wage, would that help him in Pennsylvania?"

    And these questions all aired just in MSNBC's first hour, 8
to 9pm ET.

    [On Tuesday morning, MRC Webmaster Andy Szul, will post a
RealPlayer clip of a couple of MSNBC's aggressive interviews. Go

    > 3) Story at the top of page three. Cheney Challenged from
Left: "Why Would Women Voters Be Attracted to This Ticket?"

    As detailed in Monday morning's Media Reality Check, on
Sunday Dick Cheney was grilled by ABC's Sam Donaldson over his
conservative voting record. Cheney got the same hostile reception
on CBS's Face the Nation.

    Bob Schieffer demanded to know: "Well, what about this
business of cop-killer bullets? That seems a pretty, pretty tough
one to me, to vote against that. Why did you do that?"

    Co-host Gloria Borger didn't see how Bush gained anything by
his pick: "Governor Bush today has said that he is looking to
attract independent voters to vote for him in this election. What
do you bring to the ticket with this kind of a very conservative
voting record that would attract independent voters to the

    Borger followed up, wondering how any women wouldn't be
turned off: "Well, another constituency that, that both Governor
Bush and Al Gore are looking at are women voters. And, again,
going back to your record, you voted against the Equal Rights
Amendment; you have a stronger position, if you will, against
abortion than Governor Bush, with no exceptions. And the question
is, I guess, why would women voters be attracted to this ticket?"

    Of course, if the ERA were so universally popular, it would
have been ratified.

    > 4) Story on the bottom half of page three. Delegates
Scolded as Too White & Too Male: Not Enough Women or Blacks to
Satisfy Networks

    To counter media condemnations of previous GOP conclaves for
being too intolerant, Bush's operatives decided to present a
convention which reached out to minorities, but the network
reporters weren't satisfied. "Of all the groups that are
under-represented here, it has to be said that women are,"
declared Michel Martin during ABC's 10pm ET hour of coverage
Monday night. Martin added: "You know, men, according to an
Associated Press poll, 61 percent of the delegates are male, only
34 percent are female, when of course in the general population
it's the opposite. Fifty-one percent of the general population is
female, and only 49 percent is male."

    Earlier, Ed Bradley told CBS Evening News anchor Dan Rather
that many "admit" being successful: "If you used a broad brush to
paint these delegates, you'd say they're overwhelmingly
conservative, white and well off. About a quarter of them admit
that they're millionaires. Fewer than 10 percent say their family
income is under $50,000 a year."

    Over on the Fox News Channel, CBS News veteran Paula Zahn
warned in prime time: "What is going to become abundantly clear
to anybody watching this convention tonight, the delegates and
the alternates are overwhelmingly white, and you wonder how
genuine the symbolism will appear to those who are watching this
tonight of, of this diversity the Republican Party is trying to
show off."

    > 5) Four sidebar articles run alongside pages two and three:
Rhyming Ratherism; "Rigidly Right" Cheney Tag Avoided By Avoiding
Press; Cheney-Backed Tax Cuts Caused Deficits; Cheney's "Militia

    Rhyming Ratherism

    "Republicans tonight open a $60 million plus show,
emphasizing television imagery and the politics of pleasantry,"
Dan Rather opened Monday's CBS Evening News from the convention
floor as he com-bined rhyme with his caution to viewers.

    "Much of the money comes from big corporations and other
special interests," he warned before not forgetting to note how
"the same will be true of the Democratic con-vention to follow in
Los Angeles."

    "Rigidly Right" Cheney Tag Avoided By Avoiding Press
    Bill Whitaker, the most prolific labeler in the network media
of Dick Cheney, revealed how Cheney escaped being tagged
ideologically one day last week. In a July 28 CBS Evening News
story on the warm crowds which greeted the GOP ticket on Friday,
Whitaker tossed out another loaded label in acknowledging that
"the campaign seemed almost desperate for a day like this, with
images like this after their four-day drubbing over Cheney's
rigidly right record."

    "They avoided the whole issue," Whitaker added, "by holding
no press conferences today."

    In other words, "their four-day drubbing" was fueled not by
some widespread concern in the populous about Cheney's record but
by the agenda of liberal reporters.

    Cheney-Backed Tax Cuts Caused Deficits

    On Sunday's Late Edition on CNN Steve Roberts of U.S. News
challenged Dick Cheney's contention that he opposed a Head Start
bill for spending too much in the deficit era.

    Roberts argued: "There is a hypocrisy level here and, for
instance, on the question of Head Start. Dick Cheney says well
I'm sorry about those votes but you got to remember it was the
‘80s, we didn't have money, we had a big budget deficit. First of
all, one of the reasons we had the deficit was because of the tax
cuts that he voted for. And secondly it wasn't as if Dick Cheney
was struggling to find money for Head Start and couldn't find it
in the budget. He and other conservative Republicans were saying
let's close the Department of Education, let's reduce the federal

    Cheney's "Militia Moms"

    Time's Margaret Carlson took a swipe at Dick Cheney on
Saturday's Capital Gang on CNN. She contended that while Dick
Cheney won't earn the support of the pro gun control "Million
Mom" marchers he will get other moms:

    "Bush has kind of morphed into Clinton and left Al Gore in
the dust in between Bob Jones University and now. The only
mistake he may have made is by choosing Cheney, which reminds
people -- the million moms are not going for Dick Cheney. The
militia moms will."

    > 6) Quote of the Night: "You said you ended up with a more
conservative platform than you originally drafted. How
disappointed are you?" -- NBC's Maria Shriver to platform
committee chairman Tommy Thompson, during MSNBC's Monday night

    END Reprints of Media Reality Check articles.

    A video of Monday afternoon's Quote of the Morning is now up
on the MRC's Campaign 2000 page. The quote, CBS Early Show
co-host Jane Clayson to J.C. Watts about Dick Cheney: "I have to
ask you, as an African-American, if you have any difficulty
supporting a man who voted against releasing Nelson Mandela from

Go to:

    This "Conventions 2000: Media Reality Check" compiled by me
with the late night work of MRC analysts Geoffrey Dickens,
Jessica Anderson, Paul Smith and Brad Wilmouth. Plus Andy Szul
loading up the Web page. Pizza and donuts provided by Rich Noyes.
In Philadelphia: Tim Graham, Liz Swasey and Joyce Garczynski.
-- Brent Baker

        MRC Alert: PM Edition of Tuesday's Conventions 2000:  Media

Reality Check
        Tue, 1 Aug 2000 18:42:51 -0400
        Media Research Center <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

              ***Media Research Center CyberAlert***
         Tuesday Afternoon August 1, 2000 (Vol. Five; No. 128)

Conventions 2000: Media Reality Check, Tuesday PM Edition

    >>> This week the MRC is producing a twice-daily Media
Reality Check analysis of network coverage of the Republican
convention. It is being distributed via fax, in hard copy form in
Philadelphia and on the MRC Web site where you can access it as
an Adobe Acrobat PDF file or through regular HTML documents. Go
to and click on "Campaign 2000." Those in the
media wishing to interview one of our on-scene analysts in
Philadelphia this week, please e-mail Liz Swasey:

    Below is the text for the three-page Tuesday Afternoon,
August 1 edition about Tuesday's morning shows.

1) NBC's Today Skeptical of "Made-for-TV" GOP: Powell Quizzed on
Mandela, Confederate Flag and Abortion. Katie Couric to Colin
Powell: "Only four percent of the delegates in the convention
hall are African Americans. Do you feel troubled at all by this,
and do you feel used by your party?"

2) "He Did Vote Against Head Start": Journalists Continue
Cheney-Bashing For Seventh Day. Couric again: "Do you have any
problems with the fact that he did vote against Head Start --
because you care so deeply about education -- and against a
resolution that would have allowed Nelson Mandela to be released
from prison?"' CBS's Jane Clayson: "If you are trying to be
inclusive, why a Dick Cheney pick?"

3) A Republican or Democratic Convention? Monday's Speeches Leave
Many Journalists Confused.

4) "Star Attraction" For Pro-Abortion GOPers: Early Show Profiles
Doctor Who Conducts Partial-Birth Abortions.

5) "We Can't Justify This Amount of Coverage": CBS's Schieffer
Rues Lack of Coverage; Boss Says "Never Again"

6) Sidebar stories: The White Stuff?; Anti-Gore Bias?; Laura's
Negative Attacks; Is Laura "Hillary-Like?"

7) Quote of the Morning.

    > 1) Front page story. NBC's Today Skeptical of "Made-for-TV"
GOP: Powell Quizzed on Mandela, Confederate Flag and Abortion

    NBC didn't show Colin Powell's speech or provide any other
coverage of the first night of the Republican Convention, but the
gang on Today spent its first half hour questioning the sincerity
of the GOP's Monday night program. "It's the face of the new GOP,
or at least it's the made-for-TV image Republicans want to
project: women, blacks and Latinos taking center stage in
Philadelphia," reported David Bloom.

    Matt Lauer wondered whether conservatives could even tolerate
the convention program. "You're listening to a more moderate
message from speakers on the floor, yet the delegates on the
floor, the people listening to those speeches are more
conservative than ever. So how is the message playing to them,"
Lauer demanded of Tim Russert." Russert had to remind him that
"the Democrats have done the same thing, that the Democratic
delegates are to the left of their party leadership."

    In an interview, Katie Couric challenged Powell several
times. "Speaking of inclusion," she told the retired general,
"much has been made of the face the GOP is trying to put on and
African Americans, as you are well aware, were very much in
evidence last night in the program and at the podium, yet
according to a poll, only four percent of the delegates in the
convention hall are African Americans. Do you feel troubled at
all by this, and do you feel used by your party?"

    Couric pressed Powell on every hot-button social issue she
could. "You said last night that race still casts a shadow over
society," she said, "Does that include the Confederate flag, and
if so would you like Gov. Bush to suggest the Confederate flag
come down everywhere?" Then, "Does the call for a ban on abortion
in the Republican Party, in the Republican platform, rather
trouble you?" She also wondered how Powell could support Dick
Cheney, since the latter voted "against a resolution that would
have allowed Nelson Mandela to be released from prison." No NBC
coverage is planned for tonight, either.

    > 2) Top of page two article. He Did Vote Against Head
Start": Journalists Continue Cheney-Bashing For Seventh Day"

    One week after Dick Cheney was announced as the Republican
Vice Presidential nominee, journalists continue to paint his
conservative record as controversial. This morning, as Colin
Powell made the rounds he was asked about his former boss. "If
you are trying to be inclusive, why a Dick Cheney pick," CBS's
Jane Clayson asked. "A man with such a conservative Congressional
voting record?"

    NBC's Katie Couric pushed Powell even harder. "Let me ask you
briefly, if I could Gen. Powell, about your former colleague Dick
Cheney, the vice presidential candidate. Of course, he was
Secretary of Defense when you were chairman of the Joint Chiefs
of Staff and much has been made of his conservative voting
record. I'm just curious, do you have any problems with the fact
that he did vote against Head Start -- because you care so deeply
about education -- and against a resolution that would have
allowed Nelson Mandela to be released from prison?"'

    Cheney wasn't Mandela's jailer, despite the persistant media
buzz to the contrary. And in Tuesday's Wall Street Journal,
former Assistant Secretary of Education Chester Finn writes that
"Head Start doesn't narrow the achievement gap. Study after study
has found any academic gains vanishing after a child's first few
years in school."

    But if you care deeply enough, maybe results don't matter.

    > 3) Article on the bottom half of page two. A Republican or
Democratic Convention? Monday's Speeches Leave Many Journalists

    The liberal media were befuddled by Monday night's convention
festivities, which undermined their stereotype of a bigoted,
intolerant GOP.

    "This convention looked more like a Democratic convention
here," CBS's Jane Clayson said on Tuesday's Early Show, "with a
podium full of blacks, Hispanics, and Asians, even a Baptist
choir, Bryant, at one point." Even a Baptist choir.

    "If I closed my eyes, I would have imagined I was at a
Democratic convention in many parts of [Colin Powell's] speech,"
former Clinton aide (and ABC News analyst) Dee Dee Myers told
Charles Gibson on Tuesday morning's Good Morning America.

    "You could have switched the channel and been watching ‘Who
Wants to Be a Democrat,' because it sounded exactly the same
themes," Time's Margaret Carlson insisted on CNN during a special
Capital Gang late last night. "It turns out that the Republican
Party has morphed for this week into such a compassionate party
that it does look like the Democratic Party."

    One strains to consider what would the Democrats have to do
at their convention to make reporters think they were at a GOP

    > 4) Top of page three story. "Star Attraction" For
Pro-Abortion GOPers: Early Show Profiles Doctor Who Conducts
Partial-Birth Abortions

    The Early Show offered a sympathetic profile of a notorious
abortionist this morning. "It might not have been the hot ticket
this week, but hundreds of Republicans turned out for a Planned
Parenthood reception to promote abortion rights," reported CBS's
Jon Frankel this morning. "The star attraction: not a Hollywood
celeb or a GOP heavy-hitter, but a soft-spoken doctor from

    Frankel meant Leroy Carhart, the late-term abortionist who
was at the center of the recent Supreme Court decision
overturning Nebraska's ban on partial-birth abortions. After
Frankel reported how overworked Carhart is as one of only three
abortionists in Nebraska, the doctor told him, "The first thing
we have to do as providers is be proud of what we do, make it a
legitimate part of medicine, make it a fundamental part of
medicine, and I don't think we can do that if we're uncomfortable
talking about what we do."

    Frankel offered no criticism of Carhart, nor did he quote any
opponents of partial-birth abortion. Instead, he portrayed
Carhart as brave for risking his own safety to promote his cause
on the national stage. "Are you willing to give your life?"
Frankel asked. "If I have to," replied Carhart.

    "Monday, as expected, abortion-rights advocates lost the
platform battle," Frankel concluded, "but they hope the defeat
re-energizes supporters for the long-term war."

    Watch a RealPlayer clip of Frankel and the abortionist.  Go
to and click on Campaign 2000.

    > 5) Story in the bottom half of page three. "We Can't
Justify This Amount of Coverage": CBS's Schieffer Rues Lack of
Coverage; Boss Says "Never Again"

    In an interview with PBS's Terence Smith that aired last
night on NewsHour, CBS News President Andrew Heyward said "we all
walked away from the ‘96 convention saying, ‘it's really never
going to be this way again.' I think what's happened, Terry, is
that the conventions themselves have changed. There's less at
stake. It's no longer a nomination process, it's really a
coronation." CBS carried about thirty minutes of last night's
convention, packaged inside a regularly-scheduled episode of 48

    Heyward added, "From the journalistic point of view, we
simply can't justify this amount of coverage of something that --
without using the pejorative word ‘infomercial' -- really is a
political pep rally."

    But on Tuesday's Imus in the Morning, CBS correspondent Bob
Schieffer said that while he agreed that gavel-to-gavel coverage
was undesirable, "I sort of wish we had done a little more last
night because I think a lot of people would have liked to have
seen and heard Laura Bush's speech in its entirety."

    Instead of Mrs. Bush's speech, 48 Hours ran a story on
alleged abuses in using human test subjects in medical

    > 6) Sidebar stories down the sides of pages two and three.
The White Stuff?"; Anti-Gore Bias?; Laura's Negative Attacks; Is
Laura "Hillary-Like?"

    The White Stuff

    In this week's Newsweek, Howard Fineman described how
"Democrats saw the GOP ticket as Central Casting villains --
wealthy white males from upper-income America -- in the
us-versus-them psywar they were already preparing to run. ‘They
represent the men's club view of the world,' said [Gore advisor
Bob] Shrum. ‘They couldn't be more out of touch.'"

    But in the magazine's up-front item "The Buzz," Newsweek
pitched the names of potential Gore running mates, but they only
mentioned wealthy white males: John Kerry, Dick Gephardt, Dick
Durbin, Tom Harkin, Bob Graham, George Mitchell, Evan Bayh and
John Edwards.

    But Central Casting would hardly cast a trial lawyer like
Edwards as a villain.

    Anti-Gore Bias?

    Margaret Carlson thinks the media are out to get Al Gore.
"[Bush's] Big Tent will be the biggest ever," she writes in this
week's Time. "Why should a little disagreement over abortion make
us all tense and angry with one another? The ideology-lite
candidate, Bush was able to change from compassionate
conservative to Bob Jones conservative and back again inside six
weeks with near impunity, while Al Gore was ripped apart for
changing the color of his clothes."

    Laura's Negative Attacks

    "Republicans say they'll stress positive politics over these
four days," Charles Gibson said on Tuesday's Good Morning
America, "and for the most part on Day One, they did -- for the
most part."

    So who went negative, at least in Gibson's eyes? None other
than Laura Bush, who at one part in her speech Monday night said
that parents she and her husband meet campaigning "say to George,
I'm counting on you. I want my son or daughter to respect the
President of the United States of America."

    "The verbal shots at President Clinton, pretty obvious," said

    Is Laura "Hillary-Like?"

    Later on Tuesday's GMA, Gibson asked ABC Political Analyst
George Stephanopoulos whether Laura Bush was "the antithesis of
Hillary Clinton?"

    "By her bearing, I mean the whole tone is that she's
anti-Hillary, but what struck me is what a Hillary-like speech it
was," responded Stephanopoulos.

    "If you go back to the 1996 convention and Hillary's speech
to the 1996 convention, it was a merging of biography, policy and
philosophy, exactly what Mrs. Bush did last night from the
podium. So that was quite striking to me."

    He probably meant it as a compliment.

    > 7) Quote of the Morning: "Speaking of inclusion....only
four percent of the delegates in the convention hall are African
Americans. Do you feel troubled at all by this, and do you feel
used by your party?" -- NBC's Katie Couric, interviewing Colin
Powell, August 1 Today.

    END Reprints of Conventions 2000 Media Reality Check

    This "Conventions 2000: Media Reality Check" compiled by Rich
Noyes with the daytime work of MRC analysts Brian Boyd, Ted Smith,
Ken Shepherd and Michael Ferguson. Plus Eric Pairel and Brandon
Rytting loading up the Web page. In Philadelphia: Tim Graham, Liz
Swasey and Joyce Garczynski. -- Brent Baker

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

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