That was $500 million.


Brian Downing Quig wrote:

> Yes Mike, you have established the drug connections of Al Gore in the person of
> his top lieutenants Tony Coelho and Chuck Manatt.  You and Dan have built the
> bridge of understanding that may help multitudes realize that we have two
> presidential candidates who emanate from the same Barry Seal cocaine trafficking
> operation, which was the largest cocaine trafficking operation in the world by
> far.
> This alignment proves another of my points.  Al Gore is part of the Bush
> organization.  Prescott paid for George's opponents so George pays for the
> opponent of his kid.  When you ask these blue bloods why they do things they
> always reply, TRADITION.  Fixing elections is a Bush family tradition.
> This $500 that was passed to Gore at the LA Buddhist temple
> may well have been a Bush installment to
> Gore.  That was heroin money you know?  Heroin is the CIA and specifically
> Shackely,  Bush, Armitage, Secord and Singlaub.  But it is too bad that I am the
> only one who finds this worth pursuing.  I am having thoughts that people are
> never going to catch on.
> To put this into perspective let us think of George Bush as the owner of a
> professional football franchise.  Ted Shackley and Felix Roderiguez are the
> coaches and Al Gore is the water boy.  Yes Bush and Gore are playing on the same
> team but they are by no means equals.  Remember what Barbara Bush said about
> Geraldine Ferrara.  SHE IS NOTHING BUT A $ 3 million bitch.  Billionaires look
> down on those who have mere millions like Gore.
> What we are seeing on TV is not democratic process.  It is sham. Voters had
> nothing to do with this outcome.  It was again a trick.  But it is not over yet.
> The crowds outside seem angry, 280 arrests last night.  But look carefully like
> I do to see if even one person shouts out NO MORE SKULL AND BONES.  Now there
> are not any of you optimists out there who believe that this cause is winning
> when there are none so brave as to even utter SKULL AND BONES.
> Protest seems to be unorganized and inarticulate in Philadelphia.  They should
> be carrying banners of the SKULL AND BONES symbol with the 322.  It would be
> hard to keep this out of TV sight.  They should be pasting SKULL AND BONES
> stickers over all Bush posters.  Now is a priceless time to advertise the
> truth.  Every time you see a Bush poster nail it.  Hundreds maybe thousands will
> see it.  It may last for months.  My countrymen show so little inititive that I
> guess I will have to print up the SKULL AND BONES sticker and pass them out
> myself.
> Brian Quig
> Mike Ruppert wrote:
> > Catherine:
> >
> > Now, we're thinking alike.
> >
> > [I am cc'ing this to some people who need to know that you are the Former
> > Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban development and also a former
> > Managing Director of Dillon-Read. Forgive my liberty here but I do not
> > believe that, given your courageous visibility, you would object.]
> >
> > This afternoon between 3-5 PDT, I  will be live on the Genesis Radio network
> > with former AF Capt. (and RN) Joyce Riley, on the Gulf War vet radio show. I
> > will talk about the strong likelihood of live chemical weapon (Sarin gas)
> > munitions on the ground in Laos. I will state that this likelihood has been
> > confirmed within the last ten days, and issue an urgent plea to have Gulf
> > War vets help positively ID the munitions pictured at
> > and raise money to support my investigation. I will
> > be giving out the web page location with the photos.
> >
> > I am NOT disclosing the identity of my confidential, on-the-record sources
> > during this interview, although one source (dubbed "Shovel") may join me
> > live on the air.
> >
> > The confirmed presence of the munitions and the potentiality of actually
> > touching and testing one on the ground would make instant liars out of
> > Norman Schwartzkopf, Colin Powell, Henry Kissinger and Dick Cheney who, as
> > Secretary of Defense was responsible for its use in Desert Storm. All are
> > stars at the RNC right now and Cheney's time is up.
> >
> > There are some extremely powerful forces coming out of the woodwork behind
> > me at the moment. I am the lightning rod. Let's see who comes to shoot me
> > let's see who comes to help me. I am tired of the bs threats.
> >
> > Al Gore should come and kiss my ever-loving butt. But he can't cause I
> > exposed Coelho and Manatt.
> >
> > Best,
> >
> > Mike
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From:   Catherine Austin Fitts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent:   Wednesday, August 02, 2000 12:05 PM
> > Subject:        FW: So Dumb
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Catherine Austin Fitts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2000 9:52 AM
> > To: Catherine Austin Fitts; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; [EMAIL PROTECTED];
> > Subject: RE: So Dumb
> >
> > So this begs the important question....
> >
> > What stories could we help the writers among us research that would most
> > interrupt the Midianites cash flow? What would hiccup operations, trading,
> > kick backs, cash flow? All we have to do is shut down one or two pipelines
> > in the Sept-October period to get a dominio effect that could blow up a
> > lot....
> >
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: Catherine Austin Fitts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > > Sent: Tuesday, August 01, 2000 4:47 PM
> > > To: Catherine Austin Fitts; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; [EMAIL PROTECTED];
> > > Subject: So Dumb
> > >
> > >
> > > I am so dumb. I am so dumb. I am so dumb. I just have not learned how to
> > > think like the beast.
> > >
> > > The reason that everyone was so scared about the Dark Alliance story, or
> > > ours to the extent that it was one of the stories that related to
> > > Dope, Inc,
> > > was that they were afraid of an interruption of cash flow. An interruption
> > > of cash flow is deadly to Midianites. Deadly. The media is so
> > > controlled and
> > > the political and judicial system is so controlled, they were not worried
> > > about getting caught. They were worried about drops in cash and switches
> > > between factions and sudden breakdowns in dirty tricks and millions of
> > > domino effects. They are worried about generating enough cash to refinance
> >
> >

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