A Catastrophics Newsletter

                           VOL IV, No 10
                           July 31, 2000

EDITOR:  Amy Acheson
PUBLISHER:  Michael Armstrong
LIST MANAGER:  Brian Stewart

SCIENTIFIC CORRECTNESS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . by Mel Acheson
MALE GODS . . . . . . . . .by Dave Talbott and Rens van der Sluijs
FAILED STAR OR FAILED SCIENCE?. . . . . . . . . . by Wal Thornhill

By Mel Acheson

Think of the scientific method as the methodical application of
human cognitive abilities.  Everyone uses cognition to some
extent; scientists use it methodically.  It works through the
interplay of three activities: observing or experiencing or paying
close attention to some particularly interesting thing or event;
thinking of or imagining some idea that might explain the thing or
event, giving it meaning; and testing the idea, verifying whether
it stands up to further observation and experience and thinking,
judging its truthfulness.  (Although described here as three
separate activities, they occur together and recurrently.)

One characteristic of the scientific method - and of any knowledge
based on cognition - is that it seldom provides absolute
certainty.  Risk is an essential part of it.  This is what makes
it dynamic, adaptable, and, hence, useful.  We are small people in
a big and changing universe.  There are always more things and
events to experience, more viewpoints from which to observe them,
and more ideas to make sense of them.  This means the particular
theories of science at any particular time are apt to change.  In
biological terms, they are "selected" by the intellectual
environment of their times.  Usually, they change in small ways.
The big theories (such as evolution, atomic theory, and
gravitation) are adaptable and can be modified to accommodate many
new observations.

But occasionally new observations are so different and so many
that a consensus arises to abandon a big theory and to develop an
altogether different one.  This is what happened when Copernicus'
idea of a heliocentric arrangement of the planets "succeeded"
Ptolemy's geocentric idea.  The intellectual establishment of the
time resisted the change, but the leap in progress of knowledge
that accompanied the new theory abundantly repaid the "transaction

The multitude of discoveries in the last few decades has opened
modern science to the opportunities of adopting new big theories.
The competition of proposals is itself a process of discovery:
Which proposed theory not only explains the new observations
better but holds the greatest promise of aiding further

I'll use the term 'paradigm' for only these big theories.  Some of
their properties are: They provide guidelines for "where to look"
and "what to look for".  They set standards for what constitutes a
problem worthy of research and what qualifies as a solution.  One
of a paradigm's greatest benefits is also one of its greatest
liabilities: It provides guidelines (or excuses) for what to
ignore.  This saves time (that can be devoted to details of
research) not having to consider "crackpot" ideas, meaning other
paradigms that are substantially different.  The history of
science provides many examples of a new discipline making little
progress, squabbling over fundamentals, until a paradigm is
adopted.  But at the other end, when a paradigm is becoming
obsolete, the ignoring of alternatives results in "paradigm
paralysis" that wastes time and resources trying to force-fit big
anomalies into the undersized clothes of the established paradigm.

A paradigm does more than just make sense of existing
observations.  It leads to new observations, new data, new places
to look and new ways to look, and to new technologies.  This
tension constitutes a creative dynamic.  Paradigms enable
discoveries that go beyond the limits of the paradigm,
observations that can't be explained by the paradigm, thus
motivating a search for a more inclusive paradigm.  This continues
the process of articulation and succession.

But there are things that obstruct this process.  One I'll call
"scientific correctness": The (proper) concern that a theory is
"correct" or "right" or "true", that it "fits" or explains the
relevant data, becomes confused with a pseudo-religious "Right" or
True" that exceeds the cognitive domain of the paradigm.  All
other ideas come to be judged by the standards of the one.
"Crackpot" becomes a term of dismissal rather than one of mere
differentiation.  The process of discovery gets lost in

A recent example of this is the behavior of the astronomical
establishment toward Halton Arp.  His observations of connections
between quasars and galaxies put the brakes on the expanding
universe and exploded the Big Bang hypothesis.  But instead of
saying, "Here's an interesting observation; we don't have time for
it, but let's see what he can make of it," the reaction was, "Deny
him telescope time and refuse to publish his findings and crop out
quasars on photos of galaxies."

Contrast "scientific correctness" with the concept of "domain of
validity". The former assumes that its paradigm is "right" and
that all further observations can be explained, requiring at most
tinkering with the details.  This assumption of continuous
cumulation of knowledge becomes absolute and straitjackets further
discovery.  It leads to stasis and intellectual death.

With the latter, science is seen not as the establishment of a
catechism but as a process of discovering the borders.  It assumes
the continuous cumulation of knowledge within a paradigm will
reach a limit.  The cup of the paradigm will fill up, will reach a
limit of explanatory power, and observations will spill over, that
is, will be ill explained or unexplained.  A new, bigger cup will
be needed, a paradigm with a larger domain.  In deference to
Stephen J. Gould and Niles Eldredge, this could be called
"punctuated cumulation".

Thus, one mark of a good paradigm is that it leads to its own
replacement.  This is the effect of Popper's criterion of
falsification.  It means "true" knowledge is, in this larger
sense, ultimately "false".  That doesn't mean the knowledge isn't
useful for its time.  It merely means we need to maintain a sense
of humility in the face of our, and our theories', mortality.

Scientific correctness rejects old paradigms as "wrong" and their
proponents as stupid or evil. There can be only one "right"
paradigm.  With domains of validity, many paradigms can be
accepted as true within their limits.  Their intelligibility and
the intelligence of their innovators can be appreciated.  Science
becomes a tool box with many tools (paradigms) that can be chosen
according to their appropriateness for solving particular
problems: geocentrism for siting a house, heliocentrism for
sending a robot to Mars, something yet to be worked out for
explaining quasars.

Scientific correctness masquerades in the dress of science, but
it's only a mannequin without the vitality of science.  In
contrast with the three aspects of cognition, scientific
correctness refuses to look at new observations, refrains from
considering new ideas, and disdains to verify new insights.  It's
essentially anti-intelligent.  It confuses verification with
conformity; it replaces the innovations of intelligence with the
parroting of dogma; it lacks the provisionality that keeps science
always on the move.  It's a tyrant of stasis.

Mel Acheson

By Dave Talbott and Rens van der Sluijs

Ev Cochrane recently forwarded to me a note from Rens van der
Sluijs, dealing with "the problem of identification of the male
gods within the Saturnist framework."

Rens van der Sluijs wrote:
"My conclusion is that the godly assembly is variously referred to
as either One God, having an acting Inner Soul, or Father and
Hero-Son. The suffering Mystery God, in so many disguises, being
torn apart is the One God, but on a deeper level it is his own
acting Inner Soul that kills him. He can thus appear as Warrior
and Victim in two separate beings. Mythologically speaking, this
implies that the same story can be rendered in various ways.

Thus we reach the startling conclusion that Zeus killing Kronos is
identical with the various Mars-gods killing the rightful King,
whereas the story of the infant Zeus is directly identical with
the numerous accounts of young Herakles, et cetera. Jupiter at
face value is, therefore, not always simply to be equated with the
archetypal Jupiter God that David Talbott had thus far
established. When Zeus kills Kronos we envision the Mars God as
Inner Soul overcoming the Golden Age God. The soul, i. e. Venus
with Mars, subsequently reenters another body, notably the planet
Jupiter, and in this way the same Zeus is said to have achieved
kingship. As Inner Soul he is then identical with the body of
Jupiter as a planet, i. e. the King acquired a new heart, or
rather, the heart acquired a new body (sic!). This sounds like
ancient mystery language and in fact it is. Nevertheless, it seems
to be the only adequate solution and enlightens the ancient lore
not a bit.

This view predicts that the same divinity can alternately be
described from the viewpoint of the acting Inner Soul or from that
of the entire god. Methodically, this means that it gets harder to
make a divine biography. A divine biography can only be set up
once we split the united story in several versions with different
role assignments and viewpoints. This is a challenge that I am
greedy to face.

All of this I hope to address sooner or later in an article, also
paying attention to related issues:

[1] The story of Kronos castrating and ousting Ouranos is
different. This is not the common parricide myth, but describes an
earlier transformation in the life of the Golden King, giving
birth to Venus, as can be deduced from the themes and attributes
involved in the myths. It is not as widespread.

Dave Talbott Responds:
1. Re: Kronos and Ouranos.  Rens is correct here.  This is not the
parricide myth.  It is the story of Saturn's emergence as a
separate power, in events synonymous with the birth of the goddess
and hero.  The subject is the "first activity" of the planetary
configuration.  Unified heaven (proto-Saturn) gives way to
differentiation.  In the Egyptian myth the birth of Shu and Tefnut
from the originally inert and unified form of Atum gives rise to
THREE--Re, Shu and Tefnut--Saturn, Mars and Venus in the Saturn
reconstruction.  The Hindu system also presents the story of a
primeval sacrifice of Unity (first form of Brahma-Prajapati)
in connection with the birth of male and female principles.
Originally, the male and female powers stood in conjunction.  In
other words, the variants all answer directly to the Great
Conjunction of Saturn's epoch, when Saturn's giant sphere,
extremely close to the earth, stood behind the juxtaposed, much
smaller spheres of Venus (goddess) and Mars(warrior-hero), these
two orbs appearing as the luminous eye, heart or soul of Saturn.

The comparative approach will confirm that the severed "testicles"
of Ouranos correspond to the "seed" of the Egyptian Atum, holding
the goddess and hero in conjunction.  This male-female "seed"--
the_BEN_ stone--typically appears as a single eye (the goddess)
together with its "pupil" (hero), though the emerging male and
female forms may also be called the "two eyes" in later
elaborations of the myth. "Castration" and "blindness" thus go
together in archaic symbolism (as Jungian symbolists have already
noticed). In the Hindu system as well, the primeval conjunction of
Rudra/Shiva and Sati defines the original Unity of heaven. The
original male-female seed--the BINDU--is depicted as a small
circle in the center of a much larger circle.  That is the
primeval condition of undifferentiated Unity: unborn goddess and
hero in conjunction in the center of the vast sphere called
"heaven" the gas giant proto-Saturn). The sign for this condition
is among the two or three most common symbols in the world.  (It
is the sign of Re, for example.)

Of course none of this will make sense unless you have the visual
imagery very clear in your mind.  The human memories trace to
concrete forms in the sky, behaving in a highly specific way that
can be tested from one culture to another.  The fate of the
primeval Unity, however, is the most archaic story element, and as
such it reveals much less detail than you will find in the more
richly elaborated accounts of the goddess and hero. It is a less
defined background memory, and rapidly fades over time.  That is
why one will do best to concentrate on the oldest available
sources.  The symbolism of the Egyptian Atum and the Sumerian
An/Akkadian Anu will give the most reliable data.

2. Re: Difficulties in establishing a divine biography. Correcto
mundo on this point also.  The universal sovereign (Saturn-
Jupiter) tends to be a passive figure, while the goddess and hero
are highly active.  In later literature the Martian figure, the
warrior-hero, will appear as the servant, messenger, or assistant
in the service of a great king. BECAUSE the story was consistently
localized, it was impossible for the original relationships to be
maintained.  Archaically, the hero figure does not just act on
behalf of the universal sovereign--he is the masculine, innermost
soul of the god, the active voice going forth as a visible
"command," the externalized "will" or "desire" of the sovereign.
In the margins between the most authentic (earliest) sources, and
the highly fragmented (later) sources you will find both versions
of the hero--i.e., both the original servant of the universal
sovereign and the later "prideful," "foolish," rampaging hero
acting AGAINST the  sovereign, even "murdering" him. They are same

Thus, comparative analysis will reveal that the Greek Eros and
Ares, who appear so unlike each other, reflect the SAME archetype.
The evolution of the archetype through interpretation and
storytelling, however, has taken the two figures in entirely
different directions.  Eros, the visible, external will or desire
of Zeus is thus seen as a little male figure on the shoulders of
Zeus--exactly where we should expect him.  The poetic treatment of
the Mars god Ares, however, will typically emphasize the rogue
aspect--the warrior, the fool, the murderer.  The ambiguous middle
zone will be occupied by Heracles, whose name was also a name for
the planet Mars in Greek astronomy.  Here the poets have retained
many separate traditions relating to the hero's labors on behalf
of "great kings," while including as well the accounts of his
murderous rampage, all the while attempting to rationalize the

In truth, this ambiguity shows up in virtually all of the well-
documented warrior gods around the world, though the chroniclers
endlessly strove to separate the heroic and chaos-monster aspects
by treating them as independent mythical figures.  That way, one
figure could represent the enemy (prototype of the devil in all
his mythical forms) and the other a standard to be celebrated
without ambivalence. (I will return to this tendency as soon
possible, in discussing another point raised by Rens.)

3. Zeus and Kronos.  Bingo on this one too.  The overthrow of
Kronos by Zeus refers to the same events which--through nothing
more than a subtle twist of interpretation--were seen as the
warrior Mars murdering or displacing the elder form of the
universal sovereign Saturn.

To this observation I would add a further principle, relating to
the archetypal "birth of the hero."  (I am speaking here not of
the first appearance of the hero with the differentiation of the
unified sovereign, but the RE-BIRTH of that figure in the great
crisis at the conclusion of Saturn's epoch.)  Hesiod's story of
the birth of Zeus (Jupiter) within a cave is really the story of
the HERO "born" in the cave. It was not Jupiter that was carried
off by the goddess.  It was the unborn hero, as in the universal
legend.  It is the story of what happens to the masculine,
innermost heart of the sovereign, as it passes from the FIRST form
of the sovereign (elder god Saturn) to the SECOND(younger god
Jupiter).  At this juncture, neither form of the sovereign is
necessarily visible, while the externalized Martian "soul,"
"heart," or "will" of the sovereign--the hero--is very visible and
highly active. In these events, the focus is on the activity, the
transmigrating "soul," not its more passive owner.

Remember that in the discussion of the labyrinth motif, I noted
that the entry of the hero into the cavernous labyrinth is the
story of the hero's re-birth. Typically, a goddess such as Isis,
pregnant with the hero, finds a secret hiding place.  These myths,
I said, relate directly to the transition between Saturnian and
Jovian epochs, the dissolution of a world age followed by renewal.
Theseus enters the labyrinth where he slays the hidden or
imprisoned Minotaur, transcript of the archetypal Bull of Heaven,
the primeval form of Saturn.  Though a lot of ground would have to
be covered to make the equation clear and convincing, there is no
doubt in my mind that the archetypal "birth [i.e., rebirth] of the
hero" IS the story of the passage from Saturnian to Jovian

Dave Talbott

By Amy Acheson

Well, they aren't calling it the electrical, but it looks like
somebody at NASA has been taking hints from Alfvén and Lerner and
Peratt and Juergens and Thornhill.

Okay, I'll admit that it's not likely they've been reading old
issues of Kronos.  It's more reasonable that the electrical nature
of the universe is just impossible to overlook.  The Electric
universe resets their space probes' computers and breaks their
satellite's tethers and surprises them with new discoveries even
when they want to overlook it.  Their terminology still carries
the old gravitational overtones, though.  They are not studying
plasma reactions in a vacuum.  They are "bombarding dust particles
with radiation."

Anyway, here's the story of the latest experiments:

Excerpt from the website:
"To better understand how dust grains respond to conditions in
space, researchers at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC)
have built an apparatus in the Dusty Plasma Laboratory (DPL) that
can suspend individual dust grains in a near vacuum. Once a dust
grain is captured, scientists can bombard it with forms of
radiation found in space and see what happens.

       'What we're doing here is taking one particle and exposing
it to these space-like environments and studying what happens to
its (electrical) charge and other properties,' said Catherine
Venturini, who worked on the project for more than four years
while pursuing her master's degree in physics at the University of
Alabama in Huntsville.

More from Amy:
The web site also has the a marvelous quicktime animation of the
rotation of the magnetic spokes on Saturn's rings.  Don Scott's
website article about Wal Thornhill  also has a
picture of the spokes, with his comment that they almost scream
for an electrical explanation.

Here's what the NASA website says about them:
"Saturn's rings are marked by strange dark radial features called
spokes. Since they have been observed on both sides of the ring
plane, spokes are thought to be microscopic dust grains that have
become charged and are levitating away from the ring plane.
Another possibility is that a meteoroid punched through Saturn's
rings, lifting dust particles away from the plane of the rings.
When the Voyager spacecraft first observed these spokes, their
movements seemed to defy gravity and had the scientists very
perplexed. Since the spokes rotate at the same rate as Saturn's
magnetic field, it is likely that electromagnetic forces are at
work. This is still an unsolved puzzle."

Amy again:
It really seems to me that mainstream science is uncovering
hundreds of tiny pieces of evidence for an electrical universe.
The only thing they are missing is the most important part -- the
big picture.  And that big picture is the understanding that the
whole universe (or as much as we know of it today) is electrically
driven.  It's interacting electrically, its connected and
organized by plasma reactions.  Gravitational forces, squeezing
stars into H-bombs and galactic cores into collimated jets do not
drive the universe.  These concepts are the result of stretching
the theoretical domain of gravitational math beyond its breaking
point.  Even gravity itself is electrically driven.

Amy Acheson

by Wal Thornhill

  A Brown Dwarf Solar Flare
  From NASA Science News for July 12, 2000

Astronomers were surprised when NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory
detected an x-ray outburst from a failed star only 60 times more
massive than Jupiter.

  NASA's latest observatory, designed to see the most violent and
stunning cosmic phenomena, captured something unexpected. The
Chandra X-ray Observatory, orbiting in space about one-third of
the way to the moon, saw the first-ever flare from what's known as
a brown dwarf, or failed star.

"We were shocked," said Dr. Robert Rutledge of the California
Institute of Technology (Caltech) in Pasadena, CA, the lead author
on the discovery paper to appear in the July 20 issue of
Astrophysical Journal Letters. "We didn't expect to see flaring
from such a lightweight object. This is really the mouse that

Wal Thornhill Comments:
On 15 December 1999 I wrote: "All of these puzzles are simply
explained by an electric star. There is no lower limit to the size
of a body that can accept electric power from the galaxy so the
temperatures of small dwarfs will range down to levels conducive
to life. The light of a red star is due to the distended anode
glow of an electrically low stressed star." There are no "failed"
stars in an Electric Universe. Since the power source for stars is
external rather than internal, brown dwarfs can be expected to
show most of the same kinds of variability as brighter stars. That
includes sudden discharges (flares).

The study of the bright X-ray flare will increase understanding of
the explosive activity and origin of magnetic fields of extremely
low-mass stars.

Chandra detected no X-rays at all from the object called LP 944-20
for the first nine hours of a twelve-hour observation, and then
the source flared dramatically before it faded away over the next
two hours.

The energy emitted in the brown dwarf flare was comparable to a
small solar flare, and was a billion times greater than observed
X-ray flares from Jupiter. The flaring energy is believed to come
from a twisted magnetic field. "This is the strongest evidence yet
that brown dwarfs and possibly young giant planets have magnetic
fields, and that a large amount of energy can be released in a
flare," said Dr. Eduardo Martin, also of Caltech and a member of
the team.

For the first 9-hr 36-min of Chandra's observation, no X-rays were
detected from the brown dwarf (left panel). Then the brown dwarf
turned on with a bright X-ray flare (right panel) that gradually
diminished over the last few hours of the observation. The grainy
appearance of the image on the right is due to a shorter exposure
time. The bright dots in the background are other X-ray sources, 7
of which have been identified as stars.

Professor Gibor Basri of the University of California, Berkeley,
the principal investigator for this observation, speculated that
the flare "could have its origin in the turbulent, magnetized hot
material beneath the surface of the brown dwarf. A sub-surface
flare could heat the atmosphere, allowing currents to flow and
give rise to the X-ray flare -- like a stroke of lightning."

LP 944-20 is about 500 million years old and has a mass about 60
times that of Jupiter, or 6 percent of that of the Sun. Its
diameter is about one-tenth that of the Sun and it has a rotation
period of less than five hours. Located in the constellation
Fornax in the southern skies, LP 944-20 is one of the best-studied
brown dwarfs because it is only 16 light years from Earth.

The absence of X-rays from LP 944-20 during the non-flaring period
is in itself a significant result. It sets the lowest limit on
steady X-ray power produced by a brown dwarf, and shows that the
million-degree Celsius upper atmospheres, or coronas, cease to
exist as the surface temperature of a brown dwarf cools below
about 2500 degrees Celsius.

"This is an important confirmation of the trend that hot gas in
the atmospheres of lower-mass stars is produced only in flares,"
said Professor Lars Bildsten of the University of California,
Santa Barbara, also a member of the team.

Brown dwarfs have too little mass to sustain significant nuclear
reactions in their cores. Their primary source of energy is the
release of gravitational energy as they slowly contract. They are
very dim -- less than a tenth of a percent as luminous as the Sun
-- and of great interest to astronomers because they are poorly
understood and probably a very common class of objects
intermediate between normal stars and giant planets.

Comment: On October 11 1999 I wrote: "... images from Chandra will
be important evidence for the Electric Universe because x-rays are
only emitted where electrical activity is strongest."
Astrophysicists are unable to interpret the information from
Chandra sensibly because their training does not include plasma
electrical discharge phenomena. The unfortunate result is
"pathological science" that employs magnetic fields that are
generated by poorly understood and unseen theoretical "dynamos"
inside cosmic bodies. The resulting hypothetical magnetic fields
are then trapped in plasma despite the fact that plasma is not
superconducting. Then magical "reconnection" of magnetic field
lines is invoked to explain sudden energetic outbursts classified
as being "like lightning". If we don't use magnetic reconnection
in storm clouds to explain lightning, why use it in deep space to
explain a similar phenomenon?

As further evidence that magnetic models are inadequate, on July
12 the following image was posted on the Astronomy Picture of the
Day website.

A Giant Starspot on HD 12545
Credit & Copyright: K. Strassmeier (U. Wien), Coude Feed
Telescope, AURA, NOAO, NSF

Explanation: What could cause a star to have such a large spot?
Our Sun itself frequently has sunspots, relatively cool dark
magnetic depressions that move across its surface. HD 12545,
however, exhibits the largest starspots yet observed. Doppler
imaging - the use of slight changes in color caused by the
rotation of the star - was used to create this false-color image.
The vertical bar on the right gives a temperature scale in
kelvins. This giant, binary, RS CVn star, also known as XX
Trianguli, is visible with binoculars in the constellation of
Triangulum. The starspot is thought to be caused by large magnetic
fields that inhibit hot matter from flowing to the surface.

Comment: The explanation of sunspots has been contrived to fit the
idea of an internally powered star. Common sense suggests that any
break in the photosphere should allow the hotter and brighter
material beneath to show through. Sunspots should be brilliant
blue-white rather than cooler and darker. Once again
astrophysicists have invoked magical magnetic fields to "solve"
the problem. However, HD 12545 strains the magnetic theory of
starspots past breaking point. Where does all of the throttled
heat flow go? If it is diverted around this colossal starspot, the
edges should be much brighter than the rest of the star.

The electric star model expects this kind of transition between a
star like our Sun and a red giant like HD 12545. Bright anode
tufting is a feature of mercury arc rectifiers when the current
load is high. Anode tufts tend to clump together while retaining
their identity. Our Sun is a relatively small stellar anode so the
photosphere is densely packed with bright granulations or anode
"tufts". A red giant is a large anode so that "tufting" is not
required to carry the current load. As a result, the red anode
(chromospheric) glow predominates. A red star with a binary
partner may also have an asymmetric anode glow due to a distortion
in the current supply created by the partner. Starspots will be
cooler because the power that drives the stellar electric
discharge is being diverted. Starspots can be any size on an
electric star.


The 12-hour observation of LP 944-20 was made on December 15,
1999, using the Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS).

The ACIS instrument was built for NASA by the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Cambridge, and Pennsylvania State
University, University Park. NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center
in Huntsville, AL, manages the Chandra program. TRW, Inc., Redondo
Beach, CA, is the prime contractor for the spacecraft. The
Smithsonian's Chandra X-ray Center controls science and flight
operations from Cambridge, MA.

~Wal Thornhill
See the home of The Electric Universe at


Subscriptions to AEON, a journal of myth and science, now with
regular features on the Saturn theory and electric universe,
may be ordered from this page:

Other suggested Web site URL's for more information about

Immanuel Velikovsky Reconsidered, 10 Pensée Journals may be
ordered at the I-net address below:

The THOTH electronic newsletter is an outgrowth of scientific and
scholarly discussions in the emerging field of astral
catastrophics.  Our focus is on a reconstruction of ancient
astral myths and symbols in relation to a new theory of planetary
history.  Serious readers must allow some time for these
radically different ideas to be fleshed out and for the relevant
background to be developed.  The general tenor of the ideas and
information presented in THOTH is supported by the editor and
publisher, but there will always be plenty of room for
differences of interpretation.

We welcome your comments and responses.

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