Democracy in the United States is in jeopardy.

The litany of problems is widely recognized: brazen political deal-making based on 
campaign contributions; entrenched voter apathy; a two-party stranglehold that 
increasingly represents only the narrow interests of a wealthy elite. Legalized 
bribery is a fact of life, as is the refusal of a majority of citizens to vote. Ours 
is a crippled democracy, each day appearing more as an oligarchy than a republic.

Certainly most US citizens enjoy freedom of conscience and feel that they can express 
their political beliefs without fear of government persecution. But under the current 
campaign finance system the voices of a tiny few drown out the voices of the majority. 
The right of free political expression has been rendered meaningless by the massive 
amount of money flooding the electoral system. The purchase of democracy is a theft of 

The state of our democracy is best represented by this new United Corporations of 
America flag. Twelve corporate logos have been reproduced on the flag which represent 
a snapshot of how corporations influence democracy today.

see more at:


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