Never having read these transcripts before, because I refused to so do -
I ran across this one on the web, and wondered who this Ms. Lieberman is
who so tried to protect Clinton's reputation, knowing how vulnerable he
was - as hey say in Daniel, his feet of clay were connected to his knee
bone by that time - but the fact remains this item refers to Lewinsky
having access to classified material.....

This item mentions the pizza she brought in that night and fron that
time on,  Clinton began his sorrid affair - so what was in the pizza - I
believe it was loaded with Ecstasy - and all the time the Mossad tapping
Lewinsky's phone.

This is how it is done - Henry Kissinger used to call people and his
line would be tapped and anybody he called, would therefore be in
serious trouble if things were mentioned that were not kosher.

So - Kissinger had tried to warn many people of impending doom - and
shed many tears.

I believe when John and Nelson Rockefeller died it was murder - Exxon
had just brought over King Tuts stuff, curse and all - and Egypt and USA
started to join hands in friendship.....and then I remembered the USS
Liberty, bombed by Israelie planes in inernational waters and Isralies
tried to sink same to blame on Egyptians but got caught....the napalmed
that ship for 45 minutes and bombed it with 170 wounded and 34 dead
lying on deck....but an SOS got out and the planes took off......

So what is our entire congress being blackmailed by more
than just the crap given to Larry Flynt, who is biggest blackmailer of
all.....working with Carville of course.....imagine a call in the night
from Henry Kissinger - and all the time his phone is KNOWINGLY tapped by

So Gideon and the 300?   Bible and all with Timetable Calendar keyed to
murder set for specificed time......clue to NWO takeover - they think.

This is trashy reading - X Rated Movie type garbage....but Monica with
hands on classified material delivring pizza to president and then he
was doomed?    And then, when caught in trap he bombed the Balkans?

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1.  Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 31-32, 39-40; DB Photos 0004 (photo of dress).
2.  FBI Lab Report, 8/3/98.
3.  OIC letter to David Kendall, 7/31/98 (1st letter of day).
4.  Kendall letter to OIC, 7/31/98; OIC letter to Kendall, 7/31/98 (2d
letter of day); Kendall letter to OIC, 8/3/98; OIC letter to Kendall,
5.  FBI Observation Report (White House), 8/3/98.
6.  FBI Lab Reports, 8/6/98 & 8/17/98. The FBI Laboratory performed
polymerase chain reaction analysis (PCR) and restriction fragment length
polymorphisim analysis (RFLP). RFLP, which requires a larger sample, is
the more precise method. United States v. Hicks, 103 F.3d 837, 844-847
(9th Cir. 1996).
7.  FBI Lab Report, 8/17/98, at 2.
8.  Lewinsky 7/27/98 Int. During earlier negotiations with this Office,
Ms. Lewinsky provided a 10-page handwritten proffer statement
summarizing her dealings with the President and other matters under
investigation. Lewinsky 2/1/98 Statement. Ms. Lewinsky later confirmed
the accuracy of the statement in grand jury testimony. Lewinsky 8/20/98
GJ at 62-63. The negotiations in January and February 1998 (which
produced the written proffer) did not result in a cooperation agreement
because Ms. Lewinsky declined to submit to a face-to-face proffer
interview, which the OIC deemed essential because of her perjurious
Jones affidavit, her efforts to persuade Linda Tripp to commit perjury,
her assertion in a recorded conversation that she had been brought up to
regard lying as necessary, and her forgery of a letter while in college.
In July 1998, Ms. Lewinsky agreed to submit to a face-to-face interview,
and the parties were able to reach an agreement.
9.  Ex. ML-7 to Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ.
10.  Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 5-6; Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 27-28.
11.  Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 69.
12.   Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 59-60, 87; Lewinsky 8/20/98 GJ at 82;
Lewinsky 8/24/98 Int. at 8.
13.  Ms. Tripp testified that she took notes on two occasions. Tripp
6/30/98 GJ at 141-42; Tripp 7/7/98 GJ at 153-54; Tripp 7/16/98 GJ at
14.  Kassorla 8/28/98 Int. at 2-3. Ms. Lewinsky (who voluntarily waived
therapist-patient privilege) consulted Dr. Kassorla in person from 1992
to 1993 and by telephone thereafter. Id. at 1. Anticipating that the
White House might fire Ms. Lewinsky in order to protect the President,
Dr. Kassorla cautioned her patient that workplace romances are generally
ill-advised. Id. at 2.
15.  Kassorla 8/28/98 Int. at 2, 4. Ms. Lewinsky also consulted another
counselor, Kathleen Estep, three times in November 1996. While
diagnosing Ms. Lewinsky as suffering from depression and low
self-esteem, Ms. Estep considered her self-aware, credible, insightful,
introspective, relatively stable, and not delusional. Estep 8/23/98 Int.
at 1-4.
16.  Catherine Davis 3/17/98 GJ at 21-22.
17.  Young 6/23/98 GJ at 40. See also Catherine Davis 3/17/98 GJ at 73;
Erbland 2/12/98 GJ at 25 ("I never had any reason to think she would lie
to me. I never knew of her to lie to me before and we talked about our
boyfriends and, you know, sexual relationships throughout our friendship
and I never knew her as a liar."); Finerman 3/18/98 Depo. at 113-16
(characterizing Ms. Lewinsky as trustworthy and honest); Raines 1/29/98
GJ at 87 ("I have no reason to believe that [Ms. Lewinsky's statements]
were lies or made up."); Tripp 7/29/98 GJ at 187 ("There were so many
reasons why I believed her. She just had way too much detail. She had
detail that none of us could really conceivably have if you had not been
exposed in a situation that she claimed to be."); Ungvari 3/19/98 GJ at
19 ("[s]he's never lied to me before"); id. at 21, 61-62; Young 6/23/98
GJ at 38-40.
18.  Ms. Lewinsky testified that she has "always been a date-oriented
person." Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 28. See also Tripp 6/30/98 GJ at 141-42
(Ms. Lewinsky "had a photographic memory for the entire relationship").
19.  Clinton 1/17/98 Depo. at 78, 204. The transcript of this deposition
testimony appears in Document Supp. A. For reasons of privacy, the OIC
has redacted the names of three women from the transcript. The OIC will
provide an unredacted transcript if the House of Representatives so
20.  Clinton 1/17/98 Depo. at 57.
21.  Clinton 1/17/98 Depo. at 54.
22.  Clinton 1/17/98 Depo. at 204. Beyond his denial of a sexual
relationship with Ms. Lewinsky, the President testified that he could
not recall many details of their encounters. He said he could not
specifically remember whether he had ever been alone with Ms. Lewinsky,
or any of their in-person conversations, or any notes or messages she
had sent him, or an audiocassette she had sent him, or any specific
gifts he had given her. Alone together: Clinton 1/17/98 Depo. at 52-53,
56-59. Conversations: Id. at 59. Cards and letters: Id. at 62.
Audiocassette: Id. at 63-64. Gifts from the President to Ms. Lewinsky:
Id. at 75. When asked about their last conversation, the President
referred to a December encounter when, he said, Ms. Lewinsky had been
visiting his secretary and he had "stuck [his] head out" to say hello.
Id. at 68. He did not mention a private meeting with Ms. Lewinsky on
December 28, 1997, or a telephone conversation with her on January 5,
1998. Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 27-28 & Ex. ML-7; Clinton 8/17/98 GJ at
34-36, 126-28.
23.  Clinton 8/17/98 GJ at 10, 79, 81.
24.  Clinton 8/17/98 GJ at 10.
25.  Clinton 8/17/98 GJ at 31, 10. See also id. at 38-39.
26.  Clinton 8/17/98 GJ at 10, 92-93.
27.  Clinton 8/17/98 GJ at 22.
28.  Clinton 8/17/98 GJ at 10, 12, 93-96.
29.  849-DC-00000586. The definition mirrors a federal criminal statute,
18 U.S.C. § 2246(3). The ellipsis in the quotation omits two
paragraphs of the definition that Judge Wright ruled inapplicable.
Clinton 1/17/98 Depo. at 21-22. The President testified that he
considered the definition "rather strange," and at one point he spoke of
"people being drawn into a lawsuit and being given definitions, and then
a great effort to trick them in some way." Clinton 8/17/98 GJ at 19, 22.
He acknowledged, however, that the definition "was the one the Judge
decided on and I was bound by it." Clinton 8/17/98 GJ at 19.
30.  Clinton 8/17/98 GJ at 15, 93, 100, 102.
31.  Clinton 8/17/98 GJ at 151.
32.  Clinton 8/17/98 GJ at 168.
33.  Clinton 8/17/98 GJ at 102-105, 167-68.
34.  Clinton 8/17/98 GJ at 95-96, 100, 110, 139. The President did not
always specify that the contact had to be direct. Id. at 15 ("[m]y
understanding of the definition is it covers contact by the person being
deposed with the enumerated areas, if the contact is done with an intent
to arouse or gratify"); id. at 16 (definition covers "[a]ny contact with
the areas there mentioned").
35.  Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 27-28 & Ex. ML-7. These numbers include
occasions when one or both of them had direct contact with the other's
genitals, but not occasions when they merely kissed. On the timing of
some of their sexual encounters, Ms. Lewinsky's testimony is at odds
with the President's. According to Ms. Lewinsky, she and the President
had three sexual encounters in 1995 (the President said he recalled
none) and two sexual encounters in 1997 (not one, as the President
testified). Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 27-28 & Ex. ML-7; Lewinsky 8/26/98
Depo. at 6; Clinton 8/17/98 GJ at 9-10. The President's account omits
the two 1995 encounters when Ms. Lewinsky was an intern (as well as one
1995 encounter when she worked on the White House staff), and it treats
the 1997 encounter that produced the semen-stained dress as a single
36.  Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 34-36; Lewinsky 8/20/98 GJ at 17; Lewinsky
7/27/98 Int. at 2; Lewinsky 7/31/98 Int. at 4; Catherine Davis 3/17/98
GJ at 16; Erbland 2/12/98 GJ at 27-28, 43-44; Finerman 3/18/98 Depo. at
32; Kassorla 8/28/98 Int. at 2; Raines 1/29/98 GJ at 32-33; Tripp 7/2/98
GJ at 54, 101; Tripp 7/7/98 GJ at 171; Ungvari 3/19/98 GJ at 19, 25.
37.  Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 35; Lewinsky 7/27/98 Int. at 2.
38.  Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 12, 21; Lewinsky 2/1/98 Statement at 1. See
also Andrew Bleiler 1/28/98 Int. at 3; Catherine Davis 3/17/98 GJ at 21;
Kassorla 8/28/98 Int. at 2; Tripp 7/2/98 GJ at 100, 104-107; Ungvari
3/19/98 GJ at 23.
39.  Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 19; Catherine Davis 3/17/98 GJ at 20; Erbland
2/12/98 GJ at 29, 44; Ungvari 3/19/98 GJ at 20; Young 6/23/98 GJ at
37-38; but see Raines 1/29/98 GJ at 43 (testifying that she was "pretty
sure" that Ms. Lewinsky spoke of reciprocal oral sex); Tripp GJ 7/2/98
at 101 (testifying that she understood that, on rare occasions, the
President reciprocated).
40.  Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 38-39. See also Lewinsky 8/20/98 GJ at 24.
41.  Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 19-20, 38-39; Ungvari 3/19/98 GJ at 23-24.
42.  Lewinsky 7/30/98 Int. at 5-13, 15-16; Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 19-21;
Lewinsky 8/20/98 GJ at 31-32, 40, 67-69; Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 20,
30-31, 50; Andrew Bleiler 1/28/98 Int. at 3; Catherine Davis 3/17/98 GJ
at 20-21, 169; Erbland 2/12/98 GJ at 29, 43-45; Estep 8/23/98 Int. at 2;
Kassorla 8/28/98 Int. at 2; Ungvari 3/19/98 GJ at 23-24.
43.  Clinton 8/17/98 GJ at 10; Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 5. In Ms.
Lewinsky's recollection, the friendship started to develop following
their sixth sexual encounter, when the President sat down and talked
with her for about 45 minutes after she had complained that he was
making no effort to get to know her. Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 23,
44.  Lewinsky 8/20/98 GJ at 59. See also id. at 52; Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ
at 168. After the President's August 1998 speech acknowledging improper
conduct with Ms. Lewinsky, she testified that she was no longer certain
of her feelings because, in her view, he had depicted their relationship
as "a service contract, that all I did was perform oral sex on him and
that that's all that this relationship was. And it was a lot more than
that to me . . . ." Lewinsky 8/20/98 GJ at 54. See also id. at 53-56,
45.  MSL-55-DC-0178 (document retrieved from Ms. Lewinsky's home
computer); Catherine Davis 3/17/98 GJ at 147; Erbland 2/12/98 GJ at 92.
46.  Lewinsky 8/20/98 GJ at 52; T1 at 101. See also Marcia Lewis 2/11/98
GJ at 7; Catherine Davis 3/17/98 GJ at 182.
47.  Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 18.
48.  Lewinsky 7/27/98 Int. at 6; Currie 5/7/98 GJ at 60; Catherine Davis
3/17/98 GJ at 27; Raines 1/29/98 GJ at 53; Ungvari 3/19/98 GJ at 45;
Young 6/23/98 GJ at 47; (49)
49.  --
50.  Lewinsky 7/27/98 Int. at 6.
51.  Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 55-57; Lewinsky 7/27/98 Int. at 6.
52.  Marcia Lewis 2/11/98 GJ at 7-8.
53.  Erbland 2/12/98 GJ at 84. See also Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 56-57;
Catherine Davis 3/17/98 GJ at 166-67. In late 1997, Ms. Lewinsky asked
Vernon Jordan whether he believed that the Clintons would remain
married. Lewinsky 2/1/98 Statement at 8; Jordan 3/3/98 GJ at 150.
54.  Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 17. See also Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 24;
Lewinsky 8/24/98 Int. at 6; Tripp 7/7/98 GJ at 172.
55.  Raines 1/29/98 GJ at 39. See also Catherine Davis 3/17/98 GJ at 18;
Finerman 3/18/98 Depo. 47-49; Raines 1/29/98 GJ at 47-48; Tripp 7/14/98
GJ at 77, 79-81.
56.  Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 52-53.
57.  Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 52.
58.  Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 21-23; Lewinsky 7/27/98 Int. at 2. See also
Catherine Davis 3/17/98 GJ at 36; Erbland 2/12/98 GJ at 38-39, 43;
Finerman 3/18/98 Depo. at 26-29, 110, 116-17; Raines GJ at 51; Tripp
7/7/98 GJ at 62-63, 65-66; Ungvari 3/19/98 GJ at 81.
59.  Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 44; Lewinsky 8/24/98 Int. at 5; Currie
5/14/98 GJ at 131-32, 136, 141; Currie 7/22/98 GJ at 35, 77.
60.  Lewinsky 8/20/98 GJ at 55.
61.  Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 23.
62.  Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 23-24; Lewinsky 7/27/98 Int. at 2. See also
Catherine Davis 3/17/98 GJ at 36-37; Erbland 2/12/98 GJ at 38-39; Raines
1/29/98 GJ at 51; Ungvari 3/19/98 GJ at 81. Ms. Lewinsky gave the
President a novel about phone sex, Vox by Nicholson Baker. Lewinsky
7/27/98 Int. at 13; 1361-DC-00000030 (White House list of books in
private study, including Vox).
63.  Lewinsky 7/30/98 Int. at 15.
64.  Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 23; Lewinsky 8/20/98 GJ at 6. The messages,
on tapes that Ms. Lewinsky turned over to the OIC, are as follows: "Aw,
shucks." "Hey." "Come on. It's me." "Sorry I missed you." Lewinsky
8/6/98 GJ at 22-23; Lewinsky 7/29/98 Int. at 3, 5; Lewinsky 8/3/98 Int.
at 6.
65.  Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 22-23; Catherine Davis 3/17/98 GJ at 28-29;
Erbland 2/12/98 GJ at 49; Kassorla 8/28/98 Int. at 4; Raines 1/29/98 GJ
at 89; Tripp 7/2/98 GJ at 89; Tripp 7/9/98 GJ at 95-97, 104-105; Ungvari
3/19/98 GJ at 31-33.
66.  Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 67-69.
67.  Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 74-75.
68.  Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 114.
69.  Clinton 8/17/98 GJ at 10.
70.  Clinton 8/17/98 GJ at 47, 51.
71.  Clinton 8/17/98 GJ at 47, 124.
72.  Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 25-26.
73.  Lewinsky 7/27/98 Int. at 12. See also MSL-55-DC-0184 - 186
(eight-line poem recovered from Ms. Lewinsky's home computer that refers
to President as "the Boss with whom we're all smitten" and wishes him
"Happy National Boss Day!").
74.  V006-DC-00000167; V006-DC-00000181 (gift record and donor
information); V006-DC-00003646 (correspondence history).
75.  V006-DC-00000157 - 158 (gift record and donor information).
76.  Lewinsky 8/11/98 Int. at 2; V006-DC-00000178 (autographed photo).
77.  Few of Ms. Lewinsky's subsequent gifts were logged. Of the roughly
30 gifts (including several antiques) that, in her account, she gave the
President, White House records show only the matted poem from interns,
two or three neckties (records conflict), and a T-shirt.
V006-DC-00000157; V006-DC-00000162; V006-DC-00000167; V006-DC-00000180;
V006-DC-00000181; V006-DC-00003714; V006-DC-00003715.
78.  MSL-55-DC-0177.
79.  Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 5-6 & Ex. ML-7. In response to a January
20, 1998, subpoena seeking "any and all gifts . . . to or from Monica
Lewinsky . . . including
. . . any tie, mug, paperweight, book, or other article," the President
turned over a necktie, two antique books, a mug, and a silver standing
holder for cigars or cigarettes. Subpoena V002; V002-DC-00000001;
V002-DC-00000469. A subpoena dated July 17, 1998, identified specific
gifts, including Vox, a novel about phone sex by Nicholson Baker that,
according to Ms. Lewinsky, she gave the President in March 1997.
Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 183-84; Lewinsky 7/27/98 Int. at 13; Subpoena
D1415. The President did not produce Vox in response to either subpoena,
though his attorney represented that "the President has complied with
[the] grand jury subpoenas." David Kendall Letter to OIC, 8/31/98. Vox,
however, does appear on an October 1997 list of books in the President's
private study, and Ms. Lewinsky saw it in the study on November 13,
1997. 1361-DC-00000030; Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 183-84.
80.  Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 5-6 & Ex. ML-7.
81.  Lewinsky 8/20/98 GJ at 36. See also Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 236;
Catherine Davis 3/17/98 GJ at 153.
82.  Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 236; Lewinsky 8/20/98 GJ at 36; Lewinsky
8/3/98 Int. at 8; Lewinsky 8/11/98 Int. at 2-3. For example, one day
after the President and Ms. Lewinsky talked by telephone on February 7,
1996, and one day after they talked on August 4, 1996, he wore a necktie
she had given him. Lewinsky 8/5/98 Int. at 1; Lewinsky 8/11/98 Int. at
83.  Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 236.
84.  Clinton 8/17/98 GJ at 47. See also id. at 33-36, 43-46.
85.  Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 26.
86.  Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 189.
87.  Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 26-27.
88.  Clinton 8/17/98 GJ at 48-49. In the Jones deposition, in contrast,
the President was asked if he remembered anything written in Ms.
Lewinsky's notes or cards to him. He testified: "No. Sometimes, you
know, just either small talk or happy birthday or sometimes, you know, a
suggestion about how to get more young people involved in some project I
was working on. Nothing remarkable. I don't remember anything particular
about it." Clinton 1/17/98 Depo. at 62.
89.  Lewinsky 2/1/98 Statement at 10. See also Lewinsky 8/20/98 GJ at
62-63; Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 141-42, 178-79. Ms. Lewinsky once told
Betty Currie: "As long as no one saw us -- and no one did -- then
nothing happened." Currie 1/27/98 GJ at 63-64.
90.  Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 78, 97-101; Lewinsky 7/27/98 Int. at 3.
91.  Lewinsky 8/20/98 GJ at 22. See also Lewinsky 7/27/98 Int. at 9
(President assumed Ms. Lewinsky's Jones affidavit would be a denial,
since their pattern had been to conceal and deny).
92.  Lewinsky 8/20/98 GJ at 4; Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 166-67. See also
Lewinsky 7/27/98 Int. at 9-10, 12.
93.  Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 234.
94.  Clinton 8/17/98 GJ at 38.
95.  Clinton 8/17/98 GJ at 38, 119. See also id. at 80, 119, 136, 153.
96.  Clinton 8/17/98 GJ at 37.
97.  Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 53-54. See also Lewinsky 7/27/98 Int. at 2,
11; Lewinsky 8/19/98 Int. at 4; Lewinsky 2/1/98 Statement at 1.
98.  Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 53-54.
99.  Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 54.
100.  Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 54-55; Lewinsky 7/30/98 Int. at 10.
101.  Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 54-55.
102.  Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 18, 53-54.
103.  Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 18-19; Lewinsky 2/1/98 Statement at 1.
104.  Lewinsky 8/20/98 GJ at 105; Lewinsky 2/1/98 Statement at 1.
105.  Lewinsky 8/20/98 GJ at 22.
106.  Lewinsky 2/1/98 Statement at 4; Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 123, 233.
107.  Clinton 1/17/98 Depo. at 50-51, 68.
108.  Clinton 8/17/98 GJ at 118-19.
109.  Clinton 8/17/98 GJ at 119. The President did not elaborate on his
understanding of the words "ask[]" or "lie" in that statement. In other
exchanges, he indicated that he construes some words narrowly. Id. at 59
(accuracy of particular statement "depends on what the meaning of the
word 'is' is"); id. at 107 ("I have not had sex with her as I defined
it"); id. at 134 ("it depends on how you define alone"); id. ("there
were a lot of times when we were alone, but I never really thought we
110.  Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 47. Along with weekend visits, Ms. Lewinsky
sometimes saw the President on holidays: New Year's Eve, President's
Day, Easter Sunday, July 4. In November 1997, she grew irritated that
the President did not arrange to see her on Veterans Day. Lewinsky
9/3/98 Int. at 2.
111.  Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 18. See also Lewinsky 8/20/98 GJ at 7, 22.
112.  Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 84-85; Lewinsky 8/20/98 GJ at 7. Ms.
Lewinsky told friends about White House people she tried to avoid. Tripp
6/30/98 GJ at 159-60, 164; Tripp 7/14/98 GJ at 75; T1 at 32;
1037-DC-00000318 (email from Ms. Lewinsky).
113.  Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 34-35; Lewinsky 8/20/98 GJ at 16-17;
Lewinsky 7/31/98 Int. at 4. The study is one of the most private rooms
in the White House. Fox 2/17/98 GJ at 76. See also Chinery 7/23/98 GJ at
52; Currie 5/6/98 GJ at 67; Ferguson 7/17/87 GJ at 32, 38; Maes 4/8/98
GJ at 89-90; Podesta 6/23/98 GJ at 72.
114.  Lewinsky 7/31/98 Int. at 4.
115.  Lewinsky 8/4/98 Int. at 4.
116.  Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 36. See also Lewinsky 7/31/98 Int. at 4.
117.  Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 36-37; Lewinsky 7/27/98 Int. at 2. According
to a Secret Service officer who entered the Oval Office when the
President and Ms. Lewinsky were in or near the study, the door leading
from the Oval Office to the hallway was slightly ajar. Muskett 7/21/98
GJ at 36-37, 39. In his Jones deposition, the President was asked if
there are doors at both ends of the hallway. He responded: "[There] are,
and they're always open." Clinton 1/17/98 Depo. at 59. In early 1998, in
the course of denying any sexual relationship with Ms. Lewinsky, the
President repeatedly told Deputy Chief of Staff John Podesta that "the
door was open." Podesta 6/16/98 GJ at 88-89.
118.  Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 56. See also Lewinsky 7/31/98 Int. at 3.
119.  Lewinsky 7/31/98 Int. at 3.
120.  Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 44-45; Lewinsky 7/30/98 Int. at 9;
Lewinsky 7/31/98 Int. at 4. Ms. Lewinsky also testified about various
steps she took on her own to ensure that the relationship remained
secret, such as using different doors to enter and depart the Oval
Office area, avoiding the President at a White House party, and
referring to the President as "her" in pages to Betty Currie. Lewinsky
8/6/98 GJ at 44-45, 57, 218; Lewinsky 8/20/98 GJ at 5-6, 18; Lewinsky
7/29/98 Int. at 2-3.
121.  Clinton 8/17/98 GJ at 38. See also id. at 53 (to President's
knowledge, Ms. Currie did not see intimate activity between President
and Ms. Lewinsky); id. at 54 ("I'd have to be an exhibitionist not to
have tried to exclude everyone else.").
122.  Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 56.
123.  Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 189, 198. See also Lewinsky 8/2/98 Int. at
3. The President was under a legal obligation to turn this note over to
the Jones attorneys but failed to do so.
124.  Lewinsky 8/24/98 Int. at 8.
125.  Clinton 8/17/98 GJ at 50. See also id. at 130-131.
126.  One of these tapes, T30, is a face-to-face conversation between
Ms. Tripp and Ms. Lewinsky, recorded under FBI auspices. The other, T22,
is a telephone conversation between Ms. Tripp and Ms. Lewinsky, recorded
by Ms. Tripp.
>From these and other transcripts of recorded conversations, the OIC has
redacted various brief, irrelevant, and gratuitous passages, mostly
references to Ms. Lewinsky's family members. Most of these redactions
are only a word or two long; others are somewhat longer. The tapes
themselves have not been edited by the OIC, and the OIC will provide
unredacted transcripts if the House of Representatives so requests.
Ms. Tripp produced to the OIC 27 tapes (four of which proved inaudible
or blank) of her telephone conversations with Ms. Lewinsky. Ms. Tripp
testified that she turned over the original recordings. She testified
that she knew nothing about any duplications of the recordings, though
others had access to or control over the tapes at times before they were
turned over. According to a preliminary FBI examination, several of the
23 tapes containing audible conversations exhibit signs of duplication,
and one tape exhibiting signs of duplication was produced by a recorder
that was stopped and restarted during the recording process. These
preliminary results raise questions about the reliability and
authenticity of at least one recording, which in turn raise questions
about the accuracy of Ms. Tripp's testimony regarding her handling of
the tapes. The OIC is continuing to investigate this matter. This
Referral does not quote or rely on any tapes that exhibit signs of
duplication. For a fuller discussion, see Appendix, Tab I.
127.  T30 at 41.
128.  T30 at 41.
129.  T30 at 41-42.
130.  T22 at 12.
131.  T22 at 12.
132.  828-DC-00000012 (resume); Lewinsky 7/27/98 Int. at 1; Walter Kaye
5/21/98 GJ at 34, 51-52; Marcia Lewis 4/3/98 Depo. at 90; Abramson
2/20/98 Int. at 1; Footlik 3/19/98 Int. at 1; 827-DC-00000003 (White
House entry records for Ms. Lewinsky). President Clinton testified that
Mr. Kaye is "a good friend of mine and a good friend of our
administration." Clinton 1/17/98 Depo. at 61. Ms. Lewinsky turned 22 on
July 23. 812-DC-00000002 (passport showing birthdate).
133.  Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 8; Lewinsky 8/20/98 GJ at 8; Bobowick
2/12/98 Int. at 1; Currie 1/27/98 GJ at 23-24; Panetta 1/28/98 GJ at
121-23; Palmieri 2/24/98 GJ at 12; V006-DC-00000020 (White House
employee data form).
134.  Lewinsky 8/3/98 Int. at 2.
135.  Lewinsky 8/3/98 Int. at 2; 828-DC-00000012 (resume);
V006-DC-00000225 (employment approval for the Legislative Affairs
Office); V006-DC-00000198 (1995 White House intern directory);
V006-DC-00002287 (record of Ms. Lewinsky's transfer).
136.  Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 60.
137.  Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 10.
138.  Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 9; Lewinsky 7/27/98 Int. at 2; Lewinsky
8/3/98 Int. at 1; V006-DC-00001826 (photo showing President and Ms.
139.  Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 16-17 & Ex. ML-7.
140.  Finerman 3/18/98 Depo. at 10-11; Ungvari 3/19/98 GJ at 15-17.
141.  Facts on File 852, 868 (1995).
142.  Washington Post, 11/20/95 at A19; Los Angeles Times, 11/14/95 at
A15; USA Today, 11/17/95 at 4A.
143.  Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 10-11; Byrne 6/25/98 Depo. at 18; Byrne
7/30/98 GJ at 36; Palmieri 2/24/98 GJ at 16-19; Panetta 1/28/98 GJ at
144.  Goodin 2/17/98 GJ at 48-50; Griffin 5/11/98 Int. at 1; Lewinsky
8/6/98 GJ at 10-11; Palmieri 2/24/98 GJ at 20-22; Raines 1/29/98 GJ at
35-36; V006-DC-00003737 - 3744 (White House photos showing President and
Ms. Lewinsky during furlough).
145.  Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 11.
146.  Lewinsky 8/3/98 Int. at 2; Barry Toiv 3/11/98 Int. at 1 (job
147.  Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 10; Lewinsky 7/27/98 Int. at 1-2. She told
others that her physical relationship with the President began during
the November 1995 shutdown. Raines 1/29/98 GJ at 38; Tripp 7/2/98 GJ at
38-39. To one friend, Ms. Lewinsky specified that the relationship began
on November 15, 1995. Tripp 6/30/98 GJ at 138; Tripp 7/2/98 GJ at 38-39,
148.  827-DC-00000008. According to records, it was one of only two
times during Ms. Lewinsky's tenure at the White House that she exited
after midnight. 827-DC-00000003 - 16. (The other post-midnight exit was
not during the furlough; it was the night of December 6-7, 1995.) As the
omission of Ms. Lewinsky's November 15 afternoon exit time illustrates,
White House Epass and WAVES records do not reflect all entries and exits
of staff and visitors. Secret Service Representatives Barry Smith et al.
3/16/98 Int. at 3-5. See also Appendix, Tab I.

149.  1222-DC-00000156, 1222-DC-00000083 - 85 (movement logs). Times are
approximate, as different logs of the President's movements sometimes
vary by a few minutes. With occasional exceptions, these logs do not
distinguish the President's private study from the Oval Office.
150.  Lewinsky 7/27/98 Int. at 2; Lewinsky 8/24/98 Int. at 5.
151.  Lewinsky 7/30/98 Int. at 5; Lewinsky 8/11/98 Int. at 7; Erbland
2/12/98 GJ at 24-25.
152.  Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 11; Lewinsky 7/27/98 Int. at 2; Lewinsky
7/30/98 Int. at 5.
153.  Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 11; Lewinsky 7/27/98 Int. at 2; Lewinsky
7/30/98 Int. at 5.

[Kiss of a Judas applied to Clinton?]

154.  Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 11; Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 7. Ms.
Lewinsky later told confidants that the relationship began with kissing.
Catherine Davis 3/17/98 GJ at 19; Finerman 3/18/98 Depo. at 31-35; Tripp
7/7/98 GJ at 151-52.
155.  Lewinsky 7/30/98 Int. at 5.
156.  Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 7.
157.  Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 12; Lewinsky 7/30/98 Int. at 5.
158.  Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 7.
159.  Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 7; Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 12, 13.
160.  Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 8; Lewinsky 7/30/98 Int. at 5.
161.  Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 7-8.
162.  Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 8. See also id. at 21. Earlier in the
evening, Ms. Lewinsky had removed her underwear. Lewinsky Int. 9/3/98 at
163.  Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 12-14; Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 9-10;
Lewinsky 7/30/98 Int. at 6.
164.  Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 10.
165.  Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 11.
166.  Lewinsky 9/3/98 Int. at 3; Lewinsky 8/24/98 Int. at 5; Lewinsky
7/30/98 Int. at 6.
167.  Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 11-12; Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 7.
168.  1362-DC-00000549 (movement logs).
169.  Lewinsky 7/30/98 Int. at 6.
170.  1472-DC-00000006 - 08. Starting 11 minutes later, the President
talked with other Members of Congress. Id.
171.  827-DC-00000008 (Epass records).
172.  1222-DC-00000085 (movement logs).
173.  Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 14. See also Lewinsky 7/30/98 Int. at 6-7.
174.  Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 14-15; Lewinsky 7/30/98 Int. at 7.
175.  Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 15-16.
176.  In Ms. Currie's recollection, Ms. Lewinsky and the President were
alone together for about 30 seconds. Currie 1/27/98 GJ at 33-34; Currie
5/14/98 GJ at 36-38. Ms. Hernreich testified that when delivering food
during the government shutdown, Ms. Lewinsky was alone with the
President for two to four minutes. Hernreich 2/26/98 GJ at 36-37. See
also Hernreich 2/25/98 GJ at 12-17. Other witnesses also remembered Ms.
Lewinsky's pizza delivery during the furlough. Keating 2/25/98 GJ at
31-32; Palmieri 2/24/98 GJ at 20, 53, 62.  The President and Ms.
Lewinsky (as well as others) appear in eight White House photographs
taken on November 17; in three of them, the President is eating pizza.
V006-DC-00003737 - 3744.
177.  Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 16; Lewinsky 8/26/98 GJ at 11-15; Lewinsky
7/30/98 Int. at 7.
178.  Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 12-13; Lewinsky 7/30/98 Int. at 7.
179.  Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 12; Lewinsky 7/30/98 Int. at 7.
180.  Lewinsky 7/30/98 Int. at 7.
181.  Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 13-14.
182.  Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 13-14; Lewinsky 7/30/98 Int. at 7. One
friend understood that Ms. Lewinsky and the President kissed when she
brought pizza, and that Ms. Lewinsky performed oral sex on him in a
later encounter. Ungvari 3/19/98 GJ at 18-19, 20, 23. One of Ms.
Lewinsky's counselors understood that the relationship with the
President began at a pizza party. Estep 8/23/98 Int. at 2.
183.  Lewinsky 7/30/98 Int. at 7. See also Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 15.
184.  1472-DC-00000015 (phone logs). Ms. Lewinsky said that this
probably was the name she heard on that date. Lewinsky 8/11/98 Int. at
5. She testified that she could not recall whether the President was on
the telephone the whole time that she performed oral sex. Lewinsky
8/26/98 Depo. at 14.
185.  Clinton 1/17/98 Depo. at 58.
186.  Clinton 8/17/98 GJ at 31-32.
187.  827-DC-00000011 (Epass records).
188.  1222-DC-00000179 (movement logs). The President had one telephone
call during this period, from 12:53 to 12:58 p.m. 1506-DC-00000029
(phone logs).
189.  Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 15-16; Lewinsky 7/27/98 Int. at 3-4;
Lewinsky 7/30/98 Int. at 8.
190.  Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 16.
191.  Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 16; Lewinsky 7/27/98 Int. at 3-4;
Lewinsky 7/30/98 Int. at 8.
192.  Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 16.
193.  Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 16-17. See also Lewinsky 7/30/98 Int. at
194.  Lewinsky 7/27/98 Int. at 3-4; Lewinsky 7/30/98 Int. at 8.
195.  Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 17. See also Finerman 3/18/98 Depo. at
30-32, 35.
196.  Lewinsky 7/30/98 Int. at 3.
197.  1222-DC-00000325 (Secret Service duty logs).
198.  Clinton 8/17/98 GJ at 31-32.
199.  Clinton 8/17/98 GJ at 9-10.
200.  Ms. Lewinsky understood that the President may have thought there
was something improper in having a sexual relationship with an intern.
Lewinsky 8/24/98 Int. at 5.
201.  Clinton 8/17/98 GJ at 10.
202.  As noted above, White House entry and exit records are incomplete.
203.  1222-DC-00000183 (movement logs).
204.  Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 18. See also Lewinsky 7/30/98 Int. at 2,
205.  Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 18.
206.  Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 19.
207.  Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 19.
208.  Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 19.
209.  Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 19.
210.  Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 20. They engaged in oral-anal contact as
well. Id.
211.  Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 38.
212.  1222-DC-00000325, 1362-DC-00001171 (Secret Service duty logs).
213.  Fox 2/17/98 GJ at 33. Although Mr. Fox believed that the incident
occurred in late 1995, the totality of the evidence suggests that it was
on this date, January 7, 1996.
214.  Fox 2/17/98 GJ at 31.
215.  Fox 2/17/98 GJ at 60-61, 66-67.
216.  Fox 2/17/98 GJ at 33.
217.  Fox 2/17/98 GJ at 19-20, 42, 49-50.
218.  Fox 2/17/98 GJ at 34-35. Officer Fox testified that the President
and Ms. Lewinsky were alone. Fox 2/17/98 GJ 36-37. His sworn testimony
on this point differs from the public statements of his attorney, who
told reporters that Officer Fox did not know whether the two were alone.
Chicago Tribune, 2/17/98 at 1C.
219.  827-DC-00000013 (Epass records).
220.  1222-DC-00000189 (movement logs). While Ms. Lewinsky was in the
White House, the President had a single phone call, at 3:47 p.m. for one
minute. 1506-DC-00000050 (phone logs).
221.  Lewinsky 7/30/98 Int. at 9; Lewinsky 8/24/98 Int. at 6.
222.  Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 22-23.
223.  Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 23.
224.  Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 23.
225.  Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 23-24. See also Lewinsky 7/30/98 Int. at
226.  Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 24-25.
227.  Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 25.
228.  Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 26.
229.  Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 26. This interruption may have been
occasioned by the President's one-minute phone call at 3:47 p.m.
1506-DC-00000050 (phone logs).
230.  Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 26-27. Ms. Lewinsky stated that the
Blairs from Arkansas were visiting the President. Lewinsky 7/30/98 Int.
at 10. This is confirmed by a Secret Service itinerary for January 21,
1996, where Diane Blair is listed as a houseguest. 1222-DC-00000024
(presidential itinerary).
231.  Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 27-28; Lewinsky 7/30/98 Int. at 10;
Tripp 7/7/98 GJ at 124-26, 139-143; Tripp 7/9/98 GJ at 4-5;
845-DC-00000004 (Tripp notes).
232.  1222-DC-00000196 (movement logs).
233.  1506-DC-00000068 (phone logs).
234.  Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 28-29; Lewinsky 8/24/98 Int. at 6.
235.  Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 29-30.
236.  Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 30-31.
237.  Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 31-32. They engaged in oral-anal contact
as well. Id. at 30-31.
238.  Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 33.
239.  Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 33-34.
240.  Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 33.
241.  Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 33-34; Lewinsky 8/24/98 Int. at 6; Tripp
7/7/98 GJ at 169-71; 845-DC-00000006 (Tripp notes).
242.  1222-DC-00000197, 1222-DC-00000102 (movement logs).
243.  1506-DC-00000102 (phone logs).
244.  Lewinsky 7/30/98 Int. at 11; Lewinsky 8/24/98 Int. at 6.
245.  Lewinsky 7/30/98 Int. at 3, 11-12.
246.  Lewinsky 7/30/98 Int. at 3, 11.
247.  Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 24; Lewinsky 7/29/98 Int. at 3.
248.  Lewinsky 7/30/98 Int. at 11. Ms. Lewinsky later recounted the
episode to several others. Erbland 2/12/98 GJ at 46-47; Finerman 3/18/98
Depo. at 47; Tripp 7/7/98 GJ at 175-76; Ungvari 3/19/98 GJ at 80.
249.  Lewinsky 8/24/98 Int. at 6. See also Lewinsky 7/30/98 Int. at 11.
250.  Garabito 7/30/98 GJ at 16-17, 23-24. According to a colleague,
Agent Garabito is over six feet tall, slender, and Hispanic. OIC Memo of
Interview with Special Agent Thomas M. Powers, 9/7/98.
251.  Garabito 7/30/98 GJ at 25, 30-31.
252.  Garabito 7/30/98 GJ at 32. Agent Garabito later recounted the
incident to Larry L. Cockell, the head of the Presidential Protective
Division of the Secret Service. The OIC learned of the episode from
Agent Cockell's testimony. Cockell 7/23/98 GJ at 25-26.
253.  1472-DC-00000017 (call logs).
254.  1506-DC-00000017 (call logs).
255.  Forbes, 9/22/97 at 2.
256.  Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 90.
257.  Lewinsky 8/6/98 GJ at 91. See also Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 34;
Tripp 7/7/98 GJ at 179-80. Ms. Lewinsky offered to return to the White
House to see him, but the President said he needed to stay in the
Residence because his daughter was ill. Lewinsky 7/30/98 Int. at 12;
Lewinsky 8/24/98 Int. at 6.
258.  Ungvari 3/19/98 GJ at 29-31; Lewinsky 8/3/98 Int. at 3; Ungvari
3/18/98 Int. at 4; Verna 6/11/98 Depo. at 10; 845-DC-00000009 (Tripp
259.  Ungvari 3/19/98 GJ at 30.
260.  Lewinsky 8/11/98 Int. at 2.
261.  Lewinsky 8/20/98 GJ at 19; Lewinsky 7/30/98 Int. at 12;
845-DC-00000010 - 11 (Tripp notes).
262.  Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 34-35.
263.  1222-DC-00000112 (movement logs). The President and 32 guests saw
Executive Decision that evening. 1506-DC-00000558 (White House daily
264.  968-DC-00003459 (Hillary Clinton calendar).
265.  Lewinsky 7/29/98 Int. at 3; Lewinsky 7/30/98 Int. at 12-13.
266.  827-DC-00000016 (Epass records).
267.  1222-DC-00000216 - 217; 1222-DC-00000112 - 113 (movement logs).
268.  1506-DC-00000139 (phone logs).
269.  968-DC-00003459 (Hillary Clinton calendar). Mrs. Clinton returned
that evening. 1506-DC-00000559 (White House diary); 1222-DC-00000041
(Secret Service itinerary).
270.  Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 35-36.
271.  Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 36; Lewinsky 7/30/98 Int. at 12.
272.  Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 38-39.
273.  Lewinsky 8/26/98 Depo. at 37.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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