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Not So Historic After All 

“If elected, Joseph Lieberman would be the first Jewish person to work 
directly under an American President since ... Monica Lewinsky.”

- GOPN&V reader Liz Michael, 8/8/00

NAACP Prez:  America’s Worst Racist

Lee Alcorn, until yesterday, was the top dog of the NAACP in Dallas, Texas.  
He’s now the FORMER president of that black organization because he shot off 
his big mouth criticizing Joe Lieberman’s selection to be Al Gore’s apologist 
... er, running mate ... simply because Lieberman’s Jewish.  You know, we 
can’t have a Jew in top office - according to Alcorn - because, as everybody 
“knows”, Jews are only interested in money.  Isn’t it sadly ironic that, as 
the rest of America moves beyond idiotic racism and prejudice, the black 
leader of an organization which finds racism in separating the whites from 
the coloreds at the Laundromat is the biggest bigot in the country today?  
Lee Alcorn is a jerk.  Guess that makes me a racist now, huh?

Well ... They Did It To Us Again

“Well they sure sucked-in the spineless GOP this time.  Because (Sen. Joe) 
Lieberman is more religious than 99.9% of those in politics, he is 
automatically a ‘centrist’ or a ‘conservative Democrat.’  In fact, Lieberman 
is as liberal as they come.  Last year, the radical Americans for Democratic 
Action (ADA) gave the Connecticut Senator a 95% liberal rating.  The only 
negative vote came when Lieberman voted against the Democrats ‘tax cut’ plan, 
presumably because he thought it too big.   

“Lieberman talks a good game, makes a nice pious speech, but always votes the 
wrong way -- impeachment being the most prominent example.  And he got a 
whopping 0% from the American Conservative Union (ACU) -- some ‘conservative 
Democrat.’  Of course, Dick Cheney getting a 90% ACU rating makes him a 
dangerous member of the ‘radical right’ ... but Lieberman's 95% ADA rating 
makes him a ‘centrist.’  This just proves how liberal the media really is.”

- GOPN&V reader Rick Shaftan, 8/8/00

A Tax-and-Spend “Centrist?”

While many immediately labeled Sen. Lieberman a ‘moderate,’ his record 
indicates otherwise, as he has consistently cast anti-taxpayer votes.  
Highlights from Sen. Lieberman's voting record include:

*  Scored a 5 out of 100 in Americans for Tax Reform's Tax Ratings for the 
First Session of the 106th Congress.  
*   Voted against an amendment that would have offset spending increases with 
spending decreases. (Roll Call #70, 25 March)
*   Voted against Medical Savings Accounts. (Roll Call #202, 13 July)
*   Voted against 10% cuts in marginal tax rates. (Roll Call #230, 29 July)
*   Voted against reductions in marriage tax and capital gains taxes. (Roll 
Call #247, 30 July)
*   Voted against repealing the Death Tax. (Roll Call #230, 29 July)
*   Voted against IRA expansion. (Roll Call #247, 30 July)
*   Voted against reducing the fuel tax. (Roll Call #183, 13 July)
*   Voted against repealing tax on Social Security benefits. (Roll Call #188, 
13 July)
*   Voted against repealing the death tax. (Roll Call #197, 14 July)
*   Voted against repeal of the marriage penalty. (Roll Call #215, 18 July)

"Sadly, Senator Lieberman is not the moderate his allies have made him out to 
be.  His record is clearly anti-taxpayer and pro-big government," said Grover 
Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform.

- Source:  Americans for Tax Reform, 8/8/00

Traficant Drops BIG Bomb on Reno

“Ohio Congressman James Traficant accused Attorney General Janet Reno of 
treason Monday night, saying he has evidence that she was blackmailed not to 
appoint an independent counsel to investigate the Clinton-Gore administration 
on Chinagate charges.  Appearing on Fox News Channel's ‘Hannity & Colmes,’ 
the Ohio Democrat announced that he has five affidavits from individuals who 
charge that Reno was repeatedly arrested for drunk driving in Florida during 
the 1980's, had sex with a lesbian call girl and got her job as Miami State's 
Attorney through mob connections.  Traficant, who predicted last month that 
Reno was about to indict him on corruption charges, suggested that Reno's 
encounter with the call girl had been captured on videotape.”

- FreedomWatch, 8/8/00

Attention Employers:  An Idea Whose Time Has Come

“Chuck. Here's an idea I used for years to sensitize employees to the cost of 
government:  Every paycheck was accompanied by a slip of paper listing their 
Gross Pay and deducting, item by item, EVERY tax and other government cost -- 
employer's cost for each and every employee!) -- right down to the bottom 
line ‘net pay’ figure.  Their pay envelope also contained the name of their 
Representatives and Senators complete with ALL THE CONTACT INFO and, where 
available, info on upcoming Town Hall Meetings with a blurb to the effect 
that if they think government is taking too much out of their check, perhaps 
they need to get involved in the process.  Might be interesting to pass this 
on to your list.  Might spread all over the country.”

- Dick Bachert, National Retail Sales Tax Alliance (http://www.salestax.org)

Armed Citizen

“A West Boca Raton, Fla., resident was thankful he had prepared for the worst 
when a neighbor from the same apartment complex broke through his window in 
an impromptu 3 a.m. ‘visit.’  The resident already had his gun trained on the 
intruder’s intended path by the time the inept, would-be burglar made his way 
into the kitchen.  The resident continued to hold the man at gunpoint as he 
reported the incident to a 9-1-1 operator.  Deputies arriving at the scene a 
short time later found both captor and crook - mediated by the former’s 
firearm - out front.  ‘Honestly, as a law enforcement officer I recommend 
protecting yourself,’ said Sgt. Rick McDermott of the Palm Beach County 
Sheriff’s Office.”

- American Rifleman, August 2000

TEDS 2000:  Stay On Message 

*  Taxes - Lower & Simpler
*  Education - It’s Broken; Let’s Fix It
*  Defense - An Ounce of Prevention...
*  Social Security - Your Money, Your Choice

*  George W. Bush’s web site:  http://www.georgewbush.com

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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Published by:  C-Four Communications
Chuck Muth, Editor
3549 N. University, Suite 300
Provo, UT  84604
Phone:  (702) 454-0350
Fax:  (702) 454-7798

The opinions and views expressed in GOP News & Views reflect those of the 
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