August 2000

New template
by Ken Page

As you read this, I should be in Sweden, deep in the forest, staying in a 
beautiful cabin -- no water, no electricity, no indoor plumbing -- and no 
T.V. (ahh!!!). For the last two years, I've been working with people in 
Sweden who are sensitive to electricity. They cannot be around any 
electricity at all -- not even batteries in a watch. There have been major 
changes in these folks in the last two years. Some of them have been living 
alone in the forest for 5 - 7 years. They can't go to the store or be around 
cars, telephones or any kind of machines. These people are also sensitive to 
other people and their energy fields. Their isolation is so sad.

Here are some of the things this group had in common: 
• All the mercury fillings from their teeth were removed at once or very 
quickly. It appears this created quite a shock to their bodies. Some of the 
substitute dental fillings were not much better. This was done in late 1980 
or early 1990. Some of them had to replace them again. 
• After the replacement, there was a very traumatic event in their lives -- a 
relationship breakup, death of a loved one, job change, accident or other 
stressful event. 
• After the above, their health changed almost overnight. They became tired, 
depressed and overly sensitive to everyday stimuli. They no longer could 
differentiate between themselves and others. Then electricity and chemicals 
began to affect their fields. Their electrical magnetic fields were 

Sweden has one of the highest groups of people with this condition on earth. 
There are thousands of people with this problem today. 

So here's what I think is going on with these people in Sweden -- and this is 
not scientific. There's a metal plate in the ocean around Sweden -- a large 
natural iron ore deposit off shore. I believe it affects people's 
electromagnetic fields because of how close Sweden is to the North Pole. I 
also believe it's there to help keep the North pole in alignment. 

I was able to help my clients in Sweden by doing a Heart & Soul Healing 
session with them and giving them my clearing techniques to practice -- 
thinking clear, pulling their fields in, loving what they don't like about 
themselves  You can find this technique on my web site 
(, or in my book, 
The Way It Works, chapter 8 (also on my web page).

People talk about love. My clients say in an altered state that they are 
using 90% of all their energy subconsciously to keep themselves out of love. 
There is a part of us that must feel love is not safe. Think about that. 
Basically, in most of our past relationships something went wrong. This is 
not even considering the possibility of relationships in past lives. There 
are a lot of us that don't feel it's safe to be totally open or totally 
vulnerable to others or ourselves. 

Question: how do you know how to love more than you have experienced? Answer: 
You don't. Next question: How many times do you have to love yourself before 
you believe it? Is it 10 or 100 or 1000 or 10, 000 or a million times. Only 
you and God know. The great news is you only have to love yourself 1% more 
than you've ever felt and it can change your life forever. 

When I work with my clients, and they are in an altered state, the average 
person says that at the age of 3 years old, a part of them said "I don't want 
to be here." "Here" meaning in their body on Earth. It's like their spirit 
looked around and said "I'm out of here." Well, a lot of us can relate to 
this. In the last year, how many of you have said "I don't want to be here"? 
As a matter of fact, some people say it all the time. -- "I don't like this 
place." "I want to go home." (Where ever that is.)

What if at the age of 3 years old a part of us subconsciously pushed our 
energy fields out to protect our physical body from others controlling or 
hurting us. Most people's energetic fields are out yards, or blocks or even 
further. Everything in their fields affects them and their nervous system. Do 
you realize that if we are able to bring our fields in, we would have a 
choice about what to feel or not to feel? Freedom. 

What if our spirit has been watching us for all these years, like a part of 
God watching us. What if we became spiritually aware of this part watching 
us? We, in some way, would be striving to bring this part of ourselves back 
in to our physical body. This is what I call INscension. Is it possible that 
until we love every part of ourselves we will never feel whole or at one with 

This is what I shared with my friends in Sweden and it has helped them to 
regain their own space and their own lives. Heaven on Earth is being safe in 
your own body -- unconditional with yourself. To love what you don't like 
about yourself and to be in the moment of that beauty. Wouldn't the Fathers 
and Mothers of life be proud of us? 

This work in Sweden was physically challenging for me. Each time I worked 
with a client it was like they were using my energy field as a template or 
map to rebuild their own. (I wonder if that's not what each one of us do when 
we help others.) People whose fields are so badly damaged don't know how to 
feel the oneness of God inside themselves. A person who allows themselves to b
e totally present, who loves themselves unconditionally, and has 
unconditional compassion for others will create a new template for the world. 
Remember when Jesus, Buddha or others reached that space, there were millions 
of people on earth. As you reach this space, there are 6.5 billion people. 
You are creating a new template for the next dimension or vibration of life 
-- a new template of mankind balancing the male and female. 

On my last workshop tour, which would include my trip to Sweden, I was doing 
a workshop in Vermont, USA when and I received an e-mail from my Swedish 
sponsors. They outlined specific demands and changed our agreement 
completely. They finished by telling me that if I did not agree to all their 
conditions in 48 hours that they would cancel my events -- 2 weekend 
workshops, a 6 day Practitioner Training and 70 private healing sessions. 
They waited until I left home, betting I would have no choice but to agree to 
their demands. The next days were some of the saddest times for me. Knowing I 
could not agree to their terms. It was clearly blackmail. How could I put 
myself in a situation like this and stay for a month working under these 

The only thing I could think about was not being there for those who needed 
me. My techniques and my healing work had changed so many lives the past two 
times I had visited Sweden. Why did this come down this way? And why is there 
this kind of energy around healing work? We know it's about power and 
control, greed, jealousy, betrayal, honor, humility and boundaries. These 
have certainly been some of my issues in the past. It's interesting how I've 
continued to attract this kind of energy. (TEST. TEST. TEST. TEST.) But most 
of all, it's about balancing the male and female. Most people could not have 
canceled this trip. I have lost a month's worth of income. It is strange how 
money forces us to do things we don't like or can hurt us. Some people would 
say money means freedom. 

What I have gained from this experience is the knowing that I have a choice 
and with this choice there is freedom. I have received many answers from my 
Higher Self in the last few weeks and feel this experience was a true 
blessing. I have been given other ways to help the people who need me -- ways 
I would have never looked at if this had not happened. 

I would like to share an easy technique for communicating with your Higher 
Self. This is what I used when I had questions about the situation in Sweden. 


Many people tell me they cannot communicate with their Higher Self. They do 
not trust what they hear from their own inner voice -- if they can hear one 
at all -- and so they seek answers about their lives from others. 

How does our Higher Self communicate with us? Most of us communicate with our 
Higher Self through our subconscious mind using a major sensory modality -- 
we either see, hear, or feel. If we’re having a conversation with someone who 
needs to visualize information, while we need to feel things, we could easily 
misunderstand each other even if we’re expressing the same idea. Most of us 
are kinesthetic -- we feel the answers from our Higher Self with our whole 
body; but others may see or hear their information.

Trusting our feelings is a problem for many of us. We don’t trust or listen 
to our feelings or our inner voice because of past situations when we’ve been 
hurt. The first feelings or impressions that come to us, however, are 
messages from our Higher Self and need to be honored and trusted. 

I have a simple exercise to connect you with your Higher Self. Once you are 
familiar with this technique you can use it confidently to answer any 
questions about your life. You do have all your answers within you. 

For this exercise, sit at a table with paper and pen. First, clear and quiet 
your mind by focusing on a point on a wall straight ahead. Hold your head 
level and shift only your eyes so you’re looking up at a point on the 
ceiling. This will quiet your mind immediately. 

When your mind is quiet, write down the question "Why am I here on Earth?" 
Then ask the question quickly three times, either to yourself or out loud:
Why am I here on Earth?
Why am I here on Earth?
Why am I here on Earth?

Always write down the first answer that comes to you. The answer may come as 
a word, picture, or feeling. You will usually get answers like to love, 
teach, learn, play, heal, or share. 

If the answer is "to love," find out what it really means by writing another 
question to your Higher Self. Whatever the words were that you received, 
write the next question using these words, always pertaining to why you are 
here on Earth. Ask, for example, how do I love? How do I teach? How do I 
heal? What does love mean? What am I supposed to be teaching? What am I 
supposed to share? Always keep your questions simple and use as few words as 

As you write your question, clear your mind and repeat the question three 
times -- out loud or in your mind -- just as you did the first time. Then 
write down your answer again. 

Let’s say the sequence went like this: 
Why am I here on Earth? To love. 
What does love mean? It means to take your power. What does taking my power 

Continue this process using the key words from your answer to create a new 
question. Write down everything that comes to you even if it’s strange. Go as 
fast as you can and don’t think about it. Keep writing and asking questions 
until you start to write continuously. 

Do this for five minutes and then look at what you’ve written. Your answers 
will give you the key to why you are here on Earth and what you’ve been 
creating. You can use this same process to answer any questions you have. 

So I have a question for you: 


Until September -- wear sunscreen and remember you don't have to do anything. 
Love yourself. Remember how to play and have fun and laugh at yourself. Be 

If you would like to know more about Ken Page, his work and his schedule of 
events, please look up his web site
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