A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

"On Aug 10, John Fisher wrote:"

[-------------------- text of forwarded message follows --------------------]

Are they starting to come together?


From: Ru Mills  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed Aug 9, 2000 10:44pm

===========RUMOR MILL NEWS AGENCY===========

>From Rayelan Allan, Publisher, RMNews

 On April 17th, 1995,  I received a telephone call from my husband, Gunther
Russbacher. He said, "The war has begun!"

I asked him what he meant. He said a Learjet had just crashed in Alabama. On
board were 17 Admirals and Generals. They were on their way to arrest Bill

All the military men were killed.

That same day, Sherman Skolnick was told the same thing by one of his

The same day, Oswald LeWinter talked to a reporter for a major New York
newspaper. LeWinter told the reporter the same thing -- and it was
published -- April 19, 1995.

No one paid any attention to the story because in the early morning of April
19, 1995, the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City blew up.

In other words, the people who had the goods on Clinton and his cabal were
making plans to arrest all of them. All these men were blown out of the sky
and murdered.

To keep their murders from being investigated -- the Murrah building was
blown up and 168 additional men, women and children were murdered.

For the last few months, Rumor Mill News has been receiving information that
foreign governments are investigating the United States. Many of these
investigations started due to Echelon. But once the investigations started,
they were propelled by the fuel they discovered.

These investigators are just about to release their information -- It could
come out any day now --

Or will it?

 Today two small planes collided over New Jersey. One of the planes was from
theLakehurst Naval Air Station and it was on the way to Pax River Naval
Facilities.  It was carrying 8 or 9 civilian government employees.

Pax River is important because this is the installation where a new super
secret spy unit was to be based. The new spy unit was to be named DIS
(Defense Intelligence Services).  It was supposed to be the umbrella that
oversaw the operations of 26 intelligence services.

It is not known if DIS was exclusively made up of United States intelligence
services, or if other allies were/are members. Sherman Skolnick has
speculated that only 13 of the intel units are from the United States, and
the other 13 are made up of our allies.

In light of the information that our allies are conducting the
investigations, this makes sense.

Is the collision of these two small planes an attempt to stop the
investigators from releasing information that will rock this government to
its core?

I think today was round one in the war --

Other things that are happening --

+ The Rumor Mill News webpage is being hit hard today by government
agencies. So is Surfing the Apocalypse and other similar webpages. My
computer is barely running -- and I can barely stay on the Web.

+ Sherman Skolnick reported that the Arkansas area code is constantly
busy -- in other words -- no one can call Arkansas.

+  Skolnick also said that many people have called him and reported that
when they send  faxes  -- the faxes emerge on the other end in a DIFFERENT
FONT. This can happen if they have been intercepted by a computer and then

+  Skolnick also said that he has been told that the Vince Foster
investigation is heating up again -- He has been told that the investigators
have hard evidence that Foster was murdered.

+  Skolnick reported years ago that Foster was the equivalent to a three
star general in NSA

+  Skolnick also reported that Foster has sold the Israelis national
security secrets.


+ Rumors is Israel state that late today or tomorrow could see a riot at the
Wailing Wall which could escalate into a war which could possibly see damage
done to the sacred Moslem site, the Dome of the Rock. This could be the
prelude to Armageddon.

+ Other sources have told RMNews that the huge metal trusts that RMNews has
written about are just about to be broken. These trusts have had liens and
lines of credit on them. As a result -- the trusts had to stay in tact.

The money that was received from the liens and lines of credit was put into
the United States stock market. If these liens and lines of credit are paid
off, it means that the money has been taken out of the stock market. If all
the money from all of the lines of credit and liens is pulled out at one

+  The timing of the pullout from the market depends  on who is  winning the

+  If the Bush supporters are ahead or more in favor -- the pull out will
come right before the election.

+  If the Clinton people can somehow hold on to power -- the crash will come
after the election --  Gore will take the fall for it -- and Senator Joseph
Lieberman will become President Joseph Lieberman. If Hillary wins the senate
seat, she will be appointed Vice President.

+ One source stated that Lieberman is only the "token" being thrown to the
liberals. He stated that there was no way that Gore was going to win the
election, and the Democrats knew it.

In 1984 Geraldine Ferraro was picked to be the first female chosen as a
candidate for Vice President of the United States. I called a  contact on
Capitol Hill, who worked for a powerful Democratic Senator. I was telling
her how wonderful it was that a woman had been picked by Walter Mondale. Her
reply crushed me.

The high ranking political appointee said, "Ferraro is just a token woman.
We know Mondale can't beat Reagan, and so we decided to do something that
will bring more women in to the Democratic Party."

The high ranking political appointee used the same word that the RMNews
source used: TOKEN

Lieberman is the TOKEN JEW  just as Ferraro was the TOKEN WOMAN

Will the American people have time to wake up are realize the games that are
being played? Or will something similar to the Oklahoma City bombing occur
in the next few days or weeks to insure that our attention is focused

Remember "Wag the Dog"! I have the horrible feeling that a domestic "Wag the
Dog" is just about to take place. And this domestic "Wag the Dog" will keep
the American pubic from ever finding out what the foreign investigators have

Developing ---


[------------------------- end of forwarded message ------------------------]

RKBA!      *****       Blessings On Thee, Oh Israel!        *****      RKBA!
An _EFFECTIVE_  | Insured  | All matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no
weapon in every | by COLT; |         --   Max Plank   | weapon sell his
hand = Freedom  |   DIAL   | In the beginning was the | garment and buy a
on every side!  | 1911-A1. | word.   --   The Bible   | sword.--Jesus Christ

     Constitutional Government is dead, LONG LIVE THE CONSTITUTION!!!!!


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