Think in the bible was it the assassin Barak murders Eglon - had a
"present" for him; but then we also have Gideon and his, who
do you trust?

I remember the cold blooded murder of the Israelie Olympians, and I say
thisi much - ever notice body builds?   And this one man I saw looked
more like a black from Berkley, than an Arab Osama bin Laden type -
small boned, but he is 6 foot 6 or so.

Most arabs I have met were not so if anyone ever gets out
old film clips on the murder of the Israelie Olympians....take a good
look at that guy walking off the I recall too, this is the
year the American Black Moslems in the Olympics dishonored their country
by wearing commercial shoes which were banned, Converse All Stars on the
floor and since that date tennis shoes have turned into number one
racket as they now exploit and commercialize the once games of the
ancient gods - which are now just another world wide wrestling show -

So anyone who knows body build will recognize the fact that that long
armed man - one of the assassins - walking off the field was not an
arab, for his arms were too long.....

I have collection of New York Islam Newspapers from the 1970 period and
they hate the Pope - it was all anti Catholic and no anti why
did a secret society comprised of I believe one basketball type, murder


A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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