Waco's unanswered questions
The trial is over, but some on both sides are disappointed that reports of lying and 
other misconduct have been ignored.

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By Robert Bryce

July 17, 2000 | WACO, Texas -- Last Friday's verdict in the Branch Davidians' $675 
million lawsuit against the federal government is reminiscent of a photograph taken 
shortly after Mount Carmel burned to the ground. The widely published photo shows 
federal agents sorting through the charred rubble of the Davidians' home. A pair of 
bulldozers is on the left. On the right is a flagpole topped by the American flag. 
Below it is the Texas flag. And below the Texas flag flutters a blue banner emblazoned 
with the initials ATF.

The photo tells a great deal about the government's attitude toward the Davidians in 
the hours after the deadly fire. "All those people may be dead," the Bureau of 
Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms flag seems to say, "but we won the battle."


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By winning the civil trial, the government has prevailed again over the Davidians. But 
the trial and the verdict have left both sides disappointed. U.S. District Judge 
Walter Smith Jr. limited both sides to 40 hours of presentation, a ruling that kept 
mountains of evidence out of court and many pivotal witnesses off the stand. There 
remains much that the public doesn't know about the deadly standoff, which resulted in 
the deaths of 80 Branch Davidians -- including 18 children under age 10 -- and four 
ATF agents.

Supporters of the federal position are pleased their side prevailed, but some are 
angry that the Department of Justice hasn't prosecuted federal miscreants who lied 
about what happened at Mount Carmel. And both sides fear that supporters of the 
Davidians may express their anger by taking action against the federal government.

"This will be more salt in the wound of people who were hoping that this trial would 
provide some kind of redemption for the Davidians," said Stuart A. Wright, a sociology 
professor at Lamar University who has written extensively about Waco. "This trial 
pacified them for a while. Now I'm wondering if we won't see more militancy from the 
people on the far right."

Wright's fears are apparently shared by the U.S. Marshals Service, which provided 
tight security during the four-week trial. At least four marshals were inside the 
courtroom each day, and police cars were stationed adjacent to the courthouse. After 
the verdict, when government lawyers emerged from the courthouse to talk with 
reporters, nearly a dozen security officers scanned the area, watching for signs of 

Shortly after noon on Friday, Smith instructed the five-member jury to answer four 
questions: Did the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms use excessive force and 
fire indiscriminately during the initial raid? Did FBI agents act negligently, going 
beyond their orders, in their use of tanks during the final assault? Did those tanks 
cause the April 19, 1993, fire? And were FBI commanders negligent in deciding not to 
have firefighting equipment available on the scene?

By 2:45, the jury had sided with the government on all the charges.

Smith did not allow anyone to question the jurors about their verdict. In fact, the 
jurors had already gone home when Smith came into the courtroom with the verdict in 
hand. "They didn't want to talk to anybody," Smith told the courtroom. Then, as he 
turned to the jurors' answers, Smith said, "I can't read the name of the presiding 

Thus, after seven years of waiting for a trial to answer key questions relating to one 
of the bloodiest police conflicts in American history, the press was not allowed to 
ask questions of the jurors, nor even learn their names.

One wonders what the jurors (two white women, one white man, one black woman and one 
black man) thought about the questions they were not told to answer. For instance, 
why, instead of sending 76 heavily armed, body-armor-clad ATF agents to Mount Carmel, 
didn't federal officials arrest David Koresh when he was shopping for groceries in 

Nor did the jury hear or see any evidence dealing with other questions raised by the 
government's actions at Mount Carmel. The absence of such evidence was due to Smith's 
broad interpretation of the "discretionary function exemption" law that exempts 
federal officials from liability for actions they make in good faith while working for 
the government.

Important issues -- such as the use of large amounts of tear gas, 700 tons' worth of 
tanks and psychological warfare against the Davidians -- were scarcely mentioned 
during the trial. The jury did not hear about training the ATF undertook at Fort Hood 
with Army Special Forces units in close-quarters combat in the days before the Feb. 
28, 1993, raid on Mount Carmel. And it heard few details about the instruction Special 
Forces medics gave ATF agents on how to insert intravenous needles in the field and 
how to treat sucking chest wounds.

Smith delayed discussion of the forward-looking infared (FLIR) videotape, which was 
taken during the FBI's final assault. The tape allegedly shows government assassins 
firing into Mount Carmel on April 19, during the final minutes of the siege. A hearing 
on the tape has been scheduled for early next month.

What's more, there was an almost complete lack of drama in the trial. Not one decision 
maker for the government took the stand. Jeff Jamar and Dick Rogers, the two men who 
headed the FBI's force in Waco, had been expected to testify; during opening 
statements, government lawyers promised jurors they would appear. It's likely the 
fault of the lead lawyer for the Davidians, Michael Caddell, that the two men were not 
called. Caddell had them on his witness list but apparently changed his mind, hoping 
the two would be called by the government.

Nor were ATF commanders Phillip Chojnacki and Chuck Sarabyn called to the witness 
stand. The two decided to go ahead with the raid on Mount Carmel even though they knew 
the element of surprise had been lost, a fateful decision that, observers say, was 
responsible for the carnage that followed. According to the Treasury Department's own 
report, the two men later "lied to their superiors and investigators" about their 

The most powerful moment in the courtroom was the videotaped deposition of Attorney 
General Janet Reno. With shaking hands, she assured her questioners that whatever the 
FBI had decided to do at Mount Carmel was, in essence, OK with her. Reno (who famously 
told the public in 1993 that "the buck stops here") told the Davidians' lawyers that 
Rogers and Jamar were in "operational control" and that whatever decisions they made 
to demolish Mount Carmel with tanks "would have been in their discretion."

Davidians and their supporters had lost faith in Smith long before their civil suit 
went to trial, and now they are frustrated at having once again been defeated in 
Smith's courtroom. The staunch Republican judge has never hidden his disdain for the 
group, an offshoot of the Seventh-Day Adventists.

In 1994, Smith oversaw the criminal trial of several Davidians. Although the jury did 
not find any of them guilty of the main charges -- conspiracy and murder -- it found 
seven guilty of using a firearm in the commission of a federal offense. Smith 
initially said that the firearms charge would have to be set aside because it 
conflicted with the acquittal on the main charges. But two days later, he changed his 
mind and sentenced the Davidians to 40 years in prison for using automatic firearms, 
even though there was no proof that any of the accused had used that type of weapon 
during the shootout.

On June 5, the U.S. Supreme Court, in a unanimous decision, reversed Smith's ruling in 
that case, saying the firearms issue should have been submitted to a jury. The 
Davidians who were sentenced by Smith are likely to be resentenced to 15 years.

Lawyers for the Davidians tried many times to get the civil trial transferred out of 
Smith's courtroom, appealing the matter all the way to the Supreme Court, but to no 

Smith plans to reconvene the court on Aug. 2 to discuss and examine the FLIR tape. 
With the jury dismissed, the court will hear testimony from a few other witnesses, 
including David Oxlee, an expert from Vector Data Systems, a British firm that 
conducted a government-sponsored test of the the FLIR in March at Fort Hood. Caddell, 
lead attorney for the plaintiffs, is sufficiently disillusioned with Smith's court 
that he indicated he may not return to the courtroom again, even for the FLIR hearing. 
He had to "recognize that there will be no judgment against the government by Judge 
Smith," he said.

The end of the trial has not satisfied those who believe justice in the Waco matter 
requires further action. They want the Justice Department to investigate reports of 
misconduct by its employees.

Bill Johnston, a former high-profile federal prosecutor, believes Reno's agency has 
been lax when it comes to prosecuting the people who acted improperly at Waco. 
Johnston quit his job as an assistant U.S. attorney in the Waco case earlier this year 
after he blew the whistle on what he believed to be improper actions by his fellow 
employees. He wrote Reno a letter last year warning her that some of her employees 
were withholding information from her.

Johnston believes the agency should have prosecuted Sarabyn and Chojnacki for lying to 
federal investigators after the Mount Carmel tragedy. Treasury's report says the two 
lied when asked if they knew that the element of surprise had been lost and that 
Koresh and the Davidians were waiting for them. (Lying to federal investigators is a 
felony punishable by up to five years in prison.)

When it comes to Waco, Johnston says, the federal government has "a history of 

Like Wright, Johnston worries that the lack of accountability on the matter is 
creating hostility toward the government. "That's how you develop hatred to create an 
act like the one Tim McVeigh did by bombing the building in Oklahoma City," said 
Johnston. Prosecuting Sarabyn and Chojnacki "would have helped. It would have been the 
right thing. It would have let people see that the government process works. But the 
Justice Department doesn't do the right thing," he said. "They do what is easy."

Johnston is also angry that the government hasn't prosecuted Marshals Service 
employees who lied after the standoff. Shortly after the siege began, two marshals 
falsely accused two other Waco-based marshals, Parnell McNamara and his brother, Mike, 
of being the source of the leak that let Koresh know ATF was coming. The McNamaras, 
among the most famous lawmen in the Lone Star State, had to sue the agency to clear 
their names, and the marshals who lied about them were promoted. That matter, combined 
with Reno's decision not to prosecute the two ATF commanders, is what led Johnston to 
leave the DOJ. "I'd had a bellyful of all the silliness," said Johnston.

In the wake of the verdict, government lawyers expressed hope that Americans would 
forget about Waco. U.S. Attorney Michael Bradford, who led a team of eight Justice 
Department lawyers in the lawsuit, told reporters that it was "time we moved on from 
this matter." The jury's verdict, he said, "shows that the responsibility for this 
tragedy is with David Koresh and the Branch Davidians."

Ever since the ATF flag flew over the charred ruins of Mount Carmel, the government 
has laid all of the blame for the tragedy on Koresh and his followers. Now that the 
long-awaited trial is nearly over, only time will tell whether Americans can simply 
"move on" and let the government avoid shouldering some of that blame.

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The end is in the means as the tree is in the seed.
- Mahatma Ghandi
Abraham Lincoln, letter to Wm. F. Elkins  Nov. 21 1864
Arthur Shaw ed.  The Lincoln Encyclopedia  40  {1950}

"We may congratulate ourselves that this cruel war is nearing
it's end.  It has cost a vast amount of treasure and
blood.........It has indeed been a trying hour for the
Republic, but I see in the near future a crisis approaching
that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety
of my country.  As a result of the war, corporations have been
enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will
follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to
prolong it's reign by working on the prejudices of the
people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the
Republic is destroyed.  I feel at this moment more anxiety
for the safety of my country than ever before, even in the
midst of war."

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