Two faces of Joseph Lieberman revealed.

Kind, gentle man who supported partial birth abortion - and who raved on
for war in Balkans and Iraqi children dying - how many have died - for
this is the slaughter of the innocents?

If LIeberman wants to believe in all of the above, he should stop
passing himself off as a kind, gentle Holy Man - get this fox out in the
open for it seems he has a mouth for all seasons.


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    Lieberman Void of Moral 'Kosher Beef,' Says Rabbi

Stephan Archer
Wednesday, Aug. 9, 2000

Ever since Al Gore announced he would ask Joseph Lieberman to be his
running mate, the press has praised the pick, claiming the Jewish
senator's moral impeccability would help separate the vice president
from the scandals of the Clinton administration, but at least one rabbi
says the Connecticut legislator's morality is far from Orthodox.

Rabbi Yehuda Levin, founder of the New York-based Jews for Morality,
told his community of Orthodox Jews is embarrassed by the
portrayal of Lieberman as a model of their faith. He said that although
Lieberman remembers the Sabbath by refusing to work, the senator appears
to forget the Jewish Orthodox moral code the other six days of the week
when at work.

"It's very ironic that the liberal media is spinning Joe Lieberman as
'Mr. Morality' because he made a few nice sound bites," said Levin. "But
the question is, where's the kosher beef when it comes to morality?"

Referring to Lieberman's voting record, Levin pointed out the senator
shares Gore's support for abortion rights and voted against the
partial-birth abortion ban. He also voted against a separate housing and
platoon requirement for male and female recruits in basic training.

Speaking of Lieberman's pro-abortion stance, Levin said, "There's no way
in the world that any Orthodox Jew could possibly support something so

Levin added that every Orthodox Jewish child knows that abortion is
"akin to murder."

Lieberman promoted the homosexual agenda as well when he supported
legislation prohibiting discrimination of gays in the workplace, a piece
of legislation Levin believes is a step closer to a national homosexual
rights bill. He also supported the National Endowment for the Arts, an
organization Levin says supports anti-religious propaganda and
pornography as art.

Referring to homosexuality, Levin said, "A moral wrong can't be the
basis of a civil right."
Borrowing from Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, D-N.Y., who used the term
"defining deviancy down" as a way to describe the nation's lack of
social values, Levin called Lieberman's type of Orthodoxy "defining
Orthodoxy down."

"It's like an affirmative action level of Orthodoxy, meaning (Lieberman)
will walk to synagogue and be pictured in newspapers walking to
synagogue on the Sabbath and not using the car, but (he) will go inside
the legislative rotunda, and (he) will sign legislation to continue the
full funding of the National Endowment for the Arts despite the fact
that it was mocking Christianity," explained Levin.
But doesn't Lieberman vote like Cheney and Bush, as the media purports?

"Joe Lieberman does not vote anything with the moral consistency of a
Cheney or even a Bush," said Levin.

How Lieberman Really Voted

Lieberman's voting records obtained by support Levin's

According to the leftist group Americans for Democratic Action,
Lieberman's lifetime voting average is 74 percent. A "perfect liberal
quotient," according to the ADA, would be 100 percent. Conversely, the
American Conservative Union gave Lieberman a lifetime voting average of
20 percent. The ACU considers "good conservatives" to score 80 percent
or better. These two scores hardly show Lieberman as a good
conservative, and they don't indicate he votes along the lines of Cheney
or Bush.

Levin told he believes Gore's No. 1 reason for picking
Lieberman is to separate himself from Clinton. The fact that Gore made
history by picking the first Jewish running mate on a national ticket is
simply a fringe benefit.

"It will make him (Gore) feel kosher morally with the so-called
credentials of Senator Lieberman," Levin said. "He had to do something
to show that he's not another 'Slick Willie,' and this is as dramatic as
he can get to cloak himself in the garb of Orthodox respectability that
is worn by Lieberman."

What about Hillary?

"I think it might prove to be very helpful for Hillary Clinton, but I
don't think that Gore is worried right now about Hillary Clinton's race.
I think he's floundering and worried about his own race," Levin

Commenting once again on the Orthodox Jewish community's concern about
Lieberman, Levin said that he knows many who are embarrassed and
saddened by the media's portrayal of Lieberman as an exemplary Orthodox
Jew. Levin said voters need to ask whether Lieberman's voting record
since the late 1980s has contributed to the moral climate in America.
Levin said it has not.

"He has bought into the Clinton-Gore lowering of standards in America,"
Levin said.

"That's a problem for us, because millions of people throughout America
who do not know what Orthodox Judaism is all about – when they learn
of Mr. Lieberman's record, they're going to be offended, and it's going
to reflect badly on my community that is trying so hard to raise our
children to use their standard of values."

See more articles on Lieberman.

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A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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