> ____________________________________________________________________
 > By Frank Morales, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 > AFIB Editor's Note: An edited version of this article currently
 > appears in CovertAction Quarterly, Number 69, Spring/Summer 2000;
 > it appears in Antifa Info-Bulletin with the author's permission.
 > For CAQ subscription information see below.
 > Under the heading of "civil disturbance planning", the U.S. military
 > is training troops and police to suppress democratic opposition in
 > America.
 > The master plan, Department of Defense Civil Disturbance Plan 55-2,
 > is code-named, "Operation Garden Plot". Originated in 1968, the
 > "operational plan" has been updated over the last three decades,
 > most recently in 1991, and was activated during the Los Angeles
 > "riots" of 1992, and more than likely during the recent anti-WTO
 > "Battle in Seattle." Current U.S.  military preparations for
 > suppressing domestic civil disturbance, including the training of
 > National Guard troops and police, are actually part of a long
 > history of American "internal security" measures dating back to
 > the first American Revolution. Generally, these measures have sought
 > to thwart the aims of social justice movements, embodying the
 > concept that within the civilian body politic lurks an enemy that
 > one day the military might have to fight, or at least be ordered
 > to fight. Equipped with flexible "military operations in urban
 > terrain" and "operations other than war" doctrine, lethal and
 > "less-than-lethal" high-tech weaponry, US "armed forces" and "elite"
 > militarized police units are being trained to eradicate "disorder",
 > "disturbance" and "civil disobedience" in America. Further, it may
 > very well be that police/military "civil disturbance" planning is
 > the animating force and the overarching logic behind the incredible
 > nationwide growth of police paramilitary units, a growth which
 > coincidentally mirrors rising levels of police violence directed
 > at the American people, particularly "non-white" poor and working
 > people.
 > Military spokespeople, "judge advocates" (lawyers) and their
 > congressional supporters aggressively take the position that legal
 > obstacles to military involvement in domestic law enforcement civil
 > disturbance operations, such as the 1878 Posse Comitatus Act, have
 > been nullified. Legislated "exceptions" and private commercialization
 > of various aspects of U.S.  military-law enforcement efforts have
 > supposedly removed their activities from the legal reach of the
 > "public domain". Possibly illegal, ostensible "training" scenarios
 > like the recent "Operation Urban Warrior" no-notice "urban terrain"
 > war games, which took place in dozens of American cities, are thinly
 > disguised "civil disturbance suppression" exercises. In addition,
 > President Clinton recently appointed a "domestic military czar",
 > a sort of national chief of police. You can bet that he is well
 > versed in Garden Plot requirements involved in "homeland defense".
 > Ominously, many assume that the training of military and police
 > forces to suppress "outlawed" behavior of citizens, along with the
 > creation of extensive and sophisticated "emergency" social response
 > networks set to spring into action in the event of "civil unrest",
 > is prudent and acceptable in a democracy. And yet, does not this
 > assumption beg the question as to what civil unrest is? One could
 > argue for example, that civil disturbance is nothing less than
 > democracy in action, a message to the powers-that-be that the people
 > want change. In this instance "disturbing behavior" may actually
 > be the exercising of ones' right to resist oppression. Unfortunately,
 > the American corporate/military directorship, which has the power
 > to enforce its' definition of "disorder", sees democracy as a threat
 > and permanent counter-revolution as a "national security" requirement.
 > The elite military/corporate sponsors of Garden Plot have their
 > reasons for civil disturbance contingency planning. Lets' call it
 > the paranoia of the thief.
 > Their rationale is simple: self-preservation. Fostering severe and
 > targeted "austerity", massive inequality and unbridled greed, while
 > shifting more and more billions to the generals and the rich, the
 > de-regulated "entities of force" and their interlocking corporate
 > directors know quite well what their policies are engendering,
 > namely, a growing resistance. Consequently, they are systematically
 > organizing to protect their interests, their profits, and their
 > criminal conspiracies. To this end, they are rapidly consolidating
 > an infrastructure of repression designed to "suppress rebellion"
 > against their "authority". Or more conveniently put, to suppress
 > "rebellion against the authority of the United States." And so, as
 > the Pentagon Incorporated increases its' imperialist violence around
 > the world, the chickens have indeed come home to roost here in
 > America in the form of a national security doctrine obsessed with
 > domestic "insurgency" and the need to pre-emptively neutralize it.
 > Its' code-name: "Garden Plot".
 > Recently, Pentagon spokesman Kenneth H. Bacon "acknowledged that
 > the Air Force wrongfully started and financed a highly classified,
 > still-secret project, known as a black program without informing
 > Congress last year."
 > The costs and nature of these projects "are the most classified
 > secrets in the Pentagon."(1) Could it be that the current United
 > States Air Force Civil Disturbance Plan 55-2 Garden Plot is one
 > such program financed from this secret budget? We have a right to
 > know. And following Seattle, we have the need to know.
 > As this and numerous other documents reveal, U.S. military training
 > in civil disturbance "suppression", which targets the American
 > public, is in full operation today. The formulation of legitimizing
 > doctrine, the training in the "tactics and techniques" of "civil
 > disturbance suppression", and the use of "abusable", "non-lethal"
 > weaponry, are ongoing, financed by tax dollars. According to the
 > Pentagon, "US forces deployed to assist federal and local authorities
 > during times if civil disturbance...will follow use-of-force policy
 > found in Department of Defense Civil Disturbance Plan-Garden Plot."
 > (Joint Chiefs of Staff, Standing Rules of Engagement, Appendix A,
 > 1 October 1994.)
 > Origins of Operation Garden Plot: The Kerner Commission
 > "Knowledge makes a man unfit to be a slave." -- Frederick Douglass,
 > Rochester, New York is the former home of Frederick Douglass's,
 > North Star newspaper. In 1964, it erupted in one of the first
 > large-scale urban outbursts of the decade. Precipitated by white
 > police violence against the black community, the July uprising
 > lasted several days, subsiding only after the arrival of 1500
 > National Guardsmen. In "the fall of 1964, the FBI, at the direction
 > of President Johnson, began to make riot control training available
 > to local police departments, and by mid-1967 such training assistance
 > had been extended to more than 70,000 officials and civilians."
 > (2)
 > On July 29, 1967, President Johnson issued Executive Order 11365,
 > establishing the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders.
 > It is more commonly known as the Kerner Commission, named for it's
 > chair, former Major General, and then Governor of Illinois, Otto
 > Kerner. The creation of the commission came hot on the heels of
 > the violence in Detroit, a conflict which left 43 dead, several
 > hundred wounded and over 5,000 people homeless.
 > Johnson sent troubleshooter Cyrus Vance, later Secretary of Defense,
 > as his personal observer to Detroit. The commission issued its'
 > final report, completed in less than a year, on March 1, 1968.
 > Although the Kerner Commission has over the years become associated
 > with a somewhat benign, if not benevolent character, codifying the
 > obvious, "we live in two increasingly separate America's" etc.,
 > the fact is that the commission itself was but one manifestation
 > of a massive military/police counter-insurgency effort directed
 > against US citizens, hatched in an era of emergent post-Vietnam
 > "syndrome" coupled with elite fears of domestic insurrection.While
 > the movement chanted for peace and revolution, rebellious, angry
 > and destructive urban uprisings were occurring with alarming
 > frequency, usually the result of the usual spark, police brutality,
 > white on black crime. The so-called urban riots of 1967-1968 were
 > the zenith, during this period, of social and class conflict. "More
 > than 160 disorders occurred in some 128 American cities in the
 > first nine months of 1967."(3)
 > The executive order establishing the commission called for an
 > investigation of "the origins of the recent major civil disorders
 > and the influence, if any, of organizations or individuals dedicated
 > to the incitement or encouragement of violence."(4) The work of
 > the commission was funded from President Johnson's "Emergency Fund."
 > The executive order sought recommendations in three general areas:
 > "short term measures to prevent riots, better measures to contain
 > riots once they begin, and long term measures to eliminate riots
 > in the future."(5) Their two immediate aims were "to control and
 > repress black rioters using almost any available means", (6) and
 > to assure white America that everything was in hand.
 > Commission members included Charles B. Thorton, Chairman and CEO,
 > Litton Industries, member of the Defense Industry Advisory Council
 > to the DoD and the National Security Industrial Association, John
 > L. Atwood, President and CEO, North American Rockwell Corporation
 > ("Commission Advisor on Private Enterprise"), and Herbert Jenkins,
 > Atlanta Chief of Police and President of the International Association
 > of Chiefs of Police.
 > During the early stages of staff recruitment, commission Deputy
 > Executive Director Victor H. Palmieri "described the process as a
 > war strategy"(7) and so he might given the overwhelming presence
 > within the commission and its' consultants of military and police
 > officials. One quarter of over 200 consultants listed were big-city
 > police chiefs, like Daryl F. Gates, former chief LAPD. Numerous
 > police organizations, including the heavily funded Law Enforcement
 > Assistance Administration (financiers of SWAT), guided the commission's
 > deliberations. No less than 30 police departments were represented
 > on or before the commission by their chiefs or deputy chiefs. A
 > key player within the commission, "consultant" Anthony Downs, stated
 > at the time that, "it would be far cheaper to repress future
 > large-scale urban violence through police and military action than
 > to pay for effective programs against remaining poverty." (8) As
 > for the military, twelve generals, representing various branches
 > of the armed services appeared before the commission or served as
 > contractors. The commission's "Director of Investigations", Milan
 > C. Miskovsky, was "on leave as assistant general counsel of the
 > treasury, and formerly connected to the Central Intelligence
 > Agency."(9)
 > The Kerner Commission's "study" of "civil disorder" lead directly
 > to (civilian) recommendations regarding the role of the military
 > in domestic affairs. The report dutifully "commends the Army for
 > the advanced status of its training." Further, it states that "the
 > Department of the Army should participate fully in efforts to
 > develop nonlethal weapons and personal protective equipment
 > appropriate for use in civil disorders." In addition, "the Army
 > should investigate the possibility of utilizing psychological
 > techniques to ventilate hostility and lessen tension in riot control,
 > and incorporate feasible techniques in training the Army and National
 > Guard units."
 > The Army and Civil Disorder
 > Under the heading, "Army Response To Civil Disorders", the commission
 > report states that "the commitment of federal troops to aid state
 > and local forces in controlling a disorder is an extraordinary
 > act...An Army staff task group has recently examined and reviewed
 > a wide range of topics relating to military operations to control
 > urban disorders: command and control, logistics, training, planning,
 > doctrine, personnel, public information, intelligence, and legal
 > aspects." The results of the Army brass's study was subsequently,
 > "made known to the National Guard and to top state and local civil
 > and law enforcement officers in order to stimulate review at the
 > state and local level."(10)
 > The Army Task Force which assisted the Kerner Commission issued
 > its' own report in early 1968. In it, the Pentagon took a multi-pronged
 > approach to solving the civil disturbance problem. "Expanding the
 > suggestion of Cyrus Vance, Military Intelligence - working with
 > the FBI, local, county and state police forces - undertook a massive
 > domestic intelligence gathering operation...the Senior Officers
 > Civil Disturbance Course was instituted at the Military Police
 > Academy in Georgia...Security forces ranging from Army troops to
 > local police were trained to implement their contingency
 > plans...Contingency plans, called planning packets, were prepared
 > for every city in the country that had a potential for student,
 > minority or labor unrest."(11)
 > In addition, "the Army Task Force that had designed this program
 > took on a new name, the Directorate of Civil Disturbance Planning
 > and Operations. The Army Task Force transformation into the
 > Directorate occurred during the massive rioting that broke out in
 > black ghettos of 19 cities after the assassination of Martin Luther
 > King in April 1968."(12) At that time "seven army infantry brigades,
 > totaling 21,000 troops were available for riot duty. And a hugh,
 > sophisticated computer center kept track of all public outbursts
 > of political dissent, thereby furnishing the first of the Army Task
 > Forces prescribed remedies: intelligence."(13)
 > By June of 1968, the Directorate had become the Directorate of
 > Military Support, setting up shop in the basement of the Pentagon.
 > "Better known as the domestic war room, the Directorate had 150
 > officials to carry out around-the-clock monitoring of civil disorders,
 > as well as to oversee federal troop deployments when necessary. At
 > the cost of $2.7 million, this massive directorate also developed
 > policy advice for the secretary of the Army on all disturbances
 > and maintained intelligence packets on all major U.S. cities."(14)
 > Even though the full extent of US military intelligence activities
 > during this period is far from generally known, "by 1968, many
 > Justice Department personnel knew that the military was preparing
 > to move in massively if needed to quash urban riots, and some
 > officials feared the development of a large national military riot
 > force. It was well known among top officials that the Department
 > of Defense was spending far more funds than the Justice Department
 > on civil disorder preparations...indicative of the growing trend
 > at the federal level toward repression and control of the urban
 > black rioters."(15)
 > By 1971, Senator Sam Ervin, later of Watergate reknown, had convened
 > his Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights which "revealed that
 > Military Intelligence had established an intricate surveillance
 > system covering hundreds of thousands of American citizens. Committee
 > staff members had seen a master plan - Garden Plot - that gave an
 > eagle eye view of the Army-National Guard-police strategy."(16)
 > "At first, the Garden Plot exercises focused primarily on racial
 > conflict. But beginning in 1970, the scenarios took a different
 > twist. The joint teams, made up of cops, soldiers and spies, began
 > practicing battle with large groups of protesters. California,
 > under the leadership of Ronald Reagan, was among the most enthusiastic
 > participants in Garden Plot war games."(17) As time went on, "Garden
 > Plot evolved into a series of annual training exercises based on
 > contingency plans to undercut riots and demonstrations, ultimately
 > developed for every major city in the United States. Participants
 > in the exercises included key officials from all law enforcement
 > agencies in the nation, as well as the National Guard, the military,
 > and representatives of the intelligence community...According to
 > the plan, joint teams would react to a variety of scenarios based
 > on information gathered through political espionage and informants.
 > The object was to quell urban unrest..."(18) Unrest of a different
 > sort took place on the evening of February 27th 1973.
 > At that time, a group of Native Americans occupied a trading post
 > in the village of Wounded Knee on the Pine Ridge Reservation in
 > South Dakota. By the 2nd of March the takeover had "triggered the
 > army contingency plan for domestic disturbances. Emergency Plans
 > White - now coded as Garden Plot - brought the Army into South
 > Dakota...Three army colonels, disguised as civilians, and reconnaissance
 > planes assisted", while "the Justice Department used the army to
 > conduct intelligence for civilian law enforcement around Wounded
 > Knee."(19) Information on other instances in which Garden Plot was
 > "triggered" over the intervening years is presently locked in
 > Pentagon vaults.
 > In essence, the contemporary roots of militarized efforts to suppress
 > domestic rebellion lie in the US Army's master plan, Department of
 > Defense Civil Disturbance Plan 55-2, Garden Plot. Since at least
 > 1968, the military has expended billions of dollars in this effort.
 > The plan is operative right now, most recently during and after
 > the Los Angeles uprising of 1992.
 > A view into details of this plan is possible by way of an examination
 > of United States Air Force Civil Disturbance Plan 55-2, Garden Plot
 > which is the "implementing" and "supporting plan for the Department
 > of the Army (DA) Civil Disturbance Plan - GARDEN PLOT - dated 1
 > March 1984 (which) provides for the employment of USAF forces in
 > civil disturbances." It is specifically drawn up "to support the
 > Secretary of the Army, as DOD Executive Agent for civil disturbance
 > control operations (nicknamed GARDEN PLOT), with airlift and
 > logistical support, in assisting civil authorities in the restoration
 > of law and order through appropriate military commanders in the 50
 > States, District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and
 > US possessions and territories, or any political subdivision
 > thereof." The plan "is effective for planning on receipt and for
 > execution on order."(20)
 > U.S. Air Force 55-2 - Garden Plot
 > "The long title of the plan is United States Air Force Civil
 > Disturbance Plan 55-2, Employment of USAF Forces in Civil Disturbances.
 > The short title of this document is USAF Civil Disturbance Plan
 > 55-2. The nickname assigned by Department of the Army is GARDEN
 > PLOT." It's dated July 11, 1984.
 > The plan opens with some basic "assumptions", namely that "civil
 > disturbances requiring intervention with military forces may occur
 > simultaneously in any of the 50 States, District of Columbia,
 > Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, US possessions and territories." And
 > like the current situation in Vieques, Puerto Rico, "civil disturbances
 > will normally develop over a period of time." In the event it
 > evolves into a confrontational situation, under Garden Plot, it is
 > a "presidential executive order" that "will authorize and direct
 > the Secretary of Defense to use the Armed Forces of the United
 > States to restore law and order."
 > According to the Air Force plan, the military will attempt "to
 > suppress rebellion whenever the President considers that unlawful
 > obstructions, combinations, or assemblages, or rebellion against
 > the authority of the United States, make it impractical to enforce
 > the laws of the United States in any state or territory by the
 > ordinary course of judicial proceedings...(10 USC 332)". Applying
 > its' own version of equal protection under the law, the military
 > can intervene "when insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful
 > combinations, or conspiracies in a state so hinder or obstruct the
 > execution of the laws as to deprive individuals of their Constitutional
 > rights, privileges, and immunities or when the insurrection impedes
 > the due course of justice, and only when the constituted authorities
 > of the state are unable, fail or refuse to protect that right,
 > privilege, immunity, or to give that protection (10 USC 333)." In
 > other words, the Army makes an offer of "protection" that the
 > citizenry can't refuse. T. Alden Williams, in a sympathetic 1969
 > treatment of the Army in civil disturbances, put it this way: "Where
 > officials have not shown determination, or have invited violence
 > by predicting it, violence has developed. Hence, it follows that
 > with few exceptions, serious riots are evidence of police failure
 > and that, implicitly, it is at the point of police failure that
 > states and their cities redeem their national constitutional
 > guarantees and the Regular Army may be asked to intervene."
 > (21) Some redemption.
 > According to the Air Force plan's "Classification Guidance", the
 > roughly 200 page document "is UNCLASSIFIED and does not come within
 > the scope of direction governing the protection of information
 > affecting national security. Although it is UNCLASSIFIED, it is
 > FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY as directed by AFR 12-30. This plan contains
 > information that is of internal use to DOD and, through disclosure,
 > would tend to allow persons to violate the law or hinder enforcement
 > of the law." Consequently, the plan's "operations orders and
 > operating procedures must be designed to provide the highest degree
 > of security possible." Therefore "the entire staff should identify
 > known or suspected opposition awareness of previous operations and
 > operations plans", while "procedures should be designed to eliminate
 > the suspect sources to the degree possible." And "in the event of
 > organized opposition...some sort of advisory intelligence gathering
 > capability should be assumed."
 > The Air Force document warns, under the heading of "Open Literature
 > Threat", presaging current military discourse on "info-war", that
 > "any information/document, though seemingly unclassified, which
 > reveals information concerning this Plan is a threat to OPSEC
 > (operational security)." This is especially true given the nature
 > of the "Human Intelligence (HUMINT) Threat." Recognizing that,
 > "prior to and during sustained military operations in Support of
 > the Plan, the potential HUMINT threat could be considerable", the
 > plan recommends that "every effort should be made to reduce
 > vulnerability to this threat by adhering to OPSEC procedures and
 > safeguarding Essential Elements of Friendly Information (EEFI)."
 > Under "Operations to be Conducted: Deployment", the Air Force plan
 > states that "a civil disturbance condition (CIDCON) system which
 > has been established to provide an orderly and timely increase in
 > preparedness for designated forces to deploy for civil disturbances
 > control operations, will be on an as required basis for USAF
 > resources for such operations as aerial resupply, aerial reconnaisance,
 > airborn psychological operations, command and control communications
 > systems, aeromedical evacuation, helicopter and weather support."
 > The Air Force does have some experience in this area. "In response
 > to the US invasion of Cambodia, student unrest broke out. Under
 > Operation Garden Plot, from 30 April through May 4, 1970, 9th Air
 > Force airlift units transported civil disturbance control forces
 > from Ft. Bragg to various locations throughout the eastern US."(22)
 > In fact, two years earlier, "Air Force Reserve C-119 and C-124
 > units participated in Garden Plot operations set up to quell domestic
 > strife that followed the assassination of Martin Luther King."(23)
 > Although the section on "Counterintelligence Targets and Requirements"
 > is "omitted", the plan does specify its' targets, namely, those
 > "disruptive elements, extremists or dissidents perpetrating civil
 > disorder." A "civil disturbance" is defined as a "riot, acts of
 > violence, insurrections, unlawful obstructions or assemblages, or
 > other disorders prejudicial to public law and order. The term civil
 > disturbance includes all domestic conditions requiring the use of
 > federal armed forces pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 15,
 > Title 10, United States Code." Conditions precipitating Garden Plot
 > activation are "those that threaten to reach or have reached such
 > proportions that civil authorities cannot or will not maintain
 > public order." As for legal authority, "the Constitution of the
 > United States and numerous statutes provide the President with the
 > authority to commit Federal military forces within the United
 > States...DOD Directive 3025.12 provides guidance in committing
 > Federal armed forces."
 > Force Structure
 > The "application of forces should be in the following order: local
 > and state police, Army and (in support role) Air National Guard
 > under State control, Federal civil law enforcement officials,
 > federal military forces to include Army and (in support role) Air
 > National Guard." According to the plan, "State Adjutants General
 > prepare civil disturbance plans for the employment of National
 > Guard units under state control." Specifically, "as a general rule
 > for planning purposes, the minimum forces to be supported in any
 > single objective area is 5,000. The maximum to be supported is
 > 12,000 for any objective area other than Washington, DC and 18,000
 > for Washington, DC." The "objective areas" are "those specified by
 > the Presidential Proclamation and Executive Order in which the
 > Secretary of Defense has been directed to restore law and order",
 > and as "further defined by the Letter of Instruction issued to Task
 > Force Commanders by the Chief of Staff, US Army." In order to avoid
 > the unseemly implications of "martial law", "requirements for the
 > commitment of Federal military forces will not result in the
 > declaration of a National Emergency". In this regard, the "Public
 > Affairs Objectives" include the development of "procedures for the
 > public release of appropriate information regarding...civil
 > disturbance control operations." Media and other queries "concerning
 > employment of control forces...may be locally answered by an interim
 > statement that the:
 > Department of Defense policy is not to comment on plans concerning
 > the possible employment of military units and resources to carry
 > out assigned missions." Concerning "Force Requirements", the plan
 > states that, "US Army and Marine Corps units designated for civil
 > disturbance operations will be trained, equipped and maintained in
 > readiness for rapid deployment, (with) ten brigades, prepared for
 > rapid deployment anywhere in CONUS. A Quick Reaction Force (QRF)
 > will be considered to be on a 24-hour alert status and capable of
 > attaining a CIDCON 4 status in 12 hours..." Upon receipt of orders,
 > "the Task Force Commander assumes operational control of the military
 > ground forces assigned for employment in the objective area",
 > including "specials operations assets." In case the soldiers are
 > unfamiliar with "urban terrain", the "Defense Mapping Agency
 > Topographic Center provides map services in support of civil
 > disturbance planning and operations."
 > The "Summary of the Counterintelligence and Security Situation"
 > states that "spontaneous civil disturbances which involve large
 > numbers of persons and/or which continue for a considerable period
 > of time, may exceed the capacity of local civil law enforcement
 > agencies to suppress. Although this type of activity can arise
 > without warning as a result of sudden, unanticipated popular unrest
 > (past riots in such cities as Miami, Detroit and Los Angeles serve
 > as examples) it may also result from more prolonged dissidence."
 > USAF Garden Plot advises that "if military forces are called upon
 > to restore order, they must expect to have only limited information
 > available regarding the perpetrators, their motives, capabilities,
 > and intentions. On the other hand, such events which occur as part
 > of a prolonged series of dissident acts will usually permit the
 > advance collection of that type of information..." The United States
 > Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC), "provides training
 > programs and doctrine for civil disturbance operations to military
 > services." The US Army Force Command (FORSCOM), "organizes, trains,
 > and maintains in readiness Army forces for civil disturbance
 > operations", while the Director of Military Support (DOMS), "conducts,
 > on a no-notice basis, exercises which direct headquarters of
 > uniformed services, appropriate CONUS command, and other DOD
 > components, having GARDEN PLOT responsibilities to assume a simulated
 > increased preparedness for specified forces." In addition, the
 > DOMS, "maintains an around-the-clock civil disturbance command
 > center to monitor incipient and on-going disturbances." The document,
 > the United States Air Force's "implementing plan" for the US Army's
 > Civil Disturbance Plan 55-2, Garden Plot, goes on to detail every
 > aspect of military "suppression" of "rebellion against the authority
 > of the United States", including who pays, who bills and how to
 > secure "loans" to cover the costs "attributable to GARDEN PLOT."
 > Ominously, under "Resources Employed Without Presidential Directive",
 > the document states that when the "immediate employment of military
 > resources is required in cases of sudden and unexpected civil
 > disturbances or other emergencies endangering life or federal
 > property, or disrupting the normal processes of Government, expenses
 > incurred will be financed as a mission responsibility of the DOD
 > component employing the military resources."
 > Pentagon Directives
 > Department of Defense Directive 3025.12, Military Assistance for
 > Civil Disturbances (MACDIS) became effective on February 4, 1994
 > when signed by then Defense Secretary William Perry. It states
 > that, "the President is authorized by the Constitution and laws of
 > the United States to suppress insurrections, rebellions, and domestic
 > violence under various conditions and circumstances. Planning and
 > preparedness by the Federal Government and the Department of Defense
 > for civil disturbances are important, do to the potential severity
 > of the consequences of such events for the Nation and the population."
 > Further, "the Secretary of the Army, as DoD Executive Agent, shall
 > provide guidance to the other DoD Components, through DoD 3025.12-R,
 > the DoD Civil Disturbance Plan (GARDEN PLOT), or both, in accordance
 > with this Directive".
 > DoDD 3025.12 makes it clear that "MACDIS operations are unprogrammed
 > emergency requirements for the Department of Defense", and that in
 > order to "ensure essential control and sound management of all
 > military forces employed in MACDIS operations, centralized direction
 > from the DoD Executive Agent (the Army) shall guide planning by
 > the DoD component." Thus, "MACDIS missions shall be decentralized
 > through the DoD Planning Agents or other Joint Task Force Commanders
 > only when specifically directed by the DoD Executive Agent."
 > According to the directive, the "Army and Air National Guard forces
 > have primary responsibility for providing military assistance to
 > state and local governments in civil disturbances." Accordingly,
 > "the Army National Guard State Area Commands (STARCs) shall plan
 > for contingency use of non-Federalized National Guard forces for
 > civil disturbance operations."
 > The directive further outlines policy, guidelines, and legal
 > justification for "military assistance for civil disturbances",
 > including policy regarding domestic law enforcement, designating
 > the Army as "the principle point of contact between the Department
 > of Defense (DoD) and the Department of Justice (DoJ) for planning
 > and executing MACDIS." (24) The militarization of domestic "law
 > enforcement" is founded, in part, upon Department of Defense
 > Directive 5525.5, DoD Cooperation with Civilian Law Enforcement
 > Officials, dated January 15, 1986, five years after Congressional
 > "drug warriors" passed the Military Cooperation with Civilian Law
 > Enforcement Agencies Act. Referencing the 1971 version of DODD
 > 3025.12 (above), the directive states that, "it is DoD policy to
 > cooperate with civilian law enforcement officials to the extent
 > practical...consistent with the needs of national security and
 > military preparedness." In addition, "the Military Departments and
 > Defense Agencies may provide training to Federal, State, and local
 > civilian law enforcement officials." Apparently, military Judge
 > Advocates (lawyers) have no problem with the 1878 Posse Comitatus
 > Act, (18 U.S.C.1385) which states that: "Whoever, except in cases
 > and under circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution
 > or Act of Congress, willfully uses any part of the Army or the Air
 > Force as a posse comitatus or otherwise to execute the laws shall
 > be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than two
 > years or both." Nor is there much concern shown for "the historic
 > tradition of limiting direct military involvement in civilian law
 > enforcement activities." For even though the Act is cited within
 > the directive as "the primary restriction on military participation
 > in civilian law enforcement activities", it is rendered null and
 > void in deference to "actions that are taken for the primary purpose
 > of furthering a military or foreign affairs function." In fact,
 > "under guidance established by the Secretaries of the Military
 > Departments and the Directors of the Defense Agencies concerned,
 > the planning and execution of compatible military training and
 > operations may take into account the needs of civilian law enforcement
 > officials for information when the collection of the information
 > is an incidental aspect of training performed for a military
 > purpose."(25)
 > Army Field Manual
 > United States Army Field Manual 19-15, Civil Disturbances, dated
 > November 1985, is designed to provide hands-on "guidance for the
 > commander and his staff in preparing for and providing assistance
 > to civil authorities in civil disturbance control operations." The
 > Army manual opens by noting that, "the DA Civil Disturbance Plan,
 > known as Garden Plot, provides guidance to all DOD components in
 > planning civil disturbance missions."
 > Its' thirteen chapters cover, in depth, every aspect of military
 > "tasks and techniques employed to control civil disturbances and
 > neutralize special threats." Subjects include the nature of civil
 > disturbances, participants ("the crowd"), federal intervention,
 > information planning ("intelligence"), control force operations,
 > crowd control operations, threat analysis ("criminal activists"),
 > about which "law enforcement sources can provide useful information",
 > riot control agents, extreme force options, apprehension, detention,
 > and training.
 > According to the Army manual, "civil disturbances in any form are
 > prejudicial to public law and order." They "arise from acts of
 > civil disobedience", and "occur most often when participants in
 > mass acts of civil disobedience become antagonistic toward authority,
 > and authorities must struggle to wrest the initiative from an unruly
 > crowd." They are caused by "political grievances" and "urban economic
 > conflicts", or maybe even by "agents of foreign nations", but
 > mostly, "urban conflicts and community unrest arise from highly
 > emotional social and economic issues."
 > And in a statement that resonates with the "benign neglect" of some
 > years ago, the manual points out that disturbances may arise because
 > "economically deprived inner-city residents may perceive themselves
 > treated unjustly or ignored by the people in power."
 > Utilizing Garden Plot language, the manual states that "the president
 > can employ armed federal troops to suppress insurrection, domestic
 > violence, unlawful assemblies, and conspiracy if such acts deprive
 > the people of their constitutional rights and a state's civil
 > authorities cannot or will not provide adequate protection." Never
 > mind the Congress or Constitution, "federal intervention in civil
 > disturbances begins with the issuance of a presidential proclamation
 > to the citizens engaged in the disturbance." In other words, the
 > President reads "the riot act" and "a control force" is sent in to
 > "isolate the disturbance area." The goal is to "isolate the people
 > creating the disturbance from those who have not yet become actively
 > involved."
 > According to FM 19-15, the Army can gather intelligence on civilians
 > if their "activities can be linked directly to a distinct threat
 > of a civil disturbance that may involve federal forces." This is
 > especially important, given that "during civil disturbances many
 > people engage in unlawful behavior." Therefore, "when at all
 > possible, civil law enforcement agents are integrated with the
 > military control force team making apprehensions", and "if police
 > are not available, military personnel may search people incident
 > to an apprehension." Useful measures for "isolating an area include
 > barriers, patrols, pass and ID systems, and control of public
 > utilities." Also, "imposing a curfew is a highly effective control
 > measure in many civil disturbances." Army "saturation patrols",
 > "integrated with civil police patrols", blanket the area, creating
 > "the psychological impression of the control force being everywhere
 > at once." The Army field manual points out that when "control
 > forces" resort to "forceful measures" they can turn to a host of
 > weaponry, including "the M234, which is a nondeadly force measure,
 > to the machine gun, which is the most deadly force measure." The
 > manual states that "machine guns, 7.62 millimeter and below, may
 > accompany units on civil disturbance missions." In addition, the
 > "control forces" can utilize the M234 launcher, which is "a riot
 > control weapon" mounted on an M16 rifle which "fires a projectile
 > that causes pain on impact." In addition, "the riot shotgun is an
 > extremely versatile weapon. Its appearance and capability have a
 > strong psychological effect on rioters."
 > Martial Rule
 > The concept of martial rule, as distinct from martial law, is not
 > written, and therefore is an eminently more workable arrangement
 > for "law enforcement forces". That's because, as FM 19-15 points
 > out, "martial rule is based on public necessity. Public necessity
 > in this sense means public safety." According to the manual, U.S.
 > state authorities "may take such action within their own jurisdictions."
 > And yet, "whether or not martial rule has been proclaimed, commanders
 > must weigh each proposed action against the threat to public order
 > and safety. If the need for martial rule arises, the military
 > commander at the scene must so inform the Army Chief of Staff and
 > await instructions. If martial rule is imposed, the civilian
 > population must be informed of the restrictions and rules of conduct
 > that the military can enforce." Realizing the power of free speech,
 > the manual suggests that "during a civil disturbance, it may be
 > advisable to prevent people from assembling. Civil law can make it
 > unlawful for people to meet to plan an act of violence, rioting,
 > or civil disturbance. Prohibitions on assembly may forbid gatherings
 > at any place and time." And don't forget, "making hostile or
 > inflammatory speeches advocating the overthrow of the lawful
 > government and threats against public officials, if it endangered
 > public safety, could violate such law."
 > During civil disturbance operations, "authorities must be prepared
 > to detain large numbers of people", forcing them into existing,
 > though expanded "detention facilities." Cautioning that "if there
 > are more detainees than civil detention facilities can handle,
 > civil authorities may ask the control forces to set up and operate
 > temporary facilities." Pending the approval of the Army Chief of
 > Staff, the military can detain and jail citizens en masse. "The
 > temporary facilities are set up on the nearest military installation
 > or on suitable property under federal control." These "temporary
 > facilities" are "supervised and controlled by MP officers and NCOs
 > trained and experienced in Army correctional operations. Guards
 > and support personnel under direct supervision and control of MP
 > officers and NCOs need not be trained or experienced in Army
 > correctional operations.
 > But they must be specifically instructed and closely supervised in
 > the proper use of force..." According to the Army, the detention
 > facilities are situated near to the "disturbance area", but far
 > enough away "not to be endangered by riotous acts." Given the large
 > numbers of potential detainees, the logistics (holding, searching,
 > processing areas) of such an undertaking, new construction of such
 > facilities "may be needed to provide the segregation for ensuring
 > effective control and administration." It must be designed and
 > "organized for a smooth flow of traffic", while a medical "treatment
 > area" would be utilized as a "separate holding area for injured
 > detainees." After a "detainee is logged in and searched", "a file
 > is initiated", and a "case number" identifies the prisoner. In
 > addition, "facility personnel also may use hospital ID tags. Using
 > indelible ink, they write the case number and attach the tag to
 > the detainees' wrist.
 > Different colors may be used to identify different offender
 > classifications..." Finally, if and when it should occur, "release
 > procedures must be coordinated with civil authorities and appropriate
 > legal counsel." If the "detainee" should produce a writ of habeas
 > corpus issued by a state court, thereby demanding ones' day in
 > court, the Army will "respectfully reply that the prisoner is being
 > held by authority of the United States."
 > Training under FM 19-15/Garden Plot must be "continuous" and must
 > "develop personnel who are able to perform distasteful and dangerous
 > duties with discipline and objectivity." Dangerous to the local
 > citizenry given that "every member of the control force must be
 > trained to use his weapon and special equipment (including) riot
 > batons, riot control agent dispersers and CS grenades, grenade
 > launchers, shotguns, sniper rifles, cameras, portable videotape
 > recorders, portable public address systems, night illumination
 > devices, firefighting apparatus, grappling hooks, ladders, ropes,
 > bulldozers, Army aircraft, armored personnel carriers, and roadblock
 > and barricade materials." Sounding a lot like recent Urban Warrior
 > war-games, the manual makes note that although unit training must
 > address "the sensitivity and high visibility of civil disturbance
 > operations", the "unit training must be realistic." In this regard,
 > "the unit commander should try to include local government officials
 > in field training exercises. The officials can be either witnesses
 > or participants. But care must be taken to prevent adverse
 > psychological effects on the local populace, especially if tension
 > is high."(26)
 > Sources:
 > 1. New York Times, "Pentagon Misused Millions in Funds, House Panel
 > Says", July 22,1999, pg. A-1. See also, on the subject of
 > "unacknowledged Special Access Programs" wherein "the USAF's $7.4
 > billion budget for classified procurement is more than a third of
 > the service's total budget", Bill Sweetman, "In search of the
 > Pentagon's billion dollar hidden budgets - how the US keeps its
 > R&D spending under wraps", International Defense Review, Jane's
 > Defense Weekly, January 2000,
 > efence/editors/pentagon.html
 > 2. James W. Button, Black Violence, The Political Impact of the
 > 1960's Riots, Princeton University Press, 1978, pg. 116.
 > 3. Button, pg.121. Also, see, Cyrus R.Vance, Final Report of Cyrus
 > R.Vance, Special Assistant to the Secretary of Defense, Concerning
 > the Detroit Riots, July 23 Through August 2, 1967.
 > 4. Michael Lipsky and David J. Olson, Commission Politics: The
 > Processing of Racial Crisis in America, Transaction Books, 1971,
 > pg. 161. The Executive Order is reprinted in US Riot Commission
 > Report, Bantam Books, 1968, pgs. 534-535.
 > 5. Lipsky and Olson, pg.163, citing pg.198 of a transcription of
 > Lyndon B.  Johnson, "Statement by the President", July 29, 1967.
 > 6. Button, pg. 107.
 > 7. Lipsky and Olson, pg.165.
 > 8. Anthony Downs, Opening Up the Suburbs: An Urban Strategy for
 > America, Yale University Press, 1973, pg.176. Downs, a leading
 > "housing expert", believed that the key to effective urban based
 > counter-insurgency was the notion of "spatial deconcentration", or
 > the "adequate outmigration of the poor" from the cities. Downs
 > wrote Chapters 16 and 17 of the Kerner Report which deal with
 > "housing". He is the leading exponent of "deliberate dispersal
 > policies" designed to "disperse the urban poor more effectively".
 > The origins of "homelessness" (state repression) lie here.
 > 9. Lipsky and Olson, pg.168.
 > 10. Report of the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders,
 > Washington, DC, March 1, 1968, pgs.279-281.
 > 11. Ron Ridenhour and Arthur Lubow, "Bringing the War Home", New
 > Times Magazine, 1975, pg. 20.
 > 12. Ridenhour and Lubow, pg. 20.
 > 13. Ridenhour and Lubow, pg. 20.
 > 14. Button, pg. 133.
 > 15. Button, pg. 133.
 > 16. Ridenhour and Lubow, pg.18.
 > 17. Donald Goldberg and Indy Badhwar, "Blueprint for Tyranny",
 > Penthouse Magazine, August 1985, pg. 72.
 > 18. Goldberg and Badhwar, pg. 72.
 > 19. Joan M. Jensen, Army Surveillance in America, 1775-1980, Yale
 > University Press, 1991, pgs. 257-258. This excellent historical
 > account actually does what it says, tracing American "internal
 > security measures" right back to the "founders".
 > 20. United States Air Force Civil Disturbance Plan 55-2, Garden
 > Plot, Headquarters, United States Air Force, June 1, 1984. (roughly
 > 200 pages, not paginated)
 > 21. T. Alden Williams, "The Army in Civil Disturbance: A Profound
 > Dilemma?", pg. 161, in ed. Robin Higham, Bayonets in the Streets,
 > University of Kansas Press, 1969.
 > 22. Federation of American Scientists, Military Analysis Network,
 > "Garden Plot", Nov. 1998.
 > 23. US Air Force News Service, Kelly Air Force Base, Texas, "Air
 > Force 50th Anniversary: April History", March 25, 1997, pg. 2. In
 > fact, Garden Plot may have been operative prior and during the
 > assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. William F. Pepper, attorney
 > for the late James Earl Ray, as well as the King family in their
 > current attempts to get to the bottom of the murder, claims (Orders
 > To Kill, Carroll and Graf Publishers, 1995, pg. 424) that the orders
 > to kill King, which were delivered to special forces operatives in
 > Memphis were tied to Garden Plot. Pepper states that the orders to
 > kill King "appeared to come from the office of the Joint Chiefs of
 > Staff and were issued under the umbrella of the anti-black terrorist
 > operation Garden Plot which was a part of the overall U.S. Command
 > antiriot operation CINCSTRIKE which was activated with the outbreak
 > of any major riot."
 > 24. Department of Defense Directive 3025.12, Military Assistance
 > for Civil Disturbances (MACDIS), February 4,1994.
 > 302512p.txt) Note: DoDD 3025.12 is
 > one quarter of 4 correlated directives that deal with civil
 > disturbance. The others include DoDD 3025.1, Military Support to
 > Civil Authorities (Jan.
 > 93), DoDD 3025.15, Military Assistance for Civil Authorities
 > (Feb.97), and DoDD 3025.1-M, Manual for Civil Emergencies (June
 > 94).
 > 25. Department of Defense Directive 5525.5, DoD Cooperation With
 > Civilian Law Enforcement Officials, January 15, 1986.
 > c.mil/referenc/briefngs/wmd/DODD5525.
 > 5DoDCooperationwithCivilianLawEnforcementOfficials.htm
 > 26. United States Army Field Manual 19-15, Civil Disturbances,
 > Headquarters, Department of the Army, Washington, DC, November 25,
 > 1985.
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