Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Tzemach News Service - http://www.tzemach.org/fyi

Tzemach News Service
A weekly update of news and events regarding the nation and the people of

Week Ending: 19 August 2000/18 Av 5760

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"Listen to Me, you who know righteousness, a people in whose heart is My
law; Do not fear the reproach of man, neither be dismayed at their
revilings." (Isaiah 51.7)


> ** NOTICE ** Redemption In The End-Times Prophecy Conference

Editor's Note: The TZEMACH NEWS SERVICE does not support any political
party or candidate. Any reference made to any candidates or their
respective parties are for informational purposes only.

US: NO TREATY; NO SUMMIT: US envoy Dennis Ross told Palestinian
negotiators Friday that President Bill Clinton will not convene a second
Mideast summit unless there is a real chance it will produce a peace
treaty. Prime Minister Barak said there is no point in holding another
summit as long as Arafat remains inflexible. Arafat, who was in Japan, one
of the last stops on this world tour, blamed Barak for the breakdown of
last month's Camp David summit and warned that there would be an
"explosion" in the Middle East if negotiations failed altogether. In his
meeting with Barak, Ross "emphasized the time factor and said there was
only a very narrow window of opportunity," Barak's office said in a
statement [There is a "very narrow window" because Clinton will not be in
office after 20 January 2001 ed]. Barak's office said Clinton would meet
with the Israeli and Palestinian leaders separately when they attend the
U.N. Millennium Summit in New York in early September. US Secretary of
State Madeleine Albright is slated to arrive in the Middle East towards
the end of the month to discuss the possibility of another summit,
HATZOFEH reported.

Meanwhile, legislation to prevent a minority-government Prime Minister
from signing international agreements has been initiated by the chairman
of the National Union-Yisrael Beiteinu faction in the Knesset, MK Benny
Elon. The bill stipulates that only a Prime Minister supported by 61
Knesset Members can sign such agreements. Elon hopes to gather 61
signatures for the bill and pass it into law even before the end of the
current Knesset recess.

US UP TO ITS OLD TRICKS: The US State Department drew sharp criticism from
Israeli and Palestinian officials this week for issuing a security alert
advising Americans in Israel and Palestinian areas to be on the lookout
for terrorist activity. The warning issued on Wednesday stated there was
"an increased possibility for terrorist attacks" and cautioned Americans
against using public buses and visiting crowded areas. It also advised
Americans not to remain in an area where a demonstration or altercation
appears to be developing. Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA/PLO)
were upset that the security alert came at a delicate time in peace talks,
was based on no concrete threat, and could unnecessarily stem the record
flow of American tourists heading for the Holy Land.

In a move that angered Israel Faisal Husseini, PA/PLO Minister of
Jerusalem Affairs, met with US Consul General Ronald Schlicher at Orient
House in Jerusalem last week. The Israeli government has demanded that the
PLO not use Orient House as a meeting place for foreign dignitaries as it
gives the place the semblance of an established state government house.
The US, it seems, does not wish to honor Israel's requests.

BUSH ALSO LOOKS TO DIVIDE-UP ISRAEL: US Republican presidential candidate
George W. Bush will follow President Bill Clinton's lead by trying to
foster Middle East peace if he is elected president, Bush's senior foreign
policy advisor said on Monday. "Governor Bush has said very much that he
applauds what the president has tried to do at Camp David II ... There
will be other areas of difference in American foreign policy should
Governor Bush be elected president, but the Middle East would not likely
be one of them," Condoleeza Rice told Israel's Army Radio.

CLASHES IN HEBRON: Police arrested 10 Palestinian and three Jewish
residents of Hebron Saturday, following clashes  after an Arab taxi hit a
Jewish child and fled the scene. An Israeli police officer had been
severely beaten by a Palestinian, who was one of those detained. The army
said a soldier had also been slightly injured in the scuffles. Police and
security forces moved into the area and declared it a closed military
zone, firing rubber bullets and shots into the air to disperse the crowds.
By Saturday night calm had returned to the city, the Israel Defense Force
(IDF)  said.

Earlier in the day, following Sabbath prayers, two women were attacked by
Arabs who used slingshots who to shoot rocks at them. One of the women was
hit in the ear and the other on her arm. The attacks took place a short
distance from Ma'arat HaMachpela, the Tomb of the Patriarchs and

Exactly 71 years ago Saturday, 67 Jews were brutally murdered in cold
blood in  Hebron. The British police forces, composed of a British officer
and mostly Arab police, did absolutely nothing to stop the attacks. Some
of the police actually participated in the massacre. Seventy one years
later Jews are still being attacked by Arabs in Hebron. Over the last few
weeks a woman was sexually assaulted and others were attacked by
rock-throwing and metal-flinging Arab terrorists. Saturday's attacks,
against women and children, took place on the only road available to Jews
in Hebron. For further information, along with pictures, on the 1927
attack see the Hebron website: http://www.hebron.org.il/pics/tarhome.htm.

following are excerpts from an article by Hebron spokesman Noam Arnon
published in Friday's MAKOR RISHON.

"This newspaper [HA'ARETZ], advertised as a newspaper for 'thinking
people,' decided to begin a private crusade against Hebron's Jewish
community. The campaign began with a front-page article on Thursday,
August 10 - which was Tisha b'Av! It continued with a lengthy article in
the HA'ARETZ Friday supplement, which accompanied a vitriolic editorial,
the same day. The campaign didn't stop there. The following Sunday, August
13, HA'ARETZ printed an equally vicious article written by Gideon Levy,
attacking Hebron. ... All of these articles blamed Hebron's Jews for
intentionally initiating attacks against Arabs. These charges were backed
up by anonymous sources, usually quoted as "high-ranking officers." The
newspaper's left-wing opinions are well known, but it is usually a fair
and professional publication. However, it seems that when the subject is
Hebron, the hate is so enormous that it overrides any attempt at truth,
fairness and objectivity. ... The front page headline on August 10 (Tisha
b'Av) blares, 'An escalation in Hebron: Increasing violence by settlers
against Arabs and soldiers.' This headline is based upon deliberate,
transparent fabrications. For example, one of the deeds attributed to
Hebron settlers is, 'five Israeli soldiers were injured by marbles shot at
them by Jewish children.' This is simply not true! The article's author,
Amos Harel, intentionally lied. The commander of the Hebron region,
Colonel Noam Tivon, told me personally that this is false. ... Similar is
the attitude towards Hebron's young women. The newspaper decided to break
with its traditional policy that supports women's rights and women's
honor. Hebron's women are different. Arabs who sexually harass and
victimize Jewish women are rewarded by the newspaper. Even writer Ada
Ushpiz, who wrote a venomous account against the Jews, quotes such obscene
Arab curses against the Hebron women that they aren't fit to be printed.
However, rather than condemn the instigators, she "understands" them, and
even justifies them ... as a 'cheap outlet for the hopelessness of the
young Palestinian men.' Do you comprehend? This is not related to as
sexual harassment. Rather, this is only an 'expression of hopelessness.'
Complaints of sexual attacks and harassment issued by Jewish women are
spoken of as events that 'allegedly' happened. The word 'allegedly'
explains everything. Remember: today Jews may use one road, and one road
alone, the length of which is one and a half kilometers. All other roads
are closed to Jews, since the 'peace accords' were implemented. ... The
Arabs are incited by a hostile media which doesn't shy away from lies,
distortion and overt one-sidedness, to create a public atmosphere of
incitement, aimed at retroactively justifying each and every attack on us.
HA'ARETZ'S journalists do not let the facts confuse them. Gideon Levy
proposed to President Moshe Katzav that he come visit Hebron on a Shabbat,
in order to witness the 'wailings' of the Jewish settlers. Gideon Levy
does not speak with doing - he came to visit on Shabbat. On that day, to
his great surprise, the settlers did absolutely nothing (as is usual to
whomever is familiar with the facts.) But the Arabs also know how to wail,
and wail they did. They flung metal rods at women walking back from
Shabbat prayers that Friday night. There wasn't any reaction, not from the
army, and not from the Jewish residents. But Levy did not bother to tell
this to his readers because it doesn't fit his political opinions, which
are already well known. ... Fortunately though, the Jewish Community of
Hebron is not dependant upon HA'ARETZ newspaper or others of the same
predilection. We will continue doing what has to be done, with G-d's help,
as we have in the past, forever."

HIZB'ALLAH CONTROLS BORDER: Hizb'Allah terrorists on Monday blocked a
detachment of UN peace-keepers in south Lebanon from investigating a
Lebanese government complaint of an Israeli border violation. The incident
drew attention to Israeli concerns that Beirut has left the radical
Shi'ite terrorist faction in control of the immediate border area, where
it will be able to continue organizing violent protests which harass IDF
soldiers and field workers near key border crossings. Israel charges these
actions violate UN resolution 425, which requires Lebanon and the UN to
restore security and stability in south Lebanon.

DECLARATION OF STATE DELAYED? According to many reports it's all but
final: The September 13  target date for the unilateral declaration of a
Palestinian state has been postponed   largely due to the lack of
international sup  port for such a move. Some observers say that a state
will be declared on November 15.

IDF ABANDONING JOSEPH'S TOMB? An official IDF spokesman has dismissed the
Yesha Council's claim that the Tomb of Joseph in Shechem will be soon
transferred to full PA/PLO control. In response to a question posed by
ARUTZ-7 correspondent Haggai Huberman, the spokesman said that he "does
not know of any such initiative." The denial is not being taken seriously
by Yesha leaders, who note that a meeting has been scheduled between army
officials and the administration of the Od Yosef Chai Yeshiva located
there to discuss the future of the compound. According to information
obtained by the Council, Prime Minister Ehud Barak has already instructed
the security establishment to prepare for the transfer of the Tomb and the
Shalom Al Yisrael Synagogue in Jericho to PA/PLO control. The arrangement
will allow for the entry of Jews into the tomb compound, but no IDF
soldiers will be permitted to remain there.

Speaking with ARUTZ-7, Od Yosef Chai Yeshiva director Yehuda Leibman said
that army officials have been visiting the site over the past few days to
study possibilities for further security reinforcements."

PLO PR: The celebrated explosure of a Hamas explosives laboratory in
Shechem was a well-planned PR trick on the part of the PLO, which was also
helpful to the government of Israel. In fact, the laboratory contained
only agricultural products and pharmaceutical materials, according to a
story in KOL HAZMAN, MA'ARIV's Jerusalem supplement.

MUFTI ISSUES ISLAMIC BAN: The Palestinian Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Shiek
Ikrima Sabri, has re-issued an Islamic religious ruling forbidding Arab
residents of east Jerusalem from seeking Israeli citizenship, following
reports the number of applicants has significantly increased. Figures
released by the Interior Ministry show that the number of applications for
Israeli citizenship by east Jerusalem Arabs has nearly doubled over the
last year. In the first half of 2000, the ministry received 183
applications, compared to 98 for the same period in 1999. In reaction,
Sabri revived a ten-year-old "fatwa" banning the practice and warned Arab
residents of the city not to seek Israeli citizenship, saying it implied
recognition of Israel's claims over the city. Such rulings often carry a
penalty of excommunication from Islam, although it is not clear how the
top Palestinian cleric would punish violators. In response, Jerusalem
Mayor Ehud Olmert called on Barak to immediately announce that Israel will
automatically grant citizenship to any Arab living in east Jerusalem who

Tuesday at the Democratic National Convention in Los Angeles -- Maher
Hathout -- is a known supporter of terrorism and harbors clear anti-Israel
views. Hathout is a senior official of the Muslim Public Affairs Council
(MPAC), an organization that has earned the criticism of leading Jewish
organizations because of its sympathy for terrorist groups. The Zionist
Organization of America notes that the President of the American Jewish
Congress wrote on June 30, 1999, that the MPAC "condones terrorist acts;"
similarly, the Anti-Defamation League announced in December 1998 that it
would not co-sign public statements with the MPAC because of the
organization's refusal to issue "a clear-cut denunciation of terror."
(FORWARD, Dec.4 ,1998) At the National Press Club on June 18, 1998, Maher
Hathout stated that the Hizb'Allah terrorist organization "is fighting for
freedom...This is legitimate." In response to America's attack on
terrorist targets in Afghanistan and Sudan in August 1998, Hathout said:
"Our country is committing an act of terrorism. What we did is illegal,
immoral, unhuman, unacceptable, stupid and un-American." Specific examples
of MPAC's antagonism towards Israel abound. The MPAC Affairs Council
co-signed a public statement on September 17, 1993, which called for
Israel's dissolution. It noted that "the establishment by force, violence,
and terrorism of a Jewish state in Palestine in 1948" was "unjust" and "a
crime." MPAC thereupon vowed to "work to overturn the injustice."

Meanwhile, the American Muslim Alliance chapter in Massachusetts held what
it called a "successful" fundraiser for First Lady Hillary Clinton at the
Park Plaza Hotel in Boston on June 13, 2000. AMA Massachusetts Chair Tahir
Ali said afterwards, "We are attempting to send an important message to
all AMA chapters: we must support all who have [Muslim] interests at
heart, regardless of what part of the country they are running in."

Early this summer, it was reported that Ms. Clinton had raised tens of
thousands of dollars from associates of Yasser Arafat. A private
fund-raising reception on May 12 at the Washington mansion of Hani Masri,
a close confidante of Arafat, reportedly raised more than $50,000. Yigal
Carmon, President of the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI),
said that his organization has done extensive research on the Masri
family's control of the Palestinian Development Investment Co. and its
ties to Arafat. During the 1980's, Hillary served on the board of the New
World Foundation, funneling money to the PLO, which at the time was
recognized as a terrorist organization. In February 1996, Hillary hosted a
reception at the White House for leaders of Hamas-supporting groups such
as the American Muslim Council and the Council on American-Islamic
Relations. In January 1998, Hillary hosted a White House reception
organized by Muslim leaders who defended militant Islamic fundamentalism
and supported radical Islamic groups.

blowing up Israeli cities." So said PA/PLO Communications Minister Imad
Faluji Wednesday. He added that the Palestinians will not be satisfied
with attacking military targets, but would strike at "Israel's heart."
Faluji made the comments in a mourner's tent set up in Kfar Surda north of
Ram'Allah, in the wake of the death of village mayor Abu Mansour, who was
killed by IDF gunfire Tuesday night. ARUTZ-7's Haggai Huberman reports
that the Arab man was killed when a contingent of IDF Duvdevan unit
soldiers entered the village to carry out a mission. Soon after their
entry, the soldiers were fired on from on top of a roof within the
village. The soldiers returned fire, fatally wounding the gunman. Although
local Arabs claim that Abu Mansour was afraid that someone was trying to
break into his home -- and HA'ARETZ reported this morning that they were
attempting to arrest the man's son for suspected terrorist activity -- IDF
commander Col. Gal Hirsch told KOL YISRAEL Wednesday that the soldiers
were not headed in the direction of the house at the time. "I have no idea
why he fired on our men," said Col. Hirsch, "but when someone fires on us,
we fire back."


13 August 1942: For the first time, Swiss police hand over to the Germans
Jewish refugees who had entered Switzerland "illegally."

16 August 1929: Although warned by the Zionist Executive that the Arabs
were preparing to attack the Jews of Jerusalem in massive riots, High
Commissioner Sir John Chancelor refused to cut his vacation short. After
Friday prayers the day after the ninth of Av, two thousand Arabs attacked
Jews praying at the Western Wall. The British Government refused to
condemn the attack.


*  Pre-state: Arab attacks on existing Jewish communities: 1921, 1929,
1936-9, 1947.
*  War of Independence:  1948-9
*  Fedeyeen attacks: 1949-56
*  Sinai Campaign -- 1956
*  PLO formed and modern terrorist war begins against Israel: 1964.
*  Six Day War: 1967
*  War of Attrition at the Suez Canal: 1969-70
*  Yom Kippur War: 1973
*  International terrorism e.g. Entebbe: 1976
*  Lebanese wars: 1978 and Operation Peace For Galilee: 1982
*  Intifada: 1987-to present
*  Iraqi SCUD Attacks: 1991
*  PLO/Labor/Meretz Peace Offensive: 1992 - War by Appeasement and

This material has been adapted from articles by Bernard J. Shapiro and
"Beyond Time and History" by Eli Birnbaum



We at TZEMACH NEWS SERVICE believe that these are the "last days"
predicted millennia ago by the Hebrew prophets. Therefore, a conference is
being convened by the Tzemach Institute and Fellowship Church to explore
ways of promoting cooperation in the redemption process between leaders of
the faith community of Israel and Christian Zionists in America. Those
Israeli and Christian leaders participating in this conference are
prepared to discuss, in frank terms, real areas of cooperation that have
been tested and proven fruitful over the past several years. We invite you
to come and join us with others in this endeavor. We are sure that you
will return home truly blessed and with a fresh vision for godly
righteousness burning within you.

Conference presentations include:

* The redemptive process as seen from an Israeli perspective and a
Christian perspective.
* The importance of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount in the redemption
* International response to the redemption process.
* Spiritual warfare in the midst of the nations.

Conference participants include Gershon Salomon, leader of the Temple
Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement; Yohanan Ramati, Chairman of
the Jerusalem Institute for Western Defense; Ken Garrison, Pastor of
Fellowship Church and Director of the Tzemach Institute for Biblical
Studies; and a leading rabbi from the settlement movement to be
announcement later.

The conference will take place January 31 - February 2, 2001 at the
Sheraton Orlando North Hotel in Orlando, Florida.

Information may be found on our website: http://www.tzemach.org or email


"For Zion's sake will I not hold my peace and for Jerusalem's sake I will
not rest." Isaiah 62.1

Tzemach News Service (TNS) is a ministry of Tzemach Institute for Biblical
Studies (http://www.tzemach.org)

Lee Underwood

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